Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51719 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #70 on: June 26, 2015, 06:37:15 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Bored, Heading to the Game Room
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Once all of the subjects were finished fighting the "test-dummy" formally known as Will, Remington pulled himself to his feet in one quick motion. Looking out at the courtyard for a few minutes after everyone was assigned to dispurse and do whatever, Remington grabbed his glasses that were tucked into his shirt, and placed them back onto the bridge of his nose. A soft sigh filtered out from between his lips, which were currently forming a lopsided smile. "I'll be in the gameroom if anyone wants to play some air hockey." Remington announced to the group, although, wouldn't get his hopes up if nobody showed. Rarely anyone did. With a soft chuckle, he shook his head, before heading off.

Opening the door to return inside, a cool wave of air conditioning hit him, instantly cooling him. He wasn't sweaty no, just on edge from the previous happenings. The way some people shot energy from their hands, lightning, air manipulation. Then Tom, with.. whatever he did. Remington felt different, he didn't know for sure what he was capable of yet, but it didn't seem like anything of those sorts. But.. when he commanded Will to stop? That probably threw Remington off more so than Will. Bobbing his head back and forth as he continued to saunter down the halls, Remington made it to the Game Room. Twisting the knob and opening the door with a satisfying push, Remington ventured inside, not bothering to close the door behind him.

Glancing around curiously with navy blue eyes, Remington spotted the air hockey table. With a big, amused smile, Remington bounded over, turning it on with a push of the button. Lights began to spring up, 'Air Hockey' reading in flashing letters. Grabbing the paddle-thingy and a puck, he watched the two hover across the table, before lazily pushing the puck into the opposite goal. "Yay." Remington said with fake enthusiasm, giving a soft roll of his eyes and blowing air out in a frustrated manner.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2015, 07:34:34 pm »
{Time to have Sim actually interact with someone other than Takhar ...}

Simone Howey

Luckily the battling didn't seem to last much longer, just a few more test subjects and hopefully they'd be dismissed. Simone wasn't one to put down a challenge nor back down however, watching these battles it was clear that butting these 'beginners' up against someone as skilled and knowledgeable about their powers such as Will was rather unfair and unprofessional in her opinion, but they seemed to get a kick out of it, Will more than others. She'd watch the lads actions carefully, examining the actions he'd do for each different power he'd use on one of the subjects and despite the doctors bragging about his 'many' powers, he seemed to be using a limited amount. Placing her hand on her stomach, Simone soon ruffled up her top, her brows furrowing as she eyed the large, jagged bruise which seemed to be the target were Wills blast of ice had hit. Rolling her eyes her attention turned to one of the nurses as they offered her a hot water bottle. Looking up she'd raise a brow before hastily taking it out of her hands and nodding a simple 'Thank you' before turning away and placing the warm object on the ice cold wound. Her other hand had went back to petting the large striped feline as he sat along side her - for a wild beats his level of obedience seemed to have increased dramatically. Yet she still didn't know what sort of tests they had used on him. Parting her lips in to a small pout, Simone remained pressed against the wall, her eyes on the battle as she looked at Will with slight disgust and annoyance. However, soon they were all dismissed and relief filled the lass.

Now the pain on her stomach had went down and the bruise had went from a light blue to a now rather deep and what she'd consider a normal colour for a bruise. Using the wall for support she pushed herself up off of the ground, dipping her head as she handed the nurse back the coral coloured object. Throwing the black leash over her shoulder, she'd eye the weird dressed male as he offered them, slightly, a game of air hockey. A smile lighting up the lasses face; the games room ... She hadn't been in there since forever, she kind of missed that place. Nodding, she'd walk through the court yard, smirking at the male known as Will, only to receive a wink from him. Rolling her eyes she'd let out a huff and make her way in to the building. Pushing her way through the doors, the air conditioning suddenly hit her, causing the lass to feel a lot more relaxed than she had previously. Simone walked ahead, Takhar closely behind. Making her way up one of the corridors she entered the games room. Suddenly flashing lights and sounds caught the lasses attention, a room filled with fun and games; something she loved. Despite hesitating at first, she soon forced herself in with a smile. The expression on her face similar to that of a childs.

As she entered the room a quiet, lonely tone caught the brunettes attention. Raising a brow she'd turn her attention to one of the subjects, one she barely knew but remembered as Remington. Running her hand through her long brown hair, she'd slowly make her way towards the table with a warming smile "Fancy a game?" she'd question raising a brow as she grabbed one of the small, blue paddels. As she made her way around the table she dragged the small blue object across, grabbing the puck out of the goal on the side which she was standing on. Meanwhile her pet tiger, Takhar, seemed to have found interest in a large, spiked bouncy ball, one almost his size. Moaning she'd smirk as the large feline batted it around the other side of the room, chasing it like an overgrown kitten. Running her tongue across her lips she'd look back at the lad with a smile.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #72 on: June 26, 2015, 07:58:02 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Perking up slightly at the sound of someone entering the game room, Remington ceased his humming, and pushed himself off from leaning onto the side of the air hockey table. "I'd love one." He said with a big, childish smile, his navy blue eyes lighting up. He didn't really expect anyone to show up, yet, here the subject was. "Simone, was it?" Remington questioned with an amused rasp, arching an eyebrow at the lady. Taking his hat and placing it on the floor beside the table, Remington pushed his glasses up onto his head, tucking strands of black hair behind his ears; out of his eyesight.

"I won't go easy on you!" He teased playfully, leaning his tall frame over the table to grab the red, opposing paddle. However, just as he was about to ask her to begin, he heard the sound of a ball being hit against the wall. Turning his gaze to the tiger, Remington examined it with sudden interest. "Does this overgrown house cat have a name?" Remington teased lightly, giving a small giggle before continuing."Super cool, by the way. I didn't know they allowed pets in here.." His voice cut off as the tiger began to examine him, and Remington gave Takhar a big, overdramatic smile before returning his attention to the air hockey table; ready to play.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #73 on: June 26, 2015, 08:13:17 pm »

Rylee Swan
?Healthy, but received burn

Swan stayed quiet as the doctors and nurses started taking everyone back inside to rest and get to get any wounds treated that some of them had gotten from Will. Looking around at everyone, a few of them had some sort of wound from testing out their power against Will, while others seemed mostly fine. Rylee look at her burn that she'd gotten, it wasn't too bad, it went past a few layers of skin though. As everyone started to go inside, Rylee picked up her jacket and got up slowly then walked inside with the others. Rylee was a little sore from the burn but she thought most of the pain from getting it was over, a nurse had already treated it so no infection would come.

A cool breeze greeted everyone as they entered the buildings. Rylee looked around at the boring waiting room. Most of the doctors and nurses left the rooms, talking about various things that happened out in the courtyard. Swan glanced over at a man named Remington as he announced he'd be playing air hockey. She looked down at her clothes. Her shirt was burned at the ends.
"I'll just throw this shirt away later..." Rylee said to herself as she looked around at the waiting room again. There was a couch? She walked over to the couch so she could sit down, how had she not noticed the couch before? Giving off a shrug, Rylee set down her jacket and sat herself down on the couch, sinking into the cushions slightly.

(Kinda just a filler post for me, apologies.)


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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #74 on: June 26, 2015, 08:32:05 pm »

Finn Collins

Finn woke to a petite hand repeatedly making sharp contact with his right cheek. Groaning slightly to himself, the boy swatted away the hand. "Why Ted? Can't you see I'm trying to sle-" Suddenly he broke off and his eyes shot open "Will." he made a futile attempt to sit up, but the nurse sitting next to the bed forced him back down all while he shouted streams of curses. "Mr. Collins please calm down, if you don't stop thrashing I can't treat your burn." she pleaded as he made another attempt to sit up, only this time he winced and collapsed back onto the bed, pain shooting through his stomach region. "Thank you Finn. Before we bandage you up I need you to answer a few questions. First, do you know where you are? Do you remember what happened before you passed out?" he stared at her in confusion "My room? Last I remember I was choking that bastard Will." the nurse gave him a weak smile "Yes you were, and then he electrocuted you. Now, if you could help me by lifting up your shirt, we can put some ointment on that burn." Finn complied, hissing slightly at sting as she applied the cold cream, but then relaxing as it began to numb the area around the blistered skin. She then wrapped his abdomen in a soft layer of gauze before handing him a few pain killers. "You should be able to get up now, just go easy on it. Everyone else is out and about."

After the nurse had left, Finn laid in bed for a few more minutes and then pushed himself out of bed. He stripped himself of the dirty shirt he was wearing and kicked off his socks and shoes as he went out into the hallway "Since I'm injured I might as well make myself comfortable." he whispered to himself sarcastically. The nurse had said that everyone was doing their own thing, so he set out to find Teddy, walking down the halls and shivering slightly at the cool breeze on his bare shoulders. As he walked, he stopped by the game room where the sounds of a game echoed out into the empty hall. Sticking his head in, Finn saw that Simone and the kid were engaging in a game of air hockey, Simone's tiger prancing around them like a house cat. He stood leaning against the doorway, watching them prepare to play.

[[Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I'm actually going on vacation this weekend, through July 6th. I'll still post but they will probably take longer and are going to be shorter.]]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #75 on: June 26, 2015, 09:11:13 pm »
« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 08:01:54 am by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #76 on: June 27, 2015, 12:41:29 pm »

Thomas Gales

"I'm fine." yet, another small gasp slipped past his lips as the doctor padded a cottonball against one of many of Tom's wounds painting his visage. "You're not fine, you just passed out. Stop complaining." he replied, placing the cotton down and retrieving a set of butterfly stitches. Placing them over his brow, he padded them down and continued cleaning his wounds. Thomas' eyes remained glued to the tiled ground, his mind wandering. He just caused tissue death..what the hell does that even mean? Is he capable of death? No..That's something humans dont deserve to deal in. "Out in the courtyard,..What did my sensor show." Thomas demanded more than asked, catching the doctors attention. A pregnant pause followed,  and slowly the doctors stepped back, beginning to clean his hands with a rag. "The lobes that lit up and the nerves indicate you have Fear, life, and death inducement. You can kill on will..revive on will...strike fear even but, with the lobes that lit up if you were to try and kill something too strong, perhaps try to revive something as well you'd kill yourself instead." As he spoke, he strolled out of the room to the doorway across the hall, beforr returning with a small cat in hand, "Hold this." placing the cat in Tom's hands, he turned to begin digging through a drawer. "Sadly, you'll have to wear a special made set of gloves that will stop your abilities,..since they derive off of touch."the doctor pulled out a single needle, ripping it from the package as he spoke. "What? Why? Am I some danger to you all? I won't go about killing others, I'm not murderous." just as he finished speaking, the doctor sent the needle into his arm, sticking him quickly.In shock, Tom jumped, gasping in pain. "Unless you want me to be murderous!?" he growled, before raising a brow at the dodoctor's nonchalant gaze. "Seems you already are." he replied, mentioning to the cat in Tom's hands.  Gazing down, Tom's chest sank. The cat lay dead.

Adjusting the uncomfortable gloves, Tom slipped a cigarette out of his pocket as he leaned back against the wall in the courtyard. Each person in this place had their own perks. Simone was feisty,  and had a sense of passion. Theodore was kind, which wasn't particularly useful to Tom, it was noticed and honorable of him. Jess was quiet, and it was times like this that made Tom realize how much he enjoyed that..silence. Especially, with a cigarette in his hand, Tom enjoyed silence and perhaps that's why he never found her lack of speaking awkward or much of a bother but rather soothing at times. Finn was protective, especially of his brother, and that was respected. To protect anyone let alone family was something Thomas wasn't particularly used to when it came to his own family. This small, odd group of people weren't horrible, but with this new news, Thomas was confused. He longed to go home, but his him wasn't a place. He was banned from returning to his his brother. He longed to go somewhere that didn't exist. Sighing, he took a long hit of the cigarette and leaned further into the wall.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #77 on: June 28, 2015, 12:32:20 am »

Simone Howey

A smile lit up the lasses face as she simply nodded her head, pulling the leash from over her shoulder she'd sling it over the thin, metal bar of one of the dance mats, peeling her hand from the paddle she'd unwrap the red checked jacket from her waste and slinging it over the bar quickly, before turning her attention back on to the unusual dressed male, however she admired him slightly. She didn't know why, she just seemed to. Smiling she nodded her head Sure is, Remington I believe it is?". Grasping the paddle firmly, she placed the puck on the table, the air causing it to slowly hover across the table. At the males words Simone looked up and smirked, shrugging her shoulders as she looked at the male "Who's to say I'll go easy on you? ..." she'd taunt, giving her left eye a quick wink before drawing her hand back quickly to smack the puck. However, Simone came to a sudden stop, leaning over the table and placing her hand on the puck, her small size causing her to push herself up slightly, before pulling herself back to a standing position. Hearing the bouncing of the large ball, she'd turn to face the feline with a smile "He sure does, he's called Takhar. Wasn't keeping his name as Subject 666 ..." she'd speak up, rolling her eyes slightly at the name Takhar had previously been given by the doctors. Turning back to the male she'd smirk "Well he belonged to this place actually, they were doing tests on him. Passed the room one day and the beast came running towards me. I decided to keep him, I have my ways, I managed to persuade them in letting me keep him. God knows what tests they done, he seems like a large, more dangerous version of a cat, yet the obedience of a dog." Shrugging her shoulders she'd smile.

Releasing her grip off of the puck, she'd watch it slowly slide across the table before pushing out her hand, smacking the puck with some force she'd watch as it flew across the table, hitting at the sides, this method seemed to be more successful than going straight for the centre of the small tiny goals. A figure in the corner of her eye caught the lasses attention, casing her to turn her attention on to one of the males known as Finn. Casting the male a welcoming smile, she'd eye the tattoos on the males arms, admiring them slightly. She always liked a man with a sleeve tattoo .... Nodding, she'd quickly shoot a glance towards Remington, then back towards the bloke in the doorway "Want to join? You and Teddy could, we can have a 2 v 2 game?" she'd question with a smile, her eyes then quickly focusing back on the puck.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #78 on: June 28, 2015, 09:03:57 am »
(Just so you know, I'm not going to be able to post for about two days since I won't have access to a computer/wifi)


Powers: Air Manipulation, Healing

Mykael headed back into the building, his mind racing as he thought about his powers. He had something related to wind or air, since he must have caused that strong gust of wind. He also had some sort of healing power... he wondered how far that went. Now that they were granted some free time that didn't involve sitting in a waiting room, he wandered throughout the building until reaching the cafeteria. Food was always good.

Holding a tray in his hand, he stared at their food choices in disappointment. There weren't many interesting choices, just some mashed potatoes and some quickly-cut fruits and vegetables. After filling his tray with the food he wanted, he entered the large cafeteria, which nobody seemed to be in yet. Mykael sat down at one of the long rectangular tables, every sound he made echoing off the walls. It was surprisingly eerie when he was all alone, but he ignored it as he bit into a stalk of celery. He thought about possibly going down to see if anybody was hurt---he did have some sort of healing power---but he didn't really know any of the other people here, and decided it would be a bit awkward to do so. After he finished eating, he planned on heading towards the game room to see if any interesting was in there. Maybe they'd have a TV in there or something.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #79 on: June 28, 2015, 02:17:18 pm »

Finn Collins

Finn was watching the hockey puck slide back and forth down the table, he suddenly felt a small body hit his side. Wincing slightly at the jolt, he defensively curled his hand into a fist and prepared to strike back when he noticed that it was a younger girl. Staring down at her curiously, he combed through his thoughts, trying to remember a name. Jessamine, ah yes, Teddy had mentioned her at some point before. Finn's light cyan eyes connected with hers as she flushed a deep red, he stared with a hard, blank mask. Making no attempt to converse with the girl, he blinked slowly at her before turning back to the game.
The two players were now talking about the large tiger that Simone had decided to keep as a companion, "He sure does, he's called Takhar. Wasn't keeping his name as Subject 666 ..." she had said to the kid as they passed the puck back and forth, talking more about Takhar's role in the facility. Abruptly Simone turned to him and he felt her gaze rake up and down his body, mostly focusing on his tattoos. She nodded for seemingly no reason before casting Finn a large smile, offering a 2v2 air hockey game with Teddy. Finn frowned, he wasn't exactly comfortable with the other subjects yet, and plus he still had to find Teddy. He coughed slightly before responding, his low voice slightly rough from misuse, "No thank you, I still have to find him fir-" He was cut off by a body barreling towards him, jumping and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Finn!" the boy cried happily as Finn tried to pry his little brother off. "Hey Ted- Christ! Careful!" he groaned when Teddy's elbow came into contact with the bandage covered burn. Teddy froze and let go "Oh, sorry." his gaze then went past him "Hey Jess! Good to see you out and about." Teddy then turned his attention into the game room "Sim! Are you guys playing air hockey without us?" he then grabbed Finn by the hand and dragged him to the table, despite protests from the older brother.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."