Author Topic: Rant about idiots thread  (Read 45515 times)

Offline DimensionGal

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Rant about idiots thread
« on: April 16, 2011, 03:52:01 pm »
This thread is for anyone to rant on about idiots of all forms they encounter in the game - whether they be ignorant idiots or jerkwad idiots. I noticed we have quite a lot of threads where people just rant about how they can't stand X and Y in some of the other players, and since that's not too beneficial to have a million threads all spread out, I made this one. I might just keep a list here in the first post of the main points that people rant on about.

TL;DR - In this thread ANYONE can rant about morons in FH, all rants accepted.

I'll start mine.

Idiots who want to join an rp that has a map, then refuse to download that map because they don't know how to open .zip or .rar files. Even if you've explained it to them in a million times - they sit there and BAAAWWW because you're "being mean" and therefore somehow singling them out on purpose. Or they refuse to download programs like 7zip or WINzip, just for the hell of it. I can understand it if it's your parent's computer, and they "nazi" your virtual life, but if you sit there and whine about how 7zip and WINzip will give you a "virus" - the programs seem to be good enough for the mapmaker, the "Elite FH Squad", and the rest of the regular members who actually know how to use a computer - I'm pretty sure that unzipping programs won't give you a virus. It's annoying when I get PMs saying stuff like: "i luv ur map but i dont know how to open zips can you upload it all separate so i can download ur map?" No... Just no.
Also coupled in with these ignorant little baaaawmachines are people who whine about addresses that link to map files stored on places like Mediafire giving them viruses. "I don't trust tinyurl, sorry - I got a virus from it." If you knew anything about the internet, you'd realize it was what you downloaded at the end of the tinyurl redirect. Tinyurl itself will not give you a virus, it's whatever pr0nz you were following that link to that gave you your supposed "virus". Do a damn Google search on it,  WAIT NO  - I did one for you! Here's the [[link]] to a WIKIanswers question about it. (If I seemed angry on this one, sorry. But it's like when people ask me to do territory maps for them, and they don't go on this forum where I can PM, so when I give them a tinyurl link and they go "I don't trust tinyurl" it's like a middle finger in my face.)
?Mapmaker serving 16,700+ Feral Heart users?


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2011, 12:25:01 am »
Yay. Another opportunity for people to complain! XD

Offline DimensionGal

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2011, 01:09:41 am »
Totally. But it doesn't mean anything! XD
?Mapmaker serving 16,700+ Feral Heart users?

Offline CadyD16

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2011, 01:19:00 am »
Oh yes, I love it >:3

Okay, do mate-beggers and parent-beggers count? They drive me absolutely insane >.<
It's like finding a mate is the entire point and goal of the game nowadays. I watch new people come into Bonfire Island all the time, and the first thing that comes out of their mouth is, "FEMALE WOLF NEEDING MATE! WHISPER -insertusernamehere- IF INTERESTED!"
It annoys me to no end. -_- Not trying to be sexist (and of my own gender xD), but it does indeed seem like it is usually females who mate-beg. That's why I said "FEMALE WOLF". xD
Sometimes, they'll go to all new extremes as well. I'm positive I've seen females playing as male characters and mate-begging for a female mate because they obviously got no attention when they were mate-begging AS a female. It's like they just play to get attention, nothing else.

Now, parent-beggers...I can't say as much about them. The thing that just gets on my nerves is that they can just as easily go onto the forum and start a thread, or apply their cub/pup character on a thread to be someone's cub/pup. It's not that hard to do that. -_-

The thing that bothers me most is the way some people (mostly noobs) drag IC into OOC. They'll, "*howl at the moon in sorrow that they will never find a mate*. That statement I have seen before, and it pisses me of. >.< Also, the way people just take RP way too seriously. They will fight in fail-literacy RP style if they get mad at someone. Then, obviously, someone claws out someone else's wind-pipe, but then that person gets right back up and snaps off the other person's head....
WOW -_- Real nice, peeps.  

« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 01:21:13 am by CadyD16 »


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2011, 10:53:10 am »
LOL i love how they get all mad over a simple RP fight.

People who complains about something a mod stops when they haven't even been a part of what happend, it pretty much kinda goes on my nerves when they can turn the chat off xD

Territory claimers; Lol no. These are utterly annoying to me, your minding your own bussines and BOM "GET OUT OF MAI TERRITORY YOU SJGFSJGDFJDF".

Mate beggars as stated above :3

And then its the powerplayers. Your a huge feline, then a skinny little sparkle wolf comes and "*Rips head off-*".
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 10:56:32 am by Azure »

Offline FangtheDemon

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2011, 12:06:39 pm »
I hate all those i have a dirty mouth that following you around.. :l i mean really? stalkers.... i hate sulkers too, i'd be like: "can you go away your being annoying" and they'll all like: "your nasty!!" UGH just shut up and leave me god dam alone >.>

Edit by Administrator: Do not use fowl language in posts.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 02:35:44 pm by Delay »

Tyki Mikk

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2011, 03:33:08 pm »
YES mate beggers and parent beggers! I see all these threads and people on the game basically begging for a mate because they just cannot go on with their miserable lives. I dont understand WHY its so darn important to have a mate! Begging people you've NEVER seen in real life and will NEVER see them for a mate? You hardly even know anything about a  REAL relationship yet you want to have a mate for your stupid character? BS. I say all these idiots begging for mates go out into the real world and find one since its their first priority when they sign up for the game. All they want is to rp pr0nz because they'll never get it in real life. >.>

And also FAIL rp's on the forum. How do you start an rp with "My wolf is grey and white and she is evil with red eyes. She will rip your face off if you make her mad." ...Really? I've seen this before and every time I do it annoys me and I HAVE to respond and say "Why dont you make an actual story and/or explanation for your rp?"

I mean if your gonna start a legit rp, use your imagination and not this single sentence crap that does nothing for the reader. Even IF your "new to the game", a stupid excuse, you should still at least look at other people's threads and get some ideas of how you SHOULD create an rp. I hated paragraph rp'ing but you didnt see me jumping in and making poorly done rps. I asked for tips and private practice with someone so I wouldnt embarrass myself by joining this elite rp with nicely done posts and loads of imagination. You'd think since we have so many little brats running around the game and the forum we'd have TONS of imagination.....

I know Im sounding like a complete meany face (excuse my language) in this post but I've been holding this in for a LONG time. And I'll prolly have more to say later. xD  
/End Rant

*sigh* This is why I hate most children. -_-;

Edit by Administrator: Do not use fowl language in posts.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2013, 02:39:12 pm by Delay »


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2011, 07:14:40 pm »
I just cannot be bothered with roleplay on FH anymore, honestly, there is no point unless it with your friends and it's agreed before hand. Those who don't read bios as well, that ticks me off. I removed my Dogo Argetino character, because as well as looking like an idiot, no one read the bio and were all like: "What are you?" "What type of animal is this?" "Is it a Pitbull..." morons.

And the swearing, oh thats funny. Luckily, it hasn't turned racial yet.

Offline CadyD16

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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2011, 08:27:40 pm »
Oh! Thank you xD that reminds me of two other things that happened that got on my nerves...(two other incidents with mate beggers -_-)

Okay, so, I was sitting in Bonfire with my wolfess character, Crimenace. She is one of my favorite characters now. I wrote her out a detailed bio too. Now, I could easily put up a picture, but I'm a tad lazy right'll just have to take my word for it that she looks very feminine. I tried at my best to make her mane blend with her pelt color, too (which is a dark gray color). Well, anyway, the Bonfire Island map was crawling with mate-beggers, as usual. I was just sitting there, glaring and trying hard to tolerate it without snapping at every single person who walked past me. Next thing I know, some she-wolf (who hung with the crowd of mate-beggers) walks up to me, sends me a friend request, and asks me if I'm a guy...
*shudders in anger* If she read my bio, she'd have known the answer to that immediately. As well as the fact that my character looked way more feminine than hers!
So, I politely told her I was a female, and what do you think she does...?
Walks away.
>.< Is that all she wanted? If I were to have told her I was a guy, would she have stayed? So, I ignored her friend request, because she obviously regretted that she ever sent it to me after finding out that I wasn't available to become her mate.

Now, onto another story. This incident, surprisingly enough, was supposedly caused by a guy (note that I get along with guys way better than most girls). I was, once again, sitting in Bonfire Island playing as Crimenace. This one guy who was mate-begging randomly came and sat down next to me. It was in fact to my gratitude for a moment that he actually read my bio and took a good look at me to realize that I was a girl. So, I didn't tell him to go away. I was polite. It was obvious that he took an interest in me, after all. I have a soft spot for guys, also, which might explain that. xD
We sat there for a minute, talking, until another FEMALE mate-begger came on and called out. The guy quickly got up and ran to her, not even speaking another word to me. wasn't ME, I guess, that he wanted. He just wanted a mate, period. It didn't matter who it was. My feelings weren't hurt though, because I never really was fond of beggers when I actually thought about it. But really, it shocked me all the more to know that it was a guy that acted that desparate. Usually the guys get all the attention because all the females want mates.
Uh...Bonfire can be so screwed up some times...things were never this bad on IT.  


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Re: Rant about idiots thread
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2011, 08:45:50 pm »
On that note Cady, what you've just said at the end there, I do believe I agree with you, it never was this bad in IT :3