Author Topic: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!  (Read 10203 times)

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2015, 06:23:25 pm »


Status: 7/10 - Hungry, but content.
Current form: human
Interaction: Nela

Many people trod the worn paths of the appropriately named Freeze City. In one of the various dark alleyways sat a dark haired man with his back against the wall. The onlookers that walked past would shoot him an occasional glare, but he paid little mind to them. Grantaire had been napping carelessly in the alley for a couple hours now before the cold of the approaching nightfall and a nagging belly forced him awake.

He wasn't necessarily as well off as many of the humans- and- "humans" who called this city their home, and he frankly didn't care. He liked the life of doing what he pleased and not having to answer to anyone. It wasn't really a difficult existence, per say. He would often use his wolf form to openly snatch food or scraps. Aye, it was a technique that was frowned upon, but hey it got the job done. As usual, his breath was visible in a faint vapor against the cold air as he forced himself to his feet. After straightening up and adjusting his beanie, 'taire cracked his knuckles and let out a huff. With night rapidly approaching, he figured it couldn't hurt to go grab a drink to warm his insides. First of course, the issue of obtaining a couple coins. No job too hard. Casually, the man side stepped out into the street, making a left to get out onto one of the main pathways. Stuffing his hands in his tattered pockets, he shifted his stance so that he was walking just behind one woman. In a quick, swift motion, he skillfully slid a hand into the woman's side bag and retrieved a small sack that, from the sound of it, contained a few coins. Nonchalantly, he stuffed the little pouch into his coat pocket and took a step to the right. Jogging into the cover of an alley, he removed the pouch and opened it, counting out six coins. Toppling them back into the bag, he tied it off and put it back in his pocket before making a turn for the local pub.

Shouldering the front door open, Grantaire slid his way inside the dim little tavern. There were only a few other people there at the moment. The first thing he noticed was the scent of another wolf in disguise, making his blue eyes shift over to the barmaid. Cracking a smirk, the scruffy man strolled over to the bar and flopped himself down in a stool at the counter. "Oi, how 'bout a whiskey over here." He flicked a coin into the air before catching it and slamming it gently down onto the countertop. Shifting a bit to get comfortable, he rose an eyebrow at the barmaid. "Busy night, eh miss?"


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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2015, 05:02:27 am »

Status: 7/10 - Slightly injured

The morning chill didn't faze the female, her thick golden pelt kept away the icy air from reaching her skin. Aurora's green eyes scanning he landscape for her morning meal, maybe even something for her companion Dani, if she could manage. Unfortunately food was very hard to come by due to hunters and the freezing weather, but it was worth the try. She trotted into the woods, the snow covering the pines and the ground beneath her feet. Aurora sniffed the air, taking in the scents in the air, nothing. She grunted before turning back to go back to the city, only to run face to face with a man. He was large and burly, a long rifle in his hands while his face wore the expression of absolute terror "No..You can't be real." he whispered to himself. The canine was frozen with fear as memories of her parents came flooding back into her mind all at once. He raised his gun and aimed it at her "No one is going to believe this!" he boomed as he began to squeeze the trigger.

Aurora gave her head a shake once she realized what was happening and dodged to the left as the sound of the gun ripped through the quiet morning air, most likely bringing many Freeze City members out of their warm homes. She winced as a small yet sharp pain was felt on her left shoulder, she peered at it and saw that the bullet had grazed her skin but still drew a small amount of blood. She snarled at the man, she didn't know whether to attack or flee. She decided to avoid any more blood shed and chose the second option, darting around him and running towards the city. The sound of crunching snow under heavy boots could be heard behind her as the man gave chase, his voice echoing over the snowy terrain. The smell of food and human entered her nose, she was getting closer to the city, once there she could lose him. Soon the city came into view "Finally." she puffed ash she picked up speed, trying to gain enough distance from the man. Once she entered the city she turned down an alley and jumped behind some garbage cans, her illusion active, now her wolf form was hidden. She could hear the man yelling "There's a wolf!" she could also hear the confused mumbles of City residents, as far as they knew wolves have been extinct for hundreds of years. Aurora decided to remain in hiding until the man was gone.

(Literally my worst post ever, but to be fair I haven't' been forum roleplaying in quite some time T.T Still warming up)

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2015, 08:03:02 am »

dang son

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2015, 08:11:18 am »

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2015, 02:18:06 pm »

Iris Donavan


Status; 7/10- mentally unstable and confused, but physically healthy.
Current Form; Human
Interactions; None so far.

The only thing that was really real anymore was the pain. The rest of the world just seemed to pass by in a blur of dull colours, nothing interesting enough to grab onto and hold close. The pain came in bright flashes of red, luring her out of the zombie-like state she had been in for goodness-knows how long. The pain was coming from her left arm, causing Iris to stumble in shock.  Everything seemed so bright and harsh, irratating her suddenly-sensitive eyes. "Watch it." A force shoved the girl's frail body aside to gently thump against the concrete wall of some building- a tavern, perhaps. Her crystalline eyes darted about her, taking in her surroundings. Had she blacked out? No. Had she been drugged? Of course not, she was too smart for that. It took a few seconds for Iris to realise that this had happened many times before. It was her depression again, hanging like a cloud over her thoughts and feelings just waiting for its moment to send everything spiralling into that meaningless blur once more.

No. This time she would hang on. Push past whatever propelled her to become this empty shell of a person.

"I need a cigarette." She announced to no one in particular, leaning back against the wall that she had been previously pushed into. Next to her was a sun-shielded window, and she took a second to peer in for no reason except to satisfy her mild curiousity towards who could be watching her. Her gaze was drawn to a pair of people, barmaid and a man leaning against the counter. Something was off yet strangely familiar about them- like they didn't quite fit similar to the way she couldn't.

After a second of staring at the couple, Iris's' eyebrow quirked up in amusement before she turned away from the window to pull a small, worn light blue metal case from her pocket. Inside was a neat row of odd-looking cigarettes. They were all a warm shade of chestnut, and from them wafted the tempting scent of sweet spices. They were Iris's favourite kind of cigarette- a brand that specialised in sweet-smelling and tasting roll-ups. It took the girl only a few seconds to go through the simple procedure of preparing the cigarette for lighting. Again, she ignored the now-condescending glares from the public as they passed by and lit her roll-up using an old lighter she kept by her at all times. Taking a long, slow drag of it, she leaned her head back against the wall behind her and sighed. It's good to be back.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 02:19:58 pm by Deyedreamer »

dang son

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2015, 01:36:33 am »

Daniel A. Vespo

Status: 9/10 - n/a

Daniel walked into the bar and looked around. He did not consider himself a returning customer there even though he came two or three times a week to this place. Dani looked around with a short eye of suspicion. He walked up to the bar and said a few words to some people he'd seen around the bar for some time. There looked to be two people working at the bar, which was a nice touch. He walked up to the one who seemed to not be busy. "I'll take a beer." Daniel said lightly and flicked out one of his few remaining coins. The man taking part of the bar took the coin in his hands and examined it, like to see if it could be a fake. Daniel gave a huff of annoyance until the man left and went to grab a beer.

They came back with a glass bottle full of beer. It wasn't the best, but it was what Dani could get. As he took a sip and the liquid slid down easily Dani sat back a bit, relaxing for once. As the few minutes passed and Dani kept drinking his beer a distant sound came to his ears. It was barely audible from inside the bar, but Dani's hearing kept him on top of the game. He knew exactly what it was. A gunshot. Daniel looked around in a hurried manner to see if anyone else had seemed to pick up on it. But before he could make a full check, he finished his beer, slammed it on the counter, grabbing his precious bread and quickly let out the door. Back into the cold air, Daniel looked around slightly alarmed. He didn't know what the gunshot was caused by but he knew better than to ignore the sound of one. Seeing some people walking out of their houses to look, confirmed Daniel's thoughts of hearing one. Then, trying not to look alarmed, Dani started to head towards the town and near Freeze City's main entrance. 



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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2015, 06:00:14 pm »
oh I LOVE this idea!
pm for free art i need practice

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2015, 12:12:25 am »

Nela Roscoe

Status; 9/10 - Feeling slightly tired
Current Form; Human
Interactions; Grantaire

Now behind the bar, Nela had instantly begun handing drinks over the counter and collecting the customers cash. By the minute the bar was filling up relatively fast, well, the fuller the better she guessed, it'd actually keep her on her toes so she didn't have to stand around doing nothing. While Eddie served few customers, she decided to go and collect the glasses, since they'd begin to pile up without a doubt and someone would complain. Grabbing the dark blue glass carrier, she'd make her way around the bar, stopping at each table to collect the empty glasses, or ones which weren't being used any longer. Working in a pub was rather easy, but somewhat irritating. Comments from the men, mostly when intoxicated, would be directed at her and she'd try her best to ignore them although, Nela herself would make a smart remark back to the customer. However, not all was verbal and some would physically touch her, which only irritated her and caused her to give them a mouthful or even lash out. Boy, the amount of times Edmund had to stop her smacking some of the jerks in the face. Surprisingly, she still had her job even after her somewhat aggressive actions. Despite some things though, working here was good, Nela enjoyed it. She was able to meet most of the towns people, instead of wondering the streets freezing and being shoved around by ignorant beings, or sitting at home alone. It gave her something to do, when on her breaks she'd often have a game of pool or darts with the customers, the music player near the back often made the atmosphere somewhat calm too.

Once collecting the glasses, she would return to the bar, giving them a quick yet proper scrub, before placing them on the side ready to be used again. Now, she went back to handing people drinks and any snacks which they wanted. Running a hand through her hair, an unfamiliar yer 'strange' smell wondered in to the lasses nose, causing her eyes to narrow slightly and her head to turn - there was another wolf here .... This being the first time she had actually met one of her 'kind' she wasn't sure how to react, since they were basically a normal human, but a kind of dominant and territorial feeling seemed to take over, causing her to growl quietly to herself, turning her back for a moment. The brunette was calmed slightly as Eddie gave her a rough pat on the shoulder, raising is brows as if to reassure her - he was aware of what she was, from her father of course and he made a vow to keep the secret. Anyhow, turning around once more, she'd brush herself off, her rather white teeth showing as she offered the customers a smile, serving them once more. Examining this 'wolf' as she done so, and he seemed from first impressions rather friendly. Hearing him speak up not too long after, she'd glance at the bloke once more, this time offering a smile. Pulling the black sleeves of her jumper down a little, she'd then place her elbows on the counter and lean forward slightly "Aye, last night this place was full and it looks like another one of those nights ..." she'd huff "A well deserved drink after my shift I think" she'd add, smiling once more, quickly examining the male before looking off in to the bar, most now seeming contempt with their drinks for now, Edmund serving the odd customer who would come up. Although, the peace would only last so long.

What she's wearing;

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2015, 01:09:38 am »


Status: 7/10 - Hungry, but content.
Current form: human
Interaction: Nela

Grantaire shifted a bit in the uncomfortable stool, giving a casual nod to the man behind the counter that eventually got him his cup of whiskey, then immediately shifting his gaze back to the woman while she spoke. He took a sip as he listened, and cracked a smirk. "How about a well deserved drink now?" The man suggested, sliding his nearly full glass towards her a bit. The tavern was beginning to fill up now, just as the woman had predicted, creating a noticeable raise in volume. All around were people, mostly older men to be honest, fellowshipping together and causing a ruckus. Grantaire would never understand the ways of these humans, even though he'd lived among them most of his life.

What was more perplexing to him, was the other wolves in this town. He'd only bumped into a couple, true, but each one he met were well established among the humans- each one doing their filthy jobs, and taking orders from them. He had no grudge or quarrel with humans, but he couldn't wrap his mind around demeaning one's true heritage in order to blend in with another species that they didn't belong to. The exact reason he'd taken to life on his own- a sort of 'human' stray, if you will. His eyes darted from one individual to the other, examining the faces of the strangers who had convened here. His attention, however, quickly slid back over to the wolf in disguise standing before him, and he leaned back forward, propping an elbow up on the counter. "Oh, right, my name's Grantaire, by the way." The male introduced himself with a charming smile, raising a brow at the feminine stranger. "So, forgive me for askin', but what's a girl like you doing working in a dump like this- no offense." He asked curiously, letting an awkward chuckle escape his throat. All the while he spoke to the female, he narrowed his eyes in a 'you know what I mean' kind of manner. He knew how important it was for wolves to keep a low profile.


such a fab style, gj grantaire, u slob
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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain RP| Open!
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2015, 11:11:27 pm »

[Anyone postin' or?]
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