Author Topic: Positive thoughts.  (Read 1191 times)

Offline PrettyReckless

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Positive thoughts.
« on: November 25, 2015, 01:43:44 pm »
So, you can really pick up a lot by sitting around on FH and watching local fly by, as well as speaking to a lot of different people.
One thing I've really noticed, especially recently, is that a lot of people seem to have difficulties seeing the positive things, whether it's in life or in something they've done.

There's so much of "I'm not good at this." or "I can't do that." around.
You might not be good at this, or that, or able to do this/that, but look at the things you CAN do, and the things you can learn.

I am not going to lie, I used to be a full-on pessimist and I despised when people were positive around me.
However, after experiencing new things, travelling, living on my own and much more, I seem to have adapted to my own personality and found things I really like about myself.
It's not until now I realize why teachers always do this whole "Say 3 good things about yourself" or about someone else.

I want you to do this.
Give me a list of at least five positive things about yourself, and if you want, about someone you've met/a friend.

One thing I am always going to preach, which is one thing my mother taught me when I started doing something new.
(I work extra at her job as a florist.)
Even if you're not happy with your work, there's always going to be someone who loves what you've done.

I shall start with a few positive things about myself.

1. I'm friendly towards anyone who hasn't harmed me or my friends.
2. I'm loyal and stick up for my friends, unless I do not agree with their ways.
3. I'm forgiving, apologize to me and prove you've changed, and it's forgotten.
4. I spread positive energy around me. I'm easy-going and non-judgemental, therefore people find it easy to speak to me. I'm very open-minded. c:
5. I'm a vent-box. I carry on a lot of secrets and opinions, but they never come out, as I never feel the need to talk about 'em. It's not my place to speak of them.
6. I'm fairly ok with explaining things, sometimes I tend to draw things out quite a bit because I want myself to be fully understood. Me explaining something that happened earlier in the day or week and I'll end up writing a bloody story about it because I don't know if people will understand unless they have the full context.
7. I'm short. Hey, short girls are cute, right? c'8
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 01:45:28 pm by PrettyReckless »

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Re: Positive thoughts.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 01:52:35 pm »
This is slightly difficult because I have no self-esteem ;; But I'll try!

1.) I don't consider myself pretty but I occasionally do.
2.) I'm also short. Only 5'1 rip me
3.) I don't have a heart to tell someone "The Truth" (Ex: When I don't want to roleplay with them)
4.) I at least don't consider myself a complete failure and I surely have no intentions to harm myself in any way.
5.) I actually have a very supportive girlfriend, she's the main reason why I keep going.

Offline Queen_Innocent

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Re: Positive thoughts.
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 09:31:41 am »
I'm extremely blunt. Some people may not see this as the most positive but it's let me be strong about some things, such as when I like someone or hate someone I can literally lay it on them.

I'm dirty. This lets me have knowledge on giving tips to people who are having problems down /there/ XD.

It may look like I'm a flabby fatty, but I actually have really large muscles from working as a stable-girl. They only show when I strain mine. This lets me pick up a person or show that I'm dominant- but let me be cuddly and warm-hearted to close people (I've not let in one person except my crush. I hope she doesn't crush my feelings. YES, not even my family. They have not earned my trust by how many times they fight with me since I'm bisexual and they are Christian)

When I actually let someone in, I'm a troll but also goofy and can make the person I love laugh and let go of their troubles for a moment. It doesn't mean I've let go of mine, but it gives me a chance to help someone from the poop in their life.

I'm extremely strong, emotionally and physically. I don't know how many times I've been bullied or betrayed. Such as by being *bleeped* by a doctor when I was a child, my friends leaving me for the popular kids, etc. This also gives me the talent to do insane things. Such as ride a super HIGH and FAST roller-coaster (I have a fear of heights) or stop a horse that was stampeding. Being strong also lets me protect the ones I love, such as my blunt-ness does.

I look older than I am. This lets me have hot college boys going after me (yes I enjoy attention to myself and am proud.)

I can go on and on about myself, but I think you wouldn't want that. .3.