Author Topic: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate || ((UPDATED!))  (Read 5091 times)

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"What can I do with this one, Aphrodite? She WON'T... STAY... STILL! I want to make them beautiful, but they always turn out WRONG! That one... too fat! This one... too tall! This one... too symmetrical! And now... what's this, Goddess? An intruder? He's ugly. Ugly! UGLY! UGLY!"

The Hidden Subjects

The struggle of your survival begins here... Will you be able to survive?
Let's hope so...

The world is complete chaos by now. A nuclear war broke out and killed most of the population of animals and people. The animals that are left are brought into the city. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is the organization. That's where all of the animals are taken to be tested on by the insane doctors that NEVER leave the organization. Steinman is the head of the organization... He's the craziest of all of the doctors. They think testing on the animals they bring in will turn the world back to how it was ten years ago. We are the subjects... We have no voice in this place... We are stuck in an ever living hell... These doctors run our lives.

Cursing is aloud, but don't go overboard please.
Please be active, I brought this roleplay back and I would not like it to die off again.
Be creative with your character! Put items on them if you want! Just please don't make your character completely neon.
No fighting OOC. If you have a problem with someone in the roleplay, please tell me so we can try to settle it out.
Do not give anyone the link to the map! This map is specifically for the group. No one else!
Have fun!


Map Pictures

Cages for the most insane subjects

Where subjects are brought to test their skills against one another.

Subject Cages

Subjects Playroom

Testing Rooms

Failed subjects

The shark in the playroom.

Username -
Subject Number -
Level of Activity (( 1(lowest) - 10(highest) )) -
Character Description/Picture -
Character Background -
Roleplay Sample -

Username - dogsgorawr

Subject Number - 16

Level of Activity - 9

Character Description/Picture - Subject 16 is what the doctors call him, but his fellow subjects all him Cato. Cato however, is a dark gray pelted canine, with gray orbs as eyes, and black markings. During an experiment, something went wrong and the red horns you see on him now started to develop. One horn is fully grown, which is the one on the left, but the right horn his half developed and will no longer grow due to Steinman stopping the growth. Later on, Steinman decided to make Cato more "beautiful" in his eyes and gave him a new tail, which explains the stitches.

Character Background - Subject 16 has always been an experiment when it came to humans. But never like this. When the nuclear war ended and every creature on Earth began to die out, Steinman saw him and bribed him with food to follow him. Of course, he didn't think twice about it. He followed, thinking Steinman was a decent human that survived the nuclear war. But boy was Subject 16 wrong. He was brought to The Organization where Steinman and four other doctors would work, testing on him to try to save the human race. He was the first animal to arrive in The Organization, but he knows that he won't be the last as he watches the days go by.

Roleplay Sample - Cato howled with pain as the head doctor of The Organization, Doctor Steinman, strapped him down to the metal bed. He could smell the blood of the previous Subject that was experimented on in this room. The smell was almost too overwhelming. Cato closed his eyes quickly when he heard Steinman walk over to grab his supplies. He could hear the clanging off the tools hitting together as Steinman figured out which one he was going to use first. Cato couldn't bare to look at what tool would be used on him first. This was always the case for every single Subject in The Organization. What would the doctors do to them? Would they survive the day or end up being one of the failed experiments in the tubes? All the Subjects could do was hope and pray that they made it through another horrid day in The Organization. And that was what Cato was doing. Praying.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 05:46:29 pm by Subject_16 »

Offline TeslaCoiled

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate ||
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 04:17:13 pm »
I honestly love experiment/laboratory roleplays. I jump on every single one I find. ;D

Username: TeslaCoiled
Subject Number: 14 (because it's the number I use for literally everything lol)
Level of Activity: 7 or 8. I am on the forums daily and on FeralHeart daily/every other day. However if you could add me on Skype or PM me here I'd probably be able to come online when needed. ^^
Character description: *Update: I made the character.
A male wolfdog named Oliver. Three and a half years of age. Large, curious blue eyes, thick gray and white fur. Average build, collar around his neck from years as a pet. The tag on his collar is engraved with his name and home address. He is very friendly and obedient, becoming tense and afraid when others around him act rebelliously or lash out at humans. He is not used to being outside of a family home, and he is unable to survive on his own. He is able to effortlessly forgive and forget, and the idea of holding a grudge is foreign to him.
Character background: Oliver was born into a loving family home and raised uneventfully into adulthood. When the war had ended and the world had changed, he was confused and alone in a strange new environment. He searched desperately for humans in the area, and found himself in the cold hands of scientists. He is still blissfully unaware of their true nature, and believes that they are trying to help him find his family.
Oliver's icy blue eyes focused on the target. The rest of his world blurred, and the only thing that mattered was getting food in his stomach.
His brows furrowed in concentration, and his body lowered in a clumsy attempt to enter the stealth position. He began to creep forward, his paws crunching noisily on the leaves littered about the alleyway. He had seen other dogs attack small creatures before, and he thought he had memorized the process. How hard could it be?
However, the stakes were high. Oliver had gone days without eating, and this mouse was the first animal he had encountered since he left his home, half-destroyed in a fire. His stomach emitted a telltale grumble as he neared closer to the mouse. It was almost time to chase his prey.
Just as he was about to open his jaws, his front paw came down on a thin twig in the path. The mouse's head jerked up, its beady eyes needing only a moment to analyze its dangerous situation. Oliver rushed forward, hoping that his long legs would be enough to catch up with his victim, but it was already too late. The mouse scampered underneath a dumpster, just out of the disappointed wolfdog's reach.
Although his stomach groaned and his muscles ached, he turned away from his failed hunt and trotted in the opposite direction, toward a main road. His nose twitched with every step, and he felt his chest swell with hope at the distant scent of a human.
*My actual messages are shorter. I just was able to take my time doing this and it ended up being a bit longer. I hope you don't mind.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 05:18:03 pm by ?Tesla? »

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate ||
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2016, 01:54:33 am »
I honestly love experiment/laboratory roleplays. I jump on every single one I find. ;D

Username: TeslaCoiled
Subject Number: 14 (because it's the number I use for literally everything lol)
Level of Activity: 7 or 8. I am on the forums daily and on FeralHeart daily/every other day. However if you could add me on Skype or PM me here I'd probably be able to come online when needed. ^^
Character description: *Update: I made the character.
A male wolfdog named Oliver. Three and a half years of age. Large, curious blue eyes, thick gray and white fur. Average build, collar around his neck from years as a pet. The tag on his collar is engraved with his name and home address. He is very friendly and obedient, becoming tense and afraid when others around him act rebelliously or lash out at humans. He is not used to being outside of a family home, and he is unable to survive on his own. He is able to effortlessly forgive and forget, and the idea of holding a grudge is foreign to him.
Character background: Oliver was born into a loving family home and raised uneventfully into adulthood. When the war had ended and the world had changed, he was confused and alone in a strange new environment. He searched desperately for humans in the area, and found himself in the cold hands of scientists. He is still blissfully unaware of their true nature, and believes that they are trying to help him find his family.
Oliver's icy blue eyes focused on the target. The rest of his world blurred, and the only thing that mattered was getting food in his stomach.
His brows furrowed in concentration, and his body lowered in a clumsy attempt to enter the stealth position. He began to creep forward, his paws crunching noisily on the leaves littered about the alleyway. He had seen other dogs attack small creatures before, and he thought he had memorized the process. How hard could it be?
However, the stakes were high. Oliver had gone days without eating, and this mouse was the first animal he had encountered since he left his home, half-destroyed in a fire. His stomach emitted a telltale grumble as he neared closer to the mouse. It was almost time to chase his prey.
Just as he was about to open his jaws, his front paw came down on a thin twig in the path. The mouse's head jerked up, its beady eyes needing only a moment to analyze its dangerous situation. Oliver rushed forward, hoping that his long legs would be enough to catch up with his victim, but it was already too late. The mouse scampered underneath a dumpster, just out of the disappointed wolfdog's reach.
Although his stomach groaned and his muscles ached, he turned away from his failed hunt and trotted in the opposite direction, toward a main road. His nose twitched with every step, and he felt his chest swell with hope at the distant scent of a human.
*My actual messages are shorter. I just was able to take my time doing this and it ended up being a bit longer. I hope you don't mind.

Thank you for applying to The Hidden Subjects. I have sent a DM your way to give you my skype. You're accepted. You're application was amazing!

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate ||
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2016, 02:56:50 am »
Eee, this looks like fun! *lecasually applies a thing*

Username -
babystrit (though my other, main account is called SSFireWolf. Since this character in particular is a cat, it's on this account.)

Subject Number -
I don't care with numbers. Too many to choose from ;D. Give me a random one.

Level of Activity (( 1(lowest) - 10(highest) )) -
Depends on if I'm super busy one month. I'd say 8/10 usually. I'm on every day. Also I check the forums every like, thirty minutes.

Character Description -
Capricorn, a Marbled Bengal cat who has been a stray her entire childhood. She's a calm golden color, with dark markings and dark blue-green eyes. The cat holds a stick in her jaws at all times, as well as a leaf in her tail.
Capricorn, also called Capri, is a calm, kind, and caring creature, always willing to help those in need. She is very independent too, for she has never been under the ownership of humans, nor has she ever wanted to be. After the war, she became more bitter, though still helps those in need.
(If she were a human, she would be 18. This is just how I age my characters.)

Character Background -
Capricorn was born as a Stray, living life like any other wild cat. She easily found food, whether it be hunting or stealing from the humans. But, when the war started, life became more difficult for her. Finding food was hard, even harder to find some what wasn't affected by the war. Due to all these events, Capri became bitter, wanting to be away from all other things that she couldn't eat.

Though, even with all the change, she still kept that certain caring nature in her heart, helping those in dire need and showing kindness to those who deserve it. Capricorn trusts humans even less now after the war, and being captured by them was not on her agenda. She knew, of course, it was their fault that the world was destroyed, so she did all she could to stay away from the humans.

And then she was taken away by them.

Roleplay Sample - (I'm best at roleplaying with a chosen topic, but without one, I usually hunt.)
Capricorn slid under the remains of what used to be a stone wall, holding her breath as she stared at a small, edible creature in front of her. It was a rat; One that, for the first time in a while, didn't smell of death and decay. The small Bengal slowly stalked forward, watching the ground for anything that could make noise.

"Dinner, here I come..." Capricorn whispered under her breath. The rat lifted its head and the hunting cat rushed forward before it could notice the danger. Of course, when it heard her coming, it tried to run. But Capricorn was already pressing her paws into its back, keeping it from moving.

Just as she was about to end the small creature's life, the sound of footsteps made Capricorn's ears perk. "Aw come on!" she growled, letting the rat go free, "You win this round, rat." Capricorn quickly hid under more ruins of something she didn't care naming and waited for the footsteps to go away.

*shuffles nervously* Did I do good? ;3

Offline Bioshock

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate ||
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2016, 04:02:44 pm »
Eee, this looks like fun! *lecasually applies a thing*

Username -
babystrit (though my other, main account is called SSFireWolf. Since this character in particular is a cat, it's on this account.)

Subject Number -
I don't care with numbers. Too many to choose from ;D. Give me a random one.

Level of Activity (( 1(lowest) - 10(highest) )) -
Depends on if I'm super busy one month. I'd say 8/10 usually. I'm on every day. Also I check the forums every like, thirty minutes.

Character Description -
Capricorn, a Marbled Bengal cat who has been a stray her entire childhood. She's a calm golden color, with dark markings and dark blue-green eyes. The cat holds a stick in her jaws at all times, as well as a leaf in her tail.
Capricorn, also called Capri, is a calm, kind, and caring creature, always willing to help those in need. She is very independent too, for she has never been under the ownership of humans, nor has she ever wanted to be. After the war, she became more bitter, though still helps those in need.
(If she were a human, she would be 18. This is just how I age my characters.)

Character Background -
Capricorn was born as a Stray, living life like any other wild cat. She easily found food, whether it be hunting or stealing from the humans. But, when the war started, life became more difficult for her. Finding food was hard, even harder to find some what wasn't affected by the war. Due to all these events, Capri became bitter, wanting to be away from all other things that she couldn't eat.

Though, even with all the change, she still kept that certain caring nature in her heart, helping those in dire need and showing kindness to those who deserve it. Capricorn trusts humans even less now after the war, and being captured by them was not on her agenda. She knew, of course, it was their fault that the world was destroyed, so she did all she could to stay away from the humans.

And then she was taken away by them.

Roleplay Sample - (I'm best at roleplaying with a chosen topic, but without one, I usually hunt.)
Capricorn slid under the remains of what used to be a stone wall, holding her breath as she stared at a small, edible creature in front of her. It was a rat; One that, for the first time in a while, didn't smell of death and decay. The small Bengal slowly stalked forward, watching the ground for anything that could make noise.

"Dinner, here I come..." Capricorn whispered under her breath. The rat lifted its head and the hunting cat rushed forward before it could notice the danger. Of course, when it heard her coming, it tried to run. But Capricorn was already pressing her paws into its back, keeping it from moving.

Just as she was about to end the small creature's life, the sound of footsteps made Capricorn's ears perk. "Aw come on!" she growled, letting the rat go free, "You win this round, rat." Capricorn quickly hid under more ruins of something she didn't care naming and waited for the footsteps to go away.

*shuffles nervously* Did I do good? ;3

You did perfectly fine hun, you're accepted! Thank you for applying for The Hidden Subjects, I will PM you with more information very shortly.

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate || ((UPDATED!))
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2016, 05:48:35 pm »
- Added website
- Added pictures of the map
- Added an example of the application

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate || ((UPDATED!))
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2016, 04:50:46 am »

Offline ShadowFang1355

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate || ((UPDATED!))
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2016, 02:54:06 am »
username~ darkwolf1355
subject number~ 13 (if 13 is taken a random number is okay)
activity level~ 8, I'm on feral heart a lot.
character description~

Magi (Latin for magic, and pronounced mah-gi) is a mutt who isn't used to human contact since she has lived her life as a stray. She is 2 years old, and she has always taken everything seriously. She is very aggressive with humans and she is usually as neutral as she can be with canines and cats. She likes being alone a majority of the time but she doesn't mind any quick chats. She'll usually rebel any humans who try to make any type of contact with a quick but viscous bite.
character background~
Magi grew up as a stray and the local people always called her Magi, even though she always felt hostile towards them and any contact was usually impossible, so she decided to go by the name Magi whenever she met any other strays she could consider a friend. Magi always tried to stay a loner but she was fine with the ocasional chat with any stray who seemed trust worthy. After the war struck she started noticing how she wasn't bothered by humans and the strays she'd run into every once in a while weren't around. The areas that usually had plenty of food had started to become empty and Magi was beginning to starve. Then one day she was captured while she was to weak to run, and she ended up here, where the humans are more brutal than what she thought they were...
Magi walked down the emptied street to her usual spot to sleep since it was begging to become dark. She stopped to look at the humans' homes and noticed they were all dark and seemingly empty. "That's strange," Magi said to herself out loud, "the buildings have been dark for a few days now and that human's brat hasn't chased me for once." She decided to investigate a house she was near since a low window was open, revealing a darkened interior. Magi climbed through the window and walked through the house and thought, "This is what the humans live in?" She found an abandoned dog bowl and sniffed the food inside. She ate the food quickly since she hadn't had luck where food was usually left and she was getting hungry. She finished the food and moved where she heard something coming from an object she saw through a window at one of the human stores. She became close enough to make out a voice coming from the object, "If you have not moved to a safe location please-" Magi attempted to get a better look at the object but she knocked it down causing it to fall to the ground and begin sounding like static.

Accidentally made RPS pretty long sorry lol. I'm used to role playing in 1st person but since most roleplays I've saw on fh are 3rd person i typed it like that, I do okay?
Oh, cool, I exist.

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate || ((UPDATED!))
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2016, 07:38:16 pm »
username~ darkwolf1355
subject number~ 13 (if 13 is taken a random number is okay)
activity level~ 8, I'm on feral heart a lot.
character description~

Magi (Latin for magic, and pronounced mah-gi) is a mutt who isn't used to human contact since she has lived her life as a stray. She is 2 years old, and she has always taken everything seriously. She is very aggressive with humans and she is usually as neutral as she can be with canines and cats. She likes being alone a majority of the time but she doesn't mind any quick chats. She'll usually rebel any humans who try to make any type of contact with a quick but viscous bite.
character background~
Magi grew up as a stray and the local people always called her Magi, even though she always felt hostile towards them and any contact was usually impossible, so she decided to go by the name Magi whenever she met any other strays she could consider a friend. Magi always tried to stay a loner but she was fine with the ocasional chat with any stray who seemed trust worthy. After the war struck she started noticing how she wasn't bothered by humans and the strays she'd run into every once in a while weren't around. The areas that usually had plenty of food had started to become empty and Magi was beginning to starve. Then one day she was captured while she was to weak to run, and she ended up here, where the humans are more brutal than what she thought they were...
Magi walked down the emptied street to her usual spot to sleep since it was begging to become dark. She stopped to look at the humans' homes and noticed they were all dark and seemingly empty. "That's strange," Magi said to herself out loud, "the buildings have been dark for a few days now and that human's brat hasn't chased me for once." She decided to investigate a house she was near since a low window was open, revealing a darkened interior. Magi climbed through the window and walked through the house and thought, "This is what the humans live in?" She found an abandoned dog bowl and sniffed the food inside. She ate the food quickly since she hadn't had luck where food was usually left and she was getting hungry. She finished the food and moved where she heard something coming from an object she saw through a window at one of the human stores. She became close enough to make out a voice coming from the object, "If you have not moved to a safe location please-" Magi attempted to get a better look at the object but she knocked it down causing it to fall to the ground and begin sounding like static.

Accidentally made RPS pretty long sorry lol. I'm used to role playing in 1st person but since most roleplays I've saw on fh are 3rd person i typed it like that, I do okay?

Accepted! Thank you for applying! I will send you a friend request in game!

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Re: The Hidden Subjects || Mapped, Sited, Literate || ((UPDATED!))
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2016, 09:42:20 pm »

CasbaneXaver - This account his basically a side mostly.

Subject Number

Level of Activity

Character Description/Picture
Slim and stocky, russety brownish fur with darker markings and dark forest
green eyes. He is a good problem solver and can almost get out of every situation
known. His independence gives him a boost, as he hardly needs any help when
it comes to hunting and he doesn't have any other mouths to feed.

Character Background
Left as a young pup, this now two year old had to find a
way to survive on his own. As a wolf mix, he was mostly an
outcast and became independent not long after he left his parents.
He had been the only pup at the time and he was mostly abused verbally
and physically. Scars from the past still dot his pelt. His haunches, face,
and flack is heavily scared. Most are small, but there is one large one on
his muzzle. Aztec had taught himself how to hunt and also fight by practicing
on rocks, trees, and many other objects. He may be thin, but to not let that
fool you.

Roleplay Sample
 Erie sounds came from the darkly shadowed buildings facing the canine, its paws barely made a
sound as it slowly started on its way forward. Russety fur was soon ruffled as a breeze came from
the large area. Oil was the scent that the wind carried, a common use of black liquid used by the
humans to start up big metal things that they so called vehicles. Being used to the scent, it
continued onward entering an alley that led to a place behind a small building that humans through
at food behind. Life was hard as an outcast, but the canine could ask for nothing else as it liked the
quiet nights under the sun beaten trees. While with a pack, their was patrolling, waiting your turn to
eat, and much more things the canine disliked. It wanted to stay alone, and that was all it wanted.
Atleast he didn't have to feed any other mutts. Giving a grunt as it entered the small building were
the humans through out the food, it crouched against the ground before leaping cat like onto the side of the
large object. Dipping his head into the heap of garbage that lie under the flaps of the large object, the
canine sniffed around searching for any food available in the large black sacks. Bingo. A large half a chicken
fell out of one of the sacks as it had pulled on it. Giving a pleased grunt, he slowly started to eat his prize, but
a growl caused him to look up at who had made the sound. A large Doberman stood at the door way, lips pulled
back in a snarl as it saw that the canine was intruding the space the Doberman called home. Giving a growl,
the russet canine leaped from his spot upon the object and faced the large russet and black canine.
"Well o' well o' well. Look at what we have here. A helpless mutt," It echoed and laughed sort of insanely.
Cocking its head to one side the russet moved forward a paw landed upon the tin making the other shut its
jowls quickly. "What are you doing 'round here? Looking for food you little purebred idiot!" The russet spat out
the word 'purebred' at the other. Purebreeds. Unnaturally stupid dogs who only thought about themselves.
Stupid fight waiting to happen that could be avoided. Before the dobbie could reply, the russet crouched and
leaped forward racing past the dobbie and off towards the exit which had been the ally it had entered in.
Wiggling through a hole in a fence to take a short cut, the russet didn't stop running til he was panting heavily and at the
edge of the dark city. Grunting, the russet trotted off to the forest still on the alert for the dobbie.

Sorry if that is to long and if it has any mistakes or slight grammar errors. I am currently in a hurry.

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