Author Topic: Could not play FeralHeart for over a YEAR  (Read 850 times)

Offline pokefan74428

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Could not play FeralHeart for over a YEAR
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:07:57 pm »
Hello! I have a major problem with the state of my computer right now. I played Feralheart for a long time, and it has been over a year now since I have been able to even access it. I gave up on the problem, but now I am very determined to fix it. This problem doesn't only happen to FH, but any 3D game I download or access online. I am able to type in my username and password, but once I click ''play'' or whatever, it NEVER connects. And I mean NEVER. This happens to ANY 3D game I try to play on my computer. My computer runs very well nonetheless, and the wifi connection on my browser runs greatly.

This all started when I got a virus trying to download something (very bad choice). I'm not sure what this specific virus is called, but when you went on the browser many ads popped up all over the page and you couldn't avoid it, and it made your computer very slow and it was very annoying to use. I was still able to play FH at the time, but after a few days all of a sudden it just stopped connecting and I was never able to connect to any 3D game ever since on this PC. (I eventually got rid of the virus, but even then FH or any other of my favorite 3D downloadable and online games like Dragon's Den or Lif wouldn't play) I tried allowing FH through my firewall, I ran many antivirus scans, and I even tried to search up this question I have online but I found no answers.

With the new update, I tried to reinstall Feralheart. I used the Websetup. I went on another one of my dad's PCs in my garage to see if it would work there, and it did. Feralheart installed and could play perfectly. I tried the same on my PC, and on the small black page with white text that pops up it said a lot of gibberish and [ERROR] at the bottom and it wouldn't even download. Something there caught my eye and I think it might be important, though. It said something like " failed: could not contact DNS servers." I hope someone here can finally answer this question I have had for over a year, please and thank you!

Also, sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, I have no idea how to use this forum :(

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Re: Could not play FeralHeart for over a YEAR
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 11:11:39 pm »
Hmm, it sounds like the majority of the problem may be coming from your computer. Even though you may have managed to get rid of the virus you had mentioned, there may be some components on your computer that are still being/or have been affected. If the problem persist, and considering you are having this issue with other video games as well, I would suggest calling up your computer's company and asking for some help. I would also suggest bringing your computer into a local repair shop if you have one around to see if they can further help you, but I do warn you that that may be an expensive endeavor.
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Re: Could not play FeralHeart for over a YEAR
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 11:17:13 pm »
It sounds like you had that shopperz virus ( I experienced this issue as well ).
If completely cleaning out your PC by reverting it back to its factory settings doesn't help, then I agree with Kynvuu with this on taking this to a professional / purchasing a new computer.

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