Author Topic: The New Update  (Read 1252 times)

Offline amythealpha

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The New Update
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:21:54 am »
I'm just wondering, how do you guys feel about the new update? I'm just gonna say this:

I have mixed opinions about it, and I think I always will. Though the new update is awesome and much-needed... I won't deny, even though I was on a hiatus from the game for a long while, FH was the first (and basically only) large MMORPG that I've ever played. I don't remember exactly how old I was, or when I downloaded the game, but I remember basically growing up with those old maps. When I didn't have people to RP with, I'd spend my time roaming the maps, seeing if I could find hidden things, and when I'd finally explored everything, I downloaded maps, and explored those two. I'd explore them, and make up stories in my mind. I'm pretty sure I'd memorized each and every single map. What kind of people hung out where, which place lead to what, where each portal was, and what everything looked like.

And now, even though I haven't finished exploring the map... I can tell, a lot has changed.

I won't lie, I'll miss the old maps. I used to be on FH basically 24/7 aside from basic things like school, sleep, other games, friends ect.

Now that everything's changed, I feel FH will never be the same again, and it breaks my heart to think that. When I was sad, I knew just where to go in FH. This may sound dramatic, but FH felt warm and welcoming. I knew every layout to the map, I knew where people hung out. It was my light when I had to escape the darkness of reality. It felt, sometimes, like I was the character. And FH was my other home when I needed to run. But now, I feel almost like a stranger in what used to be 'home'. I guess it's kinda my fault, since I took such a long hiatus from FH, but I feel like most of my old friends have moved on. I used to know so many things about the FH maps, so many old jokes, but now I feel like it's all changed. I'm sure I'll get used to the new maps, but I feel that I'll never forget the old maps.

Though it's nice to look back on how FH really, basically saved my life, maybe it is time for a new start? And this new start being these maps? I dunno... what do you guys think?
Oh jeez, uh, I haven't been online in forever. I joined in 2012 lmao, back in the old maps, forgive me for not knowing my way around.
My in-game username is FirecrackerTNT (previously known as amythealpha), but can also be found on lpslover. I used to also be found on the account Amythenightwatch, but I think the account was deleted??? oops lmao


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Re: The New Update
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 01:29:15 am »
I too miss the old maps. That will never change. I will always have fond memories of all of those old maps where I made all my friends and roleplayed. But this is just our chance to start new and fresh. To make new memories in a new place. Things will get better, you'll see. But there is nothing wrong with missing the old maps at all. ^^

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Re: The New Update
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2016, 01:32:42 am »
Just give it some time I'm sure you'll settle in nicely. The new changes can indeed be scary but you have to be brave enough to start adjusting.
Nothing wrong with missing the old maps and how FH used to run, but don't let it stop you from enjoying yourself with the new maps or finding some positive things from the new changes c:

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

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Re: The New Update
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2016, 01:38:50 am »
Many people, including myself, have mixed emotions about the update.
Yes, FeralHeart may or may not be the same again, but we must come together as a community and embrace it. After all, there may be no chance of KovuLKD ever spitting up the source code or coming back.
I believe it is a time for a new beginning. When this update came out, I felt the jitters I had 5 years ago as a little 10 year old, excited at the chance of exploring a whole new world with my own character.

This update was very much needed as this game was inching closer to becoming a corpse. Sure, the new maps will take some time to get used to and maneuver, but that's just like the first time we ever joined FeralHeart! It should be nostalgic, if anything.

I like to compare this new update to growing up. When you're younger and you live with your parents/guardians, everything is a routine, everything is set, everything is familiar to you, and everything is virtually the same. Then, you become an adult and you need to go off on your own. This means, beginning a whole new entire routine, doing something entirely different than from when you were younger. You may move and experience a different world than were you grew up. It's change, and it happens to everything -- even games like FeralHeart.

I'm sure the old IT (Impressive Title) people reacted the same way when they learned that there was going to be a replacement. Some thought of it as good and some people thought of it as bad. We all need to face the facts and realize that this game isn't going to last forever, so, as I said before, we need to embrace it together! There is no time to waste with complaining about old maps, it's a new beginning for us all. It's a step in the right direction.

`Wolfie A. Begley
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

Offline amythealpha

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Re: The New Update
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2016, 03:50:08 am »
Heh, you guys all have good points. I thank you, especially because I know you guys are completely right ^^" Yeah, it'll take time to get used to. However, I think I'm gonna do something a bit different. I think I'm gonna create a new character over the summer, and explore the maps /with/ that character. I think it'll be pretty neat, since neither me or the character will know exactly where they're going. I think this new character will be based off my first FH character (a character I don't remember very well, I deleted it a long time ago. I think it's name was Lilliana? It was a wolf originally, this time I think it'll be cat c'x ) I'll probably wait to explore the map until the summer. I want a chance to actually take in and explore the map, instead of rushing around in-between studying and such. ^^
Oh jeez, uh, I haven't been online in forever. I joined in 2012 lmao, back in the old maps, forgive me for not knowing my way around.
My in-game username is FirecrackerTNT (previously known as amythealpha), but can also be found on lpslover. I used to also be found on the account Amythenightwatch, but I think the account was deleted??? oops lmao