Author Topic: Why do you interact with whom?  (Read 1501 times)

Offline Bacchus

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Why do you interact with whom?
« on: August 27, 2017, 06:50:43 pm »

I've been thinking about this for a while now. I've seen multiple people whom have bee-lined straight for either my character or another character, while the others have to be dragged along to that certain character with the role-play since everyone is heading to them pretty much when interactions are just starting to begin.

1.) Why exactly do you head for a certain member whom's roleplaying to interact with them? Is it their bio, the aura the character presents, is it that their posts intrigue you,  if they are a higher rank or leader, or how physically good the character looks, or anything else?

2.) Have you ever been this character whom for some reason everyone wanted to interact with via roleplay?

Offline Yogurt204

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Re: Why do you interact with whom?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2017, 08:49:48 pm »
1.) Why exactly do you head for a certain member whom's roleplaying to interact with them? Is it their bio, the aura the character presents, is it that their posts intrigue you,  if they are a higher rank or leader, or how physically good the character looks, or anything else?

2.) Have you ever been this character whom for some reason everyone wanted to interact with via roleplay?

Personally, I do tend to have my characters interact with people I find similar to my own. Also, if I think they're a fun & friendly person OOC as well, then I tend to interact more with those people. I'll occasionally roleplay with the higher ranks, because it's always good to be friendly with the people running the group/roleplay, no? ;) But usually, it all depends on OOC personality & whether we get along swell or not.

I have been the character who everyone wanted to interact with for some reason before. But I'll admit... When I role-play a male character, I get a LOT more attention. Which is only fair, I suppose. I'd say the majority (not all, but a large part) of Feral-Heart is female. In turn, a lot of them end up making female characters to role-play, which means there are less male characters, & less chances of getting a role-play mate. I identify as a female IRL & thus, I tend to gear more towards role-playing female characters, although I do like to switch it up sometimes. But I notice when I role-play as a male, the straight female characters seem to flock towards me, ahaha. Not that that's bad. It's quite fun actually. but just something I noticed. ;D

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Re: Why do you interact with whom?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2017, 09:08:07 pm »
I feel like there's too many "whom's" in this post, ngl I got confused when I first read it.

Even though I don't Roleplay anymore I still find myself placing my characters into social groups that I feel like fit me and my characters personality. Take the Modoru Project and IGWT for example, I've always had problems talking in-game and find it easier to talk to people in a more private place, like a group chat or Discord group, the same goes for my character Everett, he's very secluded and doesn't go out looking for attention.

As for your second question, I don't think I have, the example above would explain why.
I don't talk enough to become 'popular' and make people want to roleplay with me, and even if they did I would most likely decline. My characters also tend to be sarcastic and rude to people who are energetic and hyper, and most people who ask to roleplay are that. (No one kill me for that, please, it's a joke) I only tend to roleplay with people via Skype and they'd have to be a pretty close friend.

Very interesting topic, though.

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Re: Why do you interact with whom?
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2017, 01:03:32 am »
I dont really head for anybody to interact cause nOBODY WAnts me

Offline ShadowMT13

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Re: Why do you interact with whom?
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2017, 11:26:54 pm »
Hmm, honestly I am pretty anti-social on the game as of late, because I feel like such a "noob" (-_-)", But speaking from experiences on other MMO games with character customization, to answer your first question when I do interact with some without them talking to me first it is usually because I think their avatar actually looks pretty cool or relatable if that makes any sense.

And to answer your second question most of the time in roleplay a lot of people interact with my character because usually my characters are vary intriguing and people want to know more about them through rp, or at least that is what they usually say when I ask them after the rp which it happened in.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 11:28:32 pm by ShadowMT13 »


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Re: Why do you interact with whom?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2017, 01:30:33 am »
Before I state my answers to the questions, I'd like to state that I haven't been roleplaying with a lot of people outside the group I run. I did a few years ago, but, I just wanted to state that because it has a big effect on my opinions. I guess what I'm trying to say is that "I haven't gotten outside," meaning other roleplays. But, within my group, I roleplay all the time!

1) I've never really thought about it too much. Honestly, I just rp with whoever is willing to roleplay with me. Though, designs and the amount of development a person has put into the character also has played a role as well. I  do avoid roleplaying with people if I notice that they tend to start drama OOC.

2) I have been the person who everyone has wanted to roleplay with. When my character in the group I run was Alpha, I' get swarmed a lot with people wanting to rp with me.

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Re: Why do you interact with whom?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2017, 01:55:15 am »
Oo, this is a very interesting topic o:
I wish I've seen this sooner. To answer your questions:

1. I don't usually head towards someone to roleplay with, it's usually the other way around. I will however, sometime whisper the owner and tell them how much I quite enjoy their character, whether it be because of the bio, how they act or even design, if it's interesting to me, I will let them know ( sometimes , Lol ).

2. To be honest, whenever I'm in a group, people would tend to waddle over to me and ask about my character ( especially my bloodling, N y.
 Some were curious as to what it was, ask to rp so they can see and we would all have a fun time despite us being in different groups. Lol. I mostly rp on Skype though and maybe I'll rp more in-game.. But that's usually what happens whenever I be on a specific character c:

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