Author Topic: ✨BEYOND ENCHANTED LIGHTS✨  (Read 2071 times)

Offline Corrupted

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« on: November 12, 2018, 05:37:42 am »

Follow us through the enchanted paths of Prynovia...

BEYOND ENCHANTED LIGHTS: The roaring winds flowing in the air, and the ocean waves crashing together through their own war. The trees dancing to their own beat whilst the birds sing their melodies. You could feel the magic energy flowing gently around as she spread her beauty afar. She is the fairytales and myths you were told as a child; with even the supposed non-existent ground walkers, water swimmers, and sky flyers discovering her every corner. This is PRYNOVIA, and we are Beyond Enchanted lights- a semi-literate, semi-realistic, mapped role-play based in the magic and fantasy genres. Interested in joining? Great! Prynovia would love to see new voyagers. Follow us and allow us to show you the magic of our world...

❂Privately Mapped (Map Pack)
❂All literacy
❂5 Guilds (Redstone, Waterstep, Silverkeep, Greenwood, and Kingswatch)
❂Feline based
❂Heavily Plotted

Beyond Enchanted Lights is currently a WIP, and has been since August 9th, 2018. It is a massive project that will have its own monetary systems, lores, plots, ceremonies, personal site layout, map pack, and much, much more. Because of this, we do not currently have an open date but we are working our fluffbutts off to get things finished. If you are interested in joining, we would love for you to join our Discord server for further updates, and to help you get to know us a little bit better. Even those who are only interested are free to join, as we do also have a Guest rank. You do not have to be a member of BEL to introduce yourself to us.
For those interested, our Discord server is:
See you there!

WARNING: Heavy writing...

Long before our bodies were of the cat form, we were human. A species which; although not the largest of all; was capable of many, many things. To the harsh screams of war, and the knowledge of crafting the most magnificent tools, we knew too much for our own good. Proof you say? Okay. But why don’t you take a seat; get comfortable, and allow me to tell you a story from our past. A story of greed for power, and more magic than any of our current witches at that time could ever imagine...
Earth as we know it has always been at a peculiar angle - a habitable marble in which we travel at billions of miles through the unknown in only a second. Upon this speck of lands and seas, live many creatures that live in the harmony and in respect of the balance of life and death. The eternal question all creatures upon this Earth ask themselves, however; Are we alone in the Universe?
The answer is; we're not alone. In the vast expanse of the Universe dwells another planet, brimming with life both alike and unlike our own in many more ways than just one alone. Within its trees that touch the clouds and the sea that seems to sing to the land, magic is intertwined into the seams of every living thing. To mere mortals, the planet is almost enchanting - dreamlike in every manner. This was her gift to the Universe. To the inhabitants, the planet was graced with the name Prynovia from the dawn of time. Within her seas swam mermaids, and within her forests the elves made their homes within the tallest trees. In the plains ran centaurs, and in the skies flew great dragons.
Although her surfaces cracked over time and became touched and tainted by man and beast alike, her name reigned on, carrying the grace and beauty of legend.

Even though this is true, there was one day in particular that almost brought the legend to an end. The story I’m about to tell you, is about a man. A man so greedy and hungry for power, he would do whatever it took to obtain it. His name was Vynir; although no-one dare speaks his name in present day. The lifegiver is a potion which allows any living thing eternal life, and an extended amount of magic making it almost impossible to defeat. The only way someone could obtain this object is for someone to receive the blood of the highest dragon bloodline; the royals of all royals, and bloodline of the dragon king. This, my dear friend, is how Vynir earned his name of the Cursed Soul.
Known for his love for potions, Vynir travelled across each part of the globe, discovering more and more as his journey ventured on. Though as his eyes wandered towards The Lifegiver, he fell immediately in-love with the possibilities; and his personality changed completely. Even though he didn’t have the resources to make the Potion, he had a friend that did, and Finn was his name.

Finn belonged to Waterstep; a village and guild made up mostly of pirates; studying in mainly Potions. He was well known for his Potion casting, and often had visitors from Kingswatch themselves. With his knowledge of Potion, it was a shock to find that Finn did not know anything about The Lifegiver. Its ingredients, outcome, and even its existence were not known of by many people. Curious to find out, Finn agreed to making it for him, as long as he collected the ingredients’ for it.
Agreeing, Vynir collected his belongings together. His rucksack on his back, and his spear in his hand, he travelled to Dragon’s Lair. Hiking his way through the tallest mountain, and whacking the thick roots of the forests out of his path, he could feel the temperature increasing in heat. He knew he was a close to the dragons den, and with every inch he got closer, the more excited he became. Knowing the Lifegiver would soon be his, and he could soon become the most powerful Warlock known the man; eternal life right at his door step made everything even more worthwhile. Halting, he couldn’t believe his eyes. A sudden spark hit his vision as the tail of the sleeping dragon lashed around; curling its way around the lengthy, heavily built body. Creeping his way up slowly towards the centre if the dragons chest, Vynir lifted his arm up, gripping the spear with all the might he had. Suddenly, splashes of blood gushing upwards towards him making him quiver with fear. Quickly, Vynir snapped back into reality, racing to get to his bottle open. Pouring as much of it as he could into it, he knew that he would have to get out of there; and soon. Running towards the exit of the cave, he’d tackle the rock up the steep mountain; suddenly caught off guard by a loud, deafening screech of sorrow.
Knowing he’d needed to get out of there, Vynir tackled his way back through the forest, through the mountains, and following the ocean path; the loud shrieks getting closer by the second. As the scent of burnt wood wandered through his nostrils, his eyes would widen, knowing why the dragons hadn’t caught him sooner. Attempting to catch his breath through the thick smoke, he’d stagger his way towards the cauldron; giving Finn the missing ingredient. Pouring the mysterious red liquid into the black enchanted bowl, he’d say the words to cast the Potion.

Snapping into a realisation, Finn’s pupils dilated; somehow becoming afraid of the liquid that he’d collected. Soon holding The Lifegiver in his own hands, it was too late to go back. However, Finn would turn towards Vynir, questioning him on what he had added. Coming clean, he admitted that it was in-fact the blood of the Dragon Heir, and he alone was the reason the dragons had struck disaster and pain upon the villages.
Turning towards the door, Finn knew that the only way to save them from more havoc was to give back the heirs blood; so the dragon king- Fladmirez; could finalise their passing ceremony. Calling for the dragon, he’d reach his hand in the air with the bottle; begging for forgiveness. Angered by their wrong-doing, Fladmirez would make a deal. If Finn told him where the murderer was, he would keep the potion as thanks; and quite obviously; knowing how his friend had betrayed him; he told him exactly that.

Whisking away towards the traitor, Fladmirez dealt with him almost immediately; making sure no traces of him were to be found. Though, this wasn’t the end. In fact this was only the beginning. Still angered at the witches and warlocks for their betrayal, the dragon king would curse the kingdom; a lifetime in a cat’s body would be their punishment.
As the dragons flew back to their homeland, overtime, Finn became known as King of Prynovia; for saving them all from what could have been the ending of the legend herself.
And this, my dear friend, is the story of how Beyond Enchanted lights became...


A moonlit kissed road wandered
By many broken paws
Twisted by the souls of few
Who dare not speak the cause

A realm of magic, of wonder
Created from dystopia
This endless expanding beauty
The realm of Prynovia

Keeps and kingdoms created
Where once unclaimed land stood
Kingswatch, Waterstep, Redstone
And Silverkeep by Greenwood
Those of Waterstep were joyful,
Harnessing the elements of the lake
Half the time spent fishing
So many potions to make

The next to be is Redstone
With embers thick as rage
Mining needs did take hold
Dark Magic would be their cage

Greenwood brought about life
Earth manipulated with thought
With a focus on natural farming
Charms is what they sought

On the breeze lies Silverkeep
Riches ringing with the bells
To breathe and float amongst the air
A keen eye for making spells

Kingswatch may be the last
But its stature is quite grand
A mix of all things spoken
Where the king and future stands

A moonlit path before you
A void like canvas painted sky
Does the magic surge in your veins
Are you called by its lullaby


King/Queen: King Fytch + N/A
High Council: 0/5

Being the main focus of Prynovia, this is where the rulers if Prynovia reside. Kingswatch circulates around all types of elements; especially the king and heir to its throne. Being one of the most important corners or Prynovia- Kingswatch is certain rich with historic landscapes. (WIP)

Captain: N/A
Quartermaster: N/A

Filled with drunken pirate cats and nerds on potions, Waterstep resides more in the depths of the water; whether this be the rivers or oceans of Prynovia. With their territory being so close to watery areas, only enhances their ability to use the water element when it comes to magic.  In addition to this, these drunken pirate cats also pride themselves with the beautiful things that surround them e.g. shells, pebbles, and fish scales; sometimes even collecting them for decorations. (WIP)

Chief: N/A
Half-moon: N/A

Rich in herbs and spices, Greenwood describes itself in its own name. From the tallest trees to the tiniest grains of soil; it is truly a magnificent place. Its knowledge heavily based around charms, it shares its very own with the wilderness. Here, you’ll find mostly witches who possess the earth element when it comes to magic; helping them with their day to day duties and love for growth.(WIP)

Overseer: N/A
Henchman: N/A

Redstone is one of Prynovia’s 5 guilds. It is home to most of those who contain the fire element, and is located in the tallest mountains. Although naturally its territory is dark, Redstone lights fire around its nature to lights its mysterious paths. With the guild being located in the mountains, its countless mines and caves are surely something to explore.
The darkness of its atmosphere definitely describes the personality of those who live there- mysterious and fiery. Truly not a guild to mess with. (WIP)

Eagle: N/A
Hawk: N/A

From its floating islands, to its fluttering air creatures; Silverkeep has got to be one of the most mystical places of all. Focusing more around the air element, this guilds love and passion mainly revolve around Prynovia's winds and cool breeze. Mainly knowledgeable on spells, it sure does cast its own spell to achieve its very own beauty. (WIP)

Something people must know before joining is that BEL is still under a lot of construction, and does not yet have an open date. This means that things may change during the process of us preparing. One of the things under construction is our private map pack. We are currently residing to Discord RP with a mixture of mapless RP now and again as a group.

Here are some screenshots of what we have of our maps so far...

WARNING: Heavy imagery...

more to come...


Need help with something BEL related? Here are our staff. Feel free to contact us in-game or on our BEL server!

Corrupted –  Founder
Frenchfries271  - Admin
Homunculus -  Admin
Dogness - Admin

Echotune  - Mod
Snowflake2002 - Mod
Kitzat - Mod
Fruitloop - Mod


Wanting to know further detailed information on us? Visit here:
Website: [WIP]

You do not have to be a member of BEL to join our Discord. You just have to be simply curious.
Discord: [COMPLETE]

Want to see some of our group art? Visit here:
DeviantArt Group:

Recruiter's username: BEL-Recruiter

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 04:41:43 pm by Corrupted »

Offline Kahbloom

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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2018, 06:01:04 am »
This layout is GORGEOUS.
I find it so lovely that you included little descriptions for each part, as well!

Very interested in this concept! :)
Please say hello if you see me in-game!

Offline Corrupted

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« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2018, 12:53:15 pm »

Offline Grynn

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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2018, 06:41:19 am »
Really like the concept and the maps are gorgeous keep up the good work

Offline Carriwitchet

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« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2018, 12:19:45 am »
Ahhhh, this is so beautiful. <3
I can tell you've put a lot of effort into seeing this project through.

Offline rosebudpatches

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« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2018, 09:51:48 pm »
This looks amazing! I can't seem to get the discord link to work tho
Profile Pic by Cat_named_Rin on Instagram

Offline Corrupted

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« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2018, 11:04:02 pm »
Ahhhh, this is so beautiful. <3
I can tell you've put a lot of effort into seeing this project through.

Awee, thank you ^^

Offline Corrupted

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« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2018, 11:05:27 pm »
This looks amazing! I can't seem to get the discord link to work tho

Ooof, that's not good. It should be working now, if not, let me know again ;o;
Either that or you can add my Discord user Mysti#1899 and I'll send you the invite that way, if you're still interested ^^