where's the new link for the latest patch? i'm really sad about the game crashing!
Thread regarding log in issue. There is no new latest patch. Our server master is working to fix the issue, so please be patient until then. So sorry about this glitch! do you guys know when the game will be ok?
Thread regarding log in issue. Unfortunately we don't know exactly when this issue will be resolved. We will let you guys know when the game is up and running again =) do you know me on feral heart?
I do! I remember your username~
have you ever seen me?
Yup! I've seen you in-game a lot.
how do you get your "floof-o-meter up?
Generally when someone likes what another has posted, say about a piece of art, a preset they did, or if they agree or like what someone has said or done, then they just might nuzzle them and give them one floof to their meter. However don't expect someone to give you a floof just because you posted something. Floofs are earned over time. So basically, to give you an example, because you decided to take the time to ask me some questions, I think that was sweet of you so I'll give you a floof =)