I don't know, if this is a big problem or not, but for me it's kinda stressing me out.
So I'm having presets (11 out of 12 folders are used) and it appears that when I want to put tufts on my characters it takes the mane color and not the body color, even though I want to put tufts not mane tufts. It just bugs me out.
The other thing is again about the presets, but it's about preset sync. So I'm installing preset sync. Everything's fine, I did everything right, but when I want to login it says to download the latest patch of the game, which makes me a bit sad, because that means I can't really see the new presets people made or something (Idk maybe the preset sync is added into the game, instead to download it separately, but I doubt about it, cause nowhere in the official update news was pointing that).
Also sorry for my language mistakes, English is not my first language as you can see TT---TT