Author Topic: im auggie (WheresMyWater bio)  (Read 1657 times)

Offline WheresMyWater

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im auggie (WheresMyWater bio)
« on: July 20, 2019, 01:56:48 am »
old to both the forum and the game, but left for almost 4+ years - so.........hi again! just felt like doing this 2 kill time and for a little bit of fun

previous history
im an fh vet (joining back in 2010), learning abt it thru ipredator, and was pretty much hooked instantly and played near daily for a good few years up until i learned the forums existed and was pretty active back and forth (mostly hosting a variety of role-plays, primarily warrior cats) and was like that 4 a good while as well! unfortunately my interest in the game started degrading around late 2014 - mid 2015 and eventually dropped aside from a few times popping in sporadically til recently. ive picked it back up mostly due to updates and, same sake 4 creating the post, 2 kill time haha

i wont say my previous user due to it being extraordinarily embarrassing haha but im sure u culd probably pick out who i was if u looked hard enough

about me
so as u culd read from the title my name is auggie but u can call me augustus, august, gus, etc., or really any other nickname ud really like - im pretty relaxed w w/e and i like little nicknames! but auggie is my main name and its the most ull hear ppl call me

im 19, though ill b 20 here in february (on the 22nd), and still cant really believe im still wholeheartedly attached to this (and many others) game after 10 whole years. i use he/xe/they pronouns and i dont tolerate truscum/transmeds or other transphobes whatsoever

my personality can b trimmed down to minecraft, the red dead series, and loving my boyfriend. im mentally ill + neurodivergent and tend 2 b very skittish or have "weird" / "over emotional" reactions 2 some things, but it doesnt mean im not friendly!! i love making new friends and i love meeting new ppl despite my MI

i can normally be found semi on my fursona wyn in the grounds (if i dont respond im probably talking over on discord 2 my friends so ull have 2 give me a moment!) im always willing 4 light/silly conversation so dont b afraid to say hi (:!

im a part- to full-time freelance artist (all my links will be posted below if u wanna check me out haha) and a hobbyist w preset-making and html / c# coding (extensive html knowledge but VERY basic c# knowledge). ive been drawing since i was around 10 and feralheart was one of those things that helped push me towards that area of creativity; preset making and c# coding have been a more recent thing (my most recent preset, i dont have any active c# examples yet) while html coding has been a love-hate relationship since i was 10-12 and have picked it up a little more (example of one of my pure html codes)

i own 5 pets (4 cats, 1 snake) and i love them very much!! my cats are (in order oldest to youngest) spaz, dante, nitro, griffon and my snake is maize (hes a corn snake but i didnt name him)! i love seeing other ppls pets but i am personally much more of a cat person than anything!!! my future dream pets would b to own a few chickens and a ball python (:!!

social media / other links
before i list off MY social media, id like to shout out 2 my boyfriend!! hes an amazing, talented artist who deserves more love than he gets
- his deviantart
- his twitter
- his toyhouse
and his commissions journal for u to save when he opens up (:!!

and now my links and everything else!
- deviantart
- twitter
- tumblr
- toyhouse
- furaffinity
and my website / commission information! im currently open for commissions as well so feel free to check them out (:!!!