1. - I'd have to say... Kibou Ridge (from the new collection of maps) and Sky's Rim and Fluorite Plains from the old maps.
But honestly, I liked a lot of the older maps, from 'young' FeralHeart; Ficho Tunnel and Bonfire Island was very fun too, and Ascension Island was super challenging and fun when I had nothing to do.
XD I'd even race with my friends up to the top, until one of us lags... and falls.
2. - Many. I like many. Tiramisu is one of them.
3. - Well... as long as they jump far away from me. Not near. Nope. X'D
4. - I'd choose Thailand or Costa Rica. Both are very warm countries, they're tropical and full of exotic food and fruit. Not to mention the wildlife and gorgeous nature. It's simply beautiful and full of adventures. x3
And the food... the food is so good... mhmm (XD)