I haven't been on here in a long while, but I think I should put in two cents worth to this conversation, because it can be very sour or very positive depending on how you look at it.
I've always been a firm believer that Raz does as he wants because he thinks it could benefit things long-term. However, some projects, ideas, and other things he can be very tired of very fast, and I do assume he loses interest over time. While I could only assume that Feral Heart is one of them, I also like to think he's always thought about ways to improve the game for the betterment of the game. The reason I know this, is because I, like Scally, Sura, etc, worked alongside him and heard his ideas.
His methods are questionable, but a lot of hesitation and the way he does things comes from a lack of trust. Raz lacks a firm trust in anyone, which is why I think a lot of the time staff are required to run things by him in hopes of accomplishing things. While this can be good to make sure the game is going in a good direction, it can also affect staff performance and overall community interaction. Raz has never been a bad dude, he's human like the rest of us. He just lacks trust, which isn't exactly excusable for being negligent, but it is an understandable thing if he hesitates. I do hope that in some time soon, things get fixed.
Just be thankful for what you have right now, because honestly? We all could've lost this game a few months back. You don't have to praise anyone, but be appreciative for what you have right now and don't jump the gun to come to poor conclusions. Who knows? Maybe things will change for the better. Being negative doesn't always have it's benefits.