Author Topic: Raz you need to resign.  (Read 21025 times)

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2020, 04:07:58 pm »
I think this thread is becoming too negative.
This thread was negative at the start

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2020, 07:02:02 pm »
Listen to the devs, people who worked alongside him. Those who are standing up for Raz without knowing him are just boot lickers, you’re not going to be a mod anytime soon so don’t waste your time


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2020, 07:13:57 pm »
Listen to the devs, people who worked alongside him. Those who are standing up for Raz without knowing him are just boot lickers, you’re not going to be a mod anytime soon so don’t waste your time

Actually, there are quite a few who do like Raz ~ Devs/Staff included. I do believe that also judging negatively without knowing him is also not quite a good thing either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2020, 07:53:51 pm »
I came back with a sliver of hope that the game could potentially improve; experience from the few months I have been here - from my perspective, the community is a tenth the size it used to be and those who are left are increasingly distant from each other; there are other qualms I have with the current state of things, but they are aside the point - and looking over a few threads have extinguished that. Color me disappointed and not at all surprised (I didn't come back particularly optimistic in the first place).

If I could give an estimate to how long I expect the game to last from here, I'm expecting the the average number of users online to go into single digits into November - whether or not this would be accompanied by the game shutting down, this would translate to FeralHeart's death in my book. Optimistically, I'll give it until the game's tenth anniversary.

Maybe I'm biased as a jaded 2012-2013 player, I don't know.
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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2020, 08:35:44 pm »
FH is dead, anyhow... "a festering corpse of a fallen beast with no hope of resurrection".

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2020, 08:56:19 pm »
There definitely needs to be a change in the way things are handled. Raz is of course human just like every one of us, so for all we know things on his end could be so hectic to the point where he can't dedicate time to sit at home and deal with what needs to be done with FeralHeart the way they really should be dealt with. He has a life and other responsibilities to deal with, just as we all do. Not everyone can stay at a computer and sit with an animal-based roleplaying game all their life and magically have their personal lives be merry and work in tandem with their time spent with FeralHeart. But of course we don't fully know what's going on for him.

In the past and even in recent times, Raz has always intervened when things got too messy, just as Sura said in her post back on the first page of this thread. For me I feel he does still care, because if he truly didn't, why would he still have FeralHeart running in it's current state? Of course everyone's free to feel what they want, and again we all don't know what's truly going on in that head of his.

I agree with Sura on her words of;

I don’t think it’s as much of an issue about Raz needing to be around to provide the staff/devs with guidance. We don’t need guidance, what we need is perhaps more trust and liberty to do the things we see fit when and how we want to. Staff & devs aren’t blind without Raz’s guidance, in fact if we didn’t need to rely so much on his approval for things there wouldn’t be a need for guidance. The guidance issue only becomes a thing when Raz sets up projects that he wants done if he doesn’t tell us exactly how HE wants HIS projects done.

Along with the rest of what was said in her post.

All in all, personally I'm just glad FeralHeart is still here. This place is very dear to just about everyone who sets foot in this place, even if they're not here with us anymore and have moved on with their lives. I still hold out hope for this small little game.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2020, 09:32:19 pm »
I definitely don't believe FH will ever die soon. I don't even believe it will grow even bigger than it was, either. Just like many games, it's popular for the first few years but dies out. I don't think it's the update, personally. Yes, we all miss those sweet ol' maps..But, I don't think that's the problem. It's just change, that's what I believe. A lot of members back then are now grown up and have lives. New people are arriving not knowing what it was like back then. Nobody ever really comes on anymore. Nobody really goes to all the maps. It's not the same as it was. On the other note, I do think discord has also taken over a bit. Discord has allowed many members to roleplay in the app rather than FH itself.  I think it's incredible but also saddening to see these beautiful roleplays take place inside of a chatroom(Don't know what to call it). Feralheart is a beautiful game and will continue to move on but it won't become bigger than it was. It will just keep going, and changing. Good or bad.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2020, 10:33:08 pm »
This will be the last thing then I'll hang up my hat.

Yes, perhaps this didn’t start with the best intentions going in. But I really sincerely hope things can still remain moderate and we don’t stoop to a lower level.
 But it is without saying, the elephant in the room couldn't go under-addressed any longer. I agree with AlphaEclipse in saying that Feral Heart is stuck in 2012 and what I worry for is the inability to adapt to the changing times. This isn't at all toward Staff because I know they're trying hard and they stick around for the community sake. They want change and they do in fact care about the community's opinion of things. It's a matter of they can't act on it because they aren't trusted enough to be able to take that initiative. If it were up to them, things would be different. And I’m really not trying to point fingers and say “Raz Bad”, because it’s a lot deeper than that. But I think the responses in this thread have summed it up very well.
And I have a feeling that no matter how sensibly I try and sound it out, it will be misinterpreted as  “Opinion Bad = Person Bad” rhetoric.

 But in the bigger picture, it isn't 2012 anymore. Things have vastly changed since then, and while I've tried to keep an optimist mindset and reserve hope for Feral Heart's future, it's so hard to keep up when the reality of the situation is glaring at you in the face. And I know I'm certainly not alone in thinking this and having concern for the direction things could be steered in.
While yes there's people registering on the daily, how long do they stick around?
I’d argue that the main population on Feral Heart are basically old players. I don’t see a lot of new people hanging around for a long time, on the forum here too. There are different reasons, FH perhaps hasn’t aged as well as other games, the big community blowouts drive people away, people may appear too cliquey and not-so inclusive of new players, there isn’t much going on in-game these days which creates lack of interest and just generally a big generational divide between old players and new players. This is a myriad of reasons for people not sticking around. It depends on person to person, but these are the common ones I’ve heard.

 While it’s okay if you’re already fine with how things are, that’s fine too, I don’t want to change your mind but at least consider where some of these concerns from other players are coming from. Brushing them off as just ‘negativity’ only does so much. I’m happy some here have at least considered it, even if they don’t inherently agree. Your consideration is at least some effort to try and understand and I appreciate it greatly.
I may be wrong, Feral Heart may have a chance or it may not. I can't know that for sure.
But, consider at least that the community is in a place of confusion and wait.
I can’t say if and when FH will shut down. I don’t know what the future holds and anything is bound to happen. These are just my thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2020, 11:50:08 pm »
raz is a questionable leader.
but the servers are all still up.
all of the staff i feel have things they should be more honest about and there are some i believe should resign.
but they still do their taxing job for no pay.
both the team and admin deserve scrutiny. comes with the job.
but that comes at the price of us responding as responsible playerbase who are willing to not just start screaming and belittling actions done that we have no context to.
it's not black and white. but i can't say that because it still makes me a bootlicker, ig.
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well maybe it's about time!
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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2020, 02:38:14 am »
I haven't been on here in a long while, but I think I should put in two cents worth to this conversation, because it can be very sour or very positive depending on how you look at it.

I've always been a firm believer that Raz does as he wants because he thinks it could benefit things long-term. However, some projects, ideas, and other things he can be very tired of very fast, and I do assume he loses interest over time. While I could only assume that Feral Heart is one of them, I also like to think he's always thought about ways to improve the game for the betterment of the game. The reason I know this, is because I, like Scally, Sura, etc, worked alongside him and heard his ideas.

His methods are questionable, but a lot of hesitation and the way he does things comes from a lack of trust. Raz lacks a firm trust in anyone, which is why I think a lot of the time staff are required to run things by him in hopes of accomplishing things. While this can be good to make sure the game is going in a good direction, it can also affect staff performance and overall community interaction. Raz has never been a bad dude, he's human like the rest of us. He just lacks trust, which isn't exactly excusable for being negligent, but it is an understandable thing if he hesitates. I do hope that in some time soon, things get fixed.

Just be thankful for what you have right now, because honestly? We all could've lost this game a few months back. You don't have to praise anyone, but be appreciative for what you have right now and don't jump the gun to come to poor conclusions. Who knows? Maybe things will change for the better. Being negative doesn't always have it's benefits.