Author Topic: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Updated News & Rules  (Read 53349 times)

Offline Thestoneofdoom

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2011, 04:19:15 pm »
Full Name: Tsurara
Nickname(s): Tsu, Ra, Rara, anything really.
Age: 5 years, 8 months.
Gender: Male
Rank: Despite his personality, He'd be a good spy or something having to deal with agility and speed.
Species: Dog.
Breed: He is a mutt. He has Kai ken, Sighthound and Saluki bloodlines.
Personality: Tsu comes off as very depressing, he is almost always sad and always has his head hung low. In battle, he is a fierce opponent, he still remains in his 'depression' yet he tends to be one of the speedier and more agile of the soldiers. If he is snapped from his depression in battle, it simply means hes serious and hes much more dangerous.
History: Tsu was born in Virginia, his parent's owners however, traveled to Japan when he was a few months old. They lived rather close to Ohu.. When his parents and siblings went outside for the first time, his parents were attacked by a group of dogs that had been traveling to most likely challenge the Ohu dogs. They were mistaken for Ohu soldiers and killed. Tsu and two of his siblings ran during the fight, and his last two siblings were killed when they were too frightened to move. Tsu saw the death of his siblings, and while he wished to run out and try to fight the dogs himself, he knew he'd simply be killed. The small trio wandered their way back to their owner's house, who welcomed them with worried faces. Eventually, as they grew, Tsu's two siblings left with new owners, and Tsu himself stayed. At a year and a half, Tsu decided to flee from his owners place and discover a new way to live..To be free, wild..Since then, hes been traveling.
Roleplay Sample: The time was now...Now...NOW! The black-spotted dog bursted from cover, birds flew up in a flurry of multiple shades of browns, feathers glided down from their fluttering wings as they scattered into the sky. A loud 'click' of teeth meeting air brought Tsu down from his leap. He'd missed. Shaking his head, his black folded ears flapping as he did, he stared as the birds flew away. Hungrily, the gray, black-spotted dog flopped onto his rump and sighed. His pale blue eyes closed partially, squeezing back the tears he knew that humans could cry, but never a dog. He grunted and stood. His hunt would go on, no matter what he felt like, he had to live afterall.

(this is a horrid roleplay post from me, but I have to run to the store so I can't finish or pretty it up..x.x")

the cub

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #51 on: July 18, 2011, 04:31:25 pm »
Full Name: Jasmine
Nickname(s): Jas
Age: 1
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior (fighter)
Species: Dog
Breed: Husky
Personality: Jasmine is very sweet. Her ambition: serving her alphas. She may act lonly at times but will never leave her pack. She also may wonder out on her own. Also she can be very aggersive (if you get on her bad side). And she could be your best friend.
History: Jasmine did what most pups do when they are young: playing with her sibblings and staying near her mother, but all that changed. When she used to live with the humans they took her away from her mother and that made her furious, but she couldn't do anything because she was so young.
She was sold to a household of crule humans. There she learned just how dangerous humans and herself can be. When she was 8 months she ran away from home and never went back.
Roleplay Sample: Jasmine was walking though the forest carefully, her ears pricked. She heard something moving in the brush. She stoped and looked around, then she saw a wolf charging toward her. She blinked and the wolf had the little husky pinned. She used all her power and kicked his stomake and jumped back startled by her power. She took her chance and bit his leg and bit to the bone. He through her off and griped the back of her neck and through her again. She stuggled to her legs quickly. She knew the wolf had to die. She ran and bit his thoat, and sunk her teeth deeper and deeper till the wolf fell. She let him go knowing it was only a matter of time till he died.
Go to: C:\FeralHeart\screenshots\screenshot_07192011_092031027.png   For picture
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 01:43:57 pm by Gabrielle »

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #52 on: July 18, 2011, 04:34:13 pm »
@Suo: Sounds good to me, Suo!
When it's ready to go, just post the link here and I'll have it up on the front page in a jiffy~

@Thestoneofdoom: I thought it was a good roleplay post. c:
You are accepted -- welcome to Dogs of Japan.
I'll add your character once you get an image of him.
Lastly, add WDoJ to the name of your character so we can identify your rank and acceptance into the pack.

@Gabrielle: If you could add some bulk to the personality section of your app, I'll accept you.
But until then, I can't. Try adding at least two or three more sentences, if you would.
Lastly, you'll need an image of your character. c:
Other than that, I think you're fine.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 04:37:16 pm by Infernal »

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #53 on: July 18, 2011, 04:39:26 pm »
(Sorry for the caps.)

If you send a request to join DoJ in game, but you do not have W/PLDoJ at the end of your name, I will not accept you.
You must, keyword: MUST, have the acronym at the end of your name before I can accept you in-game.


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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2011, 05:03:40 pm »

it's a bit plain, but as I said, i'm not a map master. XD

everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! goes in the exports folder.
To unzip the file, you're going to need a program such as jzip-- it's free and I recommend it. To extract the files, go to the folder you saved the file in, right click, then click "Open with... jZip" and Extract the files into the FeralHeart exports folder.

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #55 on: July 18, 2011, 05:04:17 pm »
Cool cant wait to roleplay with everyone, and welcome to DoJ Tsurara
 and Jasmine :)

Offline Tutyr

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #56 on: July 18, 2011, 05:23:15 pm »
Aaaww yeah.
Map time.
I'll be adding it to the front page as soon as I download it.


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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- WIP (Pre-join)
« Reply #57 on: July 18, 2011, 06:47:47 pm »

Full Name: Kaito Ken
Nickname(s): Kaito, Kenshi, Ken (He prefers Kaito or Ken, Kenshi is a name I made up)
Age: 2
Gender: Male
Rank: Warrior [spy]
Species: Dog
Breed: Akita Inu/German Shepherd
Personality: For dogs who don't know him well, he's a bully, and it seems he likes to pick on dogs. But once you get to know him, he's a big ball (sometimes bossy or annoying) of fun. He's a faithful friend too. But most of the time he's aggressive and he takes care of the pack. He won't like it when someone in the pack gets hurt or is killed by something. He's a great guard dog, but he prefers to spy because that's what he likes to do best.
History: Kaito's mother was a akita inu named Ayame Asami. His father was a german shepherd named Fumiko. They fell in love and they had pups. There were 4 pups, Saki Hikari, Hibiki, Hiromi, and last but not least, Kaito Ken. They started a small 'pack', but it was their family pack. But a year later, Fumiko died getting shot by a human. It was just Ayame, Saki Hikari, Hibiki, Hiromi and Kaito. Later, Hibiki and Hiromi died of the cold because they lived in the forest. Now it was left with Ayame, Saki and Kaito. Since Saki and Kaito were one year olds, they could go look for some easy food to feed themselves and their mother. When they both just turned 2, Ayame died of old age. Saki lived, but she is nowhere to be found. Kaito wandered the forests and joined Hoshi's pack. Sometimes Kaito wished Saki would've listened to him so she could be in Hoshi's pack.
Roleplay Sample: Owls hooted in the darkness of the forest. Birds stopped their cheerful twittering. Bat wings flapped. The moon looked peaceful in the lake. "Kaito." a male's voice said in a clear voice. Kaito Ken was sitting on a edge of a mountain. "Yes, leader?" Kaito Ken said, looking at the moon, but not looking at Hoshi who was behind him. "Go on. It's time for you to look around the territory." Kaito's ears perked and twitched. "Ok." Kaito said, turning around. Kaito turned around, his tail flicking slightly, and he started running towards the lake. His first place to search and spy around, was near the lake and the mountains. The lake was cleared. No dogs or intruders there. Now it was the time to go to the mountains and rocks.
(Sorry it took so long to write this.)
Also here are some of Kaito's themes:
Wolf's Rain - Tsume no Suna
When he's angry or for dogs who don't know him
Wolf's Rain - Pilgrim Snow
Kaito being nice
[Muse] Hyper Chondriac Music
What you might expect when Kaito is spying
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 10:03:17 pm by ~*~Crystal~*~ »

Offline Thestoneofdoom

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Map Complete!
« Reply #58 on: July 18, 2011, 06:58:12 pm »

@Thestoneofdoom: I thought it was a good roleplay post. c:
You are accepted -- welcome to Dogs of Japan.
I'll add your character once you get an image of him.
Lastly, add WDoJ to the name of your character so we can identify your rank and acceptance into the pack.

Here are some!

Pick whichever you like better. :3

I told you I had proof, Ilia!

Offline Wolfrie

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Re: Dogs of Japan -- Lit+ All Canine Roleplay -- Map Complete!
« Reply #59 on: July 18, 2011, 07:11:43 pm »
*bites everybody* THATS IT IM LEAVING THE FORUM.

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