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Messages - ComatoseKatie

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Site/Forum Help / Registration?
« on: December 11, 2016, 06:37:57 am »
Everyone keeps saying Registration is closed until the forum is finished being updated but someone new signed up in October called VanDracula? I was just wondering how, or if it was a test account for the new registration or something? Cause I know Registration's been closed since like June and that wasn't the name of the last person to sign up before closing registration. So I was just wondering.

Game Help / Re: Sound Problems
« on: December 03, 2016, 10:57:05 pm »
ah, I decided to just reinstall the whole thing since the Mysounds objects were not working either, but thank you both so much!

Game Help / Sound Problems (SOLVED can be locked now)
« on: December 03, 2016, 10:27:00 pm »
Really quick, sorry if this has been answered somewhere where I can easily find it I just figured I'd make a topic.

I opened up FH today to mess around in map maker for fun and I always had my music and stuff turned off in the settings so I turned it back on but effects sounds won't play like at all. Like if I hit a button (for example the login button) no sound will play. And yea I have my sound settings to default now but no sounds play, all I hear is the music. And if I turn off just the music and leave effects and GUI at 1 I still don't hear any effects its just empty quiet and I have no clue how to fix it or what happened since I haven't done a single thing with FH in forever.

Forum Discussion / We need to revive the forum
« on: August 29, 2016, 09:22:48 am »
Okay look, lets face it the Forum is dying. I know Raz and everyone is updating the forum to look pretty, but looking pretty isn't enough. There's barely any community here anymore, at any given time I can get on the forum and see the same few people on and only those few people. I know registration is closed right now while they fix it but even before the randomly opening registration didn't help the game since no one knew when it would open and you basically had to get lucky. And yes I know the game server couldn't handle so many people joining and thats why registration was like that, I understand. But the forum NEEDS members now, its empty. Just look at the roleplay boards, they used to be full of activity and now almost no one posts. The only thing I see posted in every day is forum games and its almost getting to the point of spam in my own opinion, I have nothing against the games but seriously you can't sit posting in the forum games all day everyday.

Anyways, we need to do something to revive the forum, you can argue with me all you want that its not dead/dying. But it is. And if the forum dies the game dies. You cannot run a game without members, and you can't get members without a forum or website. And if new pontential members see that "oh almost no one is on here and the registration is closed" they'll probably assume that the game is dead.

So lets try to discuss some ways we could revive the forum(and game) to its former glory.

Introduction / Re: Hello From Someone Who was Here Before
« on: August 06, 2016, 09:24:30 pm »
Oh hey, welcome back! I think I remember you from a while ago c: Glad to see some familiar faces returning!

Feel free to PM me if you need any help with anything, otherwise I hope you have fun on FH again!

Thank you for the welcome! And I think I recognize your character!

:O its you
Welcome back Comatose! I've been wonderin' where ye went! Great t' see ye again ol' friend. <3
:0 Hey scuttle! Yeaaa I kinda disappeared lol. And thank you for the welcome back :3

Welcome back :3
Thank you!

Did someone say funnel cake?! o: Love the stuff. But welcome back! Really hope you enjoy the new update and you settle in well! Hope to see you around sometime!
Thank you for the Welcome back. And Oh my god yesssss Funnel cake is delicious!

Pleased to meet you, miss. I hope you enjoy FeralHeart again in all its newness. ^^
Aw thank you! And Pleased to meet you aswell!

Introduction / Hello From Someone Who was Here Before
« on: August 06, 2016, 07:28:54 pm »
Ayyyyy. I'm not a new member but I felt like saying hi again since I haven't been here in ageeees XD And there's probably a loooot of new members.

Anyways Yea. I joined forever ago and was here for awhile, But I kind of just forgot about FH oopsies ;~; and then today I was like "Wait didn't I have some sort of account on some Animal game or something" I DIIIIIIIID. And now I have returned!

Anyways A bit about me for anyone new who doesn't know me!
I like to draw sometimes although I'm not that great at it. My name is old and back from a time when I was cringey and into Creepypasta hhh. I'm a bit awkward at talking to people, but ayy feel free to say hello anytime! My favorite food is funnel cake. I usually take like 10 years to reply to somehing because I'm bad at thinking what to say.

But yeah, I'm really glad to be back here!

Discussion Board / Re: Anyone know any good Paint Programs?
« on: August 22, 2014, 01:13:24 am »
Oh I remember another! but I think it costs moneyz... and also Paint but I don't think you can download it I think you have to have a 2007 windows computer or whatever laggy thing I have *slaps computer* you could also use the Deviantart Muro if you have a deviant art cause it's freeeeeee XD although it's not that good in my opinion.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: The Thieving Crew RP Open Accepting
« on: August 22, 2014, 01:00:48 am »
Bad Darkky XD quite ruining moments X3 )) "Hmm."Alice thought "Sure!" Glitch said perking up. "Yea sure why not."Alice agreed nodding slightly. "Yaaay!"Glitch said. "Wait what did you say your name was again?"Glitch asked "I was asleep mostly when you asked your question the first time. And Glitch... well Glitch has a short attention span."Alice said

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / Re: The Thieving Crew RP Open Accepting
« on: August 21, 2014, 11:13:04 pm »
"Huh?"Glitch mumbled flipping over and and peeking over the ledge "Oh! Hi. Hello."Glitch greeted. "Finally something not boring!" There was a slight movement in the shadow of the ledge. A wolf in a brown cloak-like hood thing(?) emerged she sat down near Amy. You couldn't see the wolf's eyes. "Hello I'm Alice. And you are correct the idiot on the ledge is Glitch my annoying yet loyal companion."She said kindly "Hey... well it is true.."Glitch said sliding down off the ledge to sit near Alice. "Now what was your question?"Alice asked as Glitch stared absently at Amy.

Discussion Board / Re: Anyone know any good Paint Programs?
« on: August 20, 2014, 05:39:29 pm »
hmm Curse my horrid memory someone asked the same thing on Deviant art and there were a TON of free ones... Dangit I can't find the poll with the answers but one was Fire Llama or somethin like that X'3 hope I partially helped and I think it is free..

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