Author Topic: Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp [Inactive since 14/08/2014]  (Read 33465 times)

Offline Arkayy

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Island of Crystals
A pokemon shifter rp

The Plot                   

     A new region has been discovered. A series of islands called the Crystal Isles have appeared, bearing one of the strangest phenomenons to date, humans that can shift into pokemon. These hybrids are able to use attacks normally used by pokemon as full blown powers, making them a threat to trainers and civilians. Just as well, these creatures can also shift into there respective pokemon to blend in the wild. Many human resident despise, fear or shun the creatures. But are they really monsters like everyone thinks? Or are all of these hybrids malicious monsters that crave destruction.

The Region                   

The Rules                   

1. ALL Feralheart rules apply.
2. This rp is to be kept friendly and PG. So no abusive swearing, gore or sexual content please.
3. You are allowed up to five characters at a time. This does no include supporting characters.
4. A character may die and be replaced by a new one by the same person if they so desire.
5. You may not kill off someone else's character without the creator's consent.
6. Keep the fights fair and don't spam attacks and cheap shots everywhere.
7. No fighting OOC please
8. Only one legendary Gijinka is allowed per person so if you choose to have one, choose wisely.
9. There can not be duplicates of legendaries but can be of normal pokemon. If you want to choose an already taken one, I suggest making it unique from the other person's characters so it's easier to tell the difference.
10. Have fun! ^^

The Application                   

Code: [Select]
[center][img]IMAGE HERE[/img]
[size=14pt]NAME HERE[/size][/center]
[u][b]Nicknames:[/b][/u] (Optional)
[u][b]Gender: [/b][/u] (Male or female)
[u][b]Age:[/b][/u] (In Human years)
[u][b]Pokemon:[/b][/u] (What pokemon is your characters a hybrid/shifter of?)
[u][b]Type:[/b][/u] (What type is it? Ex: Fire, Electric, Dragon, etc.)
[u][b]Shiny:[/b][/u] (Yes or No)
[img][/img] (Attack 1 here)
[img][/img] (Attack 2 here)
[img][/img] (Attack 3 here)
[img][/img] (Attack 4 here)
[u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] (Just to describe there human appearance a bit more in depth.)
[u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] (How they act and behave.)
[u][b]Quirks and Habits:[/b][/u] (Habits they often do or obsessions.)
[u][b]History:[/b][/u] (Optional) (A short back story)
[u][b]Other: [/b][/u] (Optional) (For Anything else)

« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 12:36:47 pm by Scallywag »


Offline Arkayy

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2014, 08:21:23 pm »
Active Characters

Nikka (Arkanis Void)
Feng-Li (Arkanis Void)
James (Dubstep)
Jazmine (Dupstep)
Marcelo (Wolfie_Lover)
Kitsuna (Dunasaur)
Kree (Neowulf)
Aneira (Sherlolly)
Kalliope (Iceheart999)
Maya Burns (Rumble_Fish)
Ling-Mai (Luna_Freefaller)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 10:48:38 pm by Arkanis Void »


Offline Arkayy

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2014, 08:21:40 pm »
« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 08:25:53 pm by Arkanis Void »


Offline Arkayy

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2014, 08:22:09 pm »

Nicknames: Niki
Gender: Female
Age: 17 Years Old

Pokemon: Absol

Type: Dark
Shiny: No
Night Slash
Sucker Punch
Psycho Cut

Appearance: She has white hair with parts of it dyed navy and maroon eyes. The girl wears a short furred scarf around her neck and a white jacket a few sizes too big for her. Underneath shes wears a navy tank top and white shorts. In fights, she is very competitive and hates to lose.
Personality:She is very calm and collected. Not the most sociable but wont turn away from a conversation if one is spurred up.
Quirks and Habits: She loves stargazing and has a peculiar love of cutting things down with her blade.
History: N/A
Other: N/A


Nicknames: Feng
Gender: Male
Age: 19 Years Old

Pokemon: Seviper
Type: Poison
Shiny: No

Body Slam
Poison Fang
Appearance: The young man is around 5'7'' with dark obsidian a little past his neck nearly covering his eyes and slated deep green eyes. His clothing mostly consists of dark tones with a few gold patches here and there and he wears many scarves and long rags, the longest being one around his neck nearly reaching the ground.
Personality: His is very sly, sinister and cunning. He's rather distasteful towards trainers and others in general and will usually act quite egotistical and superior to those who approach him. He has an annoyingly strong sense of pride and won't be satisfied until his opponent admits defeat.
Quirks and Habits: he has made a little hobby of his out of stealing.
History: N/A
Other: N/A

« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 12:28:42 am by Arkanis Void »


Offline XxDubstepxX

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2014, 12:20:15 am »

Nicknames: None
Gender: Male
Age: 19 Years old
Pokemon: Luxray
Type: Electric
Shiny: No
Wild Charge
Electric Terrain
Appearance: James has black hair that sometimes will fall over his maroon eyes. His hair goes down a way to the point where it's them tied together by a star-like band. He wears a large dark grey coat with yellow bands on the arms. Under that he wears a plain light blue shirt and black and dark blue pants which are tucked into blue boots with black 'fur' inside. James also wears on black glove on his left hand and normally carries a lighting bolt necklace in one of his coat pockets as a lucky charm. James is also taller than most.
Personality: James is serious. He is normally one to take charge of a situation. He isn't one to let his guard down but every once in a while, if he feels comfortable James will let go of his need for control.
Quirks and Habits: When he's hanging out with friends or people he feels comfortable with he tends to 'accidently' give them a small shock.
History: He doesn't talk about his history, you can try to ask him.
Other: N/A

Nicknames: Jaz
Gender: Female (I know in the picture they look male e///e)
Age: 16 Years old
Pokemon: Flareon
Type: Fire
Shiny: No
Flare Blitz
Fire Spin
Appearance: Sorter than most, she is about an inch or two below the normal height. Jaz wears a brown tank top [not shown] with a flame symbol in the middle of it. Then Jaz will often wear orange shorts and tall brown combat boots. Her eyes (from a distance) seem like they're bright red but they're actually an amber color. Her hair is blonde and is short (like the picture)
Personality: Jazmine has a fiery temper. She finds a way to get into trouble easily. She tries her best to make someone mad or get annoyed because it can lead to her try and attack someone. Besides getting annoyed and getting in trouble, Jaz is very friendly and happy. She also loves to play pranks.
Quirks and Habits: Jazmine likes to mess around with authorities and play tricks on them. She also likes to climb buildings and look up at the clouds.
History: I'd make it too long so you can ask her and normally she'll gladly tell you.
Other: N/A

(This looks fun! Also I'm assuming they can partially use their powers in their human form.


Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2014, 02:40:42 am »

Nicknames: He will normally snap at those who call him by any nickname, but his most used is Marcie
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-years-old
Pokemon: Lucario

Type: Fighting, Steel
Shiny: No
Dragon Pulse
Aura Sphere
Bone Rush
Appearance: Marcelo always wears a pair of leather goggles, hiding the upper-half of his face - the only time he takes it off is when he knows he's alone; the goggles have long straps of leather that go a little passed his shoulders, and have a thick strap at the top. Beneath the goggles, he has a narrow face, dark crimson eyes, and messy blue hair. He wears a jacket with thick fur at the neck; the jacket opens to a black tank-top, which has a large tooth necklace above it. His arms are bare, with the exception of his hands - with gloves with a spike on the backside center. He wears large pants, normally a few sizes too big, though holds them up with a leather strap, along with a few other straps that are used for accessories more than help, that runs across his stomach - at the upper base of his pants; his pants are tucked into his boots, which are highly familiar to those of the Lucario - though it's a thin leather material. 
Personality: Heavily cocky - a shoot-first kind of guy - and pretty naive. He's a big dreamer, though seems to lack the "emotion" for it - hardly giving way to his feelings to others, unless he finds them close. He's pretty proud at most times, even after loosing a battle - it's the only form of emotion that seems to emerge, a cocky half-smile. Despite his child-like ways, he's pretty trust-worthy and extremely loyal to those he considers close.
Quirks and Habits: He'll sometimes make a clicking noise with his tongue when speaking, though it's not often; he has a habit of shrugging people off, and will sometimes lie to their face to pretend he's already busy.
History: He often tries to avoid the question, though might tell it later in the role-play.
Other: His "voice actor" would be Steve Valentine.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2014, 06:56:04 am »
(Both are accepted ^^ You may start whenever you feel like. I'll post soon.)


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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2014, 08:04:28 pm »

Kitsuna (kit-soon-uh)
Nicknames: Kit
Gender: Female
Age: 18 human years
Pokemon:  Ninetales
Type: Fire
Shiny: No
Fire blast
Hyper Beam
Take down
Double Edge
Appearance: Kitsuna has tan skin and red eyes. She wears a dress that goes down to right above her knees, and wears black slippers. She has long hair that naturally separates into nine parts. She has large ears.
Personality: Kitsuna is a shy girl. She usually tries to slip away from any conversation when the other person is distracted. But she loves sunsets and if you manage to become her friend, she is very kind and loyal. She hates to fight but will if she has too.
Quirks and Habits: She often carves things into trees. She loves to paint and sing.
History: None
Other: None
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 08:06:41 pm by Dunasaur »

Offline Neowulf

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2014, 09:45:05 pm »

Nicknames: Kry
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Pokemon: Staraptor
Type: Normal/Flying
Shiny: Yes
Close Combat
Brave Bird
Appearance: Tall man with dark brown mullet cut with the tip dyed powder blue. Slightly tanned, white undershirt with dark brown tailcoat with lighter brown tail. Underneath lies the tail of a bird. Wears a fluffy, dark brown star-shaped necklace that glitters. Sometimes has a tie on.
Personality: Classy and polite, but is vastly different in fights. Often gets rude and snarky after winning a fight, and is a ridiculously sore loser.
Quirks and Habits: Twiddles his thumbs a lot, and carries a GBA around to play Mario Kart.
History: Basically a standard bird before he finds out he can turn into a human. Now he's a businessman.
Other: Nothing else c:
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 09:48:25 pm by Neowulf »

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2014, 12:29:30 am »
(Both accepted ^^ Feel free to start)


The shifter was in the heart of the city exploring around. It had been a long while since she dared to venture into such a place, especially one so dangerous for her kind. Though she didn't seem at all worried about the outcome, simply walking on and looking through all the shop windows. She murmured, "Wouldn't it be nice to actually have some money like these people. I would die to have this sort of luxury." Nikka shook her head smiling a bit before pausing, seeing a food stand near the park were several people were seated and chuckled lightly, "Well, maybe I can at least mooch off of them?" The shifter smirked a bit, sinking into an alleyway so she could change forms before sneaking out in her pokemon form as an absol, heading towards the group of people that were seated to beg for food.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 12:33:43 am by Arkanis Void »