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Topics - hugrf2

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / A few realistic and customizing ideas.
« on: September 20, 2012, 11:26:37 pm »
I have a few ideas i would like to share. Please comment if any of these have been discussed before. Do you see the eye brows on characters? Why are they always black? Why can't we customize them? Can't we just customize them without having them as the same color as our markings? This is one of the ideas. We can also customize our eye brows if this happens. Why do the tufts stick out instead of lay down our legs? Does anyone here experience this to be annoying? Also, Why does the back tuft stick up all the time? It can sorta be better if we had more tufts like laying down back tufts and stuff. Anyone agree? I also have an idea of a eyes.cfg but if we can just make our own eyes without one then i could go on. Also, i have tried to make one myself but, why can't there be more preset folders? Presets can be very popular. No one wants to delete them either. I have also seen a few problems around Feralheart and Feralheart+ itself. I also been thinking about adding new public maps to both Feralheart and Feralheart+ so why can't there be a jungle this time in a update for in-game?                 
                                                Hope you liked the ideas!

Game Help / Red's Advance Map
« on: September 17, 2012, 11:56:14 pm »
So i was looking for Decent (One of Red's maps) then i came across Trench, i never saw it and i went in and i went into Advance. AND NOW I'M TRYING TO SAVE MY CHARRIE! BREATH YOU BREATH! Can someone give me a little help to get meh and my charrie into Advance? He's brand new and he's a epic preset. Here's the picture of what happens :


Miscellaneous Tutorials / Supeh tutorial! (BEING MODIFIED)
« on: September 17, 2012, 08:38:11 pm »
Making presets.

Ello. Dis ish my first tutorial for this topic! We will now being making presets. So you wanna make a preset, Eh? Lets get started! First, open up GIMP or photoshop. I use GIMP. Lets hope you understand. OK, open up GIMP and go to OS C: (or Local Disk C:)/FeralHeart/mypresets/preset_1 (or 2) Then lets get started! Draw on the preset, or use GIMP's filters. To draw OVER the preset but not the best of course, Just search for the brush type called "Multiply" I think it's called that at least..... IN this tutorial I'm on the head right now. Here's the tutorial picture of the head! I used GIMP's filters and some colors. Now, SAVE! Put it in the preset folder you want the number of the preset to be. I saved mine as preset_4head.jpg but save it as the folder's number not the one i did! (Yes, ask questions.) Now make the head, eyes, Tail, Mane (if you want one) and wings if you want! if you want wings then newbies, save it in preset number 11 or 12. And, also, save it as equip_#preset.jpg but i forgot if it was png but try jpg. Now you'll get the hang of it! Good luck!

Making maps.

Wanna make your very own map finally after seeing all these maps everywhere? Lets get to the point! Now, white is for hills, mountains or just high land. To make it more, realistic were gonna use a special paint brush! Find the one that fades and stuff. Go find watermill in Feralheart/media/terrains and paint around that and by the way, black is for ocean and make sure it's on grayscale! This is my map i made a long time ago but you get the picture. I used the tool to make it even more realistic! You can also use fade out to make it like, pride rock or something or a viewing area. Now, lets make a mask as in some ground! To get it all in the right spot just go to edit then copy then go to watermillmask.terrain or something like that then open it up! then go to edit and click paste! use blue, red and green. Red is the first one and green is second and blue is third! Here's a picture of my mask. It's realistic for meh iceberg anyway.... Now, go to map maker and load the names of your terrain and mask in the second thingy. Place objects, make it bigger, make it higher and add water to it! To get more meshes just look around in Other Mods/creations for some peoples creations or just go to Meshes. I'll explain how to download and install them in another tutorial. Good luck!

How to download meshes.

One simple tutorial for your maps! To download rar's you'll need 7-Zip or WinRar but lets just download our fellow Zip. First, we go to mediafire most often. Example of downloading mesh: A dragon. If there's no readme, You've come to the right place! Place the texture, mesh and material in My_Objects in Feralheart/media/objects and you'll see it there! See the name of the mesh? Go to object maker and type that same name in there! Including the .mesh no need for material! just load the mesh and the material is right there. Save it as anything you like in any group or you can create a group but if it's your first object then i RECOMMEND creating a group or it won't come in-game. DO NOT save it in ANY normal Feralheart groups like MyTrees or MyRocks. Have fun with your new mesh! Or as you would mostly say, Object. To change the color or texture, just open a different material with notepad and see the name? Load that same name in the material bar along with the different mesh already on the screen and poof! New texture for ya there! It's either ugly or beautiful. Good luck!

Game Help / HUGE Typing issue
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:16:22 pm »
Okay, so i go in-game and then i use to have a timer sorta for my disconnection in typing (Whatever that XD) then now i don't. I can't chat to someone anymore without getting disconnected and i really like to talk sometimes and i need it to be fixed and only YOU guys can help me with this GIANT issue and it's really annoying and i can't RP, Talk, or just talk to my friends! Please help with this GIANT! issue that i dearly miss chatting and i deleted a few objects of mine and im sure my files might not be that jacked up i do delete objects at times but i need a way.... A fixing way without object deleting and re-downloading FH but i already tried re-downloading FH itself. I need serious help as in Zaroque's help (He's very good at helping) And it would be very nice to chat again instead of being left out.  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Request/Find Meshes / Meh need these.
« on: September 07, 2012, 04:20:35 pm »
First of all, i need this badly for the map i'm making that needs meshes: One: A Website to upload it without a account. And here's the meshes:
  • Tropical plants and trees
         Tropical Animals
          Hidden Palace Thing
          Plants spelling "StarClan" and the plants texture's are starry
That's pretty much all i need as in meshes for the map but most importantly, i need a website to upload it without a account. Link and screenshots will be released in Maps if you help me. Good luck!

Other Mods/Creations / Item Pack Ideas!
« on: September 06, 2012, 10:55:01 am »
1:Feather duster(A item i really want to clean my house in a map), Eyes lashes, Tiny eye horns(Hope you image it like me XD), GIANT claws, Sharper teeth and Dragon's Whiskers. 2: Blind eye R, Blind eye L, Blind eye set, Cat eye R, Cat eye L, Cat eye set, Fire mane(Not particle but texture moves a bit but the fire IS NOT a particle). 3: Tiny car, Fluffy hide(Belongs on the shoulders of the back), Scourge's Spike Collar, Shoes and Towel on back. 4: Light Sabor, Swimming shorts, Beak, Godzilla spikes (All 3 versions), Fishermen net (Goes around entire body) and Sea Monster Fin (Goes on back like a sea monster).

Introduction / Finally i introduce myself!
« on: September 05, 2012, 11:12:29 am »
I've been playing FeralHeart for a while then i got interested in the forums of the website then here i am now! Introducing myself. Heres some stuff i like: I like crimson and cyan and a special type of blue. I love cats. I like Feralheart and it's website. I like spyro even that i hardly know anything about it. I love most of my family that i know that lives in my house :\
I like map making and sometimes preset making with gimp's filters. I love being random and i love warrior cats.

Hello peeps!

Request a Preset/Marking / Another Preset Request (MEDIUM LEVEL IN MAKING)
« on: September 05, 2012, 10:42:00 am »
Two sided: Yes.
Transparent: On the ears as seen in picture.
Wings: No.
Items: No.
Eyes: Half fire half eye as seen in picture.
How i want to get it: When you are done, POST the link, PM system isn't working right with me then modify when i say i got it.
Fur texture: TLK Realistic.
Extra:Need helping with: Picture size is too small and if you can't see the picture well, please tell me how to make it smaller on Linux.

Game Help / Beautiful map issue
« on: September 01, 2012, 09:23:20 pm »
OK, I had a few issues with feralheart on my computer and then i'm in map maker and i try to edit one of my best maps (Best realistic) then FeralHeart stops working. I found a map i can work with but then again, i need to edit that map to release but if i don't get help for it then i cannot edit it. i was gonna edit it to be even better. my programs with in-game and maker (The difference) is that the waterfall, crocs and Gahoole trees don't show up in-game but they do in map maker. This might mean that my map, Basubeh (The map im talking about) isn't gonna be released but if i'm helped it will hopefully.

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