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Topics - BlueKinTsukiko

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Game Discussion / What happened?
« on: May 27, 2016, 07:28:37 am »
I know this may come off as rude, arrogant and maybe just a bit different but guys what the heck has happened to this game. It has been years since I've been on this game and when I came back just cause why not I see less then 200 players on, fh has been hacked and now we have to leave a window up. All of this seems a bit off...And tbh it is the most sad thing I have ever seen.

Why is the registration closed if we barely have players in the Flourite plains, we had at one point up to 2,000 sometimes even 3,000 DAILY. And registration being closed constantly lowered the player count so bad that not only is it less then 1000 players but now its in less then 500. We need to change this and its obviously something to do with this registration stuff since I've heard from people how long its taken for them to join. And to be checking daily for a registration to be open is ridiculous what game does that unless they don't wish to be around anymore.

I know this may or may not change anything but if you truly and deeply care for a game like this then perhaps you should look around and speak out about this. This can be changed maybe and if not then its no wonder why this game will die from low player count and less community each passing month.

Added this poll just so we can get a opinion that isn't bias.

Game Discussion / Whats the funniest thing you've seen on the forums.
« on: September 08, 2013, 02:03:08 pm »
There's been alot of moments in game, but what about the forums, now take note this isn't a thread to mock people, just the moments. So please refrain from calling people any form of insult, and just lay back and have fun. You can explain what happened if your in a topic thats posted in here, but please, nothing offensive. This is just for fun and to see all the silly things we have done.

First one up is me, I'll just post a link, the pictures is what made me laugh though xD.
Best part was when Oprah used to shake her head like "nah" sadly she doesn't anymore T^T

(Take note, this is a joke just to bring up some laughs, however I will avoid the offensives of course.)

Now, you want to be a good character, well alot of the times you can make a decent character so long as you explain your character, who it is, why their etc. (Etc = species, personality is how it is or anything of that sort.) Now than...DO NOT make your characters so OP, they always hit...Really, they don't miss, say what? Take note you can't EVER always hit someone, your not the only person in the world who can be OP. I hate it when this happens, or whats even more annoying is always, and I do mean, ALWAYS MISSING, their character all the sudden has a butt magnet that teleports and/or pushes them out of the way. Please...stop x-x just no...Otherwise, the rps will always be like this...

Whats even better...When their so amazing they know all, their physic, or a god, or something, and their forever perfect, even though and guess what, their humans. Who are imperfect, and humans can't ever...EVER be perfect in every way. So, don't pretend that you immediately see someone hiding every time. For no reason as well x-x...Otherwise, it wouldn't be fun, like this cat.

Now, I will add more for this "tutorial later if wanting to, but I like pictures explaining things, so until than, please enjoy.

Request/Find Meshes / A simple request
« on: July 12, 2013, 05:19:34 pm »
So far theres alot of meshes that I have been looking at for a decent map for the Pridelands and all, however the real issue is just the gorge rocks and Raifiki's tree. I don't really wanna use the meshes hammy has for desert rocks but a rather square like rock that is slightly jagged and all. Here's a visual on what I'd want them to look like or close to it. Doesn't have to be exact.

You can probably see where im getting at, since the rocks look like a bunch of cube meshes, but the cubes aren't perfect and have broken corners and etc. I'd really be thankful and I'd have a few friends do a art commission for it if someone does do this mesh for me. Although we wouldn't mind if it was public or not, all up to the artist choice. As for Rafiki's tree, we might make a separate map for it to be depicted as the tree but a small in game object to show it is the tree will be needed.

So far it seems like whenever I come in game, all my friends including the old and new ones always run to a downloaded map now a days. Never coming in to the default maps to say hello and make new friends, but this only seems to happen when there are new maps added in to the game server. But Razmirz already works very hard and so does Red, so why not just make it to where we have a contest, one every month or two months but with a twist to help bring the gaming community back in to default maps and make them thrive?

The twist for the competition is that there can be no meshes that were downloaded or textures or even terrain textures added to these maps. No sky files or music files so this way when it is added or so it won't add more to the fh server making it easier to bring them. The maps being that of which multiple contestants have entered and whomever wins having their map added in to the games default maps.

Just a idea and all, but I feel as though it would help bring people back in to the maps so we can have more of a community rather than people wondering off alone sometimes.

Game Discussion / Staff appreciation day?
« on: April 13, 2013, 12:03:58 am »
    It seems a tad bit silly to ask this, but why is it we don't have this at least once a year, or once a month?

    Now the reason why I ask this is because, we all play the game everyday, or every other day, or maybe just once a week or a few times a month. Sometimes we come online with nothing better to do other then sit around and talk, or role play with friends. Or even crack jokes with each other as we gaze around at dem pixels.
      The very few reasons I decided to make this topic is, well, people like to make fun of the staff, disrespect them, and even say false rumors about them. May I ask WHY?! Why would you disrespect the very few people whom actually care about the game, and not just the game, the community as well!
     And yes, the staff can screw up, but what judgement call can you make on them, their humans who do their jobs as much as they can, and can't always be perfect, even messaging them all the problems of the game is more than likely what, 25 messages a day at least for them, and that's what was sent in perhaps one day.
    So what I am asking is...Can we have just one day, maybe a whole week out of a entire year, or month to just give some respect, they try to help the server, they cleaned up the community far much more than I have seen another staff do, Remember bonfire island folks? And how if you rolled over, you'd be attacked, sexually and it was not exactly fun to go there either. None of that is happening there now, at least not in local thank god. They tried, and attempted to make things right...So why must we just ignore them. Just one day for them to hear, Thank you for all the hard work, can really be rewarding, so perhaps from a week from now, we can start this day. Y'know, give it some time so this spreads, mention this to your friends, your family and even the group in game on feral heart to say. Thanks for helping us, for making sure the game is safe, for keeping up the good job since day one, and always sticking around even when there were hyena's in the pride lands. I think a staff, whose done their job for FREE, no pay whatsoever, deserves that don't you?

I am hoping this day is to start on Friday the 19th, and keep going for just a week of good behavior from everyone, as much as possible.

And for the trolls whom want to rant about how bad the staff is, go away, please do so, This is NOT a area for your input unless its decent to say. So please, if you want to be a kid, go rant to someone else, we don't want it here or ingame.

1:Be respectful, as stated above, if you have nothing nice to say, don't state it at all
2:Don't go off topic
3:Just have fun and be random if you wish to say hello to the staff, don't be terrified, they won't eat you, a polite hello is all they need. Not a full essay about how amazing they are, just a simple comment and walk away.
4: Rule 3 goes for ingame as well on that day, since they may be busy and etc, if they don't respond, be respectful and try later.

Game Help / Oi, That silly map maker
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:17:21 pm »
Well, Somehow today when I was making a height map for the map pack I'm making I had put the file in, and as I went to open map maker in game, it closed saying FeralHeart.exe has stopped working, before I even load any of the files or even get inside the map maker itself. I tried cutting and pasting all my map files out of feral heart, have flatten all images, and so far, nothing. I don't know what has happened and I need help. If someone needs the files to test just to see if its the height or terrain mask, i'll put a link to mediafire, but other then that it isn't them. Since it closes before I can load it or get in to type anything. I really need help, its only one last map before I finish the small map pack I am creating. 

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Different manes?
« on: March 30, 2013, 03:46:03 pm »
Is it just me, or does FH feel a bit empty when it comes to the option of manes and fur tufts for wolves. Even lions have less manes then they did in IT. I kinda wish that there was a few more mane options converted from IT since it seems like theirs more variety in it.

So whats your opinion on this, would you like more manes and furtufts on for wolves and lions and if so, which ones?
(Pictures are welcomed)

Game Help / Converting Weathers from IT to FH
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:57:18 am »
Hey, I was wondering it it was possible at all since I have the old IT files to convert the weathers into Feral Heart for a map im making. Since I wanted to use the thunderstorm weather file. I already tried copying and pasting the file and seeing it that'd work, along with the sounds in the sounds file of course. If anyone knows how to do this please help, it'd be much appreciated.

((Ps, I am going to refrence KovuLKD and the others whom made the files in a read me so I won't be just taking it from someone))

Game Help / Trouble with exporting map
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:59:46 am »
Please help, I looked up how to export a map and everything, and I was doing a comission when I exported it, it finished properly and I zipped the files then put them up in mediafire, however now when I go back to try to get online to test the map, it says "Feral heart.exe is not working" Please help, This is the first time I did a map, but it was detailed and im working on another one, I dont want to reinstall the game or anything.

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