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Members of the Season / Re: 2024 Autumn MOTS Winners
« Last post by .Lysander. on August 25, 2024, 06:51:33 am »
Congratulations to the WINNERS!
Members of the Season / Re: 2024 Autumn MOTS Winners
« Last post by dylantheboat on August 25, 2024, 05:52:28 am »
Congratulations y'all!
Members of the Season / 2024 Autumn MOTS Winners
« Last post by Ame88 on August 25, 2024, 05:30:59 am »


Due to there being only two qualified users this MOTS Nomination season, we will skip the MOTS Voting phase, and elect the individual with the next highest nomination count as a runner up. Our winners of the 2024 Autumn Member of the Season title are:


Congratulations to you three!
Thank you for all of your thoughtful and kind acts around FeralHeart! We appreciate your continued show of love and support for the FeralHeart game and community!


Introduction / Re: Greetings from SirMeow
« Last post by toonanimals317 on August 24, 2024, 03:16:35 am »
Hello! Welcome to FeralHeart! Wonderful to see new players incoming.
Introduction / Re: Hello again
« Last post by toonanimals317 on August 24, 2024, 03:15:35 am »
Welcome back to FeralHeart. It's always great to see people return to the game!
Game Discussion / Re: where did everybody go?
« Last post by toonanimals317 on August 24, 2024, 03:12:43 am »
Unfortunately, most of us grew up. We were kids when we played every day, and now we're adults with jobs, college, families, etc. and don't have time to play games like this as often anymore. Some people moved on completely, but there are others that have lingered, but just can't get on as frequently as we used to. While new people still join every now and then, its hard to keep them in the community because the majority of the original player base have moved on or just no longer have time. For a long time it was hard to gain any new players because the register button would only be available for small windows of time on random days.

Honestly the inability to register for the longest time probably killed the community more than anything else, with a lack of incoming new members, only the people already registered could play, and therefore, as they (myself included) aged out of playing the game and entering the "real world," the community started to falter. If the register button hadn't been so closed off, the community would probably not be as quiet as it is, as there would've been a more regular influx of new players that could help keep things going strong.

It's a shame, but we can only continue to try to keep it alive.
FeralHeart Official Party Events / Re: FeralHeart Official Summer Party 2024
« Last post by D-ead7Dog on August 24, 2024, 12:41:31 am »
Have a blast! <3
FeralHeart Official Party Events / Re: FeralHeart Official Summer Party 2024
« Last post by Telluric on August 23, 2024, 07:21:55 pm »
nauuuurrr i'll probably be out of town boooooo y'all better have a freaking great time
Introduction / Hello again
« Last post by xx00ll on August 23, 2024, 08:43:06 am »
Hello again everybody. I used to play this game a bit ago when I was in middle school and some years after before I ultimately fell out of it. I used to play on an older account, I forgot what I changed the username to, but I know way back then it was Savanna1. I used to do what any other kid would do by going to Bonfire and tried dabbling in roleplays before eventually getting into a bunch of literate warrior cat and the occasional wolf pack roleplays as I grew up. I miss the days where this game was laggy and you had the chat being spammed by movies of people advertising their roleplays and general chat being active, as I'm sure many of you guys do too. I definitely wasn't active in the forums at all when I was younger since it kind of intimidated me, so this is a start!
Game Discussion / Re: where did everybody go?
« Last post by xx00ll on August 23, 2024, 08:31:03 am »
I know back when the game was booming, after we had the update a lot of people seemed to have stopped playing. I know even then it still had a decent amount of people in there when I was still playing on my old account, but I think after some time I just stopped showing up. Maybe I just fell out of it as I got older or maybe I left as soon as the numbers started getting low. It's sad to see it turn out the way it did, I just recently remembered this game and wanted to check it out. I miss the days where I would crash because of how many people were in a map.
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