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Messages - plugnickel

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Akira wandered around in the forest...searching for some berries to eat.Then suddenly,she spotted one.."Aha! there's some"The she-wolf leaped and tried to catch the cherries."Oh darnet!!"She frowned,and tried again.Then Akira finally caught them.She then carried the cherries to a small den that no-one seemed to live in and fell asleep with the cherries that she caught were right next to her paw.
(this is my final edit...its like i cant RP right :(  )

You just RP here. ;).on this page

This looks pretty interesting, so i'd like to join ^^

Name: Halia
Nickname: Halia
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Desired rank: Beta Female or Lead hunter
Mate: N/A
Pups: N/A
Likes: Catching fish and napping under trees. She also likes hunting and swimming.
Dislikes: Wolves that don't know when to back down. She also dislikes wasps.
Power: Able to control and manipulate prey and less powerful wolves. As in, she can have complete control of their minds and actions.
History/Personality: When she was young, Halia was separated from her mother in the forest. She managed to survive to adulthood which is when she decided to join a pack. Her father was a rouge wolf, so Halia never knew him.
Picture/Description: Light gray fur with dark mint green eyes. She has black fur markings on her tail and pelt. The area around her eyes is snowy white.
accepted! you may start RP'ing and you got Beta Female

(waiting 4 amioo too post)

(i though i already did.............but ok)
Description/Picture:Pure black coat,White under fur,purple tiger stripes on legs and tail,Light purple eyes.
Personality:Kind and sweet.Also can be very fight-like when mad;her fur will turn red.Likes to lay on her back and watch the clouds go by and call out the shapes.Also likes to race.
Skills:Able to run fast and jump HIGH.Eyes change colors with mood.

((Hey amioo? want my char. and earth to become mates later on? its ok if u  say no ;) ))

(DX i forgot my char's name! can u guys remind me?)

i know this isn't 4 legged but,what about a bird?

open to post
Here's my App.
Desired rank:Alpha Female
Likes:Likes to run and hunt for birds in her spare time.Also likes to lay on her back and watch the clouds.
Dislikes:Being bullied and people putting pressure on her.Also hates Rouges.
Power:Able to freeze time(alphas can have two powers).Also can freeze things.
History/Personality:When she was a pup her parents were killed in battle over territory.She ran away,raised herself and made her own pack.She is very kind and sweet.She is know to pull tricks sometimes so she is playful.But can get very fight-like when she is mad.
Picture/Description:Pure white fur with icicle blue eyes and black tail tip.Black nose and a scar on her right eye.

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