Author Topic: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ STILL ACCEPTING!  (Read 123898 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #790 on: February 18, 2012, 07:26:23 pm »
Vanth looked towards Lorcan as he left. She took a step towards him and her mouth opened as she tried to talk, but no words came out. She couldn't take the chance of hurting him, or anyone else for that matter. She let her ears fall and she turned her gaze to Xander before turning away quickly. Seeing him struggle was already surfacing her anger and blood-thirst. She sighed and turned quickly as she said `Don't worry Xander, I am fighting it with you. Don't be afraid Fight it and stay strong` She said explaining the exact opposite of what she was doing. She wasn't afraid, she was terrified. She was trying to fight it, but it was how she lived for all of her life. She looked at his body as it struggled and squirmed. `This isn't going to go away...It is going to surface` she thought. She saw the red swirling in his eyes behind the soft normal color of his eyes. It was coming. She backed up and looked at him. She watched closely waiting to see if it would come out, if so, she would let her other side surface and take over.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.


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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #791 on: February 19, 2012, 01:03:19 am »
( Lilly and Amioo: :3 Accepted! Are you sure you can handle three characters at once though Amioo? I'm just asking because I know I have trouble keeping up with two -.- Lol Btw can you guys please make sure your posts have atleast three sentences in? Thankies!  
Nuclear: Okay dokie, have a nice time!
Katsa: Q.Q That was beautiful -Slow claps-)
"Locran...please..." The white and grey male begged his pack mate as he closed his eyes trying his best to focus on the odd tast at hand. "Nows not the time to explain..."

Xander's ears caught the words of a peaceful melody and twitched self consiencely to its sound. "Karma..." He said aloud but in less than a whisper, his eyes watching the female sing, his once shaky body suddenly frozen. Its sound made the male pause in mid gasp, taking in the lyrics as though they were some kind of code to fixing his disorder. The last verse stood out to Xander the most.
"State of mind, heart and soul,
All are yours alone to control.
Be who you most desire,
And see it through like a raging fire,"

Some how his darker side seemed to calm as though it was also listening to the song; Xander stopped shaking and some how managed a small smile. Its all over... He thought, his mind becoming peaceful. For a while he simply just stood there, breathing heavily with relief. And then...
Why are you listening to that ***** singing!? She doesn't love you! In fact she hates you? Don't you remember?

All of a sudden...Xander felt so incredibility weak it was like nothing he had ever felt before. His black eyes glared at Karma sharply, he could'nt help but agree with his other self. He didn't even wish to hold the beast inside him anymore...he didn't want to be himself. The white and grey wolf fell into Vanth's shoulder, panting heavily and his voice quiet and afraid. "I cant...hold cant either..." He softly whispered in the females ears, nuzzling his "Sisters" side. "Anyway...My Mother always told me...better out than in..." He laughed fakely, allowing his hole weight to lean upon Vanth. Xander couldn't even stand up properly anymore...he was just so unstable...

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #792 on: February 19, 2012, 01:32:21 am »
Vanth grinded her teeth as she attempted to hold the male up `Leave now!` she yelled to the remaining wolves if there were any. She leaned back against him evening out the weight. `Come one Xander,` she looked into his eyes. He was gone. Xander was to weak, and now he was gone and replaced with his other self. `Wanna play that way, fine I'll show you not to mess with someone I love, you'll regret this and that isn't a threat that is a promise.` she pushed Xander away from her and glared at him. She closed her violet eyes and her face went blank .No smile, no eye movement. She kept them closed the only movement she made was her breathing. `That is right Vanth, you are too weak. No one loves you so why protect them. Especially Xander, he only sticks with you because your just as much of a freak as he is! You are nothing, loved by no one The voice echoed through her mind. Vanth's eyes opened once more. Her face stayed blank until they were opened completely. Her violet gaze was replaced by a sharp flaming red gaze. Her eyes glew red, like jewels from the pits of hell themselves. Her forehead burrowed and her eyebrows went together as a smirk appeared on her face. The evil look and the smirk matched perfectly. Vanth was gone and now..Vanth was here. Vanth lowered her head as her red gaze locked onto Xander. Her lips curled back to expose razor sharp canines. Her ears were flat against her skull as a low deadly growl escaped her maw. `Vanth is gone` she purred `And Vanth is back` She raised her head and let a blood curling howl escape. It echoed through the cave sending a bone chilling shrill up even Vanth's own spine. She lowered her head again and smirked
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #793 on: February 19, 2012, 03:00:52 am »
((Awwww, you guys really liked it? 8'D
Thank you! x3))

For a quick second hope seemed to appear when Xander became calm, but when his eyes reopened Karma felt like she had been stabbed. Dusk continued leading her out of the cave and this time there was no resisting, if any of them staid then there would be bloodshed. Now out in the open air, she knew time had been frozen but only now did it seem like reality.

Further away from the cave entrance, the siblings at last stopped. Karma remained standing, head lowered as she didn't know what else could be done. Dusk stood beside her, expression more grim than usual, and his dark gaze looking back at cave. The concentration that showed revealed he was struggling with a decision, when he decided on one the other resurfaced and the battle started over. Vanth's howl echoed through the cave and out to the air, causing the brother and sister's ears to pin down but that was all.

"We should go back," Karma finally spoke up. Dusk was expecting it, and he turned his gaze back to his sister. "You saw what was happening," he said in a low voice, "if we go in there we'd only be making a bigger fight."
"But Vanth and Xander are going to fight one another and who know's what will happen."
"Possibly one could kill the other, or maybe both. That or they'll end of severely harming each other," Dusk stated frankly. The statement took Karma aback a bit, but she knew it was only the truth he was speaking. A kind of scowl formed on her brother's expression at her reaction, though when he spoke he kept his voice at the same tempo, if harder, "Neither of them wanted us to remain there, they wanted everyone out. If we went back we'd only be making things harder for the both of them and possibly-" he cut himself off.

"Get us both killed?" Karma finished for him. Dusk glared at her but said nothing more. Admitting a possible defeat was something Dusk hardly ever did, and though he didn't entirely believe that would happen he didn't want to risk it if they didn't have to.

((All I have for now :3))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #794 on: February 19, 2012, 04:47:26 pm »
As Locran exited the cave Cross looked up at him. It was time she got him to cool it. "You guys were close... Like brothers..." She looked at Locran and walked to him but kept a distance. (Fail)

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Offline silverdawn

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #795 on: February 19, 2012, 05:31:43 pm »
A blood curtailing ripped through the still air; it seemed like every muscles fiber in Lorcan's body tensed. The pounding in his chest seemed to stop isnstitaliusly, it was Vanth's howl, was she being affected by the same this as Xander? When a voice reached his ears Lorcan turned sharply seeing a black and white she wolf, "We still are close." he growled. He was still frightened but just seeing the she wolf agitated him, no anger showed in his eyes though, it was mostly fear.

(Luna you don't mind if a post something from Zero do you, I'll delete it if you don't want me to have it up)
A low chuckle rattled the body of a large male; he was out of ear shot of the pack that was gathered by a cave. They were falling apart from the sounds of it, Vanth had already entered he blood lust stage for unknow reasons. Zero found great joy in hearing her howl, she still will be haunted by her past and part of her still held the heart of one from his pack. It would only take time till he would get with the alpha wanted and he will get the chance to sink his teeth into one of the wolves that belonged to this pack.

Offline okami129

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #796 on: February 19, 2012, 06:11:07 pm »
(One more post.)
Cross nodded and then looked to the sky. "My pack I had... I was leader of that small group of 5. Fighting to survive that hell hole." She said and lowered her head. "Sadly I was the only one to make it out. The others were killed. All by unforgiving jaws." She then looked up again. "I think these ribbons are doing freaky stuff to us. But their only wish was to see the stars again." She sighed and then gave a determined face. "Any I will insure that they do. I will bring back the stars as their dying wish."

The liar and the thief

Offline plugnickel

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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #797 on: February 19, 2012, 06:50:52 pm »
(waiting 4 amioo too post)
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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #798 on: February 19, 2012, 07:57:19 pm »
Spades heard the howl from the cave and grinned as his eyes turned bright red "not doing, it i dont feel like it" he said quietly as a dark black female appeared behind him. "its my turn, you had a spar and lost to a pathetic girl" she said teasing him. Spades looked at the female and growled "shut up she caught me off guard and if you havnt noticed your the dead one, not to mention its my body!" With this the dark female snarled and faded back into his mind "the day she leaves is the day i become sane " he said to himself angered by the argument
(back o3o)


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Re: The Ribbons Of Time ~ Semi-realistic wolf RP ~ Accepting please join!
« Reply #799 on: February 19, 2012, 10:43:32 pm »
(LOLOLOLOLOL! For something that started as a simple Bipolar disorder, this is a bit OTT now. I have just realized I made things go a little to fantasy like and I'm going to start toning it down a little. It doesn't mean anything will be any less dramatic, it just means that things will be less "Omg demon side escaping arghh," and more sliding into the blood thirsty and sickening state of mind after being triggered.  I just ask Abby to keep it realistic too, because I don't want to god mod and I hope you don't either :3 And SilverDawn its fine XD Btw can we say that someone was spying on the pack listening to Thirteen talk about Mother?)
Xander lowered his head, hiding his handsome face from the view of anyone. It wasn't a pretty site watching him or anyone else lose control. Maybe he was just keeping Vanth out of his site, and using this excuse to lie to himself, to hide the fact he was afraid of her turning. Images of himself killing his closest continually flickered through Xanders mind, the thoughts of he jaws sinking into flesh made him squirm with pleasure that was followed by disbelief that he was enjoying such a vision. Was he really so unable to keep his blood thirst under control? Yes...yes he was...
The white and grey male lifted his head as Vanth spoke, a smug smirk upon his jaws that he couldn't help but hold.  "What are go going to do to me Vanth?...." He paused chuckling darkly, he didn't even care what he was doing anymore, his lust for bloodshed was unbelievable. "Bite me?" Xander said, his head tipped in a childish way as though this was all some kind of Childs game. "Good..." He didn't let her answer him, because he already knew that she would say yes. "Then gimmie all you have got!!!..."
(Posting Thirteen and Kali next :3)