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Topics - Crystal72

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Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Birthdays and Maps
« on: August 03, 2013, 02:54:11 pm »
Not sure if this is the right topic...

Wow! It's been so long since I've posted-glad to see you floofs! The second of July was my birthday-and I got something really special-a Wacom bamboo tablet!

On that note, I've been playing around with Gimp, and I've finally started a map pack! Hopefully it'll be done before the end of Summer-here's a little sneak-peek of what it will include!

-A rainforest map-Glistening Jungles
-A savannah map-Wanyamapori Plains
-A desert map-Land of the Whirlwinds
-A canyon map-Kimbunga Canyon
-Two underwater maps-Tsunami Tides and Coral Cove
-A prairie map-Blooming Valley
-Two forest maps-Rainbow Woods and Needle Forest
-A tundra map-Permafrost Zone
-Two polar maps-Barafu Glacier and Utelezi Fields
-A mountain map-Mt. Vigumu
-A cavern map-Inatisha Tunnels
-A volcano map-Mt. Hasira

Tell me what you think! There will also be custom textures, and fitting music composed by myself and my father being played!

Discussion Board / This is embarrassing...
« on: March 28, 2013, 03:13:39 am »
Not sure where this goes, but...
I've been depressed lately. And it's because of this one question I can't get out of my head.
I always mess up, and even on a virtual world I end up embarrassing myself, or making a mistake. It's very humiliating, and I'm starting to wonder if it's having an effect on my reputation.
I just don't know what went wrong... Why I mess up...
Does anybody have any advice?
What can I do to stop this?
What if I end up even being humiliated by posting this?
I just want some help...

Request Maps / Cavern Map
« on: March 03, 2013, 04:16:06 pm »
Hi! Haven't started a topic in awhile... Any way, I'm looking for a cavern map. I'd like it to be very detailed, full of crystals, etc. I'd like it to seem... enchanted... and if somebody could make me one, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks.

Other Games / Neopets! Meep!
« on: February 24, 2013, 12:35:41 pm »
Besides FH, sometimes I play this fun game called Neopets. You make a pet (They're all made up animals), and then you can feed it, dress it, etc. Not exactly like CS, (I don't play CS, sorry!) but it's still lots of fun-anyone else here play it?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Feral heart ideas-and my opinion! *UPDATED*
« on: February 18, 2013, 07:02:16 pm »
Hello, floofs!
I have dedicated my keyboard to a place to pour all of the ideas for the game we play out of my little head. I have also have typed down my opinion about this game!

First up, some ideas. If you don't like them, don't be shy- you can be as critical as you like!

-More maps! I would really like to see a rainforest map, or possibly a CANYON! There are lots of wonderful maps to download from other players, but some new maps that come with the game would be very nice!

-Foliage! I believe that Feral Heart should have some more...greenery in their objects. There are only three tree meshes, and I think it would be lovely to have more! How about a Birch tree?

-Report! So, in the past, there was a report button, but it didn't end so well. I would like to see a live, working Report Button-considering all of the players who believe the rules don't apply to them. The way to report now can be frustrating, especially since my screenshot program is so slow!

NEW:-Filters! Yes, we all know how annoying WQ filters can be. But, little kids play Feral Heart too! It pains me see all the nine and eight year olds cussing and breaking every rule... so, why don't we clean it up a little so it's appropriate for all of us?

Now... my opinion.
I think Feral Heart, in conclusion, is a wonderful game. It has all of the properties of a video game I like- Adventure, Creation, etc. However, there are a few problems. It's a bit laggy and glitchy, and full of trolls and rapists. Other than that...
Feral Heart is a wonderful game!

Forum Games / Name that tune!
« on: February 18, 2013, 06:47:15 pm »
I made a forum game, YAY! :D So, the title kind of explains it all, just post a clipping of a song, then the next poster names it, and then they give a clipping of a different song.
Me first-(It's easy, derp)
"Like a diamond in the sky..."
Name that tune!

Poems / Poetry <3
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:11:40 pm »
I've always been a poetic person. So, how about a poem about Feral Heart? It's a bit quick, but, *deep breath* Here goes...

So what do I want to do today?
After my homework, I think I'll play?
But where would I like to stay?
I think I'll go to Feral Heart and role play.

So, just a short, sweet, poem. Hope you floofs like it. :)

Ask Me / Ask Crystal
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:28:06 pm »
Hey... I really don't know what to post about, so, I made an Ask me.
Don't ask me anything real personal, I won't answer...
Other than that, ask me anything you want!  :)

Species / Kristalli
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:14:38 pm »
I've finally posted about Ruby's species-yay! Anyway, Ruby is a Corundum Cat, (By the way, that's the type of rock rubies grow out of, you can see her crystal whiskers.) which is part of the Kristalli.  :o Shiny... So, here is her taxonomic classification:

Class: *HIDDEN CLASS* Kristallia
Order: Coalnivora (See what I did there?)
Family: Stone Felidae
Genus: Stone Catus
Species: Corundi Catus
Yeah, some are bad puns, but, I did my best. ^.^

So, Kristalli... Is an artificial species. There's only Corundi Catus. One Corundi Catus, none other than Ruby.
She was a lab cat, and accidentally, her genes were mixed in with minerals. It was a test, and she had jumped in, not knowing what it was.
Thanks for reading. I'll add more later~ ^.^

Characters / Hey, floofs...
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:10:41 pm »
Hi, everybody-just a quick notice, Ruby, my main RP character, is going under some major changes. Her appearance is different, (I'll probably change my profile pic) her personality is too, so, if you see the new "Ruby Cat Form", don't be confused, it's still me. So, just a short & sweet message about that. Bye!

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