Author Topic: ||University|| Open and Accepting  (Read 22290 times)

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2014, 06:38:10 pm »
I believe so. I'm still waiting for somebody to post. x3))

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Offline Just_Ice

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2014, 06:46:24 pm »
[ I'll just write up my application then xD ]

Offline Just_Ice

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2014, 07:16:40 pm »

Name: Scarlet
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description: Scarlet is very in-shape compared to some girls. She feels the need to exercise whenever she eats, which isn't always healthy. Her light brown hair is almost always in a braid, and she sometimes just wears it down. Her bright blue eyes shine without makeup, and sometimes change with the weather. She has a small piercing in her right nostril. It's barely noticeable. Her body is well proportioned with her height- she is exactly 5'7" with long legs.
Persionality: Scarlet has a very logical personality; she is much smarter than she appears. She is very observant, which helps her in school profoundly. She aims for the highest scores on tests and finals, and she usually gets those high scores. She hates being alone, which is hard since she lives alone. She sometimes resorts to drinking if she gets too lonely. It's hard to understand her at times, but she has a large heart.
Backstory/History: Scarlet's parents were always supportive and sweet; they loved their daughter with all of their hearts. But when she was only seventeen years old, her parents got in a terrible car accident. They both died on impact. Her aunt was supposed to be taking care of Scarlet from then on, but all she did was buy her a house to live in and sent her monthly checks of $100,000. Scarlet appreciated the money, but it gave her no moral support when dealing with the deaths of her parents.
Phone: Samsung Galaxy S4
Car: Infiniti G Convertible


Crush: None so far
Relationship: Single, but open.
Family: None except her aunt that comes by to drop off a check now and then.

Offline Trixxy

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2014, 07:46:27 pm »

Vanessa Moore
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description: Vanessa is roughly 5'8'' and 115 pounds. She has long dark brown/black  hair, hazel-blue eyes and pale skin. She has a lot of tattoos and a beauty mark next to her eye. She has been modeling for 4 years now and is pretty darn good! Though she is a model she really wants to be a therapist/psychiatrist and that is the reason why she is back in school. Vanessa is a huge animal lover and isn't afraid to show it!
Personality: Vanessa is a very happy, always smiling type of girl. She isn't all good and smiles, she has her bad sides and she's a huge party girl! Even though she's a model, she's 100% natural and won't let the business change her. She's super social and loves to have fun and laugh and honestly, that's what she does! Shy is nothing near what she is, in big crowds she's either center of attention or just there having fun. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her and honestly, why should she?
Back Story/History: Vanessa was born with a big brother named Alex and he loves to visit! Often times he spends time in her house with her because they were really close as kids. When she turned 19 she moved into her own house with her best friend Madison and they have a blast partying every night all night! She works at not only a modeling agency but she is also a waitress at a really big bar down town. That's where she meets all her friends and gets most of her drinks for the night!
Phone: Gold iPhone 5s
Car:Black Ferrari

Rebel was her first dog and man is he protective. Try messing with her and you might get your face mauled off by a huge rottweiler! Though he's tough and scary he loves Vanessa and spends most is day lying next to the door and waiting for her to come home. When Vanessa is home they often sit on the cough, snuggle and watch TV or he is resting his head in her lap as she does her homework. He loves to sleep in front of Vanessa's door to protect her at night.


Karma is Vanessa's feisty little Rhodesian ridgeback. Karma is protective yet fun and playful, ready to lick anyone who walks into the house. She enjoys sleeping at the foot of Vanessa's bed just because it's comfortable!


Parker is Vanessa's newest addition to the family. He is young German Shepherd puppy and he enjoys playing with the other animals of the house! He has his own dog beg right underneath her desk and man does he love it! Though during storms all Vanessa's pets enjoy snuggling with her under the covers.


Lulu is Vanessa's only exotic pet and probably the only one that sleeps in her bed on a day to day basis. This young Caracal loves to snuggle and play with Parker and enjoys rubbing against Vanessa and purring loudly.


Tank is the most playful of all the pets in the house and he sure does love Parker! He's a pitbull but he's not as vicious as people see him, in fact he wouldn't hurt a fly. Often times he is curled up with Parker in the doggy bed under the desk and is seen as a best friend/father figure to Parker.


Gunner is an adult Irish Wolfhound but sure does act like a puppy and often times is having to have the trainer called to the house. He enjoys laying in Vanessa's closet and is bigger then her standing on two feet! Now that's a big dog...

Crush: No one right now~
Relationship: Single pringle is ready to mingle!
Family: William - Father - 56
Melanie - Mother - 50
Alex - Older Brother - 25
Stephanie - Little Sister - 18
Kyle - Little brother - 16
Extra: Nothing really :3

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2014, 08:01:44 pm »
((Of course you are both accepted! Just letting you guys know I'm only accepting another 2 or so females, as we are running low on males (about 3 we have). We can start posting now as it seems the others aren't, but if they do decide to return I will give them a recap on what has exactly happened. So everyone feel free to now start posting))

?Aimee Taylor?
Aimee leaned forward in her seat as the professor began to speak, an over exaggerated sigh blowing past her lips as she placed her head on her left hand that was clenched as a fist which allowed her head to rest neatly on. The voice of the teacher echoed around the room as he told everyone to get out the equipment they needed, then quickly going on the explaining what the lesson was about. At the start of the year it seemed Professor Johnson always took them back to 'basics' and explaining what they would be doing. Rolling her eyes she glanced around the room and watched as other students got out their equipment, and shuffled around. "Right..." the booming voice of the professor filled the room as he began muttering about how they would first be starting off by doing about past Kings and Queens, then onto poverty, and soon onto war. This lesson didn't really interest Aimee and if anything she found it boring-letting out a huff the blonde leaned back in her seat and glanced at the two males at either side of her who seemed to be flicking small bits of paper at one another, and attempting to hit those they knew around the room. Chuckling she watched as the entertainment went on, nothing stopped those two in messing on-suddenly a light thud was felt on the side of her head. Turning she glanced at John with narrowed eyes "Oh, so we're playing this game huh?" she smirked as she picked the paper from the seat and threw it back at the dark haired male-a chuckle escaping past her lips as the two began attacking her with small paper balls. This small group didn't really seem to concentrate much in this lesson, and that had continued through their first year to.

?John Hutchinson?
Letting out a grunt John turned to the teen who seemed to have laughed at his and Aarons annoyance to the teacher, smiling he dipped his head then leaned back in his seat ready to hear the professor speak. Rolling his eyes he began boredly looking around the room letting out a rather quiet whistle. Turning he looked at Aaron and grinned who seemed to be sitting with his forehead pressed against the desk. Grabbing a piece of paper he began ripping medium sizes off and crumpling them into small balls-ignoring what the history professor was saying. Smirking John flicked the paper ball at his dark haired friend and laughed as his head shot up "What the hell?!?" he moaned then looking at his mate laughing "Oh, you think that's funny huh?.." Aaron questioned as he scrumpled up a pice of paper and threw it, hitting John right in the cheeck. "You little shit!" he laughed as he began making more small balls and throwing them. All of a sudden Aimee sat back in her seat and the paper smacked her in the side of the head. Putting a straight face on he looked at Aaron then back at Aimee listening to what she said "I, um, he..." something smacked him in the face and the blonde began laughing. Smirking, the two began launching paper at Aimee, numerous laughs coming from her as they quietly messed around.

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2014, 08:59:53 pm »

? Vanessa Moore ?

The sound of a loud buzzing rings in the young adults ears and then it stops, then something very heavy pushes down on her stomach. Opening her eyes, her best friend and room mate, Madison, was sitting on her. "Good morning babes!" the red head nearly yells, poking Vanessa's nose. "Also, hun, I fed your animals for you! Did you know Lulu is very picky," she says, raising an eyebrow and getting off of her. "Yeah I know, she's the reason I hate waking up!" the brunette hisses playfully, sending a glare as the caracal sneaks into the bed room. "It's 8:50 by the way," Madison says in a sing-song voice as she skips out of the room. "8:50!" Vanessa yells, shoving the covers off of her and rushing to the closet. Grabbing a quick outfit she lays it out on the bed, after removing Lulu, and quickly undresses.

Pulling on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, white tank top and a turquoise aeropostale jacket, and turquoise converse she rushes into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she frowns at her messy hair. "Great..." she mumbles, brushing through her long black hair then straightening it until it was stick straight. Vanessa applies a small amount of powder foundation, mascara and eyeliner before rushing back into her room and putting on a white beanie.

"Maddie!" she calls, grabbing her bag, phone and car keys. "Yes love?" her room mate asks, walking into her room. "How do I look?" "Lazy... But good!" Madison answers, fixing her hair. "Thanks, bye!" she calls, waving goodbye to Madison who was holding Parker. Shoving the key into the key hole of her black Lamborghini, she twists it and the car starts. Smiling she puts on some shades and drives down the road until she reaches Brickston University. By now she was really late and didn't even have time to drop her stuff of at her locker.

Parking the car she gets out, shoves the shades into her bag and starts to rush to the building. Stopping she turns and points the keys at the car locking it. As she arrives at the proper building she turns her phone of silent and put it in her back pocket. With a deep breath she opens the door, everyone looks at her. "Ms. Moore, where have you been?" the professor asks. Pausing she ignores the stares of the students and looks right at the teacher. "I woke up late and I take full responsibility of my actions. It won't have again Sir." she says firmly. "Very well, take a seat." he says, pointing at the seats. Nodding she walks up the stairs, searching for a seat. She sees an open one a few away from twins but near her friend Myles.

Plopping down in the seat, Myles turns around and smiles at her. "Where have you been Ms. Moore?" he asks in the same tone as the professor. "Oh shut up," she smirks, kicking the back of his seat. The professor sends them a look and they sit up and face forward. Pulling out her phone and hiding it behind her bag she quickly sends Myles a text.

Vanessa: So... me, you, Maddie, Chase, Zach, Emma and Dylan tonight at Greenhouse?
Myles: Yeah! We are definitely hitting that place!
Vanessa: Good cuz I'm not working tonight and I need something to do! Plus I get discounts there (;
Myles: Daaaang girl! I love you even more ??????
Vanessa: I love you to Myles bby ;* Text Chase and tell him to get Russel to come
Myles: K

Silver = Other people
White = Vanessa

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2014, 09:26:42 pm »

Scarlet Greene

  Scarlet sat in class quietly, her mind wandering off to anywhere else but where she was. She sighed deeply, doodling onto her paper. The taste of liquor remained on her tongue from the night before; she didn't have any parties or anything, just her regular lonely habits. Since she started at the university, she hadn't met very many people. The school was full of attractive people, a few that she had already hooked up with. She took another deep breath. Scarlet snapped out of her trance when the door opened- a girl was late to class. She noticed her tattoos immediately, then thought about getting some herself. But that went away quickly. She watched the girl sit down then start texting her friends. Scarlet looked down at her appearance; her hair was in a braid once again. Her makeup was a little bit messy from the night before. She hadn't felt like cleaning it up after her terrible hangover this morning. She was wearing one of her favorite dresses. She stared up at the clock and waited for the class to end. Her eyes wandered around the people in the class- there were a guy and girl tossing papers at eachother, which made Scarlet roll her eyes. Of course it is fine to do, but the professor was obviously already in a mood. Quietly, Scarlet sighed again and placed the palm of her hand on her cheek, watching the professor teach.

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2014, 10:25:20 pm »

?Aimee Taylor?
Aimee continued to chuckle until John and Aaron stopped throwing the paper at her "Alright you jerks, or I'll have to open a can of woop ass on ya's!" she giggled flicking bits of paper off the desk and chuckling brushing her hand through her fringe to place it back into its spot on the side. Looking at John she shook her head then at Aaron with a chuckle, it seemed he had began playing on Temple Run on his Iphone. Watching amused her attention soon went onto the professor as he began showing things on the large board-along with continuing to speak about the lesson. Allowing her mouth to open a large yawn puffed out making the usual 'sound' a yawn did, fluttering her lashes to prevent her eyes from water she glanced around-totally oblivious to the late comer into the class until she took a seat infront of the three beside the twins. Shrugging she turned and looked at the clock, her beautiful blue eyes glittering slightly from the light of the room it read '9:20' there was now ten minutes left of the lesson. Letting out a sigh of relief the 18-year old shuffled her seat back and pulled up her arms, allowing them to cross over onto of the desk. Pulling in her chair a little making herself comfortable the blonde teen allowed her head to gently drop onto her arms. Her smooth fringe slowly fell over her face as it remained layed across her arms, allowing her eyes to close it didn't take long for the teen to drift off. Besides the lesson was boring and everything they were learning about had already been covered in previous lessons.

?John Hutchinson?
The carry on remained for atleast ten minutes until the group stopped messing on, hearing what Aimee said John chuckled and shook his head. "Oooh, I'm so scared you midget!" he chuckled. Just then to door opened causing his head to turn to the front of the classroom, it appeared one of the students had arrived late, and rather late indeed. Watching as the dark haired female walked up the stairs and took a seat infront of them beside the twins, then glancing at the professor who seemed to have his eyes narrowed. Rolling his eyes John turned away upon hearing the professor speak. Hearing the sharp but quiet noise of a shriek, narrowing his eyes he glanced at Aaron who seemed to be on his phone as usual, playing Temple Run. Watching in amusement for a few seconds his attention soon turned to Aimee causing a laugh to escape past his lips, the smaller teen seemed to have gotten herself comfortable and fell asleep-chuckling he began tickling the tip of her nose causing her to stir and slap her face the odd time. Shaking his head with yet another laugh John soon slouched back in his seat and glanced over towards the clock "There's just five more minutes to go..." he smiled as he began to chew on a pen lid waiting impatiently.

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #48 on: January 04, 2014, 11:01:01 pm »

Offline Avashea

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Re: ||University|| Open and Accepting rated-m
« Reply #49 on: January 04, 2014, 11:24:36 pm »
Sounds like a fun roleplay!