Author Topic: Let's have a talk about censorship  (Read 25204 times)

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2020, 07:54:53 pm »
what ❤️

I could make the same point about Birdie posting this publicly. Instead of posting publicly under the guise of some friend etc she could have simply messaged us about it herself just the same. What was the need for all the extra steps?
All she had to do was ask the staff a simple question. “Hey do you guys know what happened to this thread?” There didn’t need to be any strings attached, alternate accounts to build a narrative, and drama mongering in between. This could have all been avoided.

There weren't alternate accounts. You're right, there's no need for "alternate accounts to build a narrative"... that's why there weren't. There's plenty of reasons people's ips would overlap. It's very disappointing to see a staff member cling to such an assumptive story enough to post it publicly on the forum and basically soft-doxx someone??

Even if it were the case, it doesn't change the question. Could have just answered what you knew about it and left it at that.

The problem arose when she decided to take a dishonest route to fabricate a negative story right away. Why not ask why she immediately took to a large FH Discord community to falsely report and accuse on something she had no answer to yet? Which resulted in the immediate back flow of troll accounts coming on to leave death threats, hateful comments, etc.

Genuine question, did you actually receive death threats? I see a couple silly posts and maybe some mean jabbing at the staff but I don't see anything that could be constructed as a death threat, and I did not see anyone from anyone on Discord with that intent. Did you receive these over PM's or something? Death threats aren't an allegation to throw around lightly, so I'm curious if that's true or just an exaggeration. If it's true I do apologize, I don't think that's acceptable behavior from either end.

After we then gave the answer which is that Raz deleted it. But still some keep on doing things like this:

Ok so wait is staff gunna say why they took it down or? So far what I'm reading theres nothing- even though they're commenting, theres no real excuse and that leaves me worried o.o

It’s like some don’t read or pretend not to read so that they can continue things. An answer was given, but the moment people see an opportunity for drama they enter a state of blind rage and press on. Then some feel the need to troll or leave unnecessary comments or inbox messages. Even telling staff to kill them selves... Exactly how is that behavior any better? It totally contradicts the conversation.

Admittedly it took me a hot second to find the sentence saying Raz deleted it, it was a bit overshadowed by the weird big doxxing screenshots :/ I think people genuinely just didn't see it.. not sure why this random user got thrown under the bus for that. People skimming posts isn't too surprising. Annoying, sure, but it's not usually malicious.

A big issue here is that you got your answer (Raz deleted it) as well as solution (we’ll remake it) but it wasn’t enough to you all. You never want to admit that some of you tend to make a bigger deal out of things than was necessary. Then once action is taken you act like you have no idea why it happened. This response would be fitting if staff just ignored you all and didn’t offer a solution. But we didn’t.

I don't think anyone has an issue with the answer and solution... there's quite clearly something else that happened there. I won't deny some users were just stirring up trouble for the lolz but there was a lot of issue with how you accused Birdie, and coincidentally there was a ban wave of users who posted on this thread or were connected to FHU, with no reason given.

Had the topic been left at "Raz deleted it and we don't know why, we'll remake it", of course there would still be issue with that statement, but I don't think the fault would fall directly towards staff. It's the accusations and banning that were causing this unrest.

Ok i was literally JUST about to post when Ressy posted, so sorry if the above responses are outdated now

The reason behind why the thread was removed wasn't due to any kind of censorship, but simply that FeralHeart does not want to be responsible if something was to happen to their users. Let's say the thread told them to contact someone and they didn't get the help they needed.
People who are struggling mentally shouldn't turn to a forum to start with, unless it is a genuine mental health forum.
Why? Because there are trolls everywhere.
The thread won't be remade.

Thank you for saying that, I might not agree with the decision but that is a reasonable thought process behind it. However, why is there such a large difference between you and Sura's answers? "We don't know why it was deleted"/"It will be remade" vs "There was reason to delete it"/"It won't be remade"? Is it just new information just being learned rn or a lack of communication or? I promise I'm not trying to be drama-starty, I just wanna know why there's such a discrepancy, I do believe you're both being genuine in your answers.

I apologize if any of this came off the wrong way, I can clarify what I mean if needed.

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2020, 08:18:36 pm »

The reason behind why the thread was removed wasn't due to any kind of censorship, but simply that FeralHeart does not want to be responsible if something was to happen to their users. Let's say the thread told them to contact someone and they didn't get the help they needed.
People who are struggling mentally shouldn't turn to a forum to start with, unless it is a genuine mental health forum.
Why? Because there are trolls everywhere.
The thread won't be remade.

Thank you for saying that, I might not agree with the decision but that is a reasonable thought process behind it. However, why is there such a large difference between you and Sura's answers? "We don't know why it was deleted"/"It will be remade" vs "There was reason to delete it"/"It won't be remade"?
Gonna say what probably everyone want.
Raz. Give us logic repile.
On new account Aiiokia

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #42 on: July 18, 2020, 08:34:50 pm »
i tried to not to give any elaborate replies to this thread to avoid getting into more funny business on this forum, but w/e i just want to put this out here.

the responses to this thread is absolutely atrocious and it really shows the true nature of all of y'all who moderate this forum. i don't want to point fingers but some of your replies were negatively charged and y'all are acting surprised getting backlash for it. sure i can say the same for both sides but honestly, what do you expect from a group of people who are sick of being mistreated, including the people you used to work with and be friends with?
i know this already has been established but i'm gonna repeat it. you've banned people for making replies to this thread, plus the people who are just associated with another game (most of them previously being in the dev team not so long ago!). some of them have no previous bans or otherwise bad records. y'all say you don't have any biases but it's certain that you do.
i'm sorry people are/have been sending you death threats and hate messages but it's not the fault of Birdie at all. it's horrible and uncalled for but those people made a personal choice to do that and it's only their fault. the way you try to curb the blame on Birdie is not cool and actually kind of manipulative?

you guys can do better, seriously. no jokes this time.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 08:36:37 pm by WolfQueen »

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2020, 08:44:31 pm »
The reason why there is a big difference between Suras post and my post, is that I was asleep when previous comments were made. Meaning, so was Raz.
I had to read back on the posts and then have a discussion with Raz as he was the person who deleted it, to see what his reason was.


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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2020, 08:52:38 pm »
Will there ever be peace in this land? People writing novels for a deleted thread on a tiny internet game.

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2020, 09:00:55 pm »
The reason why there is a big difference between Suras post and my post, is that I was asleep when previous comments were made. Meaning, so was Raz.
I had to read back on the posts and then have a discussion with Raz as he was the person who deleted it, to see what his reason was.

So you acted on something without first finding out the context or speaking to your team. This is another example of the staff team not taking the time to remove personal emotions from their work, which is all the community is asking for. We now have people banned due to personal bias rather than actual rule breaking actions.

Do you not see how this would upset people, make people fearful. These aren't just one time actions, these issues happen over and over. While those who do them have nothing happen to them. This is clearly unprofessional and its not getting addressed.   

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2020, 09:04:09 pm »
Thank you for saying that, I might not agree with the decision but that is a reasonable thought process behind it. However, why is there such a large difference between you and Sura's answers? "We don't know why it was deleted"/"It will be remade" vs "There was reason to delete it"/"It won't be remade"? Is it just new information just being learned rn or a lack of communication or? I promise I'm not trying to be drama-starty, I just wanna know why there's such a discrepancy, I do believe you're both being genuine in your answers.

I apologize if any of this came off the wrong way, I can clarify what I mean if needed.

Not too long ago Raz had explained why it was removed and why we will not be making a new one. Before, when Sura gave her answer, that is all we knew at the time. Once we knew the answer Ressy explained it for you all.
The reason why there is a big difference between Suras post and my post, is that I was asleep when previous comments were made. Meaning, so was Raz.
I had to read back on the posts and then have a discussion with Raz as he was the person who deleted it, to see what his reason was.

Ah I see, that's more understandable, thanks for the clarification. I don't know the timeframe of when the original thread by xSpirit was deleted, but was there any discussion about deleting it at the time, or is the past few days the first time the reasoning has been brought up at all?

Will there ever be peace in this land? People writing novels for a deleted thread on a tiny internet game.

apologies *peace sign*

bro what if i put my feralheart cave next to yours.. bro what if they only had one flattened bush mesh to lay on and we had to share... haha just kidding... unless...?

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2020, 12:27:53 am »
May I ask a question?

How is it that Razmirz can just do things without even talking to the other staff members about it? How is it that Razmirz can do things and not even the other staff members know about what he did until a community member notices it, makes a thread about it, and then a staff member has to directly ask Razmirz about it in order to give the community some weird answer?
It's not about this being his website. That doesn't grant him leeway to just do whatever. All of you are equal staff members with an important job to moderate the community and all of you should be working together and yes, this includes Razmirz. It should never be that only one staff member does something random on their own and the rest have to find out and when they do, they just sit and watch.

Why is there no communication whatsoever?

I really want to be a positive person and I don't mean to come back to Feral Heart and jump into drama, but it's been this way for a long time and the poor responses made by LordSuragaha and PrettyReckless in this thread really solidify it. My first notion was when I was shot down because I simply mentioned my mental health in a post I made a long time ago.
The community is not talking about it because we hate you guys, want to start drama, and see Feral Heart's downfall. We're talking about it because it's important, we care, and we want to see positive change. You guys have the power to change it so easily but right now you seem to care more about replying to us in defense for yourselves rather than just.... doing what you previously said you were gonna do.
But also, one administrator saying "We don't know why he did it and we will remake it" and then the other administration saying "He has a reason why and no, we will not remake it" later on in the thread.... the mixed signals and the lack of communication.... whew.
EDIT: I also have no idea what happened with FHU if someone can explain that to me? I tend to have inactivity periods where I don't look at the forums for a while just because I'm busy doing other things. I keep seeing FHU brought up but I have no context for why it's relevant and I'd like to understand the situation better.

Good luck Feral Heart.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 02:10:54 am by wolfsquad »

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2020, 01:26:16 am »
I think at least in part, Raz' just tends to disappear for random spots of time, months even; or he just lurks and nobody knows what he's doing or why; moderators [and we] can only guess.

At this point, he can literally do whatever he wants since he's hosting the server. If he feels like randomly shutting it down in a tantrum, then he'll do just that. He's done it. He has a history of disappearing, and not keeping communication with anyone while he's gone. That leaves the moderation staff at a loss. It leaves what's left of the dev' team, at a loss. It leaves the community at large, at a loss, because NOBODY knows what's going on. Raz has an issue with effective communication. He has for a long time. Ask him, and he'll say he doesn't care about the things that are said one way or another about him, or his 'leadership' style, etc. I, personally think that's bs, since he reacts so profoundly when someone does strike a nerve.

FHU seems to have done it this time. xSpirit and most if not all of the dev team, moderation, and creators for fhU have been banned with zero explanation to them, along with those that were simply banned due to participation or simply viewing this thread at the time. I believe FHU is at least part of the reason Raz removed the thread (since it was xSpirit who wrote the post) that started this whole mess that turned into the Yeetening vol. 2: Suragaha Edition.

Why Sura' acted this way, we don't know. She is usually pretty level headed, this as I said before, was a shock to me. After all the work at least some of the staff has been doing to try for some transparency, this event literally slammed the door on that, and on many innocent users in the process.

The point is, Raz does what Raz does, and nobody gets anywhere because Raz don't talk to nobody about anything anymore, it would seem. I experienced it 2nd hand, when we did the update that gave you Kibou Ridge & the updated Eastern Pass. We were done with the agreed upon maps MONTHS before Raz showed back up. The communication then was very one sided: Everyone messags/calls/texts Raz; Raz no respond back. I think some of the staff, at least, has given up hope on ever getting this FH server going again because of his treatment of staff and general attitude.

If that doesn't change, niether will FH. If people don't start respecting EVERYBODY ELSE its not going to improve. That goes for Staff respecting users, and users respecting staff. Staff is trying to bring more people in, but it's events and drama like this that simply pushes them away.

As an aside:

If there are or were death threats or suggestions, those people should be ashamed of themselves. NEVER tell someone to do that. YOU DO NOT know who you are talking to, and you might just push that person that far, that day. You do NOT want that on your head the rest of your life. SUICIDE is not a joke. It's not a game. Too many lives have been lost too soon to people like YOU who send those messages to people. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It's just a horrible thing to do to someone. Or even jokingly suggest. Suicide is not a joke.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 01:30:53 am by LaughingWolf »

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2020, 02:18:34 am »
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% what Jace said. I couldn't explain it any better.