We will be recreating a new thread with helpful guidelines and information for those seeking help.
The thread won't be remade.
I am
so glad that FeralHeart has a transparent, well-communicating staff team (especially among the admins) <3
Here's the thing, suicide awareness =/= increased suicides. By posting those hotlines, you're telling people where they can reach out. If they don't get help, that's not on the staff's shoulders. Posting and providing those resources for a community that has many young people, many of which who are suffering mental health issues as they go through growing up (as many of us older members can relate to and understand), is a good thing. A helpful thing. It gives them somewhere they feel safe going (The FeralHeart forums or games, although that feeling of security is not the same as it once was), a place that- maybe if they were to look up these resources on their own, they could get in trouble from a parent or guardian. But if they get the resources here? That can help.
I'd also like to point out- at this point? The fact that the thread was removed was moot. If this had been handled in a more professional way, such as "Hey, it was removed, we're going to address this." that's all that needed to have been said. l3irdie posted it publicly because- hey, this is an issue that needs addressed. A question that needed an answer, moreso than sending to a staff member in a DM and either getting dismissed or ignored, or waiting multiple days for an answer.
Where it was handled poorly was assuming that because two users are friends in real life, they are
clearly the same person, and it was all just a fabricated narrative. Dragging that into the public eye and not addressing it properly was the issue, and that's why this thread continues. What I have an issue with is the way this was handled, and I guarantee that there will be no consequences for blatantly mishandling this issue.
I would also like to point out the very high number of permabans that have been dished out over all of this. That's inappropriate. Banning users without reason, without any indication of why, or what they did wrong, and with no warning- severing their connection to this game swift as an execution. But you wonder why some of your member base has trust issues with the staff members.
Ban me if you'd like- I know the reasoning is going to be "discussing a ban publicly," but do not think that anyone of us is just going to roll over and forget how you completely overreacted to an innocent question, and sent many of your long-time users off with a ban. It really proves that unless they've been licking your boots for years, you don't care about your user base. If you did, you'd pull your head out of your butt, read what the community is saying, and maybe... do something about it.
Raz isn't a valid excuse. "Raz did it," "Raz won't let us," "We have to wait for Raz's approval," as if... what. Maybe if he isn't around, the administrators should take over and start informing the community of what is going on.
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