Author Topic: Let's have a talk about censorship  (Read 25204 times)

Offline wolfsquad

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #60 on: July 20, 2020, 03:17:45 am »
I have no proof anyone was or wasn't banned but those things aren't even supposed to be discussed on the forums anyways.

I mean, there's multiple people on this thread who are using alt account after alt account to talk because they keep getting banned. I don't get how you don't see this?

I check the forums to see if anything interesting is happening then I move on with my day. I'm not going to let something like this ruin my day. If something upsets me then I either take care of it or walk away from it.

But you did click on this, respond to it multiple times, and keep clicking it on to read the responses from everyone, including people who weren't responding to you.

I have made my memories on this game and will not let silly drama replace those for me. And it sure would be nice if the newer members could make some nice ones too without seeing all this on the forums.

The memories aren't ruined unless you purposely go out of your way to ruin them yourself. I have so many bad memories here and have been wronged by people so many times and yet I still keep coming back because I mostly remember the good times. I can barely even remember 1/3 of the poor events that have happened to me here because they have been blanked out of my mind, I just remember that yes I've had hardships here.
And again, it's not "silly drama". You're turning a blind eye to an actual issue here with how poorly everything is ran and how the staff.... I don't wanna say abuse their powers, but they basically abuse their powers from time to time.


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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2020, 05:32:01 am »
Hello fellas, Calvary here. My deepest apologies for using an alt-account. Frankly I do not mind if this one gets banned as well, but I'm going to out myself here for the sake of proof.

My main account was banned, both forum-wise and game wise. Many others, not just me, with valid proof, have also been banned.

"Why can't you just ask the reason for your ban?"

As I said, many of us are banned in-game wise and forum wise, which means we cannot message any staff unless we dig around discord. Even then, many of the staff members have me blocked on discord, but I cannot speak for everyone else who also got banned. It is also apparent that no individual on the staff team can give anyone a direct answer to the reason regarding the ban. "This is a question for Sura" people will say.

"Why didn't you just DM the staff team about the topic instead of starting drama?"

First, this wasn't made to start drama. The censorship happened again with a post made by AppleCider. Keep in mind as well, fellow community members, that there isn't any reason you can't discuss the topic on the forums! Maybe it's something a group was genuinely curious about, and wanted to discuss to reach a possible conclusion.

Instead, the topic itself was met with removal, and prompted, the aggressive IP matching between two users where it was unnecessary. If you do not find this compromising or unsafe, I truly think you should reconsider what kind of game you are playing and who holds access to your information. Do you trust them with your personal info?

"Just leave the topic alone! Stop causing drama."

Now this. As much as I enjoy differing opinions, this is probably my biggest pet peeve. This is the same sort of mindset equivalent to why people get bullied. Why people don't speak out about their trauma. If everything was just swept under the rug, how long do you think it'll take before too much dust piles up under that rug? People aren't intending to cause drama. I'm not here to cause drama, but I am here to be clear. This sort of banning spree, the sort of assumption that these topics were brought up to stir the pot, that's what they are, assumptions.

If you truly believe everything and anything should just be swept under the rug, please be my guest. I have no qualms with that. What I have qualms about is trying to silence people who have the same rights to a voice as you do. Stop trying to shut everyone up just because it rocks the boat for you. Do not be a bystander to a problem, because then you are simply part of it. But you can choose to be if you really find that best suited for you.

I will be deleting this account following this post in order to protect my personal information.

I just beg you all to be a bit more open to the idea that this kind of behavior isn't okay. I also ask that anyone else posting on this thread holds the same amount of civility that Birdie did. Civility brings us peace, but I beg you to be more open and holding people accountable where they should be held accountable. Just because nothing happened to you doesn't make this situation fine and dandy.

Much love, I do hope those undeserving of their bans will be unbanned and a public apology will be issued.

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #62 on: July 20, 2020, 05:46:35 am »
Excuse me but can someone give me a rundown on what happened here while I was gone?
I've no idea what is going on and I'd like to know so I can base a strong opinion on it, but I'm too lazy to read through 62 whole replies-
Sorry for butting into this thread with this, but from what I gather from Cavalry: something BAD has happened. Truly terrible happenings, related to some censorship & unfair bannings, aswell as some issues with the staff..?
I'm just confused and would like a detailed list or timeline of the events.

Again, sorry for butting in. Take care everyone, hopefully whatever's been happening can be fixed up properly.
i'm back cause i'm bored as hell.

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #63 on: July 20, 2020, 06:07:25 am »

All of this because someone asked a question about a mental health resources thread that got deleted?? What is going on in here?
Demanding transparency isn't "drama", and it probably shouldn't a bannable offense in my honest opinion nor should saying "oof" or posting a pogchamp emote like y'all what is going ON here. So long as it's not fallacious or disrespectful, aren't we as a community allowed to ask questions and give our thoughts on a situation? Is that not why we have a discussion board? Maybe I've only seen one side of the story so correct me if I'm misinterpreting this, but this is ridiculous.

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #64 on: July 20, 2020, 06:12:01 am »
Excuse me but can someone give me a rundown on what happened here while I was gone?
I've no idea what is going on and I'd like to know so I can base a strong opinion on it, but I'm too lazy to read through 62 whole replies-
Sorry for butting into this thread with this, but from what I gather from Cavalry: something BAD has happened. Truly terrible happenings, related to some censorship & unfair bannings, aswell as some issues with the staff..?
I'm just confused and would like a detailed list or timeline of the events.

Again, sorry for butting in. Take care everyone, hopefully whatever's been happening can be fixed up properly.

Sometime around December, xSpirit made a post with mental health resources, such as suicide hotlines. Then one day, the thread mysteriously disappears and AppleCider makes an innocent thread asking what happened to it because they had it bookmarked and needed it. Sura felt it was necessary to do an in-depth research on their IP and found it was the same as l3irdie's, immediately taking the stance that AppleCider was l3irdie's alt account made to cause trouble under a disguise when the reality is that AppleCider is an irl friend of l3irdie's who lives in the same area, hence the IP addresses being the same. After AppleCider's post is locked, l3irdie comes here to make this thread.
This thread was NOT made to cause problems but the staff themselves made it out that way and took offense, going on a banning spree to ban multiple members, including users who didn't post and simply lurked on the thread. They also banned users who were on FHU staff, even the ones who hadn't been active here on FH forums. Basically everyone here has an issue with the abuse of power, unprofessional behavior, lack of communication and community, and censorship of certain topics.

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #65 on: July 20, 2020, 06:16:27 am »
Yes, this is a double post real quick. Ignore that part, though. There's a reason and it doesn't fit with my previous post.
But the thread Bird posted earlier, right above TimesNewRoman, either they deleted or a staff member deleted.
I'm going to assume it was a staff member who doesn't want others to truly see the extent of what happened because there's also an admin viewing this topic at the same time I'm posting this.

I'm gonna repost the links real quick, because the post was deleted while I still had them open, but if it turns out Bird did delete the post herself then I will remove the links at her request.

Removed by moderator
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 10:20:00 pm by Ame88 »

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #66 on: July 20, 2020, 06:17:08 am »
To answer the original question asked in this thread, I will quote what Ressy has said:

The reason behind why the thread was removed wasn't due to any kind of censorship, but simply that FeralHeart does not want to be responsible if something was to happen to their users. Let's say the thread told them to contact someone and they didn't get the help they needed.
People who are struggling mentally shouldn't turn to a forum to start with, unless it is a genuine mental health forum.
Why? Because there are trolls everywhere.

I've struggled with my own mental health since I hit puberty, it took a while but I can finally say that I've overcome my issues.
The only reason I'm mentioning my own problems, is because I want you to know that I can relate to the topic.
Not once have I looked to turn to feral-heart or a similar forum regarding my troubles.

The best thing anyone struggling with mental health can do, is call their doctor or local charity.

The thread won't be remade.
I know some of you guys are coming from FHU, and I understand if you have concern for people's mental well being.
I'm sure xSpirit would be happy for you to post a similar thread on his forum.

The reason why there is a big difference between Suras post and my post, is that I was asleep when previous comments were made. Meaning, so was Raz.
I had to read back on the posts and then have a discussion with Raz as he was the person who deleted it, to see what his reason was.

FeralHeart does not want to be held accountable if anything were to happen to a user who used our platform to seek help and failed to get the help they needed. As Ressy has said, the best thing for anyone to do is reach out to their doctor or local charity for these types of situations, or to seek out a specialized organization with professionals who are trained properly to handle these types of situations. Not an online roleplaying game. I understand all of your frustrations regarding this, however Razmirz has given his reasoning as to why he does not want that kind of thread on this game's forum, and there is nothing we can do to change his mind. If you do not agree with how he wants things to be run here on FeralHeart, then you are more than welcome to seek out a platform that meets your standards. I am terribly sorry.

As for this thread itself, I will be locking it due to an answer being given to the original question, as well as the subject being thrown off topic with continued harassment towards others.

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