Author Topic: Raz you need to resign.  (Read 19467 times)

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2020, 01:19:15 am »
If Raz was really that bad, I don't think the staff would stick around. Unless you know him personally I'd say you shouldn't assume things like that. He's not a machine, he's human, as Scally has said. I understand users aren't satisfied with how things are running, but that doesn't mean he deserves these kinds of things said about/to him. He could shut down FH, or he could dump it on someone who has no experience in that area, but he hasn't, and he won't, so think about that. Things could be so much worse than they are.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2020, 01:43:52 am »


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2020, 07:04:00 am »
If Raz was really that bad, I don't think the staff would stick around.
Are we tho? I'm pretty sure the reason the staff is still around is not Raz but the community.

What is happening is clearly:
3. Drop the project back to how LKD designed it and pretty much abandon it to run itself. (Just without actually dopping back to 1.13)

To be perfectly honest I really don't think Raz cares anymore at all. After all he told Ellen, that if he would care he'd throw a tantrum and shut the game down. I kinda feel like he is kinda even trying to say that we should be thankful lol
He abandoned the game and most likely he won't come back.
He doesn't answer any staff members anymore. No matter how or when we are trying to reach him (even if we text him the same time as he is talking to a normal user) he will not answer. It's kinda funny to think that he talks more to normal users than staff lol (Even tho he became annoyed as soon as a user mentioned FH instead of just chatting about stuff related to him)

FH is already on the dying side. There is no need to shadow that. I doubt there would be anyways to save it now.
There won't even be any updates most likely... Since Raz is ignoring the progress of the community map makers as well I can assure you there won't be an update.

At this rate FH probably won't last until this fall.

But probably I should shut up... Before I end up becoming the one to blame once a raging news thread about everyone being an *awful person* shows up lol
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 07:23:17 am by xSpirit »

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2020, 08:58:37 am »
After all he told Ellen, that if he would care he'd throw a tantrum and shut the game down.

This is just me but, I do believe she meant it in the way of, if he took things people say about him to heart, he would throw a tantrum.

"Raz once told me if he took things to the heart, he would throw a tantrum and shut the server down.
But he doesn't care what people says about him. He has grown a thick skin over the years. And he says no one would understand him anyway."

I can't speak for either of them, nor am I tryin to lmao
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 09:10:41 am by Ame88 »

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2020, 12:00:31 pm »
Feral Heart isn't dying, I've actually seen it have more members recently. New people are joining every month, even every week! It's been getting closer to 300 members recently. Currently, 190/180/170...etc

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2020, 12:42:49 pm »

So many things to say, but cba to repeat myself.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2020, 01:53:16 pm »
I do think X has a valid point. He's been very helpful in telling people what's going on and it makes sense to me. Feral Heart may not have it's chance to survive because it's window keeps getting smaller and smaller to grow into something more than what it already is. And it all comes back to Raz just not being present. I'd like to reiterate and clarify what I said earlier as I think I was misunderstood to a degree (which is understandable, I may not be the best at articulating my thoughts well)-

It's not so much we need him around for guidance because he isn't the person to provide that, he's a behind the scenes guy, but he needs to be able just be present? I'm not talking around the clock and constantly on your back, but at least have the guy around to just talk about upcoming patches and to make sure it's something he'd want to put in and also at least have some trust in his staff team. They're here for a reason and they want to help the game grow as much as the next person. But he clearly doesn't trust them enough to take charge, and that itself is just the tip of the ice berg. I don't blame them at all, they actually care about the community and they do want to have their best interests at heart, but they can't have that if they aren't trusted enough to take the lead on other things other than events for the community.
Feral Heart has managed to stay a strong community for years, but because of a lot of factors it's grown to be a bit small. Feral Heart as also been through a lot of big blows, drama that erupts into this because of just this. Not enough trust or open lines to communication, and it gets out into the community far too easily, and then it just creates this divide, and divides only make things worse and puts everything in black and white. Making it so people's views and thoughts on all sides invalidated, there won't be room for healthy discussion and growth like that.
But I think this is the biggest one yet until we have some confirmation to go off of and to work on things going forward. But like I said, the longer we wait, the smaller the window gets and unfortunately, Feral Heart may not have it's fighting chance.

We've all been down this road before, this thread I mean. And I remember when I even so much suggest that the community deserves a bridge of communication, it was put down. I don't doubt my preaching about this whole thing would be as well, but that's alright.  Take all of this as someone whose heard some sides of it, I don't know the full extent of the situation but this is only an assumption and my opinions toward it. Correct me if you see it fit. And I'm not trying to rag on the game or say "it must die", I'm just talking out of concern for a game I care about.
I hope we can still have a good discussion about this situation, even if the thread wasn't really made with those intentions. Talking about things in a way that's productive can at least help find common ground, we all want one thing, and it's for Feral Heart to succeed.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 10:59:48 pm by l3irdie »


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2020, 02:35:05 pm »
Feral Heart isn't dying, I've actually seen it have more members recently. New people are joining every month, even every week! It's been getting closer to 300 members recently. Currently, 190/180/170...etc

That's almost nothing next to what it had a few months or years ago. Also, Those are the mainly USA based users. In the EU we are down to like 40-80 users at best. Aaaand we might have new members but how many of them stays? FH has almost nothing to offer besides the community events (parties, movie nights etc).

Even if we have like almost 200 players everyday, how many of those 200 will stay if FH will get no updates for the coming months, years?

I'm not trying to be against FH here. I'd like it to survive and get big updates for years. But facts are facts, and the fact is that in it's currect state FH is not working well.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 02:38:14 pm by xSpirit »


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2020, 04:59:40 pm »
Spirit has pretty much summed up how I feel. Years ago there was over 700 players online at a time and even reaching into the thousands, crashing the game. But so much has changed and people either grow up and leave or abandon the game because they don't want to be a part of all of it's drama. FeralHeart has not kept pace with the times, we're still pretty much stuck in the 2012s but with different maps and a few small changes. Some people are happy with how the game is now, but for the ones who've been around since the beginning, some of us are seeing the game crash and burn before our eyes.
I'm sure Raz is a cool guy, but the decisions he makes aren't so cool. If he wants to be a background man, then he needs to give the staff and future devs power to make their own stuff. Let the community decide if they want it or not. He doesn't want General back, yet there are have been so many threads about people begging it to come back because no one wants to be crowded around one area to talk to each other. There are a lot of things that I am sure the staff would love to change, but they can't without his single "yes" or "no" and he doesn't have the time to even send them that.

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2020, 11:17:56 pm »
I know you left, Spirit, and by what you're saying I'm assuming it's because of Raz's lack of communication, and I know that the other staff stay for the community just like most of us do. And I also understand why people feel the way they do, but the future is unpredictable. I remain hopeful nonetheless.

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