Author Topic: Mystery the Newcomer  (Read 1139 times)

Offline Telwyn

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Mystery the Newcomer
« on: April 11, 2018, 09:07:31 am »
While I am very new to feral heart I found myself creating an interesting OC character, with a back story as well and I will explain how, and where I got the idea for my character Mystery; so stay a while and listen to the story of Mystery the Newcomer and his sad tale.

(How I came up with creating Mystery.)

When I first started Feral Heart two months ago I came up with the idea of my character Mystery from a music video animation called Mystery Skulls ghost by MysteryBen27 check out the music video if you like. If you watch the music video and read the lore and the few comics; in them is a dog (Kitsune or spirit fox) named Mystery and when I start creating the character my mind drifted to the fact that I wanted to base my first character off of Mystery the dog, but with my OC Mystery as a wolf; but I also choose to distance my character from MysteryBen27 creation so that my character would be different then MysteryBen27; so I gave my character Mystery a personality, and a backstory for Mystery as well.

Note: Till I figure out how to take a picture of my character Mystery in Feral heart I will describe what Mystery looks like and he more or less looks like Mystery from the Mystery skulls ghost music video.

Depiction of what Mystery looks like: Mystery is a white wolf with the only other color on his fur the tip of his tail which is black; his eyes are red in color, his pupils are silted and black in color; his mane is a large black Mohawk; Mystery has black tufts on his back, with white tufts on his elbow and rump; his ears are normal looking nothing else to comment on them accept they are white in color; Mystery wears glasses, and a red collar on his neck and four red collars on his legs; and Mystery is bigger in height, longer in length, and wider in width then most canines; and Mystery has no wings as he was not born with wings.

Backstory of Mystery's past: In a story like manner Mystery's past is mostly unknown to anyone but himself and like his name a mystery of who he is and where he came from; however I will explain for you readers anyway.
The former homeland of Mystery in Feral Heart is unknown including its name, as a newcomer "The Grounds" since he arrived are considered his home for now.
Once upon time in a far away unknown land with forest, grassy fields and mountain regions Mystery was born, while Mystery was young he was a sweet innocent child, a year or two later his little sister was born her name was Marcy both there parents loved them so much Mystery was born with a gift to be the most strongest and possibility powerful individual. Mystery's family were leaders of an unknown powerful clan of wolfs and foxes; Mystery's father was the leader of there clan it was Mystery father who led the clans warriors to victory in many battles and bought honor and glory to the clan Mystery's family was part of, his mother was the spiritual leader of the clan.

While Mystery grew up his father and mother taught him and his sister Marcy how to hunt prey and gathering certain resources needed like food for the clan and how to lead there kin in battle and how to talk with the spirits of there ancestors; as the next in line to lead his Clan Mystery was expected to be the next leader of the clan when his father chooses to past the leadership from himself to his son when he was at last to old to lead anymore.

As Mystery grew older he grew bigger then other canines did and was alot stronger as well as his size helps him come out on top of a fight but thanks to the training of his father and the clans warriors Mystery learned how to fight with strategy and tactics.  Mystery craved to adventure and explore the world he want to travel to far off lands, but most of all Mystery wanted power to be stronger in his physical prowess. Mystery has yet to unlock the power inside him, with it however when Mystery dose gains the power he is destine to have; he will have the power of endurance, strength, controlled rage power, and speed that rivals all canines and felines in battle.

 The spirits of Mystery's ancestors told him he is destine to unlock and awaken his true potential and the power within him, its because of this however that Mystery finding out his destiny; that also lured a dark spirit who sought to use Mystery's powers for itself; thus the dark spirit attacked Mystery's mind when he was a 16 year old teenager, and aimed to take over mystery's mind and body; only for Mystery to overpower and defeat the dark spirit and was ready to kill and destroy the dark spirit but Mystery told the dark one that while he can kill him, he offered the dark spirit an unknown deal and if the dark one dose not take it Mystery will just destroy the dark one anyway. So the dark spirit seeing no way out but also a chance to further try and beat Mystery for control of his body by harassing Mystery in his mind. The result of the unknown deal is that Mystery now has a dark evil version of himself in side his mind, but Mystery's "will power" is stronger to strong for the dark spirit to overpower at least for now.

Mystery after making the deal with the dark spirit and for the next four years then slowly began to change not in the evil way, but in a dark way that him made less sweet and kind; Mystery began to enjoy toying with his prey and enemies of the clan (other canines and felines that were at war or rival to Mystery's clan.) and many he hunted to death, driving many to madness and going as far as to torture them leaving many victims who tried to fight Mystery horrified and terrified, he even began to treat friends and members of the clan and family (accept his sister Marcy) with hostility as they did not like Mystery's methods of killing his prey plus Mystery was also dishonoring his family and clan with his actions and methods; all this time Mystery was also trying to unlock his powers as well. Mystery's actions however caused the clan to question Mystery's actions, and his unknown deal with the dark spirit as the clan as a whole know that the dark spirits demand a price for any deal made with them and only seek to take host bodies and use them for there own gain, and they always twist the deals made as well; many even believe that the dark spirit has been influencing Mystery not enough to make him go evil but enough to change how Mystery acts.

Mystery would argue and even fight with his father for the next four years; with Mystery declaring he is meant to unlock his powers; his father demands to know why his son chooses to follow his dark path, and what deal did he make with his dark side; Mystery refused to say everytime asked cause his father and the clan would try and stop him. Mystery and his father had many arguments that it did not take long till Mystery started calling his father an old man who needed to hurry up and die; Mystery's mother and sister were stuck in the middle with both trying to keep Mystery from killing his father or out right cripple him, Mystery then started to outright fight his father and other member's of the clan in bloody duels that were watched by the shocked spectators of the clan, where Mystery proved not only was he stronger then his father and the other warriors, but he could critically wound or even kill his father, and the other warriors; only for the duels to get stopped by Mystery's sister Marcy or there mother whom begged Mystery to stop fighting his father , friends and warriors of the clan.

In one of the last battles Mystery fought against his father Mystery said and remarked to his sister when she stopped him from wounding their father badly after Mystery knocked him off his feet his.

"The old man (father) had it coming Marcy, you need to know when to stay out of my way."

"And you need to know when to stop taking it to far in these duels! I'm not going to let you hurt our father just because he disagrees of the deal you made with the dark spirit who attacked your mind! Is all this fighting to you even worth it?!" Marcy then begged Mystery. "Please Mystery it dose not have to be this way were still family even after all you done please you don't have to do this."

Mystery signs and says with his rage calming down.

"Aright my little sister this time for you,(while putting his paw on her shoulder and smiles; but then his smile fades and looks at his father) but I tell you this old man (father) the next time we fight we do so with no regard to the consequences and next time Marcy or mother won't be there to even save you." Mystery said and then ran off.

Eventually enough was enough as Mystery broke the last straw, a month later Mystery wounded one of the warrior wolfs in what was suppose to be a mock duel, Mystery had left his opponent critically wounded and kept hurting his opponent just because his opponent tried to convince Mystery to stop with his harsh and cruel methods, and warned that he never be the leader of the clan they can respect if he keeps doing what he has been doing. The result Mystery won because he is to strong and to powerful to defeat alone.

So Mystery father went to confront Mystery in the arena area where Mystery was waiting for his father. Mystery then said to his father.

"At last you arrived old man this time we finish what we started no interruptions, no more stalling, or my little sister, or mother stopping us. We fight till only one of us remains standing." Mystery said to his father while smirking.

"I have had enough of this Mystery I thought I and your mother taught you better then this." his father said

"You did father, you did."

"I'm going to end this once and for all son, your not going to live like this any longer; you have become a monster Mystery and are no longer yourself." Mystery's father said.

"And what are you going to do kill me? You can't do it father not like how I can just kill you." Mystery said scoffing at his father.

"No Mystery I cannot kill you nor can I reach out to slay the dark spirit whom has poisoned your mind with lies but I will do what I can to defeat you, then I will take you to your mother and ask her help to call the spirits of ancestors to purge the dark spirit from you no longer will you be bond to whatever deal you made with it.

Mystery laughs then says "Then lets finish the fight we started old man."

With that Mystery fights his father during the fighting however Mystery got stronger as his raged increased and Mystery's style of fighting got even more dangerous; Marcy arrived to see the fighting between her father and her brother Mystery then was about to deliver a killing blow to his father, only for Marcy to run and push her father out of the way and be killed in his stead; Mystery was shocked as he let go of his rage and held the body of his dead little sister regardless of the situation Mystery father was determine to defeat Mystery but was killed by Mystery in the end regardless of the shock Mystery was in.

Mystery had no qualms killing his father; but his sister Marcy he did not want to harm her to have done so with his own hands truly hurt him but did not break him, Mystery mother still lives but the clan as a whole demanded that Mystery be exiled for what he had done; Mystery's mother however still loved her son and told him when he purge the dark spirit from himself and ends whatever deal he made with it he can come back to his home Mystery for the first time was touched and at last understood his own crime he is now determine to unlock his powers and purge the dark spirit from himself.
Talking to Mystery about what happen in that part of his past can be unsettling for Mystery as he sees himself killing his sister Marcy, killing her is the one thing he regrets of all those he had to end up killing it had to be his sister Marcy. This also caused him to question his actions at least.

Personality: Mystery has a good guy, bad guy attitude; his smiles always carry a smirk, or, grin or, even both and has a cool guy look and act to himself; Mystery can be dangerous when he is angered; Mystery also made an in unknown shady deal with a dark spirit and is possibly being influenced by the dark spirit

While its unknown what deal Mystery made with the dark spirit its rumored that the moment Mystery is able to unlock his power the dark spirit and Mystery will fight for control of his mind and body, the deal could be if the dark spirit wins then he makes Mystery his host with the power Mystery was born with as well under the dark spirit control; But if Mystery wins then he will be able to kill the dark spirit and have power within him at long last unleashed as he was destine to have. The focal point of the fighting will be when Mystery has to try and control his rage if Mystery lose control of his rage then the dark spirit will defeat him , but Mystery will power is stronger and he has a greater chance to control his rage and defeat the dark spirit.

So there you have it dear readers if you like to ask any question ask I will do my best to answer.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 03:54:21 am by Telwyn »

Were Never One Without The Other.