Author Topic: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams  (Read 23546 times)

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2011, 07:02:50 pm »
I was playing Pokemon Black one night. I went to sleep and had a dream that all three of the fully evolved starters wanted to eat me, or something. 

But the majority of weird dreams I dream of is being chased by one of those tall living room lamps.

Yeah I know. Strange, isn't it?

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2011, 08:24:02 pm »
That really is weird. I like my weird dreams. I'm weird :D ask any of my friends.

Another one, was I was playing Fh, and all of a sudden Gir tickled me, and then Zim shot me. Then I turned into Gir, and all I thought about was bacon in the soap. (I love that episode.) And I (as Gir) was playing Fh, then Zim comes into the living room and rubs his face with soap, then when he gets into the center of it, (lol!) He screams at me (still Gir) "Why is there bacon in the soap?!"

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2012, 10:13:42 pm »
well i had a few weird dreams, the first one happened a few times again XD

1. I was 7 years old and i had a really long braid down my back. i was skipping through a feild all happy and stuff. thenn out of no where a cow running like a human with a space helmet on came and chased me up a hill T_T i stopped when the hill turned into a cliff over storming seas and then the cow brought out a dagger and stabbed me. i came back to life after falling down the cliff and flew up and shot him and ate him raw o.o i remember that night my sister dared me to eat pickles before going to sleep. now i know why D:<

2. i was a random person with short bond hair, a tie die scarf, and a weird raggedy outfit walking through a sewer-like place(kind of like in amnesia) then i looked up in a crack and saw red eyes watching me. i tried running away but i warped into a extremly girly bedroom that looked like it was for a 4 year old girl. then the lady with red eyes came over and punched me so hard i flew out the window. i laned on a unicorn and rode away then i woke up O.o

3. i had bird wings and i was flying over the woods when a squirell in a jetpack came up to me. i woke up after that X3

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2012, 08:12:20 am »
This was a really weird dream about Harry Potter, i havent watched Harry Potter in like months dunno why i was dreaming about the movie (Well a weird version of the movie) It was a long dream so im gonna just say the weirdest bits.

Voldemort took over the school and came through the castle gates dressed as Dumbeldore (Some of these names are hard to spell) He said a speech that hes the new leader in charge yadda yadda ya, all the students and teachers clapped at his glory. Then Voldemort was showing Harry around his old house were his parents died but Hermine and Ron saw them together and thought Harry was gonna betray them, so they ran off. Then Voldemort showed Harry his room were his mother died, Harry was getting teary. Then Voldemort and Harry sat down on a couch and Voldemort gave Harry his mothers favourite brand of bread (Which came from the kitchen all those years ago)

Harry: sniff sniff "Thank you" he looks at the bread and smiles whilst crying.
Voldemort: "Thats ok my dear boy" pats Harry on the back.

Then Voldemorts servant handed Harry an Iphone 4. Servant: "Just dont look at the photos" says with a serious look.

Harry magically turned into me and i was walking around the mall with the Iphone playing around with it.

Ok thats it, that was the most recent weird dream ive had.
Will be inactive due to work and exams.

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2012, 09:04:27 am »
several partial wierd dreams-
1. Well, I was for whatever reason a cat, I was brown with dark brown ear tips, dark brown paws, and a dark brown tail tip. I don't remember much but I was in Thunderclan territory and I got sucked into a conversation with very nice versions of Jayfeather and Lionblaze. I don't remember what quite happened but I mentioned that I love water (no, I really do.) and Jayfeather started teasing me about secretly being from Riverclan, stuff got pretty awkward.
2. Well, Tigerstar and Scourge had just finished building a lego statue of themselves inside a house, but this random guy came up this crazy elevator and the house started shaking and the statue fell apart. Then this random crazy guy came up and was like 'You need legos? I have plenty of them!' and they magicly warped into a giant dark room deep underground complete with a desert of legos. Tigerstar and Scourge were on a random metal platform. The random guy collected all the legos they needed to make new statues while Tigerstar and Scourge were talking.  Then the random guy came back and dumped the legos all over them. Then, Scourge got pissed off and I don't remember much after that.
I am a crazy weirdo, with waaaay too many FH characters and a love of being insane. If you see any mentions of the characters Ruins and Nightshadow, they are a few of my favorite spoof/spazzing/general randomness characters, and I generally use them or at least mention while spazzing about.
In short, I am a crazy maniac. Deal with it.

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2012, 05:10:24 am »
I got a werid dream a few nights ago, okay, I was playing WQ as one of my wolves, sunstar and then he disappeared and I got turned into brightstar (my favortive wolf) and then brightstar ran off to join thunderclan, even when it was full of cats. then she ate a necklace and was chased by something that i don't remember.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 07:19:17 pm by heartsgirl99 »
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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2012, 11:31:21 pm »
The one I had last night was weird o.O

I climbed up a building in Rome and saw Desmond, I screamed "DESMOND!" and he feel off the building and Altair caught him and Ezio was like "WTF?"  Them Ezio turned towards me and leaned towards me, then I woke up xD I was like :(

excuse me while i cry over people that don't exist
haven't been on here in over two years

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2012, 11:46:34 pm »
I usually have lucid dreams (dreams in which you are aware you are dream and therefore can control the dream within reason) I remember this one..I was in a net-work of tunnels and there was a herd of beautiful horses and I rode them in the small lagoons underground. It was a pleasant dream, the colors in which that it came in were also amazing. Soft blues..and grey and light purple. I have had that dream many a time.

I also had a dream when I was a fisher price horse toy.. o.o I was running around a fisher price paddock with fisher price cows and ducks..

Another dream I used to have often was one of my father..(he passed away merely 6years ago) I had the dreams..maybe 3-4 years after he passed.
I was on a crowed street and it seemed to me that I was looking for someone. I found them. My father. He was across the street though it wasn't hard to see him even though other people constantly passed him. It seemed like I could only see him. I spotted my mum and ran to her. "Mum! Look, It's dad! Look right there! WHY CANT YOU SEE HIM!?" I was crying by now, my mother couldn't see him. Only I could. I looked back to where he was.
He looked me in my right in my eye and then walked away.. I "DAD!" I screamed "DON'T LEAVE" I yelled out to him as I ran across the road. I looked around frantically trying to find him. But he was gone.. I woke up with wet eyes. I think I had that dream maybe..5 times give or take.

So yeah.. :3

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2012, 12:10:27 am »
This dream was awesome at first then it got really werid.

I was at my house in the daytime. Then I decieded to go into the woods in the back of my house. After I got to the back of it I saw my evil horse Ben (which we had to give away in real life) and he talked to me and said "Go in here" and a portal opened up in a tree and I walked into it. I walked through a white cavern like Ficho Tunnel but it was all white and there was no water or anything. I ennoyed everything and it took me forever to get out. When I got out I saw a random 13 story condo sitting atop a hill. Below the hill was beautiful nature. So I went in the condo and it was like my dream house. Then for some reason. Then there was talking pirate boardgames floating everywhere wnating me to walk the plank after they baked me a pie. I was like "WTF?"

This dream is about Dungeon Siege II which I played ten hours before going to bed.

I was Dungeon (a wolf character of mine on FH) with Jeremiah (A character of mine from DSII which I used to play a every long time ago) and Hiroshi (Another character of mine from DSII) and Deru (A NCP on DSII) We were in Zaramoth's Horns (place where Valdis is) We ran and ran till up got where Valdis was. Valdis was there and I said "ALRIGHT VALDIS I GOT THE SHIELD NOW THIS WHERE YOU DIE" Valdis smiled and randomly jumped up and started floating. My party was like "0-0" Valdis, still grinning, falcon pawnched us in the face. Then he sent out over 9,000 dark wizards, inculding 15 Yoshis for some reason. I woke up in another dream which lasted at least five seconds. Once again there was Valdis pretending to be a ninja. I woke in RL. I jumped out of my bed and did a ninja stance to make sure Valdis was gone.

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Re: Your Strangest/Scariest/Weirdest Dreams
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2012, 12:28:39 am »
Well I do a lot of things/dream strange things at night.

-If I want a dream to reoccur it usually will
- I swear I sleepwalked once
- I talk in my sleep sometimes
- I sometimes sleep with my eyes open


-I was in another pod at my school and they made up a new idea where you have to wear something that jingles to be allowed to be considered a member, so I found a jingle-bells bracelet and put it on and turned into a dog. Then I appeared outside and some kids said they weren't allowed near a certain house. Then the old people in the house said. "Is that a middle schooler playing with little kids?" so the old guy went outside and made me eat bandaids otherwise he would shoot me. I didn't eat 'em so me and the kids all ran screaming.

- My school was a titanic and everyones all "It's SO safe!" and I'm like: Uh....."
so then we went underwater (apparently turned into a sub) and everyone was floating yet there was no water IN the submarine.