Author Topic: Raz you need to resign.  (Read 13009 times)

Offline WolfQueen

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2020, 03:49:28 am »
i've been seeing a lot of "being in that position is hard!" being thrown around and it's makes me, hmmm.
part of administrating a game, and having a team along with it, is communication. if that's too hard... idk man.


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2020, 03:57:27 am »
i've been seeing a lot of "being in that position is hard!" being thrown around and it's makes me, hmmm.
part of administrating a game, and having a team along with it, is communication. if that's too hard... idk man.

this. this is absolutely understandable and theres really no way to say it's hard because that's the job that was taken on.
I can understand it being hard but if it's taking a toll I would expect something in some way to be done rather than just letting the game go on its own. I'm sure everyone is lucky the server is even still up but goodness, at least some communication can be brought out. But I guess not, unfortunately.

You're exactly right.

Offline Skullfrost

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2020, 05:55:03 am »
I do have to wonder... if the staff are as frustrated with Raz's position as xSpirit implies, why have you guys not just... taken over FH by now? You have the source, you could all withdraw and go make your own server with it if you really wanted to, and legally, Raz would have literally 0 power to stop you or do anything about it as he is not the legal copyright holder of the FH source.

So if Raz is THIS overbearing, and this uncaring, as you say, Spirit- why do you all /let/ him push you around? Why not just take the source and game, set it up with a new server host, and update the game with your vision? Why do you HAVE to listen to Raz?

From my experience as a Moderator around when xSpirit had joined and we'd used the source code, Staff do not (or did not) have any access whatsoever. Completed projects/updates were implemented by either Raz or Spirit, I believe, the rest of us just put the work into making sure it was functioning, etc.

Spirit does, though, and they seem pretty frustrated with Raz... I just don't understand why they wouldn't just take the code and leave to move FH's updates somewhere else if Raz's actions behind the scenes are that bad. FH is not Raz. Raz is not FH, they could have FH without Raz- they don't HAVE to choose between letting FH die or letting Raz continue to push them around and treat them badly. Hell- Raz isn't even the only one who has the source that could provide the staff with it.

I don't want to see FH die, and I'm sure the staff don't either- but there IS an option, if they wanted to take it. Raz is not the owner of FH, or even the heart of it- he keeps the servers up and that's... it. It would be entirely possible for the staff to withdraw and set up with a new, separate server with a new server host, and actually have the freedom to implement the updates they want- preventing the game's eventual death.

If the choice is between "take the source and run with it" or "let FH just die", I'd take "take the source and run"....

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2020, 10:33:17 am »
"This thread is bad & you should feel bad"

i often think i'm alone in thinking Raz is a good server host.  Almost no downtime.
He doesn't seem that involved with the staff, but if they had a clearer idea of what was given the ok, that'd be fine. From what i can observe.

Consider the concept of "the great filter", in the fermi paradox. with all the stars & planets out there, you'd think there'd be more signs of extra-terrestrial life.
Now leaving ones home planet, let alone set up colonies elsewhere requires exponential amounts of effort.
In a world where computers have changed, peoples pass-times have changed a bit, but to measure up to a new world, FH only needed to evolve a bit.
Now that's where the comparison sort of starts, we're at the great filter stage, just a bit more (concerted?) effort to push it to the 'snowballing colony effect' & FH makes it to the stars to live life eternal.
Or without that last great push, it stays on it's planet until it's sun burns out.
Just need to get off the 'backfoot'.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 10:35:04 am by Kuri »
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"

Offline Telluric

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2020, 01:50:20 pm »
in regards to the theoretical "staff taking over the game" thing, if such a situation did come to pass, who would pay to constantly be running everything and keep it going smoothly?
some staff member? would a patreon be launched? like idk if you believe the game is dying how many people would support it until a new update draws in more people?
and who would be chosen? who has the technical wherewithall to run a game, even tho, granted, fh is relatively small?
hate to be a downer since there's already so many drudgeries and doomers here on this thread already but i just don't know if that's the smartest idea to be putting in people's heads at the present time, no matter how good the intent behind it is.
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..

Offline FriskTheRisk

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2020, 04:38:52 pm »
in regards to the theoretical "staff taking over the game" thing, if such a situation did come to pass, who would pay to constantly be running everything and keep it going smoothly?
some staff member? would a patreon be launched? like idk if you believe the game is dying how many people would support it until a new update draws in more people?
and who would be chosen? who has the technical wherewithall to run a game, even tho, granted, fh is relatively small?
hate to be a downer since there's already so many drudgeries and doomers here on this thread already but i just don't know if that's the smartest idea to be putting in people's heads at the present time, no matter how good the intent behind it is.
I gotta agree to this, honestly. I see my last post was somewhat mocked and trust me - I don't care about that. But people make it seem like something TLK-esque would happen on FH if Razmirz stepped down or they took the surce code - A 'good'/better server host would show up, and FH would automatically gain it's player base back. Using their own logic against them though; if FH is currently as bad as they claim it to be, it would take at least a bunch of months for that to happen, IF it at all did, albeit with Razmirz or not. Remember, Razmirz himself said he thought about retiring if there were any other people within the staff that wished/knew how to work on the server. Honestly, I'm surprised no paywalls were added to FH at this point - Most online games we find out there have those, which is why this game is possibly a sanctuary to many 'casual' people. Again agreeing to the quoted post, I've rarely saw FeralHeart's server down while Razmirz did it's maintenance.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 04:52:48 pm by FriskTheRisk »


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #46 on: February 21, 2020, 11:13:18 pm »
I know at least 2 server hosters only from the top of my head who would be willing to host FH if needed.
I also know a few people who are very experienced in running a game, and even 1-2 game design students who would be willing to contribute to FH.

How to pay for a server? Ads. Just like FH does currently. But if you are smart, you can find literally a ton of ways to monetize a game.

A few months of work? What if I told you that FH already has a ton of content done, just sitting around, technically ready to be launched, but we couldn't when we wanted to since one man wasn't around to look at our progress.. And now we just simply don't really want to wait for maybe even a year or more to publish everything so we put everything Raz related aside? Would it really take months to add and improve the game by a ton, if we already worked for at least 4 or 5 months on it?

Offline FriskTheRisk

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2020, 02:10:22 am »
That wasn't the point I was trying to make, though. I'm sure FH may have a lot of content pending approval, but I'm talking about player activity rather than work time here. Even if someone else takes over, it might still be a while before we'd get a steady amount of players, that is if people decide to give FH a chance. Back in 2012-2013, when many say the game was the most active it came to be, there were a lot of people registering in the span of 2-3 years after it's release. Since Feralheart is an independent game not currently in a platform like Steam, it would take time to get more people to join, let alone get them interested.

As for the monetization, I'm not sure if it would work at least at first. I can understand the ads part, but considering the player base as it is now, finding ways to monetize FH would probably just get more players to leave. As was said earlier, one of the things that kept FH alive thus far is the nostalgia factor, and really if something as little as the removal of General affected the game's activity, I really don't know if adding payments to the game would be a good idea. Sure, maybe some 'optional' things like commissioning presets into the game's sync like a few IT servers do (should the sync be updated), but maybe a payment to a specific, important part of the gameplay wouldn't be a good idea.


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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #48 on: February 22, 2020, 03:37:52 am »
As for the monetization, I'm not sure if it would work at least at first. I can understand the ads part, but considering the player base as it is now, finding ways to monetize FH would probably just get more players to leave. As was said earlier, one of the things that kept FH alive thus far is the nostalgia factor, and really if something as little as the removal of General affected the game's activity, I really don't know if adding payments to the game would be a good idea. Sure, maybe some 'optional' things like commissioning presets into the game's sync like a few IT servers do (should the sync be updated), but maybe a payment to a specific, important part of the gameplay wouldn't be a good idea.

I don't think he's so much as referring to make FH a 'pay-to-play' game if that's what your referring to. Ad revenue is one way to gain a lot of monetization to keep the server running, but there are other ways that don't require you to pull out your wallet to pay for it. Even so, there's the optional fundraising pool that you don't have to contribute to, but is simply there for people who do want to help out. And also consider that over the span of FH's lifespan there has been hundreds upon hundreds people who have offered to donate money to support the game they love, if there was one, I'd be most certain people would drop at least $5. In fact. Once upon a time there was a donation pool for FH, early in the day, but Raz shut it down. I don't know the reasons in full, but, he simply didn't want people donating.

Personally, I don't think it's such a terrible thing to have as such.

Offline Telluric

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Re: Raz you need to resign.
« Reply #49 on: February 22, 2020, 04:52:44 am »
i don't doubt there are some players willing to donate if fh was taken off into the hills for a fresh start [i was approaching the idea in the shoes of someone who believes the game is dying/dead since no one else seemed to want to address the first post made about $],

or that there are people who would be willing to take the burden of running the game.
i do have to question the people who'd be the new head admin though - i won't ask names as this isn't the place to put people on the spot [there's enough of that happening already lol] but do they understand what fh needs? what the game is and what the community wants? are they long time players or outsiders who just happen to have spare time to run a furry roleplaying game?
i know that some of these things aren't exactly strong suits of raz's, but as ready as some people are to get rid of him, it makes me wonder if they'll just vote anyone else into the chair just to be rid of him with no questions asked..?

i had to express concern about both monetization and leadership because i think that now, especially with the release of this thread and things that mods, players and ex-staff have said, if raz ever comes back and sees this, that'll be it. he for sure won't trust anyone with the game, no matter how logical we may try and spin it. the source code will remain his and his alone 'til the end of time.
once it's said and out there, it can never be taken back.

personally i'm just trying to look at our current state as neutrally as i can. there's errors to be made in thinking too optimistically and being let down and being too negative and trying to get other people to be as miserable as you are about your hopelessness.
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..