Author Topic: Let's have a talk about censorship  (Read 20586 times)

Offline Dark_heart

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2020, 03:40:51 am »
In something like his bio he said that he post only when he must. I think it's this moment.
Also I'm interested does he know about this thread and have any explatation.

I really don't wanna be rude, but these things - community who can grab very old dramas to fight with raz, raz doesn't response, and staff is somewhere between it and can't clearly tell us what has happened - it's horrible. It's RPG online, it's just impossible to run here without community.

Razmirz. I'm screaming to you. Come back wherever you are and tell us what is happening. Because it seems like it isn't anything good.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 03:43:17 am by Dark_heart »
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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2020, 04:50:07 pm »

you can ban me if u want. i know playful jabs are frowned upon.
for real though. i've played this game for what? almost 8 years on and off? this community has always thrived on buttkissing and censorship, this isn't new.

The reason behind why the thread was removed wasn't due to any kind of censorship, but simply that FeralHeart does not want to be responsible if something was to happen to their users. Let's say the thread told them to contact someone and they didn't get the help they needed.
People who are struggling mentally shouldn't turn to a forum to start with, unless it is a genuine mental health forum.
Why? Because there are trolls everywhere.

what kind of backwards thinking is this
in what way would having helplines accessible (where people are likely to see them) make ppl more likely to harm themselves? i guess keeping a suicide prevention line stuck to my fridge is bad because if i call them it might not help? yes that does happen but that logic is the equivalent of saying don't call an ambulance when someone is having a heart attack because it might not arrive in time... would u rather recreate the thread so people have a chance at being helped (and even if they dont from experience it's still a distraction) or leave them to deal with it on their own and potentially end up in a harmful situation? all this is theoretical but i seriously dont see what the issue is. it's just a thread with some phone numbers that happened to be made by the owner of another game. do you realize how ridiculous that is

In the future do not lie to perpetuate a false narrative. It's not becoming of a former MOTS of the Feral Heart Community or anyone in general.

it's not very becoming of an administrator to ban random fhu devs and people who dared to speak out against your dying furry game either but here we are sura. if you keep covering your ears and perma banning anyone who criticizes you and your team you will never grow as a person. if you want to ban me and prove my point you're welcome to it, but you're always welcome to have a civilized discussion with myself and the rest of the rightfully frustrated people in this thread.


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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2020, 10:02:44 pm »
I'm curious why some of these topics couldn't be discussed in DMs with Admins??

Offline Dark_heart

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2020, 10:06:25 pm »
I'm curious why some of these topics couldn't be discussed in DMs with Admins??
I'm asking myself about it sińce this post was created, lmao.

It would be better, then I wouldn't teach newcomers and old players who returned about this.
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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #54 on: July 19, 2020, 11:13:22 pm »
Thank you guys who spoke up for me, that was very sweet and I appreciate it thoroughly! I guess I should have phrased my post better, I forget that Raz doesn't see himself as "staff" or whatever ranks are here.

So uh yeah my question still stands, why was the post deleted? Regardless of being involved spurratically by his own standards, he is still the man who deleted it. Would really like to know why, because so far it just seems to be because of FHU affiliation, which has no grounds for deletion or ban.

Thats noooot a great look guys ._.'
« Last Edit: July 19, 2020, 11:21:29 pm by ShaaBAM »

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #55 on: July 20, 2020, 12:34:43 am »
Everyone enough with the drama PLEASE!!

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Offline Birchsucks

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #56 on: July 20, 2020, 01:04:19 am »
So when are the staff going to unban the people that they banned on their streak? Are they even going to apologize? Nobody on this thread has broken the game rules... It's pathetic that the staff banned people just for associating with fhu. Why? Because you're afraid that people will jump ship? Who blames them?

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2020, 02:29:36 am »
I'm curious why some of these topics couldn't be discussed in DMs with Admins??

I'm asking myself about it sińce this post was created, lmao.

It would be better, then I wouldn't teach newcomers and old players who returned about this.

Everyone enough with the drama PLEASE!!

Shouldn't you three be asking why half a dozen people were banned? How about you step into the shoes of those who were banned. Imagine being barred from a game YOU spent days putting work and effort into and got banned for simply being apart of FHU because they supposedly have a vandetta against FH. (Note I am NOT an FHU staff member posting this.)

I cannot imagine what is going through your minds to think it is totally okay to just be numb to everything that happens just because it doesn't effect you. This game has no future given the immaturity of some of its staff, and I cannot believe people still ignorantly sit aside and let a rogue staff member (without even notifying the ENTIRE staff team, ex.: SpicyDirt) ban some of its most active players because of a goddamn post asking about a deleted thread. Absolutely ridiculous.

If you three actually care about the future of this game, take action and realize the staff team you know and love has some serious administrative bias and deep-rooted problems. Don't tell people on a board dedicated to discussion to stop discussing something just because you do not agree with it. Birdie has been MOTS and has worked with staff quite a bit, I think they know what they can/cannot bring to the public. There is absolutely no reason this shouldn't be discussed publically.

Suragaha, I previously respected you, but this is absolutely disgusting behavior. If you care as much about this community as you say, RESIGN. If Raz is such a problem, let someone else handle it. I hope you realize how large of a mistake this is. You can always use TOS as an excuse, but you will not have a game to moderate if you continue treating your active members like this, especially if those members have a connection to more of the community via Discord than you do via forum. Reckless, you are no better for not even reading your fellow admin's reply to this thread before replying yourself. An absolute embarrassment in regards to how staff communicates.

If this account gets banned, I will be wholly disappointed. Silencing people will only cause more retaliation. Plus, side accounts are disposable on a dead game.

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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2020, 03:08:21 am »
I'm curious why some of these topics couldn't be discussed in DMs with Admins??

I'm asking myself about it sińce this post was created, lmao.

It would be better, then I wouldn't teach newcomers and old players who returned about this.

Everyone enough with the drama PLEASE!!

The answer is simple, actually.
These are issues that need to be brought to light and talked about. It was never a 1 on 1 conversation and it's not "drama" to be dismissed.
I'm glad we're talking about it because these threads have helped me and many others see the issues with Feral Heart that need to be addressed.
We can blatantly see that members are being banned because they hold a different viewpoint and it's unfair.
We can blatantly see how unprofessional and rude the staff members can be and how they lack proper communication and community.


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Re: Let's have a talk about censorship
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2020, 03:11:39 am »
It's...just a game. That's what's going through my mind, I have no proof anyone was or wasn't banned but those things aren't even supposed to be discussed on the forums anyways. I check the forums to see if anything interesting is happening then I move on with my day. I'm not going to let something like this ruin my day. If something upsets me then I either take care of it or walk away from it.
The future of this game will be uncertain. With the mystery of Raz's status always looming and people always pointing fingers, everything will always be up in the air. I have made my memories on this game and will not let silly drama replace those for me. And it sure would be nice if the newer members could make some nice ones too without seeing all this on the forums.
Dunno if I'll come back to this thread, nothing but negativity.