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Topics - Tetsune

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Request Other Mods/Creations / .:Mane Item Suggestion Thread:.
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:49:58 pm »

Okay, I'm desperate. I've posted this on every site I frequent, reaching out for people to help me. I'm not even sure if this is the right forum, but it was the closest.

My kitty, Simba, is sick right now.
About 3 days ago, he was lying in from of me lethargic and he would barely open his eyes. I did some more checking on him and it turns out his gums were white, which isn't good news.
We took him to the vet, but the bills for the tests they wanted to run totaled to $500, between tests, the visit, and an X-Ray. The vet said it could have either been because of the fleas, making him anemic ((lowering his red bloodcells)), or Dehydration. Either way, he won't drink ANYTHING, so we have to force it.
Since then, he has improved a bit, but we still want to take him to the vet. It could be serious.
I've been losing sleep worrying about him, and it has my system all out of whack. I wake up at night just to make sure he's still alright...
Here are some pictures of him:

I am asking for some cheap, $5-8 sketch commissions, varying on complexity. I'll even slap some color on for an extra $2.
Here are some examples:

You can reply here or send me a message. I can give you my Paypal then.
Please, I don't know what we'd do without him.

And, if you can't donate/commission, please help by spreading the word. It would mean just as much to me.

Click to be generous:

Discussion Board / Ib
« on: May 17, 2012, 10:55:19 pm »

Curious how many people have heard of or played this game.

It's about a girl named Ib ((Pronounced "eeb", like Eve)) who gets trapped in a creepy art museum filled with living art that seems to be out for you. It's a horror game, but more of a "jump" scare kind of thing.
It has about 4 different endings depending on how you interact.
It's created by an individual named kouri, with  RPG Maker 2000.

Personally, I absolutely love it. I've gotten all of the endings, including the best one. Even if I've played through it like 10 times, I still love it. It's simple and sweet. Disturbing, but enchanting. I would totally recommend it.

You can download it here: [link]

Species / Cave Beasts
« on: May 06, 2012, 10:49:03 pm »
-Cave Beasts-

Cave Beasts, also known as "Cave Monsters" or "Cavus Fera Monstrum", are a species that exist mostly in the deep caverns of Feral Heart. They seem to be a derivative of feline/dragon hybrid, most solitary and highly intelligent creatures.
Their color schemes are greenish to help blend in with their surroundings, but differ between genders and age.
They have tusks, presumably from their ancestors, and can have horns as well.

Their diet consists of fish, serpents, and seaweed, as most places such as the Last Cave only have such to feed on. They have thus adapted to it.
Some have been known to eat the flesh of warm-blooded species, but it's considered a delicacy, as it's rare to come across.

Habitats for Cave Beasts are generally in the Last Cave, but can be seen scarcely in other areas.
There is a sub-specie that dwells in Atlantis, known as the Crystal Cave Beast. See post 3 for more details!

Generally found in a small area of the Last Cave. A small lake in the NorthEast corner.

Screenshots / .:Tetsu's Screenshots: Because I felt like it:.
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:49:09 pm »
There isn't too many, but I felt I'd share some I have :'D
--Normal Screens--

Item Mishaps


It always feels like...

And Masamune claims another innocent soul...

Map Wandering ((Mostly Tanglemask's >:3 ))


It's peaceful in the Last Cave...

Emo emo, Clone B841...

Steam is lovely for the fur!

Seth seems to be lamenting about a lost soul in Spancil Hill.

Lootah! Lootah, get out of there! Right now!

Lootah! You're ridiculous, you wiley coyote you.

Roisin can feel the spirit of the mirror-y water~


Oh, hello thar non-zombie dead thing!

Old Decaying mob love <3

Decaying cuddles!

Now now, play nice~

This rock has been claimed in the name of Decayings!


I'm an artist who can't work on something for a period of time without getting bored.
I tend to bust Presets out like a building on fire, a lot quicker than meshes lol
So I think I'll just make a thread here. c:

Table of Contents

Post1; Slots/Info
Post2; Personal
Post3; Requested
Post4; Public
Post5; Markings

I'm often very busy, so I could take up to a week on a preset.
I usually use Sully's Fur Texture on Canine presets and Delay's Fur Texture on Felines unless otherwise specified or needed.
I do presets as accurately as possible, but I won't draw clothes on your character. Sorry, but it usually looks crappy in my opinion.
I also will send screenshots upon request.

1; Closed
2; Closed
3; Closed
4; Closed
5; Closed

Meshes / .:Tetsu's Converted/Handmade Meshes: 2 new packs!:.
« on: February 25, 2012, 04:01:13 am »
So I've been hogging a lot to myself lol
Mostly because I didn't think anyone would really want them xD I was converting meshes to map objects before I made items anyway.
I converted and textured these myself.
Note that I borrowed a lot of textures from stuff I already downloaded and that they're a little... Unorthadox LOL
I can be very resourceful. Anyway, if you happen to own the texture and are peeved by me using it somehow, I'll re-texture them.
 So now to the good stuff...

Table of Contents:
Post 1: Item Pack
Post 2: Individual Downloads
Post 3: Self-made Meshes

-Converted Bridges-
12 wonderful bridges all packed into one!
I didn't make these, but I know they were public domain.
-2 Metal bridges ((Do NOT try to re-texture these. Trust me.))

-4 Wooden Suspended bridges. ((There are 2 not pictured here. There isn't much difference, they're just tilted more.))

-2 Wooden Bridges

-5 Stone Bridges ((They're textured with rockMat by default. Change them if you like.)) + Another stone bridge

-Gravestone Pack-
11 types of Gravestones. c: I found the Texture on DeviantART and I got the meshes from another site. Once again, it was permitted to be used.
So, my accidental week-long haitus is over, and I bare FRUITS OF LABOR!
Meaning, packs of items! Whoooa~

Amnesia Pack:

Modern Village Pack:

Game Help / Annoying Heightmap Problem [FIXED!]
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:36:28 pm »
I have no idea why, but for the past few heightmaps I've made, no matter how high I set the PPI, my map terrains turn out really pixelly. Like itty-pity mesas EVERYWHERE. Bumpy and not fun to walk on at all.

I even tried with a regular gradient, and it turned out like STAIRS. D:

I want smooth hills, darn it! Someone help me? It used to be fine ;;

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Question for all who download items!
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:54:24 am »
This has been brewing in my mind for some time now, so I thought I'd ask.

Would it be helpful to post up a general list of the placement of code in the items.cfg?

Like, where it should go so nearly EVERYONE has it in the right order so everyone can see the proper items on characters?
Of course, not everyone goes on the forums, but at least there will be a general list distributed. It could be useful.
Updated every time a new item pack comes out and listed in order of date, an not repeating those who have the same meshes and stuff. And, naturally, it won't include private items lol. I hoard items like no one's business xD

Anyway, what do you think?

Other Mods/Creations / Looking for a low-res waterfall mesh
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:05:01 pm »
I thought there was one here, but I'm driving myself crazy looking for it. D:
The normal waterfalls keep lagging when I add them to a fountain I have.

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