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Messages - Akatariel

Pages: [1]
Characters / Re: The Story of Anatar
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:37:05 am »
He's so cute, omg. <3

Species / behold, the iaroth
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:07:54 am »
Whoo, more species!
Mine are usually super lame plz ignore me. ouo

Okay, so, iaroths.
Very erotic very violent. Yee.

Let me go into description.


Iaroths are huge creatures, reaching peak sizes of 16m long and 4m tall, though smaller on average. They're best described as a large, theropod-dino-like scaled marsupial with a beak-like, avian head that at the same time resembles a crocodilian's.  The neck is long and covered in extremely thick armor-scales, like the rest of the body. The tail is long and whip-like, used accordingly to stun prey, and they move, like kangaroos, by leaping from place to place on legs far more developed than their 'arms' are. The males have long triple ridges of hollow, light, but durable horns growing from the top of their 'nose-bridge' to the tip of their tail, whereas the females have no such feature. Both sexes have a moveable overdeveloped dewclaw or spur on their hind legs which assists in climbing cliff faces and attacking competitors. Both sexes develop neck frill buds and horn nubs in the egg, but these frills are much more elegant and impressive in the females, just like the nubs only grow into horn rows in males. The frills serve a purely aesthetic purpose and have few nerve endings, enabling motion but not much sensitivity.
Their arms are only basic graspers, with not much force in them at all, but they are long and a membrane is attached to them which assists the iaroth in gliding short distances. Their vision is extremely acute, though their hearing is only at a human level and their sense of taste is specialized in the same way as a cat's is. They have no 'powers', though they are notorious for being skilled ambush hunters with the same kind of extremely dangerous saliva as a Gila monster, and on account of their four hearts and greatly expanded pulmonary systems they have been known to sprint for hours on end in order to run down their prey. The blood is a sickly greenish color and has an extremely strong odor that humans and most other species with similar senses of smell find absolutely noxious.

An example of life cycle follows.

1. Egg stage. The eggs are laid in a nest hollowed out of a cliff face and guarded zealously by one or both parents, who remain close by clinging to the cliffs during this stage and survive essentially off of birds flying by and short hunting trips by one while the other watches the eggs. This stage is extremely vulnerable, as iaroth eggshells are not hard enough to withstand much pressure and snap very easily - the hatchling absorbs the calcium that would generally toughen its shell to toughen its scales so that it can hatch fully developed. The mother will generally build small mounds around each of her eggs to prevent them from moving or accidentally chipping on a rock or anything else that could damage the offspring.

2. Hatchling stage. Iaroths hatch fully developed, with the exception of their language center and spatial reasoning, both of which can only develop correctly if the creature is raised by iaroths or by a behavioral specialist. Hatchlings are often observed segregating by gender, with female hatchlings forming small social groups and male hatchlings being very 'territorial', defending parts of the nest against each other in mock-turf wars and enlisting their sisters to play with them as pretend flock members. Females are known to engage in hoarding behaviors and occasionally-aggressive displays of dancing and leaping, which are instinctive ways of preparing for courtship and motherhood later in life. Sibling bonds are extremely strong, even stronger than the bond with the parents and sometimes even with the partner or partners.

3. Nymph stage. An iaroth nymph is equivalent to a human teenager and acts much like a hatchling, but it is much larger and more hormonal. Around this time, they begin to aggress their parents and display territorial and self-oriented rather than group-based behavior, which is dealt with while they are taught more refined skills and prepared for adult life. Both sexes will begin to display interest in the preferred type of partner around the end of this stage, and the appropriate gender-specific attribute will start to grow in. As soon as they are ready, hatchlings leave the parents' territory and settle in their own as a group or disperse depending on their relationship at the time.

4. Adulthood. Generally, regardless of if it's a loner or lives with one or more siblings, an adult iaroth is a dangerous hunter and often at first has a prolific libido. Many have offspring that they do not care for that were hatched outside of their mateship or prior to it, though culturally an adult iaroth is expected by others to express a degree of poise, class, control and ability to rule others. They greatly prize dominance, and pair bonds are organized by a sort of submissive-dominant structure as opposed to a male-female one, meaning that it's not so much whether the partner is actually of the opposite gender but whether he or she acts like the appropriate archetype for the individual. Two dominants, two submissives or one of each can form a pair bond, and it's the kind of partner preferred that's equivalent to a sexual orientation, not the partner's sex. This is generally because abandoned hatchlings can be adopted or extramarital hatchlings can always be legitimized, as well as because hermaphrodites are fairly common.

5. Old age. They form groups in old age to provide each other with support if they have no partner, kind of like an old folks' home, though the large concentration of iaroths often dies off due to prey shortages. Generally, if the pair bond has endured thus far, it's unnecessary.

Regarding territory -
Because of the amount of food required to sustain just one iaroth and its metabolism, they are extremely territorial and solitary creatures - not to say they can't make friends, it's just that they will not accept requests from others to form 'flocks' readily. They can and must live in groups in order to hunt effectively, but these groups maintain massive territories, are usually composed of only one to four individuals (either two mated pairs or a set or more of siblings) and reject strangers. They do not readily attack, but if threatened it is their first instinct as opposed to fleeing. Group membership is not constant and can fluctuate with mateships, number of offspring etc.

Regarding hatchlings -
Because of the problem with sustaining them all, one clutch of iaroth will usually contain only one to four eggs. Excess offspring are culled or abandoned to fend for themselves. Culturally speaking, iaroth deal with this guilt with the rationale that a hatchling's life does not really begin until his, her or their first month is ended. It is only then that they are named, spoken to and bonded with. The hatchlings of an unrelated pair, if stumbled over, will be carefully considered for adoption. If unwanted, though, the iaroth or iaroths that come across them can and will often attempt to kill or eat the young ones.

Regarding cohabiting species -
As long as they are not an apex predator and the population is relatively controlled, an iaroth has no problem with another group of carnivores living in its territory. It is, however, intelligent enough to understand the threat that humans pose to it, and will naturally shy away from them and any human developments. It prefers arid or tropical climates, and will become extremely aggressive to all other creatures if its location is too humid, too cold or too close to a noticeable threat for comfort.

Regarding taming -
They can be tamed, but it is an extremely difficult and delicate process. Generally they must be hand-reared or found after being abandoned by their parents; an adult iaroth does not feel any particular compulsion to stay with a human unless this human has done it some service or is considered a 'parent' figure. Even then it's a very rare situation to see them cohabiting with people successfully.

WELL, UH, that's all, folks? c'x

Oh, vocalizations! Growls, yips, chirps, squawks, bird noises. ouo
Hisses. make one!

Use the canine model, with a long, thin muzzle and any type of ears and eyes. It should be relatively large if it's an adult, though adolescents can get away with default and hatchlings can vary in size. Colors are usually black, brown, taupe or other dark shades depending on the individual, and markings should be understated and subtle and /useful/ if they're present. If not, just use the 'scales' MM marking. ; u ;

Oh, and if you do decide to make one of these thingies, please tell me here or in-game (Akatariel, Spottedclaw or Mark15022002). I'd love to know how many of these critters there are out there. < 3

Species / Simia Alienis (Iwii)
« on: January 31, 2014, 06:50:21 pm »
Hurrah for punny names in poorly-conjugated Dog Latin! :D Literally 'Alien Monkey'. How much more creative can I get?

Iwii are long-limbed, fluffy, herbivorous lanky, monkey-like critters with a body shape not unlike a greyhound's (thin with large hips and shoulder blades) and a posture not unlike a frog's. Or Tarzan's. Or Greninja's. Also, they evolved on a rainforest world and will feel comfortable in most areas with lots of vegetation.

 They have faces reminiscent of small dogs, like terriers, but only because of the fluff - which could as easily make someone think of a cappuccino monkey. Their tails are long, prehensile and curved at the tip like a spitz dog's whole tail would be. Their ears could be floppy or pointed depending on the subspecies. Large, curious-looking eyes are set in the midst of all this adorableness - and when I say large, I do mean large enough to make the most alien-hating human squee with cuteness. Their shoulder blades and hip bones are prominent.
Around the eyes of males is a very thin circle of color only present otherwise on the tail curve of both sexes of the animal, and females can be identified by their smaller size, slightly smaller ears and the fact that their extremely long and thin legs have dewclaws, which those of males do not.

Highly intelligent, they were domesticated on their homeworld to work on transport - spaceships, planes, blimps, anything you can think of. The subspecies are genetically engineered and hybridized for specific tasks - 'mechanics' are small and slim to squeeze into small spaces and preform repairs, those used as 'rescue dogs' are larger, better suited to dangerous areas and have sturdier bones, etc. They must be raised and kept in groups, because a lone iwii without at least one other will become depressed, and some were even found to commit suicide if lonely for extended periods.
 Iwii enjoy  puzzles and riddles, and have an inborn obsession with shiny things. They will disassemble anything they find interesting and then reassemble it again if left bored for too long, often incorrectly or with explosive results. Wild ones will often go into human settlements to swing from the power lines and generally cause mayhem, and domestic ones can be sterilized to prevent such behavior. Though, it's wiser to get a jungle gym or something because a now-technically-genderless Iwii could become angry in the days immediately following surgery and attempt to do the same to its human, normally not in a very safe way.
 Typically, they are ill suited for hard physical work because of the fragile nature of their bones, so it's unwise to try to get them to do something like move a house, because the domestic variety all have a particularly strong drive to please and will hurt themselves trying. You could circumvent such by teaching them to control an earthmover, but they may become excited with their newfound skill and attempt to level your whole city, so... are you sure?

In the wild, they live in troops like Earth monkeys, led by the oldest female (more like elephants in this case) - who can be identified by the fact that she has aged so much, the markings she once had have faded out entirely and she is now one color. If such a female lives past the age of 50 (they live approximately that long on average before dying), then she will become entirely grey. These are especially respected, arthritic and grumpy though they may be. Males who live that long lose some mental stability and are believed to be able to commune with the dead, for which reason the oldest male in a group acts as a sort of 'shaman'. Should he die, his apprentice takes over the role (whatever gender he or she may be, though usually a he), not the second-oldest male (or female if the previous shaman was so). Said apprentice might be of any age, and if young, then it takes awhile before the tribe will begin accepting their verdicts - though accept them they will, because it's believed that as long as one's offspring or students live, then one's spirit and name lives on because they are still remembered. Now we know what Rafiki actually is and why he can talk to Mufasa...
 They believe in reincarnation, and that the dead become the plants they eat so that the species is always connected (circle of life, anyone?)  - therefore, most or all iwii are considered someone's reincarnation, because their mothers had to eat while pregnant, right? That's why some names are unoriginal, being just some dead relative's name with a prefix or suffix slapped on.

They are born blind, pink and helpless, but the fur begins to grow in within an hour of birth. At the age of four days, they begin exhibiting recognition of the external environment and may coo or chirp. Since all Iwii have good mimicry and can be taught to speak human languages rather than their 'language', any iwii infant with domestic or once-domestic parents may pick up human speech from them.
The full list of vocalizations they can make normally, without learning human speech: Growls, barks, hisses, chirps, twitters, barks, roars, rumbles, screams, a snappy sort of noise, clicks, stutters and coos. As well, they can emit a keening sort of signature whine that sounds like ''Ii-wiii...'', giving them their common name.
Adolescence is approximately 2 years, which can be tiring as before this age is reached, baby iwii will ride their mothers' backs when travelling long-distance, because their limbs are still even more fragile than adults' and a fall could kill or maim them. As well, the stamina of an iwii infant is not something you want to use when describing Olympic athletes. Not at all. They can get tired after toddling around for ten minutes.
They age quickly for the first part of their lives, and then settle into steadier aging.

 They do get fat, too,  but iwii mothers are extremely dedicated; if the group leaves her and her child behind, she will attempt to survive on her own and keep the baby alive rather than going after them by herself. This doesn't normally work out well, and sadly troops rarely retrace the paths they just took to find one individual and risk the whole group's lives to save her. They are extremely gregarious, however, and it's rare for them to intentionally abandon anyone; an iwii troop will carry a heavily pregnant or wounded individual the entire distance to the new grazing grounds if need be and they aren't desperately fleeing a natural disaster. Sometimes, even then.

As for mating, they're not monogamous at all. They will mate if the urge hits them with whomever and at whichever time they find suitable, though typically a female will reject strangers and a male will probably attempt to scare away or maim the hell out of a clingy female he hasn't met before (outside of season) or doesn't consider to be good future-mom material. They're very friendly creatures normally, but mothers are aggressive towards strangers and, as outlined above, mating season (mid-March to the end of July) does things to them... horrible things.


Tutorials: Coming eventually. For now, how to make one is strictly between those I know online and me. If you wonder about them, then find Akatariel or Spottedclaw in-game and ask before making one. Remember to ask, because otherwise it's theft! And, though only nubeees might understand this joke, I'll sic an Inshani-Erzjra on you. And you know how those guys feel about thieves, being a mercantile society...

Example names: Kishu, Reesa, Nuumi, Sarwi, etc. Generally two-syllable names, though if named after an ancestor they will have the same prefix as the ancestor's name before the prefix of their own name.
(For example, one named 'Newu' would have the ancestral name 'Kinewu' if their ancestor's name began with 'ki')
Domestic ones can pretty much be named anything their owner can contrive, even Simia or Cheeseburger or whatever else.
That's all for now, folks!

Species / Re: Tharukkai
« on: November 28, 2013, 06:22:18 am »
Mew, you guys.
x3 Also, Koo, that's ok. I've adjusted rules a bit so you don't feel sad - most clans have a vernacular they use more often than Naylte Tharu. Greek's a pretty acceptable one, and you CAN be named in your clan's 'day-to-day language', but it's rarer than the typical Naylte naming convention.

Species / Edenai
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:17:19 am »
The Edenaii are a small race whose pelt is the complimentary color to the color of their blood (blood colors can be just about anything reasonably achievable with RGB barring grey, black and white.)

 These bipedal aliens are rather like crosses of wasps, rabbits, cats, fireflies and birds - small, fluffy things with glowstick-like luminescence glands behind their ears and along their limbs. They also have stingers, rabbit ears, feline tails and two pairs of eyes. Rarely, they will have insectoid wings of a strange soft wool-like texture. The venom in their teeth is actually a salivary enzyme, though still a very potent neurological toxin to humans. These creatures can develop one or more of several inherent abilities: changing their individual existence's ruleset from classical physics to quantum and back, using ESP powers, or using extensive training and an inherent mutation of the lungs to ACTUALLY RENDER THE BRAIN OXYGEN-INDEPENDENT.
This race is actually quite technologically advanced, having made machines that alter reality on a grand scale, sentient AIs and even particle-accelerating teleportals.
Their homeworld is a planet with many islands, most of which are claimed as territory by one caste or another. Different castes prefer different terrains: the psionics are very fond of tundra, forests and mountains, realitybenders dwell in deserts and savannahs, oxygen independents live underwater, workmen prefer stable and safe places like valleys, and winged live in high places...literally. Their caste's cities FLOAT. In the SKY.
Their race is a rigid, genetic-supremacy-based caste system, with the winged ones at the top as the ruling caste, the psionics and realitybenders as nobles, the oxygen-independents as minor nobles and those devoid of powers at the bottom.

 However, the powerless workman/slave class does have an asset - regenerative gland mutations which allow them to self-heal at an incredible rate. An ordinarily grievous wound heals in mere days, and their immune systems are incredible. While this makes them the hardiest and least easy to kill class, it also means that the higher classes can and will brutally cull them using machinery to extract these glands for their own medical research purposes. Though hardy, these people do NOT have insane brute strength. That's a realitybender thing.

Realitybenders are less 'unkillable' because of the strain associated with altering the influence of physics on oneself, but are gifted with INSANE strength due to their constant hopping between realities and physical planes - enough to lift two hundred times their own body mass if they so wished it. For this reason, they are often warriors.

Psionics are likely the physically-weakest social class, possibly because the mental development needed to fully harness their capabilities is far higher than the physical and it follows that evolution would prioritize their brains because of that fact. Their main pair of eyes (as opposed to the secondary, smaller pair which is not so much a visual aid as a secondary sensory organ which is actually their main mode of identifying a lifeform's emotional processes, as they can't read behavioral cues) is often somehow malformed - blindness, farsightedness and astigmatism are especially common and almost exclusive to this caste, while nearsightedness is very rare. For this reason, eyepieces are considered a mark of the psionic caste, as only they would ever feasibly need them.

Oxygen-independents are harder to kill than psionics, and at an arguable advantage because of their (obvious) lack of dependence on oxygen. However, they lack intellect and are quite drunk with their own political power, which makes them greedy and opportunistic - ideal traits for Earth jobs such as banker, despite the fact that Edenai do not have the custom of storing everyone's currency in one place and in the custody of a certain group of people. That's just a stupid idea and would let these 'bankers' take all their cash, after all. They are the most corrupt and manipulative caste, and you should be thanking your gods that they're not the rulers.

Now, the winged are another story: they are neither easy nor hard to kill, but are blessed with the ability to fly and therefore nearly WORSHIPED in Edenai society as living gods because of their closeness to the sky. They are also capable of preforming many tasks that the typical Edenai could never even dream of and, because of this usefulness, became the highest caste over time - the head honchos, if you will. However, only a select group of winged ones is specifically considered high-caste, with the rest quite confusingly being dropped lower even than the powerless - this is because of the issue of blood purity, as only pure Winged rather than psionic or realitybending winged can be nobility.

Edenai culture is diverse among castes, and what is the highest honor to one may be a grievous insult to another - for example, Powerless culture dictates that you must refuse food twice when offered it, and then give in when asked a third time, while expecting a realitybender to adhere to these customs is suicide as they don't know the meaning of being refused anything at all. To broadly encompass the defining traits of each casteculture, however:
Powerless value honor and humbleness, realitybenders are proud and patriotic, psionics place heavy emphasis on knowledge and virtue, oxygen-independents are frugal and diplomatic, and Winged are basically groomed to rule wisely and well from hatching. However, all castes tattoo themselves in glowy dyes matching their blood colors and symbolising their clan or caste ideals.

Which brings us to their reproductive biology...
Their concepts of love and romance are a bit skewed, but basically there are five types they can feel and classify as love: love-hate between enemies, that which is unrequited, platonic love between friends, an official benevolent bond between two parties (closest to human love), and the bond which can form between apprentice and mentor. Typically, a partner is chosen based on a combination of individual attraction, previous experiences with said individual, genetic desirability and occasionally obligation, like a betrothal.
Their courtship is long and convoluted, as well as generally being limited to one's own caste, but they are considered married after they've mated - any ceremony surrounding that stuff is purely formality and good clean fun. Generally, hermaphrodites do not marry simply because there is no need, and neutrals adopt children rather than biologically parenting them if they do.

Edenai eggs laid at similar times and kept together will ALL hatch at the exact same time, despite the fact that some may not actually be ready to do so yet - for example, if you were laid on the seventh of October and I on the twelfth, we would still both hatch on the seventh of May - seven months after your having "happened", as is normal. I would be born as a 'lesser' being than you and given away to be raised in another caste, because hatching even a day early denies you certain genetic quirks which define a high-caste member. The 'deformity' is randomized, but an early-hatching Winged will generally be bumped down into the psionic caste due to their wimpy vestigial wings or even lack thereof and the presence of psychic powers (as in this example with you and me), while a workman who hatches early has every chance of being oxygen-independent or even rarely winged. The general rule is, early hatching is good among lower castes, unpredictable and frowned upon in the middlecaste, and absolutely a horrible thing in the high caste.
Lower-caste parents tend to be more devoted to their own offspring, as they lack even the concept of employing a nurse or similar figure to help with childcare.

I'm too lazy to type more at present, so that's all you get. To make one, use the feline build, whatever skin color you want, markings in a color that is the opposite of that skin color (the mark color is your blood color too!), mane and tail tip which complement the mark color (blue mane and green marks, for example), and any eye color. Grey and white are RARE skin colors, but they can happen.

Species / Tharukkai
« on: July 17, 2013, 10:25:15 pm »
OK, world! Since the Bonfire Beach Gang (Kummitus, Koori, Kayla-san, XNightpeltX, lewisld and others) seemed to love Rufin, my second character of this species and the first to appear on FH, ever, I decided to write up a quick page about them.

SECTION ONE: Some notes for Beach Gang readers

1. Why second? We thought Rufish was the first Tharukkai in terms of ones you created. It's a new species, isn't it?

No, actually, Tharukkai are fairly old. I first wrote about them back in good old 2009.
The first Tharukkai I personally developed was Rufin's mother (note, chronologically and in lore she has no standing, she's just the first one I developed before anyone else) , and they were originally written into a oneshot for a NaNoWriMo sci-fi contest thing.
I developed a whole plot out of him and his legitimate half-brother, I'm guilty of post-writing plot inflation, but still!

Also, outside of the fic's context, there are assumed to be whole reefs of these guys.

2. Still. Explain the first.
 Well, I'm attached to Xelhiru! (that's CHELL-LEE-ROO, for those of you who have difficulty with pronouncing stuff) I'm sorry! She's just so serene in her fanart, sitting there like the dignified royal guard she is! And all the drama in the fic because of her cheating on her mate with an enigmatic stranger is just lovely.


SECTION 2: About Tharukkai themselves.

Tharukkai are leonine in form, but are thinner and more flexible than lions, as well as being unable to grow a large mane due to their gills being located on their necks. Their fur is partially composed of a substance that turns it into "scales" when wet, but will generally stay put if one keeps it dry. Tharukkai can be almost any color, and their markings vary depending on their "clan".

Their social structure is very complex due to the fact that it varies among different coalitions, with groups congregating around one powerful individual and, over time, organizing their own hierarchy. However, the members of Rufin's home reef and those around it keep to a basic matriarchal structure, which is as follows:

Aylu - matriarch, strongest or most intelligent female, usually the mother of either the Akeri or at least one of the Ansarin.
Akeri - something like apprentice, heir and lady's maid in one, usually the daughter of the Aylu.
Azeni - the "Queen Mother" - usually the mother of the matriarch and the eldest female.
Ansharin -  personal warriors of the matriarch, generals of the clan's army. These can be any gender, there are only seven at any time.
Shurei - the military in general. Also either gender.
Tha'shru - recruits,
Aveh - High priests of the Sea Goddess. Often male, which is strange for a matriarchal society.
Suveh - priests in general, your average nun or monk.
Tha'veh - acolytes, "newbies" in the priesthood.
Eleiran - shamans, medics. Only a small percentage of Tharu are capable of becoming them, and they can be snobbish as a result.
Eju - their apprentices.
Ekatei - midwives.

Kairi - children in general
Shukri - illegitimate children.
Sikuri - clanless males, females.
Sikuri-kairi or Sikuri-shukri - legitimate or illegitimate clanless males or females.

Tharu culture

Their language is very complex because it is only slightly verbal - the rest is communicated with gestures and by lighting of the luminescent scales on the markings. If anyone requests a full vocabulary, I'll spend a few days working on it, but for now I'll give you some basics.

1) Honorifics

The respectful, very formal way to refer to someone is by their mother's/father's name (depending on gender - if it's a boy, by the mother's. And vice versa.), then by their hierarchal position, then by their "legitimacy" (as in, born within wedlock or not), and THEN by their name.

You can call someone just "Rufin" (using him as an example, yay!), but if you were asking them to, say, sign a legal document (Tharukkai lack a writing system, but just saying), then you'd be stuck with... Xelhiru ansharin-shukri Rufin. Which translates, literally and QUITE offensively, as "Xelhiru's bastard, the general Rufin". I'm sorry, but I wrote the language before I developed the character. Come here, poor baby, you're stuck with an offensive title. *pat*

On the other hand, Rufish's children by Wakiza are lucky to be "Wakiza sikuri-kairi Samaki tei Kichizo, tei Wakiza sikuri-kairi Kitra". Yeah. Thank the stars you aren't illegitimate, bubs.

IF he ever had cuppies by Binah, they'd be "Binah sikuri-shukri (names here)".

Alternatively, because the Tharu have formalities, they must also have nicknames and pet names...

Again, you could be a drunken perv and go, "Rufin, get your tail over here and let's go stare at people's pelvic fins", or you could be some sort of...enamored derp. Or a mother. Like if Wakiza were a Tharu, she'd refer to him as "Ruu" or by a nickname (something like Ruushi, which translates as Redfish). Xelhiru could also just call him "Kairi".

OK, got it?

Usually descriptive and conforming to the clan. Rufin's clan, for example, have generally Latin-based (coincidentally! Only use for a name what you can construct out of the language!) with meanings that fit the character, while Xanthe/Shaanti's (Spotty's character, her old name in Tharu means "yellow coral" (xan *but distorted to shaan*=yellow, ti=coral) are all Celtic/Greek inspired. One can change one's name, like she did, (she's now Akaellari, *distorted to Ekai Aeru'kairi  and meaning "debt of the red sea's children" for obvious reasons) if one is bought into the clan, usually in gratitude or out of debt.

Now, on to culture.


SECTION FOUR: Tharu Culture

They worship the Sea Goddess, a personification of the world's oceans. They believe the stars are exalted dead.
Baptism- The cubs are carried to a dry grotto and placed in a pool reflecting the stars. (Generally, females carry for three months or so)
Coming-of-age- varies between clans, usually involves hunting or a complicated ritualized preformance of some kind.
Marriage- A typically noisy and fun affair involving partying, clams, and sea-salt flavored ice.
Mating- since Tharu females can't die of drowning, being semiaquatic, it's considered a sign of submission. Seriously. Don't drown around a Tharu male. I'm not kidding you. You won't enjoy what comes afterward much, 'cause you'll still be drowning, only with slightly less freedom to move the lower half of yourself. The actual act isn't much but your usual stuff plus some fin-flaring and scale-lighting.
Funerary- again, it varies. Lots of wailing, spinning around the dead person and bringing stuff to the tomb.
Religious- Vary.  Depends on the holiday. Just invent some, since THOSE vary among clans too.


Copyright notice

This species is copyright to the user Akatariel, and permission must be asked either in this board or in-game to make one.


People authorized already

The whole beach gang

And, that's it!

Site/Forum Help / Re: My friend's having problems... Admins, help?
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:26:11 pm »
Note: She got the email the first time and all but now it's asking her again and she's been nagging me since forever.

Site/Forum Help / My friend's having problems... Admins, help?
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:24:20 pm »
OK, so GoldenWingKitty could log into FH before, but now it tells her that her account is not activated.
Could you possibly resend the activation email? She's an FH addict and will eat my ears if she doesn't get her comp rights back...

Game Discussion / Ah, how horrid is server hiatus and writer's block.
« on: March 23, 2013, 03:37:10 am »
Well, dearest citizens of Narnia-But-Without-A-Plot-And-Just-2-Types-Of-Animal-Avatars, I must say I'm rather disappointed. There is literally nothing for me to do now. School's out, my housemate GoldenWingKitty is in a semiconscious boredom stasis that even coffee and tabletop role playing won't cure, and work is linear enough as the place has no customers and therefore no need for a customer service guy (yes, I'm a guy, the reason the info might show ''female'' is because the account belonged to my sister, but she then disowned it and forgot about it until I found the sticky note with the info).

I tried writing angsty fanfiction (translated and not, though it's a pain getting Russian to flow smoothly in English) of the Russian series my housemate's username is derived from, but to no avail as about five ''chapters'' in, I put it on hiatus until I can come up with more plot. Sorry, peeps, but there just isn't much I can do with a dead Goldenwing, his grieving partner, a ''comforting'' apprentice and a comic-relief griffin. Juno (said apprentice) isn't having luck cheering up Alethia after Niketas kicked the bucket, Windy's trying to eat the apprentice's head for acting like his master's best friend was just a nobody and Nocturne the ebil Shadow Guardian murderer chick is just calmly sitting there enjoying the angst fest. Oh, and Al came very close to becoming a cold-blooded evil ''I switched sides'' archetype after she was asked about Nik's death one too many times. (And I quote: ''I'm going to kill you the same way he died if you ask again.'') But naw, I'm out of ideas. Having her end her own life is a bit too tragic and I don't deal in that kind of thing. (Actually, Al isn't the kind of character to kill herself. She does firmly believe in what she serves, but she won't kill herself over it unless it was to save somebody's life.)

Oh, crud, what were we talking about again? Not the fanfic... uh... hm... oh, right, FH going off. Damn. Well, I'm not pleased. Get it back online before I set my fanfic characters to  attacking you painfully. PLEASE. For the love of the Light and the Shadow and in memory of the eternal defeat of Chaos. I swear on my honor and that of my housemate that we WILL get over there with flutes and frying pans in hand.

Game Discussion / Where'd my markings go?
« on: January 21, 2013, 02:31:49 am »
I accidentally deleted the markings thing in the main folder and replaced it with the mass markings one, but now no markings will show up at all on my chars! Where can I re-download the default markings thing? No mass markings or anything but just what I need to view markings. The old markings .cfg before the one that you download. Please I need help  :'(  :(

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