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Messages - GlaydrChyle

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Game Discussion / Re: Old Cringey Characters
« on: July 30, 2016, 03:17:18 pm »
Oh man! I remember this old character I use to have called Blizzard. Most generic wolf character ever with the old Celtic markings? She was a white wolf in general: Kinda one of those character's you'd spot running around and say to yourself: "Eh, they must be new!"

Game Help / Re: Corruption of in-game system files.
« on: July 02, 2016, 03:35:50 pm »
Thank you! I'll try your fixes in the meantime: If this doesn't work I'll PM you or maybe a member of staff. Thank you as well @Arcticgalaxy. This can be locked now :)

Game Discussion / Re: Solo Feralhearting
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:28:14 pm »
Me going solo in-game often means I'm looking around the place to hunt for map ideas... the new game offers plenty of ideas ^^

Game Help / Corruption of in-game system files. -please lock <3-
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:16:42 pm »
I've noticed recently and it has been a great amount of trouble for me and a friend of mine:

We've had our in-game system files (Mainly .DLL and other Clients in game) corrupted or go missing off of our computers; this has only been a problem since the new update. The files that go missing are irrKlang.dll, libOIS.dll and OgreMain.dll

What's most odd about this is that the game doesn't present any problems and works completely fine for X amount of days. (Usually around 6-10) So I can't seem to understand how these files are becoming corrupt or "Missing" The usual events that have lead up to this are nothing more than what you would consider from a usual feral heart user. I don't tamper with files and I've never created anything (regarding modifications) that could have effect on these files. they are simply corrupting on their own.

I also had recent troubles with the particles folder: Where on downloading particles and placing them into the particles folder, no duplicates become visible (even when showing hidden folders) however the game refuses to work. However on the other hand if I completely remove the particles folder it begins to work again. Strange isn't it? I can't see what's going on if I'm honest. Though I assume it has nothing to do with the game itself but more so my computer: My concern is, is that this only happens with Feral Heart: and when going to test other games (which is.. my usual day really despite work from home and teaching) this type of thing doesn't happen. I was wandering if I could perhaps have some kind of bug, or other program conflicting but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's puzzling.

But if anyone has any light to shed on this I'd be happy to listen ^^! Thank you!

Game Discussion / Re: "Go back to Bonfire" Vent warning.
« on: June 13, 2016, 12:04:26 am »
I frequently discuss the topic on illiteracy in gaming. Someone who's spent too much time around other people and gathering their opinions on one subject has come to learn nothing much at all; as everyone's idea's and beliefs regarding the term "Literate" are completely different to one-another.

The term to me seemingly means someone who can't read or write and has poor knowledge on the English language. Syntax (Which is the formation of words within a given context) has nothing to do with it what-so-ever.

Someone however who tends to use asterisks in role-plays tend to be dubbed more so as lazy with the term "Illiterate" being an umbrella term. It's the same as calling someone fat or ugly. Fat is a term used for both itself and the term ugly: same goes for here.

Though of course not all who use this form are lazy at all, it's just their style and I find it quite unique.

Great topic! <3

Introduction / Re: well hello & hi there!
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:18:39 pm »
Welcome my dear <3

Game Discussion / Re: Forum Meeting Place
« on: June 12, 2016, 09:13:56 pm »
There's a special little place with water and a crystal in it. I believe it was in Cherika and many of us were there just last night. That may be a place where they may be hanging out now :)

Game Discussion / Re: How easy is it to make new friends nowadays?
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:08:00 pm »
With the new game update, I think it's become a little easier to speak to people for the pure fact that their are more people on than ever. (I want to know where they all were before -chuckles- ) However, Kind of how some are here I'm rather introverted and sometimes hate when I too try to chat to someone not realising they are AFK or in a roleplay: T'is why I have a character dedicated to chatting to people when they want to! But I get how most people here feel about being introverted, I use to be the same if I'm honest. :)

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:17:35 pm »
absolute fantastic news for everyone. To think all of the frustrations and the anger towards everyone, the difficult times and the challenges; despite all of that have the true good times of the game and community finally payed off to deliver what is a new turning point for all of us. To see that everyone has remained so strong and dedicated is truly amazing and can't be rewarded to. We all most certainly thank you for such hard and beautiful work put into this. A true piece of work we all thank everyone for!

Game Discussion / Re: Canines or Felines?
« on: June 03, 2016, 06:10:48 pm »
Canines for me, only because I've worked at them for longer! I don't mind a few kitty cats here and there <3

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