Author Topic: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas  (Read 11547 times)

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Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« on: January 11, 2012, 11:32:58 am »
Everyone most likely have some sort of ideas or like the ideas and suggestions from other users. There's of course the bigger needs and the more smaller ones. Even though we shouldn't beg for things over and over, it never hurts to point out a few things you think are worth to put out for everyone to see. Feel free to take a few minutes away from your life to read these suggestions.

Of course I'd love to see some more actions, more than anything, or possibly preys you are able to hunt(and possibly nom afterwards?), this thread is in more general about ideas, ideas that I've either come up with from the back of my head, or seen here on the forum, in the game or from friends. Ideas that I personally think would improve FH in so many ways. Even though some ideas might not be at everyone's likings, I tried pretty much to put down general ideas that shouldn't give too much of a "YES!" and a "NO!" side. More like a group gathering point of view and hope of seeing it. Some are new, some are old, but I'd say they are all great ideas that should be put into the game if possible.

Superduperawesomesauce list that redders think should make it into the game:
  • Users Being able to set pawpad colours
    As some might know, we had this "official poll" here on the forum when we first started up. This was the question, if we were to have own colours for the paw pads or not. This is an idea that should be possible to make as far as I know, and it wouldn't exactly hurt anyone if it existed. If Possible, maybe even make an "action/animation" when the character holds up 1 paw in the character creations screen for easier looks of the colours. Maybe even later on implement that action into the game so you can use it as an action? I think everyone would love to see something like this in the future.
  • Chat Bubbles
    Yes, we do want them. These bubbles would do so much for the game as well, not only because it's fun to have them. In IT some users got used to look at these bubbles instead of the chat, it also gave local a bigger reason to talk into it instead of clogging up other chats, it also helps new as old users to easier identify who's saying what, and would still do if it were added today. If someone doesn't like this idea for the reason of it "Covering up your screen" or "looking ugly", just give it an on/off option like IT had, and the few users that do not like it can just keep it off. Chat bubbles do tend to make things more fun for some reason.
  • Being able to view group bio from group invites page
    Haven't you ever gotten a group invite from a group you have no idea what it is? Well you are not alone, and I bet you probably wanted to check up on this group, and then had to search for it instead of being able to view the bio directly. What I pretty much think would help this is another options on the actual invitation page, that when you click the "Reject" or "Reject" menu, you should also have one that says "Group Bio". That way you are able to see what group that maybe invited you without notice more easier.
  • Users being able to give mod privileges within their own group
    Seen this suggestion from others before, and some even scream for it. This is pretty much needed for several reasons when it comes to those that actually rely on their groups in the game. Groups do work as the mainframe for many Roleplays that goes on within the game, and being able to structure it up is needed. This suggestion is pretty much that the creator of the group can assign mods within the group, that can accept/kick members to help recruit for roleplays, but also take care of those not wanted anymore. The mods wouldn't be able to kick the group creator though, and if for some reason the creator would leave carelessly, the first mod assigned would be given the group unless the group creator "Kills" the group(Also a new options that should be added).
  • Auto following head + Eyes
    Yet another idea suggested by users before and it's worth to bring up again. This exists in IT as well, and is really a nice thing to have around, it does tend to make the characters more alive no matter how it's done. If a character is marked by a mouse click, and then runs away, the character in the game that has them marked, should have their head following their movements. This makes users able to make their character seem like the have attention on someone without the need to constantly look at them in f2 mode. The eyes is a part of this as well, if you as a character would  look behind you, and you cannot get the character to move their head any further, the eyes should  move that little extra, so it actually seems like they try to look backwards. It's a fun and nice little touch that never got moved over from IT, and I hope it does.
  • Being able to turn off collboxes completely in the map maker
    Most map makers probably know about this, though I don't know if everyone would find great need of it, however. When inside the map maker(not the test mode as a char), you are not able to turn off the yellow collisions that are shown from objects. This can cause lag for some simply because they place lots of vegetation in their maps that soon enough fills their screens with lots of yellow transparent boxes that slowly strangles their framerate. This is not a "big" issue, but for some it can be quite the mess.
  • Fix the "Tongue" emote
    This one is easy to explain. When any user in the game uses the tongue emote(Felines at least), their tongue doesn't really look placed correctly and instead being between their somewhat lips, it looks like it's placed inside their chin slightly under, not between. Small yet easily noticeable flaw.
  • Official Maps loading screens has actual screenshots from the maps linked to them
    This is a thing I have thought about quite some while, and it would make things feel more based around the world that we play in. Lets assume we will have a more official maps in the future and more structure. Wouldn't it be nice if that when a users enter a portal leading to a certain map, a screenshot taken on the actual map is assigned to show every time you enters it. For example "Welcome to.... *Big screenshot with a jungle and a text saying "FeralHeart Jungles"*. Sound like something extremely nice to have, and even though it's not the biggest guide, it would also guide new members but also give maps a clearer signature to users within the game.
  • More Feralheart music
    This is one of the not so important ones, but I think it should be put out here again. Many players of the game seem to want more music for the game. I wonder if it's possible to find some more suiting free music for the game that everyone can enjoy, if not then it would be understandable really.
  • Actual ingame time with icons assigned to it!
    Oh boi, where to start this. Lets just say I'd love love to see this getting put inside the game for more than 1 reason. But lets explain it first. What I want to see is an actual ingame time for the nights, days, dusk and dawns. For example in the top right corner of the screen when playing, there would be an icon that displayed an "ingame time" and not a real life one. If it was 11 am in the game, it would be 11 am in the game for everyone. These times would also match an icon placed above, so if it were night time in the game there would be a moon over the clock, if it was dawn, there would be a half orange sun. I think you get it by now. Users within the game would also be able to set up meetings easily if they wanted to use it within the RP or whatnot. Great addition!
  • Thunderstorm weather effect
    Another thing from IT that is dearly missed. Pretty much allowing us to have thunderstorms with sound effects and flashes. Improving from IT as well, when a thunder strikes it would be perty coolz if they sky and the characters flashed slightly from it before the actual thunder sound comes out from the speakers. Also, why not add weather effects to the official maps in the future? It would improve things greatly as well. I can see a pack of random users crawling a random tree away from the rain because they can <3.
  • Gloom effect added into options
    As in IT and many other games that exists they have this "Gloom" options. Now the IT one might not be the best example that exists, but I gladly see such an graphics option in the game FH as well, back in IT I used to have it enabled all the time cause I found it more pretty to look at things. Sure I have gotten used to the way FH looks by now, but it would be a fun thing to have in the future.
  • Markers on the Mini map for the portals
    Awmygawd another IT thing? Yep... Another onezz. Why not be able to view the portals on the minimap really? Since you can zoom out on mini maps with the mouse by clicking, you should be able to locate portals as well. Not something that's extremely needed either, but it's a slight of "why not" idea.
  • Revamp that heightmap!
    Why not upgrade that mini map some in general? It would be nice if your mini map showed the users way north, south, east and west is located, also why not add some sort of smexy boarder on the heightmap mini map image that is displayed in the game instead of just the image itself? let it blend in some more with the rest of the in game hud ya?
  • Being able to TAG your custom maps!
    Here's another one I find very important for a game like FH, and many users have discussed this in many threads before, some have suggested this while others might have suggested just plain out not so smart ideas. In this case I talk more about a field in the map maker that you can choose to check and use if you want(No musts). When checked, it will give you yet another field to write name of the creator of the map in. And once someone enter the map, the creator name will be shown for you a few seconds EVERYTIME you enter the map. This will not prevent users from claiming maps, but those who still does are rather dumb and fill certainly not trick anyone since it says for everyone who the actual creator is. Good idea me thinkzzz.
  • Slower running speeds
    Rather simple one here and is probably one people are able to discuss of the list, but to be really honest I find the running speeds in the game just slightly to fast for the characters, they move a great distance too fast, and maps that should be big for real, is not. Maps with great detail automatically doesn't get the same attention at times and in general the FH worlds feel smaller than they are, by just lowering the running speeds slightly we'd have a bigger game on auto even though it wouldn't be a visible change.
  • Make shorter distance for local chat
    This is nothing that is extremely needed, but lets use this thought for a map like bonfire. The chats might seem chaotic just because the local range is actually rather far away. It gets flooded easily because users are able to read others sayings via local even though they aren't that close. I'm not looking for a GREAT change when it comes to the distance since it might would be silly to be forced to stand almost directly next to a user, but just make the range slightly lower than it is now would improve everything slightly, and would local more "local-ish". Not to mention if chat bubbles were added, it would reduce cludder at some times. As said, not a must.
  • Water splash and other various sound effects
    Another IT thing that should've moved over to FH. When a user jumps into the water it should make a "splash" sound. It's really fun to play around with it at times and would be a nice addition to the game over all. Just adding ambient sounds maybe? Or set up the textures that you assign in the game to give out various sounds as you run over it. For example a few cracking sounds when you walk over snow and ice, maybe add a more gravel-ish sound when you walk over gravel or dirt. Sounds does A LOT in a game and would raise a few bars if it was set up here.
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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 11:33:19 am »
              • The running sound edited/fixed
                Another sound mark. This one is more of a thing that I possibly think should be fixed. Thing is that the run sound in FH start instantly as someone moves, and this causes sound bugs at times and it has happened to both the computers I own at various settings in the game. Sometimes when you hover in f3 mode over characters, or when blocked characters run around in the same location as you, or just plain out from lag in the game for you, it plays this millisecond of the clip over and over and it makes this annoying sound in your speakers from the sound clip. In IT the running sound had a silence these milliseconds before starting off. Sure the running sound didn't start as accurate, but I never experienced this sound issue there. I'm rather certain that if the sound were just edited slightly this would go away in many situations.
              • Fix the rendering part of the option/settings box that starts with FH
                I don't know if it's actually meant to act the way it does or if it's a bug of some sort, but the window that starts with feral heart and that lets you edit your settings and rendering mode has a few things that I'd want to see changed. This to help users making it easier in general and keeping the frustration at low. One problem I tend to get is that I don't always even get this option box. It's like it just skips opening it at times, what it is that makes this I'm not sure. Another thing that really really should be sorted is that when you have it open, that little box with settings, you are not able to set the rendering mode, at all. You must go into the game or ogre.cfg to set which rendering mode the game is going to use. That dropbox that sets the rendering mode only shows the current chosen rendering mode, and not the one you might would want to change to.
              • Server messages, we need to hear themz
                Wouldn't it be nice if the mods would be able to display an actual server message that goes out to "ALL" maps on the server. It would show up as "FHServer: We are soon restarting the server, please hang in tight as we will be back soon". This could be used for more than just warning the online users of a possible restart, but in general things around the community, such as advertising contests here on the forum or other FH related news that should be heard and displayed. This will help the FH community get together more and discuss. Imagine yourself if 800+ users are online, and 1 server message is displayed about a community happening? It's a great tool to have overall.
              • New character selection screens (snow, jungle, savannah)
                As the title says. Wouldn't it be nice to choose your FH character creations screen layout. Imagine there being 3 or 4 checkboxes in the character creations screen at the bottom or top that lets you check 1 of them. When you press them, it will load a new backdrop where the character stands. This is nothing that's EXTREMELY needed either, but it would be a very funny touch to the game. Lets say you want to make a realistic looking  tiger, or want to get that tone suiting towards the shrubs and bushes, or just see how your wolf looks in a snowy weather, you can just set a temporary backdrop of it or maybe just want to take a quick nice screeny of the creation you made in a suiting area? Quite some work to make this, but a really nice idea non the less, it wouldn't kill anyone if it existed, that's for sure.
              • Fix the crashes that occur when hitting a non English key
                This is really not an idea, but I wanted to throw this into the mix since I find the need for it at current day. For most users that are not English or use an English keyboard, they might have keys on them that aren't really in the English ABCs. Since the last patches the game crashes directly if you write with these into the chatbox, and there's close to the majority that's from another than a country that has English as native language. This didn't used to be a problem before, and would be nice if it were fixed.
              • Ingame commands!
                Another line I find very important in the list, and it's taken from IT as well. In IT we had commands like Commands such as /me /roll /friend /go home. Not only were they fun but useful. In some cases it's much easier to just type in the words instead of actually pressing around on the hud. And the "/me" command was a great tool for roleplaying or just fooling around. It would be great if it were shown just like the local chat. There's more than these commands that I listed but I'm a lil sleepy to think of them all now. You know the idea of having ideas though.
              • Up arrow as recent command
                Lets say commands were added to the game like "/me". Any sort of command that you make by using "/" you are able to just press the up arrow to scroll around your recent messages. This also existed in IT, and it's small things that makes the game a lot easier to use in general, yet another thing that is not a must, but it would be nice to have.
              • A smoother view distance transition
                As far as I know, I FH the Items just plop on your screen out of no where when you have a lower view distance. In IT this was done  "smoother" and objects slowly faded into players screens. This is nothing of a must change but it would just make things seem more polished all together instead of things just plopping into place.
              • Making the freeze head mode(Alt key) as in IT
                This is not something that everyone would love to see change, but let me explain why I think it should be changed, and what the changes are between the ITs Alt key and the FH one. In IT, when you pressed alt the head swapped from where your camera were looking, or just straight ahead. In FH, alt just freezes, and unfreezes your head so it never goes back to where the camera was to you. This doesn't make that much of a difference when it comes to playing the game, but for users that might want to be creative and create user made movies and put up on places like youtube it's hard to make scenes with moving characters, this is because you can not make the head move as you record from F3 mode. If it worked the same way as IT you could make it seem like the character look around. Not something that would make the game better for users in general, but it would help a certain userbase of the game such as maisalfzz.
              • Sound that informs you about party/group invite
                Users send invites to these things more than just often in the game between each others and not always is it that easy to notice that you get one. I know from other MMOS out on the internet that you get a sound as this happens, could be a knock or other flashy sound. Would be nice if a sound effect were assigned to when these invites happens.
              • Showing online users from within the game
                From IT as well, why not show the online users from a place like the friend list. This doesn't have to be updated every second. But lets say something that updates itself once every minute or 5th minute. Maybe if the Ingame time idea is added as well, maybe it could show the "Online Ferals: Number here" or something next to the ingame clock. that everyone would easily be able to see. Not something that's a must either, but a nice addition non the less.

              • Make users with frozen head or "idling" move their head
                Yes, you are probably tired of IT ideas by now, but here's the last one for now. When a character is looking forward with a frozen head for a longer time, it should start looking around by itself. This existed in IT and was a really nice touch to the game.

              • Give an option to set a "Tag" to groups
                This is the last idea folks. What it is is pretty much a third field that will show up under the "username" tag if a user joins a group. Lets say a person creates an ingame group, there's a field in the creations screen that lets you set an actual tag like "DeRp". Every user that joins this group will get the Derp tag under their actual name tag that shows when they run around with their character. Users without groups will simply not have this line. This would make identifying users without a group much much easier, but also spotting active groups within the game and users are not needed to wear the tag in their names anymore.
              • Anti video spam counter
                Rather simple yet effective idea to prevent herpderps to spam the chat with video clips. It would pretty much be a sort function/counter. Anytime "any" user posts 1 video clip, they'd have to wait for another 30 seconds before being able to post another video clip. This might not be the ultimate solution and some do want to be able to post faster, but in general it would help and solve spamming issues, and users would still be able to post them just fine. This wouldn't be an actual counter that were shown anywhere in the game, just programmed into it, giving the users a message in the chat similar to when you take a screenshot, but instead it would say something like "Please do not post video clips so often."

              • Fog weather introduced into the game
                Just as the thunderstorm would be a really welcoming comeback from IT, it would be just as welcoming to see the weather effect fog introduced to the FH game. This would not only make maps more fun to make but adding a completely new feeling to whatever map that carries it. Users not knowing what would lay ahead of them.
              • Howl/roar limitations
                This is kinda an anti spam function as well. If a users hows/roars more than 3 times within 10 seconds they get muted for 1 minute, getting the message "Please do not spam the how/roar function :3". This way you'd be able to roar and howl more than once, but it would block out a user for some time to prevent that constant spam of sounds.(Time limits and amounts can always get changed).

              • Claws in the Game
                This has been talked about earlier in various threads, but I'm still going to mention it here. As some of you feralhearters maybe know is that tigg made a really nice claw mesh mod for FH which many users in the community like and still use. Things like this should be put into the game, or try to be optimized and then put into the game, adding something like an extend/withdraw option for the claws, those who want them for agressive look can do so, those who doesn't can keep them hidden. I'm sure it would help any roleplayer as well. Really great addition that should've been in the game.

              • Being able to reset your home from Char creation screen
                New idea from one of the members, simply to avoid frustration of stuck chars in other maps. Being able to reset your home and go home all with a click of a button and the char is back again.

              • A "Follow" Option
                While ingame, you should be able to choose a follow option on another user, which means that your character will automatically follow the other one without you needing to do so. This will be broken once you decide to cancel the follow option or the other character gets out of range(Your character getting stuck or similar)
              • Being able to turn off point and click movement on the ground
                This will prevent accidental clicks within the game, but it would also prevent characters moving if you run the game in windowed mode or like to tab out from the game a lot.
              • Darker nights with more reflections
                An idea to give a more special feeling to the nights in the game making the area around you seem darker as an actual night but also make other lighting stronger such as crystals, fires and moon reflections.

                So yes, as you can see there's quite some things you can do and play around with when it comes to FeralHeart, but that's all for now!

                I know it's quite the list, but many of the things are directly from IT, and most of these are notes I wrote down quickly as I remembered them since it's not easy to write it all out from your head. They are no way here to be all "Do dis and do dat kov". This is just really ideas that would make this game that would take over ze wurld <3. It's hard to image how good the game would be with all these things added, but I know it would reach new heights as a game. Now I'm really, really tired of writing, and I hope someone has fun scanning through these ideas and possibly come up with new ones.

                This thread is really just to help and put out these ideas so they can be heard and discussed and possibly even added for real.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 08:28:03 pm by Red »
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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2012, 06:27:25 pm »
Wow Red, such awesome ideas, and some of these would be great additions to the all of these.

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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2012, 06:49:27 pm »
I was waiting for this thread c: I see you finally did it. xD These are all GREAT ideas, and I really hope some of these will be implemented in the future. FH is already a great game, but it would be pretteh amazingz if some (or all) of these things were stuck in dere. And not just thrown in... but actually had thought put into them. :l Another thing would be some new maps, nu? Well detailed and creative maps like the ones in your map pack. Replace Ascension Island with another version of Advance, even. No flying allowed. c; LOL.

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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2012, 07:02:02 pm »
All these are lovely ideas.
I want them all c:
These ideas would be amazing to have in-game <3
Gloom effect would be so beautiful~
A lot of useful and great ideas here!

Offline Redlinelies

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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 09:33:11 am »
Fankz for posties yew guise.

And arr wolfie, things like maps and actions were kinda left out in this cause I think the "need" of it within the community is probably as big as preys and how wings used to be, see this kinda like standing out some morez thread wise.

Feel free to giff feedbackz on ideas or probably discuss ones that shud be addedz or not.
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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2012, 11:02:07 am »
I would love to see water splash added to the game.
And I like the the other ideas aswell : p

And this with non english keys making the game crash, it's so annoying. It really needs to be fixed :c

And thunderstorm, yes YES.

The only thing I don't really like is the chat bubbles, but if you are able to turn it off, then who cares if it's added? xD

But yeah, Rimmy likes these ideas.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2012, 11:23:08 am by Rimfrost »


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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2012, 12:03:15 pm »
Those commands = YES. I really like that idea and loved them in IT. It would be cool if we could come up with new ones to put ingame as well.

Weather is a big yes too, I find it kinda funny that it's clear blue skies everyday.

But I think what I like most is the server game messages. A lot of users don't check the forums and if we need to get them a message, BAM. They could see it. Good ideas.

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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2012, 12:08:16 pm »
Love the ideas above and what i think would be a nice add is an option for trotting.
Its such a harsh transision from walking to running cuz of the speed difference, a trot would give it a smoother movement and also help rp a bit.

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Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2012, 06:31:59 pm »
But I think what I like most is the server game messages. A lot of users don't check the forums and if we need to get them a message, BAM. They could see it. Good ideas.
