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Messages - AmarisMingan

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Introduction / Re: Let me see, I think I wanna say greetings.
« on: February 15, 2015, 02:00:13 am »
Aaaaah, heartwarmin' welcome to the community part floof!

Nice to see you here, lookin' forward to see more of you since you emerged out of the shadows!

Forum Discussion / Re: You in FH vs. You in the Forums
« on: February 15, 2015, 01:44:44 am »
Yeah, what shall I say. I'm pretty much the same on forum as on the game.

Though, like many others said, I'm also a derp that has a lack of using capitals and punctuation when those moments strike being derped by a majority of randomness and friends. I consider myself kind of a hodgepodge in-game. People may know many sides o' me, I don't mind at all.

Game Help / Re: Original FH Music
« on: February 14, 2015, 09:13:58 pm »
Hello Kitt!

Yes there is. c: Just Open your Feralheart folder (located in Downloads or Windows OS disk) and go to Media > Music. There you'll find the .mp3's.

If you'd like to know the codes to them, there's the music.cfg you can find when going back to the main folder (FHRoot for Apple Mac). If you look closely you'll see the music.cfg. You can open it with any Text Editor. If you'd like to add music to it, type it in there just like displayed. [This does not require if you made your own map.]

Hope I lead ye into the right direction floof~

Hello madigan!

Are you sure you haven't got anything of files in your computer out of the FH folders what might be missing? Or that the normal download just doesn't work?

If the second one's so, please refer to this if it can help you:

I'd suggest installing uTorrent from here:

And then downloading the torrent version of Feralheart from the Downloads page.

Hope this helps :)

Game Help / Re: Interface Help
« on: February 14, 2015, 01:08:00 pm »
I guess that's probably the case you added another overlay in it from FH+, it might not work properly as you expected it to be. Though, if you take a look at how the default button textures are in FH, it shall clarify you have to give them the name what they are in-game. [Don't mind the black, blank and Facebook button]

The ButtonUp.png's just need to have the normal dark blue colour in this case, and ButtonHighlight.png's a lighter blue colour when hover over it with your cursor in-game. And ButtonDown.png's, when you click on it, it's even darker than your normal blue colour. Further you just need to give the actual buttons in-game the same name as displayed here, which I guess you did, but just not the other two I highlighted in red. Otherwise may I ask what program you use to make this?? Because Photoshop or GIMP might work best when doing this.

If you plan to make many mods for the game, it's incredibly useful to make copies of several files for a back-up of which you plan to make different in appearance or whatsoever. Just so without having to worry you're messing up your game.

If you'd like your original interface textures back, here it is:

This is just to give you a clearer look on how to do the normal FH overlay again with your mods. The textures are an example of how to do it.
Hopin' it helps you a bit~

News Archives / Re: Winter News Update 2015
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:05:25 pm »
Much thankful and well written update, Ally!
Though haven't seen the captcha box already, but it might span up whenever one posts, good to know.

Congrats to the floofs you have been very helpful, and the ones who got another postion in the community!

As it ain't Spring just yet as floof Vesp said, still looking forward th' that as well!

Thank you so much Shallow! I adore your story and especially your work as well! Seen lots of them in the Feralheart Art group. Keep up the good work! ^^

Game Help / Re: Waterfalls are brown+ characters don't display correctly
« on: February 12, 2015, 04:50:47 pm »
hmmm.. I don't know what to suggest otherwise. Though, as a last, look at your Colour Depth in top of the row in the white pop-up when starting up the game. Usually it can be 32, which is normal. If not, click higher or lower to the game colours as you prefer. Glitched colours might change with it.

Maybe share a screenshot how it looks like so people have a clearer view on what you experience?

Awmg. Nice drawings ye lots have, Spottedbears & Blu Parrot!

And glad you eyed my drawings with pleasure, Endy. I really appreciate it and you guys stories. I'm amazed. ^^

Game Help / Re: Waterfalls are brown+ characters don't display correctly
« on: February 12, 2015, 06:58:15 am »
Either try set your Rendering System to what works best for you or look at the the version of your Graphics Card if it needs an update.

If you don't have one but need one, here is some more information about it that Red explains to someone with a link to download it:

Despite this quote is about black missing textures, I hope the information can help you out quite a bit for your messed up ones if it works the same way.

It appears that you are missing some files. Check to see if you are missing the highlighted file from LocalDisk(C:)\FeralHeart\Media\Terrains\fhmaps\fhPodium.fhm

Maybe you're missing a few textures? Try looking in your Texture folder by going into LocalDisk(C:)\FeralHeart\Media\Textures. Such as grass textures/other textures to do with that.

Or maybe you need to switch your rendering subsystem by going to Options\Video\Rendering Subsystem and change it to Direct3D9. After that restart FH. If nothing has changed - restart your PC.

Try updating your graphics card also. Go to your start button then right click 'Computer' then select 'Properties'. After you've done so, go to 'Devise manager' >> 'Display adapters' then Double click 'Intel(R) HD Graphics'. You will then come across something that mentions something about updating your graphics card.

Wish you best of luck! If neither of those worked, feel free to ask again and share it!

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