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Messages - Owly

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Game Discussion / Re: Revenge of the Rejects?
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:28:43 pm »
Since I've run role plays, I've had instances where this has happened. I find it off of FH as well, since other games have trading systems, etc. Obviously, it's no surprise "mate" beggars are everywhere. They literally lurk in the oddest of places. Basically saying that I've seen this way too much to call it uncommon.

What really just makes me wonder is why people have to act like a child that didn't get the toy they wanted so they throw a tantrum...
I mean, we're basically strangers to each other, so what makes it okay to ask for their stuff, or to "hook up" even.
I dunno, I just often question it.

Game Help / Re: Map Making question!~
« on: November 11, 2015, 04:05:22 pm »
There are currently no modifications for the underwater tints, there is only the texture change for the surface of water.
Perhaps in time someone will come across the place where they can edit the tint, but as of right now there is no way to do that, that I know of.

Introduction / Re: Hey
« on: November 10, 2015, 05:29:18 am »
Welcome to Feral Heart! There are a few different hotspots within the game. Each map generally having their own types of hang out groups. Poke around and see what map suits you best. I know myself, and a lot of other forum roamers, tend to hang out at Fluorite Plains, on the mini-map you will see an N/Z like figure, we're lower left by the river. It's called Stone Bridge, and it's a common hang out, and group advertising area.

Game Help / Re: Help fully removing maps?
« on: November 02, 2015, 06:11:06 pm »
Here's an extra tip that I always advise for members, just make a "Feral Heart Dump" folder with extra copies of the game, and .zips that you download for FH. Just to keep it around. If you want to conserve space on your PC, try to put the files on Mediafire, or even on a flash drive.
The reason I suggest this is because you can keep extra files that you may want later. Plus you can click and drag your current exports, or presets folders from your Main FH to your "FH Dump" folder for safe keeping.

Game Discussion / Re: The MateCenter Stereotype
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:12:17 pm »
Geez, people. That's terrible to say to you, especially when you were trying a new concept. It's a pretty good one too! It's sad to say the type of reaction people get from Mate Centers in general, but it's gotten to the point where it's just ridiculous.
You keep doing what you do! Never let those rotten potatoes ruin your great ideas. It's the fact you're trying that counts.

Game Discussion / Re: Why's BonFire Island so populated?
« on: October 29, 2015, 03:04:12 pm »
It did, in fact, used to be the Spawn instead of Lonely Cave. In fact, we didn't have Lonely cave, South Pole, Ascension Island, Sky's Rim, Atlantis, or Last Cave. It became popular for those random people, groups/species, and TLK role players. Since the last update, which introduced the new maps, people continued to stick to Bonfire. Even the newer members end up there for various reasons. Mostly, from what I see, is people like to usher new players to Bonfire. Bonfire is probably the easiest place to make friends as well. So people just end up hanging there.

Game Help / Re: a small problem
« on: October 23, 2015, 03:14:40 pm »
I would check the tab button. Sometimes when fingers slip, buttons are pressed that shouldn't be.
However, if the problem persists, check to see if you've been playing with your C://>FeralHeart>Media>Textures and check to be sure your cursor png is still there.
Pan's suggestion would be the second to last resort on the list.
The last suggestion is to take your needed files out of the current FH folder, and redownload the game to replace lost or corrupted files.

Game Discussion / Re: Your best memories of this game?
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:44:50 pm »
I've had my fair share of amazing memories. From the days of my very first group of friends, to iRawr days, to even now. There's just no pinpointing my best one. Feral Heart is my home, and yes, over the recent years activity in game has depleted. It's noticeable but manageable because that means there aren't that many problem causers running around. I mean they're still there, just not as bad as it used to be.
I've put a lot of time into this game. Four, almost five, years have been spent here. Before there were wings, before the dash update, before there was Lonely cave, South Pole, Atlantis, Last Cave, Ascension Island, and Sky's Rim. Where you spawned in Bonfire, and would have to either run through Ficho to get anywhere else, or use the wall glitch to just run on the ceiling to get to the Fluorite portal. I've dealt with my fair share of bad friends, and have learned from it. I was able to meet Red, Delay, Ringo, Ramine, Crin, and all the other staff members from the original iRawr team.

So much time has passed since then.

Game Help / Re: A quick thing
« on: October 15, 2015, 05:01:27 am »
Some added ones can easily be:

-Why is it objects don't show up when I download a map [even after putting the proper files into the exports]
- How to back up FH files, and why it's important to keep original files.
-Why it's a good idea to have an extra FH copy in another folder [Ex: My Documents]
-Explanations on FH "slang" and terms.
-Not only how to download additions to the game [MODs] but how to restore them if you don't want them anymore, or files begin to corrupt in your game because of them.

Game Help / Re: Can't Enter My Map
« on: October 15, 2015, 04:54:05 am »
About 80% of the time when you enter a private map and crash is due to an extra particle that has somehow replicated when exporting. Check in the FH>Media> Materials/Objects/My_objects/or any other place particle files can potentially appear. [As Ressy explained briefly above.]

Added: Make sure you check all particles, whether you used them or not. Just to be on the safe side.

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