Author Topic: October Update Part 1  (Read 33052 times)

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October Update Part 1
« on: October 02, 2018, 10:40:18 am »
Part 1. - Because if you hadn't all noticed already there's a lot going on and I expect there will be several updates this month.

First thing to note is No mod October is off. Yep, I found some staff to fill the void (with great help from returning moderator Ressy). Hopefully they will all say hi after this post.

Redlinelies has stepped back up into a staff training role. He trained pretty much all the staff even on an indirect basis since shortly after FeralHeart Began.

Secondly I have been talking to around 20 odd members from here. Some of you were aware of a hidden thread called "hmm".
I'm very aware its content has been leaking out to the world. This thread has now been locked and published now in News.
Sometimes it's just easier to talk to a few people than to try and respond to everyone.

Now not only do we have new staff but the way the staff operate is about to change.
As of the next Member of the Seasons selections. A proposal that I made to the staff back in February 2017 called the "MOTS Proposal" is being implemented.
This proposal never passed simply because I could never get all the staff members into a unanimous agreement.
I felt it was unfair to force such a radical change to how we operate upon them.

MOTS Proposal

Most of you know Members of The Season(hereby known as MOTS) are selected by you, the community, as examples of the best members you have to offer and for their deeds to be seen by everyone.

Being that these members represent the community, we, the staff would like to invite them to join us in the staff room.
MOTS will be able to see what is happening regarding the game, join in discussions, meetings and have a voice to propose and vote on current affairs.

- MOTS access will not be limitless. MOTS will not have access to MIT(Mod in Training) selections as it's not uncommon for MOTS to be discussed for MIT positions.
- MOTS will not have direct access to reports from users.
- The final thing MOTS will not have access to is the historical archive of the staff room. We believe it's unfair on previous staff who would probably never have anticipated this change to have their posts suddenly under public scrutiny. But all posts from this point unless under the two categories above will be available to them.

Now to make clear the MOTS new status. They are here to create more transparency between the staff and you the community. If a MOTS feels we are not doing our job they can pull us up on it. But if we find a MOTS simply spewing information from the staff for the purposes of popularity or other reasons not beneficial to the community, they will be removed from their post (This will be discussed with the other MOTS at the time). MOTS will not be receiving moderator powers. MOTS are here to bring your ideas and opinions directly to us.

To be eligible for MOTS you cannot have a total ban time longer than two weeks in the last two years. For example if you have had three, five day bans the last eighteen months you cannot be eligible until the first ban elapses over the two year mark. We do check the other accounts you have as well. If we find any MOTS is receiving repeat votes from multiple accounts of the same person they will no longer be eligible for that period. A currently elected MOTS cannot be eligible for a second term in a row. But they can be re-elected every other term without limit.


Regarding the "patch" certain aspects are ready for release and will be out shortly. I've had a lot to juggle the past month.
I'm hoping to get you a release in the next couple of weeks. Certainly before the end of this month.
Personally I think I'm better for getting it out there than just telling you about it so please be patient.

As for the now ex-staff. I have been in more communication with them in the last week than the last year probably.
I expect in Part 2 we will probably have a joint post explaining what went on. But for the time being my priority is moving forward. Gap filling can happen later.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 05:55:41 pm by LordSuragaha »
Please contact other members of staff if necessary they will escalate issues to me

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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2018, 12:05:06 am »
Hiya guys!

Some of you already know me from before.
Some of you may be new.

I know there has been a lot going on recently..
But we are hoping to rebuild things as we go.
A new start, as some would say.

We know that things have been said and done.
People have been hurt and some are most likely still hurting.
The community is just too important for a lot of people to give up on.

The old staff didn't give up.
We haven't given up.
And I'd like the thread to be nice and no finger pointing from here on.

This is only part 1.
We ask you to have patience for the next part to come.
For us to have a chance to explain things to you guys.

There will be some familiar faces coming up soon.


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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2018, 12:25:03 am »
don't u love when ur friends make posts for u
i know i do

Just kidding, but hey! I'm Calvary! (no the cavalry isn't here ok).
Some of you may have noticed me stalking around the forums recently, so look, here I am!

I've been around since 2012, so I've been on this game for a while. There's been a lot happening, so don't fret. We are all here to fix it.

This is just the beginning, y'all. We've come so far, and now it's time to take it further. Stick around for part 2. <3
« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 05:23:10 pm by Calvary »

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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2018, 12:26:42 am »
Hello fluffs.

There's been a lot of confusion lately surrounding things, and we hope to clear things up as smoothly as we can.
Some of you may recognize me from my prime time around here back in 2016. It's nice to see so many friendly faces once again, and to be helping this place stay a tidy and fun experience for everyone, both old and new.

There are some big shoes to fill, but are going to try to keep everything up to par for all of you, and as it was said, the old staff didn't give up, so we won't either.

I know there still might be some confusion, and I hope things will become clear in the near future. The community here means too much for things to just be allowed to continue in a fog of uncertainty. You deserve better then this, and we hope to deliver.

Love you all to bits.
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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2018, 12:30:15 am »
Hey guys, sorry for all the secrecy surrounding everything! I presume many of you know who I am, maybe some of you don't--feral heart has and always will be an important part of my life, which is the main reason why I wanted to give back to the community, why we wanted to give back.

I hope you guys understand that we will always put you guys first, above all else. And to make sure you guys expect more fun and events from us guys in the near future.

Thank you. X


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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2018, 12:32:59 am »
Hey guys! Jesse here. Of course, some of you know me from around Grounds and here.
As been stated before, I understand things have been said and done, and likely ruined the community for the time being. The others have their own opinions on these, so I’ll stick to mine here.
As of now, my reason of stepping up was to help rebuild, and make the community a better place once again. I have no reason beyond helping to support why I answered into this. The few weeks have done some rabid scarring to the forum, game, and members themselves, like those who left, and the former staff before us. We want a new start for you all, to right the ‘wrongs’ that have occurred.
For one, I’d love that you, the members, please try to support us after all that’s happened, and to stop targeting the former staff, and especially Razmirz himself. What was announced is done and over with. It was called off. It’d make me, a member who wants things to change, happy that the community can agree and accept us and more importantly, each other.
Thank you to those who stayed and returned. We are hoping we can turn everything around and make the game a wonderful place for you all, new and old. I love you guys and I’m happy to see things are taking a turn to a better setup.

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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2018, 01:10:04 am »
Hey there, fluffs.

A lot has happened within the past week, many things unfortunate. We are sorry for all of the worry and confusion that's been sparked within the community as a result, and we hope to relieve you all from that as best we can. Some of you might know me as a past staff member, who, due to outside reasons, had to step down. I've returned now simply because this community means too much to me and I know it means a lot to you guys as well. I would like to lend my support to fellow staff, new and old, and help provide you all with the fun and welcoming community you deserve.

It's been said in previous responses that we would like for you all to remain civil in this thread, and I only hope you heed those words. This is our chance to explain everything, and you can expect more updates to come as well.

Thank you, everyone. Love you.

In-game user: Panzramic


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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2018, 01:34:30 am »

Hey there ! PocketMutt here !

I hope that a few of you recognize me but for those who don’t, I’ve been a long time user since 2011.
I’ve most notably made my home within the ranks of the Ficho Fighters
 for quite some time, and more recently, found a welcoming place within the forums.

As I’m sure the case is with many of you, I want nothing more than to
give back some beneficial and positive output to a place that—in turn—gives its own creative and helpful input.

FeralHeart has always been special to me and others,
and I think the best way to ensure that it continues being that special place,
is to keep contributing to a community that you all helped to shape in the first place.

I hope we can work together and support each other to see what the future brings.
 There’s more to come and we hope you understand that it comes from an earnest place.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 01:38:42 am by PocketMutt »


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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2018, 02:16:09 am »
Hello everyone.

A few of you might know me personally, and some others may have seen me on the forums from time to time. I’ve always tried to be helpfully honest instead of brutally blunt, and I hope that most of you guys can see that, since I know that—on occasion—I can come across as colder than I’d like.

I’m here because this is a community that I’ve spent a lot of time with during my teenage years, and with whom I’ve created many fond memories. My reason for stepping up was to help in the aftermath of recent events; the past few weeks have been rather chaotic and have most certainly taken a toll on everyone here.

I can't really add anything more to what was already said in the previous posts, but I do hope that you will see it fit to give us a chance. We are all trying to give back to a community that has somehow affected who we are, and I can’t think of a greater honor than to work side by side with these wonderful people for your benefit.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 03:06:14 am by Lucius »

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Re: October Update Part 1
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2018, 06:25:09 am »
Hi there everyone.~

I hope you've all been having a wonderful day so far. You may remember me from my past, as
NommyShark/Shurtle. If not, then it's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope that it's been a reassurance for some of you to know that No Mod October will no longer prevail - as Razmirz has now appointed new Staff members.

This was never initially planned, on my part, to become a Moderator at all and stand to this position. Never. However, after I had managed to speak with Razmirz on the 'Hmm' board and further, in private via other social media, I was able to learn of what his intentions were for the future of FH. I was and still am very much convinced that I will be standing to represent the FH community's needs (as will all of the Staff) - taking into account what is asked of us, what is suggested, and putting the ideas forward to Razmirz himself should in be in terms of forum display/management and or the game and it's future.

I hope that the ending to the No Mod October will come as a reassurance to some that there is no longer a need to fear for this blocking=banning business.
I will be around to answer all inquiries should there be any (which I expect there to be a lot), my PMs and Contact details will be open and available.

Hope to see you all in-game.~

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