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Topics - GlaydrChyle

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Game Help / Corruption of in-game system files. -please lock <3-
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:16:42 pm »
I've noticed recently and it has been a great amount of trouble for me and a friend of mine:

We've had our in-game system files (Mainly .DLL and other Clients in game) corrupted or go missing off of our computers; this has only been a problem since the new update. The files that go missing are irrKlang.dll, libOIS.dll and OgreMain.dll

What's most odd about this is that the game doesn't present any problems and works completely fine for X amount of days. (Usually around 6-10) So I can't seem to understand how these files are becoming corrupt or "Missing" The usual events that have lead up to this are nothing more than what you would consider from a usual feral heart user. I don't tamper with files and I've never created anything (regarding modifications) that could have effect on these files. they are simply corrupting on their own.

I also had recent troubles with the particles folder: Where on downloading particles and placing them into the particles folder, no duplicates become visible (even when showing hidden folders) however the game refuses to work. However on the other hand if I completely remove the particles folder it begins to work again. Strange isn't it? I can't see what's going on if I'm honest. Though I assume it has nothing to do with the game itself but more so my computer: My concern is, is that this only happens with Feral Heart: and when going to test other games (which is.. my usual day really despite work from home and teaching) this type of thing doesn't happen. I was wandering if I could perhaps have some kind of bug, or other program conflicting but that doesn't seem to be the case. It's puzzling.

But if anyone has any light to shed on this I'd be happy to listen ^^! Thank you!

Could someone be a darling and post my way a few links to different textures and meshes for maps? I have a list of the things I'm in need of right now:

City Meshs: (Small Buildings, Roads, stop signs ect)
Farm Meshes: (farmhouses, leaf piles, hay piles// farming tools ect)
Animal meshes: (Woodland animals mainly, like Elk and things)
Odities: (Mystical things really.. like perhaps structures, statues and things)

oo! And some rail-way tracks if possible? It's asking a lot, but I've been looking for the past hour and me and my friend are passing out from lack of sleep -chuckles-

Thank you very much if you're able to find some- I've been looking everywhere for the right one.

Topic inspired by "Wolfspeakers: what do you think of us?" Go check it out.

This doesn't apply to everyone of course, there are many amazing groups out there that I've yet to discover and this is in no way aimed at everyone and or deemed to hurt anyone but more so a wee bit of criticism and a few things I need to get off my chest.

I know deep down the majority of us can say they "dislike" the illiterates in game. The Godmodders, power-players, wolfspeakers and even the foreign players (a small minority of us.)  This is most likely due to the fact that many if not most people love a good, sophisticated roleplay here and there. But what has started to get on my nerves is the fact that; people complain about illiterates and then do nothing about it.

I'm not saying you must do anything about it and also I acknowledge that half the time they do not "Need your help." However can't we say that there is a negative stigma attached to this? Which is no surprise considering that most who are illiterate are infact exactly that.

However, being a student teacher on an enrolment course I can't beg to you more no matter how much of an angry face I pull that they need your help. Of course if they wanted to get better. As someone who teaches (especially younger children) it just seems common sense needs to be applied here: if the child is having difficulties to learn then time needs to be spent to help educate or promote self teaching.

I'm not saying everyone SHOULD do this and MUST OR YOU'RE A BAD PERSON; no,no,no! I'm just having  a simple rant on the people who say. "I hate *insert group*" and then just sit there and laugh at them or poke fun! Is that the attitude people should be having?

I'm accented in real life, I also speak two different languages so it's common for me to say something that someone might not understand but all they have to do is ask me "Could you say that again please, I'm really sorry.". I mean, you don't get people laugh in my face or kick me out of the building for confusing a bit of German with my English every once and awhile; so why should it be different online?

The groups are often or not segregated. I don't mean all groups however, there are some groups who promote illiterates and literates to band together and they're fantastic. But then they are ridiculed for doing that? Well why? That one was more of a personal experience as most often I always get someone say to me "Oh.. why do you promote such behaviour I'm not joining I can't possibly join you get on my nerves" <---- *In snobby accent*

You get illiterates with illiterates and literates with their own which is fair enough but when you get a band of literates kick out an illiterate because they can't spell then can't you say that's not a little mean? yes guaranteed that you have a warning in your bio that says "For literates only" in fancy-shamnzy letters. But doesn't that just state that the person you're ridiculing wants to actually learn? You (maybe not you specifically, but someone out there) as a person hate people with illiteracy pestering you; then why don't you have something done about it? Lend a hand! teach them, help them for goodness heath. yes they are quite annoying but if you spend enough time with them they'll start to pick up on techniques to use!

The only way to reduce the populace of illiterate people my sweetheart is to teach them literacy.

But rant over; no... there are some fantastic groups here and it doesn't apply to everyone. Just please, I don't understand why someone could turn around and hate someone for something that can be taught to them? Literacy isn't that difficult my dears.

Anyway, thank you for listening, if you can or have any input on this I'd love to hear. But I suppose the main question we get from all of this is: If someone in game asked you to help them improve on their role-playing skills, where would you start and what would you teach them to do and why?

I guess I'd have them type out a block of text first and then evaluate what I need to teach from there,I'd then get them to edit a block of text over and over again and teach them little tricks and words they can use along the way. But that's just me.I understand not most people want to waist their time teaching others, so it's okay!

Forum Discussion / Do you Secretly Stalk?
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:35:42 pm »
I'm sorry if this proves to be quite controversial to some, I really do. However, I'm not asking that you share who you secretly stalk at all: but more so if I'm not alone in this world when I say the words:

" I love this community and I have to say there are quite the few people I love just to see and post here amongst us.  Sometimes I secretly wish I could get to know them but have just about as much confidence as what a box of chocolate contains gummy bears, so just secretly watch them instead like the crazy fluff I am."

To be honest however, I admire the entire community: but it'd be nice to know if there are some people out there who also have their preferred fellow floofs to follow.

I'm just a perfectionist and personally cry if my best friend tells me I have sauce on my jumper. Please ignore me. But I don't mean to cause upset if I do/have.

To say someone could smack me across the head for perfecting a silly mountain... they can, though I regret making it so difficult for my testers to climb; so consider me smacked already.

Adagio Von Ville I'm planning to be a large map with a few other maps included into it, such as The Operal Marshes and Ambre's updated version. She's looking pretty, however there is ALOT of work that needs to be done on this map alone, still too many gaps and obvious mountain structures incomplete. At least...

At least you can say I didn't forget to add meshes, or this thing would have been pointless.

Big maps for big daisy's my dear, A ponderous land full of monstrous trees, perfect for a mythical role-play or two.

Enjoy the work that has been done so far and credit to the makers of all these wonderful meshes: there's more to come.

-Exhales- Five..hours..

Presets & Markings / Some new presets (UPDATED 02/02/2016)
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:32:49 pm »
So Nothing is official yet, but I may start making presets! Depends on how these few turn out as I do have some on my mind. I made a preset for my common character Lady and it looks decent (For a complete Nub at this sort of stuff) I'm quite proud of myself.

But my self esteem and ego aside; I'd love it if I could gather some of your opinions? maybe even give me a few tips and tricks to help out! It'd be nice to receive some feedback. Don't be afraid to be harsh, as long as you give me a pointer to help me along my way I won't be hurt!  
                                              Toodlies! -Addy  ;D

Lady's Preset download:


Alpha Cyndigo's download:

( More to come, + Uploads released later)

Finished Maps / First Map > Ambree Forrest (Public)
« on: December 06, 2015, 06:48:52 pm »
You'll have to let me know if the link works. Also, this is my first ever map so it'll be quite bad. I'm Sorry.
This map is intended for two different wolf packs. It was gonna be private but I'll make it public instead haha. I suggest downloading the map first and looking around to see if it works before anything.. (Sorry if it doesn't ;.;)

Here are a few Screenies:

Iknow it's not all good, but atleast it'll do for a few packs right? Ai?

So if you're wanting this map for your pack (Which will suprise me and make me jump around in joy) Please let me be in atleast one of them? :3 pretty please?

Pack1: ~BlackMasquerade~

(There are a few spaces on the map for rogue groups, there are two I think. But only for small rogue groups :3)


Swearing is allowed (Not overly excessive though)
Be nice
General feral heart rules really
Respect each other
If you're putting this up as a link in your website for your pack, Please credit me!

Feral heart Game designers
(These objects were not created by me, however the layout and height map was-

yes, this map may be used for such, however: Any gestures and words must be kept in the "Whisper" chat between the two characters who are "Mating" as such.
I do not condone or support the idea of rude behaviour in game however if you must and it is necessary to the plot then feel free. Just... do it somewhere private... please? I have secluded areas in the map, just go explore and hunt them out ;)

I think that's it.... If you need anything, PM me... Oh! One more thing

If you're requesting to use the map:

- State the pack name
- State what the map is for (Easy question)
-State how big your group is and if it'll grow
- There are two big grounds to choose from, the Mountain and inner forest (They'll be clearly visible in game ;) ) state which on you may potentially want.
- bare in mind that other people may be there just to chill, that's perfectly okay just don't go annoying the pack role-players. Some goes to the pack role-players, don't go annoying the one's just there to chill.

here's the link:

I hope you like it... Again, if there are any errors or if you want to ask something, you can comment here or pm me privately :3

just a quick note: I used the realistic Darkness and lightning mod to screenshot this. The two go really well together so credit to the creator of them.. really..

( Sorry if this is in the wrong place again.. I was debating on whether to put it in Game help or Game discussion)

I've attempted ( Round about four times now) To download meshes for maps I want to create. The downloading is fine and the installing of the mesh it'self is okay. I understand the entire ordeal with the "Create new Mesh" thing where you have to often save them as your own before you can come to use them for your actual map making. It's just that, thousands of times now I've had to re-install feral heart and it's all because I am disorganised!

I always seem to place some kind of file into a crazy and wacky place. Wacky enough, it stops the game from working all together.        well, well then Mr Chyle!

Whether it's just me and my terribly all over the place' brain I dunno' But I seriously can't seem to organise things what so ever in game!

So I've simply resorted to creating separate files on my pc hard drive to keep all the meshes and files for them in. I think I have about six now? all for sky, textures, terrains, yadayadayada terrible organisation if I'm honest xD

So here's a discussion for you all:
                                                          How do you all stay organised when it comes to downloading things and having to extract items and place them into the game?

Sorry again if this also seems a bit funny or doesn' make sense, I'm tired :(

Introduction / It's been a few months, ain't it? (Back and Better)
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:30:56 pm »
( I apologise if this shouldn't have been created, if this is the case please feel free to move/lock or remove if appropriate. I'm sorry QAQ )

So with Christmas coming up and the most extent of my course work completed, I've decided to jump back onto my old Asus and Say Hello again. I'm not entirely out of the deep depths of the woods however, fairly confident enough to start talking again. I've got to say, a lot happens within two months of not being here, however I do hope every single issue is getting resolved as the staff work over time to bring this place up to to standards like they always do. So good luck staffers!

So what's been going on then?
Well a few months ago I had to take a break due to ill health and pressure, I'm glad to say that I'm slowly recovering after being stuck in bed for so long haha!

If any one does remember me (-blushes if you do-) My name's Adam, I've actually been on the site for well over four years now with a long break taken from January to September of this year  :D I also had my account removed as I never really thought I'd come back, but I'm still here and glad to be so!

I feel like I've missed so much though, so if anyone has any links to share with me or places they can direct me to, to give me a basic "let know" about everything that has been going on since I left. Then in honesty floofs to all of you.  ;D

I hope I get to meet some more, new, lovely people ^^ Don't be shy to contact me either.

Leaving / Health problems and Course-Work (Leaving for a smidge)
« on: October 22, 2015, 06:53:03 pm »
So over the past few days my mental and physical health have dropped again. I won't go into to much detail however all I can say is that I need a constant eye on for any drastic changes. It's nothing to much to worry about, Just things to do with my back and stomach. Honestly if I give it a month or two I should be bright and perky.

I may be floating around the forums if I have to spare, but don't expect anything Major from me. I apologise (Even missed saying happy birthday to Shay, which I really wanted to do... Sorry buddy.)

But ai, What are the odds? Fingers crossed I can get things done. And as for course work in school? A little on the hefty side if I may say. However I may poke about here and there as I said.

Hope everyone's been having fun. I really wish to contribute to the community more, like how I use to back in 2012. So I'll do a bit of planning, writing a few poems... Pictures and all to maybe put a smile on your faces once in awhile. (Even though my goofiness seems to do it all well.)

But I'll keep ya'll updated. My promises ~<3

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