Author Topic: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**  (Read 18509 times)

Offline LasVagas

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2013, 12:20:31 pm »

As the pair walked out the door, the sudden hills clashing against laminate flooring as the woman now exit  pieced through the young pups ears. He hated all of these loud noises, especially the lift as it rose up and down as people pressed it's buttons to direct it to a certain floor. The surrounding scenery was quite pleasant. There was two tall green plants ether side of the door, stacking up in balls like a snowman. Chester had never noticed any other plants like this when he stared out the window, so he guessed it was a symbol that the flat he lived in was special. The walls where a spotless white with modern canvases hanging on the wall. There was three canvases in a row, a inch apart from each other. They bared swirly green pictures that made no sense, but it did make the wall look 'Funky'. The floor beneath was that cold, hard laminate. Chester never liked it and always preferred to lay on the rug when he was allowed in the sitting area. The stairs where swirled, and the young man though that the puppy could make the journey with no assistance. The man walked a few steps down and urged Chester to follow. The young dog crouched and placed a leg over the side, not quite reaching his paw onto it. Chester tried with his other leg but it reached the same distance. He then turned around and attempted to slide down, but he did not have the bravery to trust only his memory from where the step was.

The lady emerged after dashing around the room and gasped at her husbands actions. "You dopey sod. He could never do that himself! Pick him up right now." She ordered and her husband did not need telling twice. Chester was lifted into the air and into the arms of the man. The Chestnut pelted puppy did not like the height and so he wriggled, attempting to get back down onto the safety of the floor. "Stop struggling. I am going to drop you." Said the man and he attempted to stop the puppy from wriggling. He bouncing as the man went down the steps made the puppy anxious of falling. After one more sudden bounce and being spun around as the man faced towards his wife, Chester had had enough. He struggled and wiggled, his fur slippery with it's velvety softness. The puppy soon fell, for the young man was no longer able to hold onto him. Chester slipped from his grasp and thankfully onto a light green fluffy carpet. "You idiot! I told you to hold him tightly." The woman cried as she tripped down a few more steps in her high hills to check if the pup was okay. Chester was more than okay, for he was rolling around in the thick, fluffy carpet. It felt like a match made in heaven. "Tut, Typical men, eh?" The young woman said, stroking Chester's soft, floppy ears. "Okay now, hold onto that lead tight, he likes to pull and do not let him go near that mutt next door. Poor Chessy was scared to death by it's booming barks." She spoke, her beautiful, elegant voice much more soothing than her steps in her hills.

With the man holding onto the pups lead and the woman linking her arms with her husband, the group of three strode past the office and out to the boulevard, filled with busy shoppers. There was plenty of dogs on leads and cats scowling up trees, Chester did not know who to play with first, after-all, this is what he thought he came out for. The place was crowded and Chester had to make sure he stepped in the right place, for he did not want a sore paw because someone stepped on it. The dogs seemed quite friendly, for a few came over to sniff the puppy. Chester was so glad he was able to come outside, there was just so much to do. He began to rap his front legs around the neck of a adult Yorkshire terrier
who struggled to get away from the energetic puppies grasp. A female Labrador bent down and nibbled the pup on the scruff. He found this uncomfortable and so pulled away into the path of a shopper. Above, he could see a tiny bit of light, for the arms and upper body crowded it's rays. The talking was muffled but he could here his female master saying. "Pick him up." Once more the puppy was picked up, but the man stopped half way of lifting him and said a swear word directed at a man who apparently had barged passed him and knocked him on the head in attempt to get to his work place. He then stood up-right with the puppy in his arms. Even though he hated being picked up, it seemed much safer than staying on the floor. "Lets head to a patch of grass so he can do his tiddles. I bet he is bursting, the poor little fellow." The woman said, directing her husband towards a local park.

A good ten minuets of barging and pushing, the area opened up and the people filtered away as they came to the outskirts of the town. The chestnut pup was set on the floor and he happily trotted along with his masters. The park was in view and it was very clean and neat with the odd dog racing after a Frisbee or snoozing under a tree. "Let him off, let him have some fun" The woman spoke to her husband as she struggled with the lead. He clicked off the lead and let it rest on the bench where the pair sat down. Chester wagged his tail and flew off towards the middle of the park where he sniffed around a strongly scented tree. Half of the males in the park had kept layering urine over it to show their dominance.  Chester raised his hind-leg like he saw other males do and urinated over the tree, missing, and splattering it on the grass. The puppy panted when he finished and swung his head around to find a sutible dog to interact with. There was quite a few adult dogs that where play fighting, they're paws scraping against each others fur and their teeth nibbling at a each others skin. It looked far to dangerous for the young Irish setter to join in with, so he decided to look for a more docile dog. There was a strange, tall dog sitting next to a pond who seemed look like a perfect match. Her fur was so long and thick, like the rug in the lobby. He decided to sneak up to her and play with her tail, rolling and nipping at its softness. It seemed like the perfect plan in his head. Stalking towards the young dog, the pups floppy ears flapped as a large gust of wind passed by him. The tension was high as he was around a meter from her tail. He slowly opened his jaws and then slowly shut them as he was now close enough. Her tail was now in his jaws, but he held it very lightly and close to the place it had already been. The softly nibbled it, his eyes looking at the dogs back in-case she turned around and attempted to spook him. He was so  excited by his naughty behavior he could not hold back a sweet, small yip. He was bowed and his paws laying on the tail of his victim playmate. He rubbed his head on the sheep-pelt-soft tail like a cat would do to a warm area. Chester did not know if the dog was aggressive or playful, he just had to embrace the dog like rug.
(Chester is playing with Maj.)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 04:38:25 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2013, 03:28:41 pm »
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 09:57:12 pm by JD »
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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2013, 04:30:48 pm »

Lola felt the women's hands handle her gently... Lola looked around, a anxious glare in her beautiful eyes. Her hackles un-tensed, as Holly put her down on the darkly painted bench. The Tabby heard the Teenager say, "Heya Girl!" Lola looked at her... She had long, gingerish red hair, that went down to her stomach. The girl also had dark blue eyes, that almost tinted a bit of dark purple in. She had a silver chain around her neck, that lead down to something saying 'Elvis.'  Holly also had a black and white stripy T-Shirt, which was sleeveless.

About 5 minutes later, Lola pushed herself to her paws after sitting. Hands tickled her chin and ear, and she let out a rumbling purr, which signed affection. With slow movements, Lola limped on Holly's lap, before laying there quite comfortably.
"What's your name beauty?" She asked. Lola's full attention turned to the red-head, and she flicked her tail. "My name?" She mewed, not understanding that humans didn't understand her, "Lola, what's yours?"

When she didn't answer, Lola saw she was thinking about something. Is she thinking about giving me food? Lola thought, but then saw a tiny terrier spot her... A Border Terrier. She mewed in fright, and stood up. With swift moves, she leaped off the women's lap, and onto the soft earth. The Wire-haired terrier ran after the cat, barking like mad, while his owner ran franticly after him. "Pluto! Get back here!" The man growled, but the dog seemed to be deaf to his owner. "Get away Mutt!" Lola snapped when 'Pluto The Terrier' got near, he just kept on barking..I'll be back for you..  She thought, looking up at Holly. She raced off, her tail wafting limply in the air, helping her balance. She saw a tall, but thin tree, and it looked perfect to climb.

When she finally got there, she hooked her claws onto the bark. The terrier was about 10 inches away, when Lola had climbed a bit, so the dog couldn't reach her. With her paws hooked on safely, she swung herself on a branch, and came into view where Holly could see her. With out warning, Lola let out a high pitched mew, hoping to catch her attention some how. She was on the edge of the branch, but it didn't look like it was going to snap of.

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2013, 05:05:16 pm »
(I'll be editing this as soon as possible! I'm terribly sorry for the long wait guys ;u;)


If Leonardo had been having fun spending his time looking for this god-forsaken origami fish that liked to hide from him and well- purposely aggrivate him, too; then it sure did not seem like it now. But, Breakfast was the 'most important' meal of the day, was it not? The Mackerel Tabby had no intentions on missing it quite yet, especially since he was entirely well-aware of what was served. In a quick yet cautious manner, the cat pulled his attention away from the book he had been trying to move in a book-shelf; thinking that, for some reason, one of those little paper fishies just had to have been behind it. Leaning upwards as to look down at the carpet below with a sense of 'lazy interest'- if you could call it that, the feline moved forwards to jump down: claws sheathed, perferring not to scratch up anything below a bit, with legs outstretched the cat landed with a barely audible 'thump!' on the ground. The cat would of perfectly well ran to the kitchen, but aye; even if he was hungry for breakfast, and around no-one but Jeanette; why ruin his sophisticated appearance- well, sure he had ruined it quite a few times- but, who needs running anyway?
"I'm likely already late," Muttering to himself as he half-ran (At least he wasn't barreling his way down!) and half-walked towards the kitchen; lime-green eyes gleaming with a sense of interest and glee and his tail flickering back and forth, hinting that the feline was obviously anxious to arrive at his destination- speaking of which, he had just entered the living room now.

But, it wasn't quite proper for a cat to go waltzing into the kitchen, expecting breakfast (In accordance to 'The Official Guildbook of a Domestic Cat's Routine'- written by Leonardo himself; copies only available in one location; his mind.), now was it?

Padding towards the couch, the feline 'pounced' (It couldn't quite be categorised as a jump) onto the seat of the rather comfortable old thing, and then planting himself on the arm. His attention seemed to flicker from his owner to the floor like a flame that couldn't quite decide on which side to lean on for a moment as the cat decided again that, this was not an ideal place to sit- or, greet anyone for that matter. (Leonardo always greeted Jean in the morning- even if she couldn't even understand it.) Once more deciding to move, the cat lifted himself onto the top of the couch. Neatly tucking his paws under his chest, as if attempting to 'cross his arms', the cat couldn't help but sink into the cushiony part he was laying on. Flicking an air towards the left in annoyance, the cat finnaly turned his attention to Jeanette.
"Hello, again~ Pleasant morning, is it not? Oh, and please do stop hiding those . . fish around. It's rather annoying," His greeting could most defiantly not be categorised as the 'warmest greeting every told', but it was a greeting (mostly a complaint) none the less; along with a waste of time and breathe, too!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 09:01:15 pm by GavelSwingingBlacki? »

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2013, 02:13:05 am »
(( This has gone WAY down the list.)) ;_;

Offline ShadowClasher

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #45 on: April 17, 2013, 08:00:17 pm »
(( Meep. ;-; I'd made a post in Notepad then forgot to post it. It'll be up in a second; sorry about that. ))

Gabrielle Jennifer Adams

After walking about ten minutes and nearing the town, Ellie had to attach the leash to Kili's collar because of the numerous amount of cars rolling by. Her worst nightmare was her furry companion getting hit by a car; she'd never forgive herself if that happened. Two other text messages buzzed up on her phone, but she still refrained from looking at them. She'd had enough of her boss yelling at her forever and ever. He was still yelling at her for the last time she was late. Upon arriving to the restaurant, one of her co-workers had wished her good luck fending off her boss today since two of the other workers had quit earlier. Ellie herself couldn't wait to yell at her manager the two words she'd been waiting to yell ever since she first started working there, but she couldn't even count the number of people that had come and go in a matter of days.

 Ellie changed her shirt to the restaurant uniform, luckily being able to avoid her boss. The uniform was maroon color and had Welcome to Charlie's across the front, which was the restaurant name. Over her heart on the left side of the shirt was her name, sewed on in white. The shirt was unnecessarily tight, and although lots of workers had filed complaints about this, the shirts never changed. The uniform, for waitresses and waitors at least, also required a wite apron that wrapped around their waists and a checkered red fedora. After putting it all on, she got to work running around with trays and glasses. She released Kili from the leash knowing he'd been there enough that he probably wouldn't cause any problems. Ellie thought she might be able to get away of avoiding her boss, too, but as a trio of three young men wandered into the restaurant, Oscar, her manager's name, started toward her, nostrils flaring. He opened his mouth to shout at her but before he could the guys were at the counter. It was Lacy's turn to serve up the next customer party, but without even any words she knew what to do. They'd done it often: switching shifts so that the other would be able to hopefully get away from Oscar's anger. Lacy turned and hurried over to Oscar, starting to talk about something random like how high the heat was in the restaurant or something while Ellie turned to the customers and smiled, "Hello, welcome to Charlie's! How may I serve you today?" The three boys snickered, as they all knew each-other from middle and high-school. "Ellie, I don't know how you got stuck here, but you do your job well." One of them named Harry grinned at her. They usually did this every time she was on shift and were ordering whatever they wanted. "Haha, very funny, Harry. Now order or I'll have to nicely kick you out." They all ordered their breakfast and the conversation continued as Lacy walked over, apparently done stalling Oscar since he wasn't it sight. Ellie made the boys breakfast's, listening to them babble on and on, occassionally making comments that made Ellie blush, though usually her back was turned from them getting drinks for other customers.

Once they were fed and just relaxed against the counter, the conversation had eventually ended. Kili was eyeing them and Ellie smiled slightly, petting his head. "They're alright, Kili. Annoying, but alright." She whispered, bending down so she could be at his head's level. Just then one of the boy's voices questioned her once again, as Lacy's shift ended minutes before. "We have to go soon, but one last thing. Ellie, go on a date with me?" He asked it humorously, but Ellie leaned forward and flicked him in the forehead anyway. "In your dreams. Now you better get going, dumbo. And I'm not asking Lacy out for you, either." The other two staretd laughing really hard, but Harry looked utterly embarrassed. His hand covered the red bump that had already started to form. Ellie had been told she had a hard flick, but she'd flicked Harry hundreds of times. He was getting way too soft-skinned. And he'd also asked her that before, but with no other luck. They were better as good friends. As the trio turned and left the building, Ellie made herself a coffee, and that was a good thing about the job; two free drinks a day. She leaned down, sipping the cup and looking at Kili while rubbing his head with the other hand. "After my shift is over, I was thinking we could go home so I could take a shower and then we could go to the park later. That sound good to you, Kee?" She knew he wouldn't answer of course, but she had this habit of talking to him. Ellie was pretty sure he could understand a few words anyways, like "park" or "treat" or "food".

Before she could say anything else Oscar's voice rang through her ears. "ELLIE! GET YOUR BUTT IN MY OFFICE." Ellie flinched and glanced behind her, then turned back to Kili. "Be my back-up. I also need a witness if he attacks me." She laughed the last part, but she did want him to be next to her. Oscar's voice seemed even angrier than ever, plus the two other workers who had apparently quit earlier. The restaurant was also unusually empty and she held no doubt that one of the other workers would cover for her if another customer came to the counter. Sighing, Ellie stood up and headed into his office in the back of the restaurant.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 08:53:39 pm by Kirigishi »

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #46 on: May 03, 2013, 02:59:29 pm »
(I miss this roleplay! I was waiting for Meow to post. =c)


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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2015, 12:31:15 am »
I miss you guys, especially JD and Soar... rp is not the same anymore))

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #48 on: January 18, 2015, 03:07:47 am »
Woah now, floof.
This thread has been inactive for well over a year.
Be careful not to necro old threads. c:
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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2015, 01:23:32 am »
I don't care, I just miss them
Besides, if a dead thread is remade, it gets locked for copying an old thread.
Now can I please grieve without any "floof" and "don't necro this" hanging over my head? Floof isn't a word, please never use it on me.
This is my last post,  don't bother replying.
And everyone, the rp is dead, don't bother joining. -n-
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 01:25:09 am by Okami129 »

The liar and the thief