« on: July 18, 2020, 07:31:12 pm »
The reason behind why the thread was removed wasn't due to any kind of censorship, but simply that FeralHeart does not want to be responsible if something was to happen to their users. Let's say the thread told them to contact someone and they didn't get the help they needed.
People who are struggling mentally shouldn't turn to a forum to start with, unless it is a genuine mental health forum.
Why? Because there are trolls everywhere.
I've struggled with my own mental health since I hit puberty, it took a while but I can finally say that I've overcome my issues.
The only reason I'm mentioning my own problems, is because I want you to know that I can relate to the topic.
Not once have I looked to turn to feral-heart or a similar forum regarding my troubles.
The best thing anyone struggling with mental health can do, is call their doctor or local charity.
The thread won't be remade.
I know some of you guys are coming from FHU, and I understand if you have concern for people's mental well being.
I'm sure xSpirit would be happy for you to post a similar thread on his forum.