Author Topic: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Closed for time being! |  (Read 19595 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2014, 07:46:12 pm »

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2014, 08:44:22 pm »

Thomas Benedict Gales

It wasn't a surprise when the alarms began ringing about the sanctuary for the other 'lab rats' to awaken. By then, Thomas had been wide awake for nearly two hours. He was an early bird, of sorts, and often kept himself busy long before others had even begun dreaming. His eyes remained locked onto the small, toy ball he held within his palm, tossing into the air over and over before catching calmly. He laid down upon his bed, his free arm bent back behind his head and his feet crossed at the ankles. It was only when the familiar and unique clinging of Michael's alarm sounded through the corridor that Thomas's eyes glanced away from the ball. Slowly, he sat up, swinging his legs from the bed and standing. "Goodmorning brother." He stated, leaning against the plain, white wall across from his bed. The walls were quite thin, allowing conversations to easily be passed. A drowsy groan sounded from Michael's side of the wall, before a soft reply. "Morning'." A smirk parted Thomas's thin lips before he tossed the small ball to his other hand. "Sleep well?" He questioned, waving a hand dramatically through the air, "Oh of course you didn't. The nightmares must have slipped my mind..Meet you out in the living quarters." He pushed off of the wall, strolling through the large door at the front of the room. The halls were busy as normal at this time with workers, guards, etc. Tom wore his normal clothing, which usually stood out amongst the white of the laboratory. It was a set of dark clothing, including boots and jeans, a dark t-shirt all held under a long, black coat. It was a change from his common suits. As he made his way down the long hallway and into the living quarter, his eyes landed on the closest corner of a long couch, to which he heavily fell into, propping his legs up onto the table.

Michael William Gales

The loud clinging of the morning alarm shook Michael from his slumber, to which he growled angrily for. It was with a heavy grunt that he reached over, slapping the alarm off and rolled into a sitting position. "Goodmorning brother." Tom's snarky voice grabbed Michael's attention as he ran two, lethargic hands down his face. "Morning'." Michael could practically hear Tom's smirk as he continued, "Sleep well?" Rolling his eyes, Michael stood, running a hand through his hair before tossing his dresser open. "Oh of course you didn't, the nightmares must have slipped my mind."

"Of course they did, you sneaky little-" Michael muttered beneath his breath.

"Meet you out in the living quarters." Tom stated, before the sound of his door opened. "A wonderful start to a wonderful day." Michael growled, tossing a fresh shirt on. By the time Michael finished dressing, Tom was already plastered in his normal spot on the couch. He paid little mind to his brother. Instead, he reached for the coffee pot, pouring a steaming cup. "I wouldn't drink that if I were you." Tom muttered, smirking as Michael sent the coffee cup a suspicious look before setting it down with a disappointed sigh. He didn't bother to ask what Tom managed to infect the coffee with this time, and instead just took a heavy seat on the arm beside his brother, propping an elbow up on his knee.

Ellianah Emilia Lexington
"Lethal Adder"

Adder never was a heavy sleeper, preferring to wake easily aside from struggling to open her eyes. She rolled out of bed and slipped into the shower before trudging to the living quarters with little mind to the two brothers already sat upon the couch. Her eyes remained locked onto the coffee counter where the tea was also set. She lifted the pot, beginning to pour a fresh cup when a scientist entered, going unnoticed by her. He nodded to the two boys, before turning to her, and raising a brow. "Adder?" He muttered, tapping her on the shoulder lightly.

It was an immediate reaction. Her body twisted around, grabbing the man's arms and pinning them behind his back before shoving him away. Two nearby guards stepped their way, pausing as Adder lifted two hands in mock surrender. The man groaned, grasping his wrist in pain. "I was told not to walk up on you, I apologize." He muttered, adjusting the clipboard in his other hand. Slowly, she nodded, lowering her hands as the guards settled back into place. "I apologize." She replied, slowly turning back to grab her cup of tea. "I've come to check up on you three since you are under my observation. The others will receive their warnings when they awaken. Today is the day you will receive your final dosage and activation. Do you have any questions?"

"Can I offer you a cup of coffee?" Tom spoke up, raising a mischevious brow. "Not from you, Thomas." He replied, furrowing his brow in a scolding manner before turning on his heels. "I will see you all in a matter of hours, get prepared."
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2014, 03:45:43 am »

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2014, 05:49:40 am »

Serina Louise Herontail
'Just Serina'

The constant drone of Serina's alarm woke her from her pitiful slumber. Her eyes had prominently dark shadows underneath them and her lips were unusually pale this morning. She had had another panick attack last night. They were becoming more and more frequent, she suspected that it had something to do with the growing anxiety for the activation which had been rumored to have been today. She let out a long, shaky breath before slowly standing up. Picking up the clothes she had chosen to wear the night before, she hastily got changed after she was washed. She left her hair in the plaits that she had woven the night before, tucking the few stands that had come loose behind her ear.

She made her way to the living quarters, biting her nails. She have a start when someone fell into step beside her, it was one of the scientists, Jenny, and possibly the nicest one. "You had one of your attacks last night again, didn't you?" Serina just nodded. Sloths one thing she hated most about the attacks were people's sympathy. "Well, I just came over to remind you that today's the day were all of your tests will be activated." Serina skidded to a halt. "What? No, there must be a mistake. It- I don't want it to be today." A gentle hand rested on her shoulder. "Good luck."

Muttering to herself, Serina entered the living quarters. At seeing the others, she plastered a small smile on her face and nodded her head. "Morning." She winced at the broken tone of her voice and coughed. The last thing she needed was people asking her what was wrong. Seating herself on a swivel-chair, she continued to chew at her nails, twisting slightly on the chair.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 06:07:22 am by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2014, 04:28:59 pm »
Sorry guys, was busy. :P ))


Danny Virgel Hawks

Healh: 14/15, Tired from yesterdays experiment.
Location: In the bed, waking up. Soon to be going to the others.

Dan, was starting to waking up. He looked around and frowned. "Still here....." He muttered under his breath. They kept him over his will, but he had no choice, because his sister was kept here, so he could be tested on.
He stood up and got dressed up. He looked around, to only see a camera watching over him. He frowned and gave the haze of a mad teenager.
Soon, his gaze was interaptued, as a scientist came in.
"Good morning Danny. Hope everything is all right?" Dan, frowned even more and turned to face to the scientist. "I would of been alright, if it wasn't that test that you did on me yesterday. Oh, and, I almost forgot. Let my sister go?! If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't of been here in the first place!" He spoke up with a loud tone, that was heard a bit too clearly. "Now, now, Danny. Hush. I am here to tell you that the activation will be held today, in a couple of hours. So be ready!" The scientist left and Dan, was angered. He held his fist up, before sighting and walking to the others.
He looked at others, with a deadly gaze, before turning to face the coffy, tea and water machine.He took a cup of water and dranked it, after drinking it, he took 2 more cups, before throwing the cup at the trash can and wiping his lips from the water left on.
He looked trough the window and observed the falling leafs.


Daisy Ela Knight

Health: 10/15, Annoyed by the alarm sound.
Location: Soon to be going to others.

Daisy, woke up from he alarm sound, getting annoyied by it, every single day.
Hearing a voice, she recognized it, it was Danny talking to the scientist. She huffed and stood up, getting dressed up as usually. A blue t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of black shoes.
Before exiting, she saw and heard a scientist, coming in, to tell her about the activation. She simply nodded and walked to others.
"Morning everyone!" She was kind of shy to tell someone this, but had the will to say it.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 04:30:43 pm by TinyTail »

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2014, 12:24:34 pm »
Uhm. Anyone want to reply? xD ))

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline sparticles

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2014, 12:37:09 pm »

Sorry about this not being an app but I was wondering when you will be accepting female characters again? Just so I can bring mine back into this role play.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2014, 12:40:15 pm »
Well, there are not a lot of males, so, maybe add one male character and add your female character? :3
I'll accept them both! ^.^ :3 ))

EDIT: Never mind! Add your female character in! ^.^ I'm going to add a male character in a min! ^.^ ))

His true form after the activation

Something goes wrong and his wings change to black

His true form when human


Full Name: Frederic Albert West
Alias(es): Fred, Eric, Ric, Albert, Fallen.
Age: 25 Y/O
Gender: Male

Personality: While Fred might seem cold-hearted and cruel at first, but when you get to know him, he is a warm-hearted, friendly guy. Like said: "Don't judge a book by it's cover."
Habits: ~He prefers to be left alone mostly. But, will find a place for the ones who wish to be his friends.
Appearance: A short whiteish gold hair guy, with goldenish amber eyes.
History: When he was born, he was an outstanding child, but also a very strange one. Why strange, you ask? Because when he was born, he didn't even cried, like most children would. As he remembers correctly, his mother used to tell him stories about him. She said: "God must've sent you from his heaven as a fallen angel." Of course, his mother was a very much believer in god, while on the other hand, his father believed what is real, not what other saw or believed.
At the age of 9, he lost his both parents by a car crash accident. After the car crash accident, he stopped talking to others. He was raised by his global parents. At the age of 20, he left them to live his peaceful life. He found a job and all that stuff. At the age of 24 ending, he was brought to the 'THE HEROES PROJECT'. He disliked the idea, but kept to himself.
Crush: N/A {May develop one}
Relationship Status: Single. {Subject To Change}
Power(s): ~Has the power to fly. Has angel like wings.
~He has the power to hurt others the way he likes to.

Supporter of the Heroes Project?: No. He dislikes the idea. Why test on simple people and hurt them, for their own reasons?
What do you want to do with your Power(s)?: He wishes to live dangerously.
Extra: ~He has the fear of heights.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 03:26:15 pm by TinyTail »

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2014, 09:05:10 pm »
(I reply when I get on my
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower RolePlay | Remake | Open | Applications: Open
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2014, 09:11:43 pm »
Alrighty, no worries! ^.^ ))

Profile picture by me! ^.^