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Topics - Metronome

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Praise / Praise to homie Bawfle
« on: September 02, 2014, 02:42:45 pm »
Me and my friend Bawfle play Left 4 Dead 2 much. I'd like to give her some praise for one-shotting multiple special infected with a rifle, and from a huge distance. Here's to Bawfle, for having the best shot in my friends list!

Here's a screenshot to commemorate the moment.

^ Bawfle surrounded by flames

« on: August 13, 2014, 02:06:29 am »

Stories / Coldness
« on: July 31, 2014, 07:35:31 pm »
Part 1: Just another night

The night was young, and I just finished a kill. Another punk from the Runner Gang. Another fool who willingly died for a pointless cause. I stared down at his body, crimson blood smearing the surface of his fur. I messed him up pretty good. I stretched one of my paws out and walked away from the alley. Nothing else would be accomplished here. I looked around the street, making sure no cars would drive by, ramming me and smearing me on the pavement.

No cars.

]I continued walking across. As I reached the other side, I saw a shadow. Should I check it out? Would it be another Runner? Or just some loser looking for fortune? I cautiously approached, when I saw a familiar face through the shadows. It was Joca. She made a surprised squeak.


She jumped out of the shadows, revealing her bright and feline features. Her fur was like a golden color, while her eyes glowed an ocean blue. She rubbed her head against me. The crazy cat loved me for whatever reason. Even though i'm some dog, and she's a mountain cat. Mountain cat's come down to this city, expecting to own the place when they get here.

"What do you want, Joca?"

My tone may have came out as annoyed, but it had a reason to for it. I saved her sister from some Runners, and she felt that she needed to repay me by loving me. Can't exactly blame her.

"How are you doing, dear?"

She asked me in a friendly tone. With the same amount of sweetness a mother would have towards her sick child.

"Doing fine, babe."

I continued on my way, Joca giving me a friendly lick against my face. Joca, you shouldn't hang out with guys like me. You'll end up dead. End up like the other horror stories you hear about. I walked near a homeless man. He said something to me, and gave me a friendly pat between my ears.

Creatures in this city always complain about humans, calling them out on their ways. Some of them lost their homes, but they shouldn't blame humans. It isn't anybodies fault. The ones who complain about losing their homes are just stuck in the past. They are the people who can't move on after they lose something. A good example is the Runner Gang. The idea of the gang was founded on lost homes.

They punish other creatures, taking everything. Some hail them as heroes. They're no heroes in the city.

I passed by a cat with her kittens. The kittens were probably too young to even see yet. These are the targets the Runners love. They prey on the weak, and then brag about it, as if they took down a bear, who's claws are able to sever an entire tree. They hate people like me, who aren't willing to deal with their crap, and fight back. But i'm no patriot, or anything.

I continued down the side walk, until I bumped into three creatures. Two canines, and one feline. By the way they look at me, they are not doubt Runners.

"It's the bastard himself."

One of them tried his best to insult me. Words don't hurt me.

"You like killing Runners? Huh, Isaac? Showing no mercy to us, and cutting us down?"

I smirked. It was too easy.

"Only on weekends."

Nice one there, Isaac.

The canine roared out and charge at me. He began swinging his claws in an insane flurry. He didn't account for his defense. As he swung one towards my head, I ducked down and through a fast cut towards his belly. He let out a cry as he I made a deep cut in his belly.

The female canine charge for me, but I grabbed onto her neck with my teeth, and shook her around. I tossed her, hitting her against a wall. I don't know what gave me the strength to do that. Maybe it was adrenaline.

The feline charged at me, swiping at me, and clawing my face, probably leaving a good sized cut. I jumped at the feline, and  began biting at his throat madly. He kicked me off, sending me onto the concrete. The three quickly limped away. I took several breaths. I began walking to find some water.

As I neared an alley way, something hits me quick enough for me not to be able to react, and sending me onto the floor. I could hear a voice.

"We got him. Let's take him to Duke."

Going straight to the devil himself. This ought to be fun.

Game Discussion / Rude players issue
« on: June 04, 2014, 04:07:13 pm »
I can't believe i'm making a rant on this. I'm getting tired of hearing about all of the rude players making stuff hard on the nice players, and making it hard on them. Some of the reasons for the rudeness is 'realism' (made a rant about that), and whatever else. If people want to argue, do it off of Feral Heart. People play games to get away from real life, relax, and hang out with their friends. Stop insulting other players. Keep your high school drama off of Feral Heart, and leave the nice players alone.

I saw a thread a while ago, and apparently the rude person told the thread maker 'im better because i haz more mates than u'. Cut me a break. That's another thing, bragging about mates. Wow! You got a 'wife/husband' on Feral Heart! Great job! They're like the people on Runescape who try to buy dates. Just because you have a so-called 'boyfriend/hubby/whatever' doesn't put you above everybody else. It definitely doesn't make you cool. It's just funny seeing how these players insult random players just to make them feel good about themselves.

And for the love of god, if you're a rude player, don't tell people "I'm an adult/in college! I know better than some dumb kid!" (Seen it before) If you're an adult, playing FH and insulting random players, that just makes it worse. Friendly players, if somebody get's on you about what your character looks like, or insults you personally, either report them, or move on. Don't feed into their habits. Ignore them, and carry on.

If you're one of the rude players, you've got to do something else. Play the game, play another game. Do something else besides insulting other players. Stop bringing High school drama into a game, where it's supposed to be fun.

Discussion Board / What would you do?
« on: May 06, 2014, 07:50:31 pm »
Bullying is a large issue across the world? I was wondering what you would do if you saw a person getting bullied. Would walk by, or do something?

This video shows a social experiment of bullying, and a large majority of the people walk by.

What would you do?

Ask Me / Ask Pulp!
« on: April 24, 2014, 03:12:54 pm »
Hey, guys. You can ask me questions here. You can ask about whatever you want. So go ahead, and ask some questions!

Stories / Shrek is love, Shrek is life
« on: April 24, 2014, 03:08:35 pm »
I'm playing Feral Heart at my house one day, going around on my character, Shrek. I love Shrek. Some girls make fun of my character, and call him fat. I curse the witches. They are only dreck. I tell them Shrek will not be pleased with their actions.

"I would love to see what your fat shrek does!"

Just you wait.

Somebody whispers me in the game.

"It will all be ogre soon."

Could it possibly be?

Suddenly, the girls are logged off. Shrek bursts through my wall, Kool-Aid Style. I bow in front of him. He carries the bloodied monitor of one of the girls who made fun of me.

"They should of checked themselves before the skrekked themselves."

He leaves through the hole.

Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

Game Discussion / Why do so much people care about realism?
« on: April 11, 2014, 02:57:32 pm »
I've seen all of these threads of people getting mad at people for getting mad at them for bring 'unrealistic'. First of, why do people find it necessary to judge people's characters? Who do you think you are? The jude of FH? It's not your character, so don't worry about it. Second, why are they judging realism?

"Your character has WINGS?! UNREALISTIC!!!!11!!!!"

Unrealistic? Okay, then why is your character talking? What's unrealistic is animals talking, so if you're so crazy about realism, then why do you have your character talk? Also, it's a video game. Realism does not matter, when it's a video game. Most people play video games to get away from real life. Would you be mad if a game you played didn't have a realistic moon cycle? No, you wouldn't. Yet, you're getting mad at a bunch of kids just making characters of different colors, and designs, and calling them unrealistic.

If you're those people that like to make realistic characters, don't worry, i'm not talking about you. I'm talking about these morons that think it's cool to judge people's characters.

So, if you're one of these people that like jude people's characters, just move on. Act like you didn't see them, move on with your life. It's not the end of the world. It won't effect your day. Just get over it.

Member Bio & Journals / Pulp's bio
« on: March 14, 2014, 05:03:49 pm »
Yo yo, Pulp up in the house. I'll talk about the things I like. You can ask me questions, I guess.

Grilled Cheese
Video Games

Open Ocean
Pig screaming

Favorite Movies/Tv shows

The Walking Dead

The Goonies

Star Wars

Jurassic Park

Lion King

Attack on Titan

Favorite Video games

Bioshock (favorite of all)

Red Dead Redemption


Far cry 3

Favorite Books[/b]


Bioshock: Rapture

Halo series

The Walking Dead Road to Woodbury

Music/Bands I like

Daft Punk



Linkin Park

Breaking Benjamin

Fun Facts

I am a Junior Lifeguard

I'm double jointed

Favorite food is Grilled Cheese

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Broger Colliation Force
« on: March 06, 2014, 04:47:30 pm »
Hey guys Pulp here. Do you worship Shrek? Do you prey to your onion statue? If you do, then you are welcome to the Broger Collation Force! What do we do here? We go around on FH, and spread the word of Shrek, and discuss our lord. Below, you will find rules, and an application format. The format shows that you are fit for the BCF.


1. Do not discriminate fellow Brogers. This displeases Shrek.
2. Do not destroy onions. Onions are a holy symbol of Shrek. It's like the Cross for Christians, or the Star of David for those of Jewish faith.
3. Do not be rude to people with a different faith than yours. Shrek loves all.
4. Farquad must not be spoken highly of.
5. Duloc applies to number 4.
6. Drek is a term that describes something stupid. (Also Shrek's mortal enemy). Use this term at your own caution.
7. Do not disrespect Smash Mouth.
8. Ranks are earned. When you join, you start from the bottom. Do not ask for promotion. Earn it.
Application questions

1. How long have you been a broger? Have you just become one.
2. Do you like Smash Mouth's song, All Star?
3. How many hours do you play on FH?
4. Do you travel to the other areas of the game?
5. What is your user name in the game?


Leader (s)
Geekboy27 (me)

High Broger Priest

Low Broger Priest


New Broger

Roles of Ranks

New Broger: You have just joined the BCF! You are very new, but should know Shrek. You have no power, but your voice.

Disciple: You know more about Shrek, and have more physical power. Your onion statue should be almost finished.

Low Broger Priest: You have LOTS of power now. You have earned the respect of your force members.

High Broger Priest: You have more power than the Low Broger Priest. Everybody listens to what you have to say, and your orders.


Keeps all of the brogers together. His word must be listened to.

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