Author Topic: What would you do?  (Read 1054 times)

Offline Metronome

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What would you do?
« on: May 06, 2014, 07:50:31 pm »
Bullying is a large issue across the world? I was wondering what you would do if you saw a person getting bullied. Would walk by, or do something?

This video shows a social experiment of bullying, and a large majority of the people walk by.

What would you do?


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Offline Vespian

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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2014, 09:13:42 pm »
My God...
One thing I cannot withstand would be bullyin'. If anyone wants me at my angriest, just let me catch them bullyin' an innocent person. It sickens me how so little people jumped in to help. Those that did, I applaud them big time and I send them many, many thanks. I have seen bullyin'. Both in reality at my school and even here within the community. I even experienced it myself when I was just a little kid and had to transfer schools because of it (though that's another story). Due to said experience, I am very sensitive when this is brought up and often- no, most of the time- when I see it occur, I show no absolute mercy. I do not want anyone to undergo the hardships I myself have faced many years ago and I would do all that I could to prevent that. I pretty much would do the exact same thing the woman at 2:30 did in the video ye've provided. Although there are times where my temper just plummets off the deep in and I start throwin' fists. The consequences afterwards? I could care less. As long as the victim is no longer bullied.
To put it simply:

In reality, I'd approach the bully(ies) and threaten them to back off. If they don't, then of course a skirmish would break out knowin' me. Only afterwards would I bother tellin' someone- and get the victim some medical aid dependin' on how severe their wounds (if they have any) are.

Although virtual-wise, I'd still approach the bully(ies) and sternly question them as to why they would do somethin' so cruel. While doin' so, at the same time I'll privately contact the victim and ask them if they're alright and to hear whatever they wish to say to me. Dependin' on said bully(ies) response(s), an argument could break out if they're persistent and I'd pretty much capture any information I could and humiliate them in front of everyone (if in a crowded or populated server). Pretty much chew them out in a civilized manner and make them realize how childish their actions are. In doin' so, perhaps realization will slap them in the face.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 09:15:34 pm by Vespian »

Offline longjump

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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2014, 09:21:46 pm »
If there was only one person causing aggression, and they were not much larger then myself, I would certainly approach them and confront them about their behavior. But, if there were more then one people I would walk past. It might be cowardly, but I have no interest in being (Possibly) Beaten or having stuff stolen. I would call someone, though. A teacher, adult, or authorities if it was violent.

On the internet, though? Speak up 100%

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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2014, 09:33:42 pm »
I'm sorry, but people who bully others disgust me. It's not the people who are bullied are weak, it's the people bullying them who are the weak ones, an they know that. I did know someone who is bullied by a certain group of people. They verbally abused him, called him stupid and very, vulgar names. Well, one day, I became truly sickened by their acts and stood up for the boy. The group backed down, but continued their cruel ways the following day, sadly. I told the boy not to listen to them, and that the chances of seeing them later in life are slim. Just because he was different, they verbally bullied him (and probably still are) and tended to avoid him because he as "weird."

Being different is not a bad thing. Variety is something to be cherished; if everyone as the same, the world would be very strange. Just because someone thinks and/or acts different than you, doesn't give you an excuse to bullying that person.

If someone does bully you, never, ever use violence against them. As tempting as it may be, you may look like a bully too, even if that person has been bullying you for years. You're both still human with feelings. <3

Anyways, what would I do if I saw someone being bullied?
Simply, I'd stand up to the bully. There's no reason to knock someone down or lower one's self esteem because they don't wear the same clothes as you, or they listen to different music. We're all humans, and no one is better than one another.
I personally think the reason many people do not stand up to bullies is because of the threat of being bullied afterwards, or possibly being humiliated, etc. I am strongly against bullying. I find it pointless, and truly idiotic.