
Which Roleplaying "platform" you prefer?


Author Topic: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays  (Read 7721 times)

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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2018, 11:57:58 pm »
This happened with a RP I really loved once!
They were super active on FH & I loved the members & everything was great.

Then, one day, they just changed to Discord-only role-playing...


I really dislike text-only role-playing.
The only things that I role-play on are Feral-Heart & World of Warcraft, because I LOVE having imagery to accompany the narratives. It makes it a bit more flavorful & adds more depth & immersion.

Don't get me wrong, Discord is great. & I do use it to keep in touch with people & chat with friends & all that good, fun stuff.
But it's not the role-playing place for me, personally.

Although I will also say, a lot of role-plays on here have gotten to be a bit elitist.
If there are newer/younger members that are not as familiar with role-playing as some of the elder members in this community are, I often see them getting picked on or belittled for it. It's not their fault, ya know? :/ Everyone takes time to learn.
Maybe that's why some of them ARE Discord-only. Because they won't be openly judged.

I love this community, but there are (as in every community) a few bad eggs that make people feel a bit unwelcome.
Think having more openness would probably help to weed out the Discord-only role-plays. (probably not entirely but people would certainly feel more welcome to have fun in-game!)

But, I don't think that Discord-only role-plays should really be advertising on Feral-Heart anyway. I mean, they're obviously free to do what they please, but I just think it kinda defeats the entire purpose of the game that people created for us.

Hmm. I'm trying to view this from all perspectives & now my brain is like *kaboooom!* haha.
Very interesting discussion topic. (+floof!)
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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2018, 01:00:42 am »
it's easier to roleplay through discord, especially if you're not home for most of the day or don't have access to a computer

it's an issue of convenience and/or laziness.

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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2018, 01:09:49 am »

Everything you bring up here is so true!
As a longtime member of this Feral Heart community I've always been wondering why roleplaying in the game has come to a slowdown... or almost vanished completely. I remember when I first joined there was roleplaying EVERYWHERE in the game. The chats were always busy with people having casual conversation, roleplay, and other fun talk. Nowadays, it's pretty dead. I just couldn't understand why people weren't as active with roleplays as it used to be. Some say they prefer to roleplay in group chat or party chat rather than local to keep their roleplay private. Some say they take their FH roleplays to Discord. I asked why. Here's what some would say:

"Discord helps keep the group organized and updated in special events."
"If Feral Heart isn't working for one of our members, we take the roleplay to Discord."
"Discord is better for us to keep in touch."
"We do our roleplays in Discord because our roleplay has some dirty stuff in it. We don't want people snitching on us and have the mods snooping in our business."

That last one was a true "reason" given as to why they don't roleplay in Feral Heart. I can't make this up.
That's fine and dandy, but if it's just a Discord Only roleplay then why come on to Feral Heart? If you're not going to use Feral Heart to roleplay on then why bother at all? I just don't understand people sometimes.
I joined Feral Heart for the sake of not only roleplaying but having fun with character creations, having your characters run around different worlds and biomes, using the maps as settings, using the actions and emotes to help your character tell the stories. It's nice to have some visuals when roleplaying.

I honestly have nothing against Discord. In fact, I use it to keep in touch with friends where we can chat while playing different Steam games. I too use it for roleplaying, but they aren't Feral Heart roleplays. More like Dungeons and Dragons sort of roleplays.

In the end, I can't tell people what to do with their roleplay groups. If people want to have their Discord Only roleplays, who am I to tell them they can't or shouldn't? I wish people would enjoy Feral Heart a little more to use it for their roleplays instead of turning to Discord as the soul roleplay platform.


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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2018, 05:43:21 pm »
I have to agree with you. I mean, Discord's a great place to organize group information and bond with other group members outside of RP without having to create and curate an entire site. Still, I don't quite understand the appeal of text-only RP when you have the opportunity to act it out in a more visual, spacial way. There's just something special about being able to see and interact with your friends as your characters, to set out across the public maps in search of the perfect little cluster of rocks and trees to serve as your home base. Geez, is this how old people felt when texting became a thing?

Of course, I guess there is the appeal of not having a post limit in Discord, but that brings me to a tangent rant. I'll just put it in a spoiler, so read if you wish.

Why do people think that a good RP post has to be so looooong? You can be succinct and also be descriptive if you leave out irrelevant details. You don't need to describe how the light shines differently on your character's "orbs" every time they slightly move their head. Chances are, no one's actually reading your fifteen-sentence posts word-for-word; they're just skimming for sparknotes while they craft their own posts. All you're really doing is dominating the space in the chat and making it so that other posts get pushed out of view before anyone gets a chance to read them. Honestly, I find it a little obnoxious. Okay, mini-rant over.

Not sure if I added anything new to this discussion, but I just wanted to show my commiseration. Maybe we all could RP together someday, for old times' sake.
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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2018, 07:43:07 pm »
I joined FeralHeart hoping to find some entertainment in FeralHeart. Of course, I have nothing against groups having Discord in order to keep track of events in the group, keep each other up-to-date on what's going on and such. But please, keep the RP in FeralHeart.

Or maybe I'm just being too picky at this point, I dunno.
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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2018, 07:13:43 pm »
I've actually noticed a few more in-game roleplays popping up over the past couple days. Maybe I've just been subconsciously looking for them since taking a stroll through this topic. Whatever the case, it's proof that they do still exist, so keep an eye out for them! I also saw a RP leader accept two players who didn't speak English as their first language, promising to be patient with them. Not really relevant to the topic at hand, but it just warmed my heart ^^
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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2018, 04:32:03 pm »
The discord thing evolved from when groups started becoming forum only, (sited) or where you had to report your status in trainings and such, eventually people would just do 1v1 rp's over the forum, then Skype.. now discord. I remember, briefly before the update, when people were blaming private maps for the downturn in rp, too.

It has nothing to do with the maps. If it did, those maps wouldn't be empty, as they are readily available here on the forum. It's that those in that original community have for the most part moved on. To a different platform or just in life. I, personally didn't even know what rp was until I was able to join a group and watch them rp until I felt comfortable enough to join in.

The big local-channel rp groups are for the most part gone. The benevolent clan was the last big group to outlast the change over after the great Thanksgiving hack of years ago. For many of those members, the login was just too much to deal with, or it gave them the excuse they needed to move on. Whichever the case may be, it's the members you miss, not the maps.

That said, I'm in agreement that discord only rp defeats the purpose of getting on fh.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 04:42:07 pm by LaughingWolf »

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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2018, 07:13:23 pm »
The discord thing evolved from when groups started becoming forum only, (sited) or where you had to report your status in trainings and such, eventually people would just do 1v1 rp's over the forum, then Skype.. now discord. I remember, briefly before the update, when people were blaming private maps for the downturn in rp, too.

It has nothing to do with the maps. If it did, those maps wouldn't be empty, as they are readily available here on the forum.

the most hilarious part of that is that the mapped roleplays almost always died immediately after start-up

really this just feels like an 'mmorpg' being left in the dust because people have found better alternatives and/or supplements to spend their time on.
it happens.

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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2019, 09:56:36 pm »
I agree! I hate roleplaying through discord.

Don't get me wrong I love discord, especially sense it corrects any mistakes my butterfingers make. It's also nice to be able to keep up with my rp groups outside of feralheart, and I enjoy chatting with everyone, plus it’s a great way to organize information like ranks, plots, and let your fellow members know if your going to be absent. but the one thing I stay away from are the rp channels. People will usually say stuff like, I'm having trouble logging on at the moment or, I don't feel like getting on feralheart right now so we can just rp on discord. I'm usually too polite to decline.

Recently I’ve been pretty straight forward with people when it comes to discord roleplaying and most people have been respectful but a lot of people find it strange that I only roleplay on feralheart.
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Re: Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2021, 06:22:00 pm »
This is still relevant today, and possibly even worse because of the lower player count. Even back in 2018-2019 (when this thread was made) there were players roleplaying in local, I made some of my first friends that way.

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