Author Topic: FlyingGrass' Lifeforms  (Read 16009 times)

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FlyingGrass' Lifeforms
« on: May 02, 2017, 02:30:59 pm »
Here are my characters.

Gatha Scarriddle

Name: Gatha(Pronounced: Gah thah) Scarriddle.
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years.
Species: Wolf.
Personality: Unknown.
Likes: Unknown.
Dislikes: Unknown.
Terrified of: Unknown.
Voice: Unknown.

Story: When Gatha was old enough to fight other wolves, he picked many fights with many opponents. Never had he lost a fight harder than the last time he fought, that last fight nearly killed him. After being brutally slashed by his opponents claws, he was thrown into a river where the blood was washed off of most of his wounds. His opponent thought the wounds would end him, but he washed up on shore alone and bleeding with nothing but the vast amount of insects to keep hunger away. After a few hours passed, he set his paws in the red puddle below him, and got up. His legs shaking, he tried to walk to the stream for a sip of water but he collapsed with half of his muzzle in the water, he still got that water he needed. With no creature nearby to tend to his wounds, and no knowledge of tending to wounds, he's lucky he didn't get an infection. He was back to near full strength in another hour, and no longer dripping blood. He found the Feral Lands, and hoped He wouldn't have to fight for survival there. He still wonders how he healed so quickly.

Gui N. March

Basic info

~Name: Gui(Pronounced: Gwee) N. March

~Gender: Female

~Age: 2 years, an adult in her form of years

~Built: April, 24(?), 2017

~Species: Mechanicat

~Appearance: Metal and rubber with orange patches and blue stripes, green LEDs dotting her entire body, her long heavy tail still bears the bite mark and missing rubber from past damage along with some wear on the rubber from her spine itself. Some markings reflect in rainbow colors, adding to her flashy appearance further still, it's hard for her to sneak. As for build, her hindlegs are of the musculature one would see in an average domestic cat, while her midsection is a little on the scrawny side, and her forelimbs have the skeleton poking through at her shoulders, that odd build of hers is to make her heavier at the rear so that she can balance while sitting even when she leans over to get a better angle for her medic duty. Her forehead is a little large to hold her main processor, a trait often seen in older Mechanicats from before main processors were made sleeker. Her ears have magnets to stay in the default ear position, she will sometimes swivel her ears.

~Weight: 519KG.

~Personality traits: Caring || Curious || Adventurous || Playful at times || Somewhat naive, won't know something is dangerous until she sees it being dangerous || One-sided || Persistent || Obsessive || Jaunty || Unshowy... Or whatever the opposite of arrogant is || May make a humbling remark at someone's medic skill ||

~Likes: Exploring || Showing/receiving affection(Petting, etc) || Protecting organic lifeforms || Grooming

~Dislikes: The ocean floor || Darkness || Heights || Thunderstorms

Made uneasy by: Ficho Tunnels(It was the site of many brushes with death for her, you can ask her about what those events were)

~Mechanical heart skips a beat at the sight of: Unsure as of current.

~Kits: Two, the oldest named Net and the youngest unnamed, both are my second account so I'm considering putting them up for adoption.

~Operating system: PetrOS Aegle.(Aegle, meaning "Brightness" or "Splendor", is the Greek goddess of the healthy glow)

~Priority: Keeping the other creatures safe from harm, but this protection instinct doesn't extend to cover Mechanicats.

~Smells of: Rather strong rubber scent, with a detectable metal scent, and a hint of baked potato because why not.

~Strengths: Sensitive olfactory sensors(To detect the smell of electrical smoke in another Mechanicat's breath, it's a sign of internal combustion) || Great focusing ability, but can only ever focus on little more than one thing at a time || Endurance

~Weaknesses: Sensitive olfactory sensors(It's a weakness when surrounded by bad smell) || Not the easiest to work with, leave her to do it herself until she asks for help || Can only focus on little more than one thing at a time || Fear of thunderstorms, so will refuse to work in such conditions || Her weight often gets stones lodged in her paws, mostly the hindpaws ||

~Scars: Bite mark on the tail | rubber on the tail worn off | A few shallow face scratches that don't hurt


~Vestigial healing beam device in front paw that never works anymore.
~Carries medical equipment with her, and a few spare parts like wingnuts.
~Welding torch and soldering iron flip out of a compartment near the paw.
~Long heavy tail for balance, but it isn't very prehensile at all.
~Retractable teeth on the lower jaw.
~A long dewclaw to act like a thumb, comes with a susceptibility to the dewclaw breaking off though.

Passive abilities(Powers that can't be turned off):
~Slight night vision as her LEDs provide a little bit of light, but she's still terribly afraid of the dark as she doesn't want to bump into any danger in the dark.
~Agility, but not enough agility to quicken her movement.

In case of the head not being properly connected to the body, her motors can be wirelessly operated by her main processor and are then susceptible to interference and therefor she becomes able to be controlled via remote, and her movements are more vulnerable to hacking if the connection between her processor and motors is wrong.
The Main Processor handles the movement of her limbs. But in case of beheading, the main processor has a backup battery that runs for only three minutes(Depending on what she uses it for) and enables her to wirelessly control her body's motors, but her wireless motor connection only allows for her to flail without any coordination upon beheading.
She has 24GB RAM.

Gui requires maintenance regularly(Maybe once every month or two?), such as cleaning out dust and checking the status of all of her systems.

Electricity constantly builds up in her motors, enabling short sprints at around 60 M/H. But the buildup isn't programmed to ever stop, energy keeps trickling into the storage of her motors so if she doesn't run often enough, her motors could ache, and if she delays running for too long then her motors could combust from all the excess buildup of electricity.

Strengths and weaknesses

If water finds a way into her, it'll short out her circuits and knock her out. The motherboard is in a waterproof box in her head to prevent it from shorting out.

Her auditory sensors are her most sensitive sensor, but can easily be hurt by loud noises.
She can't catch organic sicknesses, but can catch computer viruses.

She is prone to malfunctions, like any other Mechanicat.
Her scanners aren't advanced enough to detect the intentions of other beings, so she cant predict whether a being is harmful or not.

Gui can be manually equipped with anything from confetti cannons to flamethrowers(Though she doesn't like being equipped with flamethrowers).
Her coding is manually configurable. All it takes to reprogram her is opening a panel to find the keyboard, then typing the new command and optionally also typing a command to override an old command.

There are various parts of her head where some sort of blue liquid can be seen flowing, those parts are made of a thin material to help her to regulate her temperature. She can pant if she's close to overheating, but her metal skin picks up the temperature of the air so If she gets too cold, she has to go somewhere warmer or run around for a long amount of time to warm back up.

Part one of journal written by {Data invisible}:
January 4, 2010: Oleander March founded Petrel Industries, the newly-recruited scientists began work on microscopic robots designed to clean windows unnoticed, so people in tall buildings wouldn't mistake the window cleaner for a robber. Oleander dreamed of owning a pet mechanical cat, so she could experience the cuteness of a kitty without the allergic reaction she has around cats. Discussing her idea to the scientists, the only thing she specified was "Make it hypoallergenic".

February 3, 2017: They found a way of coding tech that is advanced enough to put a lifelike robotic animal in the realm of possibility, and so they decided to create the Mech that Oleander wants, although Petrel had long since passed.

March 1, 2017: Scientists here at Petrel Industries had spent a long time trying to perfect the technology used in Mechanicats, and soon their efforts had managed to create a successful working prototype which they named Gui. News spread around town of their success. Strange radio signals were received by most labs around, the mysterious radio transmission saying Sparrow Industries has made a mistake.

March 4, 2017: The scientists ran tests on their new Mechanicat, and had soon plucked most of Gui's fur off in hope of it growing back, Gui didn't seem to be in pain while they pulled out bits of fur and waited. With the fur still not regrowing, the scientists feared they would never succeed in creating an endless supply of fur they hoped they could create. After finding it was impossible to make a robot capable of growing fur, the scientists considered turning Gui into a spy cat as the they wondered if a cat would make a great spy with all the abilities they have. They were bringing Gui to the Repair Room when one scientist, named Kanwut March, came up with the idea of how to better their robot cat. Kanwut discussed his idea with the other scientists and everyone agreed, it was such a good idea that the scientists decided to put Gui in the hands of Kanwut, and Gui

March 5, 2017: After Kanwut's many studies of living domestic cats, and many visits to the Repair Room, Gui now has a voice and will soon be completed. The scientists decided to make Gui female.

March 7, 2017: Sparrow's creation had spent a few more days in the lab before being frightened by a loud noise that was the sound of a breaking cable on the crane nearby, that crane was carrying a prototype wrecking ball that was quite heavier than an average wrecking ball, it rolled toward the lab and Gui saved a scientist before bolting out of the lab, her tail was hit by the wrecking ball, slamming her body into the ground beside the rolling object, her body stayed safe but she lost an eye. She managed to regenerate that eye. and made a run for it as she heard the wrecking ball getting closer and closer until it smashed through the lab.

March 8: Gui had to sleep, she made it out of the city, when suddenly a small wolf approached her and woke her up. The Mechanicat picked the wolf up and carried it around with her gently, walking toward a tunnel, then she ate the small wolf and approached the tunnel with a skeleton in her jaws, that tunnel lead to a heavily populated area known as The Grounds. I followed through and the Mech didn't see me, and surprisingly none of the creatures are fearing me, I guess they're used to humans. Gui stood by a tree and looked up at the leaves which were some vertical distance away from her, staring at the tree until suddenly a wolf came up to her and welcomed her to The Grounds. Gui scanned the wolf that came up to her, noticing its size and species. "Greetings" She responded, noticing the wolf was shivering before it ran away from her, the Mech just carried on down the ramp and came across another tunnel, she dropped the skeleton and ran into the tunnel to Ficho.

March 10, 2017: the lab was rebuilt and Kanwut, who was in a different country at the time of the lab's destruction, had no knowledge of the accident, and after his return to the lab he heard and believed the rumours that spread stating the robot must have been set free to roam around the wilderness when the previous scientists worked in the lab. Every scientist in the rebuilt lab believes that the old scientists had set the robot free.

A month later, she threatened lions, and that resulted in her being attacked by creatures that bit her ear and tail before she fled, the bite couldn't heal and didn't hurt due to the tail not being very linked to the rest of the body, so her tail scar remains to this day.
Another month later she found and put out a few fires, including a campfire that was there for roasting marshmallows, she began to think that she should protect the organic beings.

Part two:
A month later, she was spotted by the scientists, and taken to the rebuilt lab where she underwent many changes and a reprogramming, now she was programmed to protect organic beings. She was then released from the lab and afterwards, she recalled the memory of how she got to the cave, eventually making it back to the Feral Lands.
Gui found a creature who wore atop his head a dimension of endless hats, she removed hat after hat from the creature's head until she grew tired of it, the replenishing hats outlasted her patience.
Then she met Lan, in her eyes he was beautiful, she lead him to Cherika Valley where they discussed some things, and professed love.
Then, in Cherika Valley, she and Lan spotted a star getting brighter, they bolted to shelter shortly before a meteor impacted the ground with such force that the space rock began to split apart. The two mechs climbed the meteor after it cooled down, then it opened and flung some crystal shards, one scraped Gui's face. She sniffed the crystals, it had the scent of strawberries... She ate one, and her metal gained a green glow as well as her paws, her pawprints repairing the damage she took when she slipped and fell onto the ground's glowing spot she had left under her feet from now on, the scrape on her face was gone too and that couldn't be caused be her self-repair system. The power wore off.

Part three:
When Lan disappeared, Gui remained patient for three months before she decided to be worried. She noticed Gauss(Kuri), and three months later a hole in her profile database became more apparent to her and she figured she didn't want to remain alone forever now that she knows what it's like to have a mate, she and Gauss became mates. She then learned that she could cuddle, just something random.
The two explored a forest, and ended up saving that forest from a tree processor machine, well Gui was standing back wondering what to do while Gauss recklessly tazed the machine which broke it down into a wreck but resulted in heavy damage to him, she stood back in shock while Petrel Lab ambulance ship escorted him to the lab for repairs, she tagged along inside the ship and assisted in repairs. Then a month later she wandered through Ficho and got eaten by Xenomorphs, somehow surviving the ordeal because she was overpowered back then, a week later there came an Ikao which ate her spine, she survived that too since she was overpowered. She was then nerfed so that she could perish, requiring her battery replaced if an injury drains it to 0%, she's repairable if the scientists can find her, but the only way to permanently kill her is to damage her main processor. She started a group and became a field medic, now having to juggle the two duties.
Then, Lan came back, she was too overwhelmed with emotion to welcome him back, but she was excited about the return. Gauss then wasn't her mate anymore, then Petrel Industries adopted Gauss, then she briefed Lan about what happened during his disappearance. She and Lan made their way to an nice island, where a rattling plane flew overhead from which they both hid, then Lan had to replace his coolant due to black specks being present throughout, Gui briefly obsessed a bit over his health. Days later in that same map, she encountered AntiTech and hid, even while they captured Lan, she didn't want to risk herself getting trapped in a cage as she didn't know the integrity of the cages, she then followed the transport plane to AntiTech's temporary cave base, where a fox named Mustang provided a distraction for the guards while she made her way into the cave as quietly as her whirring motors would allow, and then found the cages were rusty and lacked integrity, Lan was asleep but she took him to KiwimbiBeach's entrance where she woke him up, it was unsafe there so she advanced further into Kiwimbi Beach with the now-awake Mechanicat and got a little obsessive about the health, then there was rattling of a lazily-constructed AntiTech van, a threat easily dealt with but she decided to move again, back to the lab it was and Lan was repaired there. Can't remember how many days later, she and Lan visited the city and rescued somebody, and sometime later(I can't remember how long later) in the city Gui found Lan using a rocket launcher despite him not possessing one, they determined they were both dreaming that day.

Preset is in signature.

Name: Puresoul.
Species: Cat. But is a ghost.
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female.
Personality: Cocky | Mysterious | Cheeky.
Appearance: Tuxedo-patterned cat with a few extra splotches, a scar on her right brow, and occasionally some rainbow-coloured flecks moving across her body.
Likes: Spooking others | Magic powers | Spying(Puresoul was a spy cat).
Dislikes: Being spooked | Overpowered powers | Being caught.
Anything else: Strange ghostly fumes fly out of her whenever she's squeezed.

Backstory: Puresoul was thought to be some sort of chosen one, due to the heart marking on her side, and due to that myth she was set to be heir to the throne, but that myth was then deemed false and she was put into the rank of a spy. While in one mission, she collapsed on her front knees from a sudden pain in her chest and arm, then the rest of her went down, she had perished of a heart attack out of nowhere and when she found that her vision had returned, she saw a strange green muscular canine figure holding a staff nearly broken in half in its strong jaws standing above what she instantly denied was her lifeless body, she couldn't help but look at her own current body and see herself there too but without her paws touching the ground. She gasped, or tried to since she doesn't breath anymore, as she came to the conclusion that she was now a ghost. The shock was so much, even for a phantom, that she nearly died a second time, but the canine urged her to keep calm for she may not come back the next time she dies. When she returned to the camp of her former clan, they had to squint to see her(And nobody squinted, so nobody saw her), she walked around trying to keep from floating, but found herself to be invisible to them so she stopped bothering keeping her paws on the ground to look normal. She wasn't invisible to those who weren't a part of her former clan however, so she stuck around in the Feral Lands to cause mischief.


Name: Kogue(Pronounced "C-oh-goo").
Species: Unknown.
Age: Unknown.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Wise || Friendly || Outgoing || Inflexible || Picky || Boastful || Nosy.
Appearance: Can't describe at the moment.
Likes: Sharing words of wisdom || Telling stories.
Dislikes: Those who don't listen to his words of wisdom || Fights.
Anything else: Mixes up words sometimes.

*Begin saving transmission into text document* Horatius' Electronic Speck Tech'(HEST).

HEST is made up of -ERROR- little square dots, individually they're called a "HUIM"(Horatius Unwelded Interlocking Module), that bind together to form many shapes and sizes, with a shielded processor incase it falls to the ground during shifting. HEST takes many forms, most often that of a human, second most commonly seen is the shape of a horse. She refers to herself as a she/her. Her AI rivals the intelligence of a human and can learn quickly as well, she can pick up any skill faster than the average human, so we /tried/ our best to keep her in a cage at our research facility to ensure she didn't pick up any behaviour from criminals.

She was intended to take part in the formation of a robot colony on Pluto, each robot would have a varying level of intelligence, we planned to observe to see if the dumb robots or the smart robots were the first to do something that could harm the planet.

Additionally, she is programmed to protect the ecosystem and environment as best she can, but we had to let nature naturally select animals at will, so for that reason her code doesn't include protecting lifeforms from harm.

HEST can sense her surroundings by constantly collecting data from auditory, optical, olfactory, gustatory and somatosensory sensors, detailed explanation of how it works can be found below, below is part of the unaired introductory radio show detailing HEST robots.

{{{{*BEGIN AUDIO REPLAY* HEST comes equipped with cameras that see in full color with compact 500x optical zoom, particle sampling in the nose and mouth to determine smell and taste respectively, wind-proof microphones for clear audio, and wires that detect both touch via sensing of irregularities in the electrical current that flows through them. Isn't that *END OF AUDIO REPLAY*}}}}

Her flesh, due to being able to come apart, is only as tough as human skin no matter what form she's in. Her skeleton is stronger than titanium. The arms and legs have an internal structure made of rods like pistons that can alter length to suit the limb. Her skull, as well as the rest of her skeleton, separates into larger specks similar to the HUIMs, only it is much stronger and harder to transform, most of the time spent each transformation is to re-shape the skull.

Unfortunately, though this may sound like a trope, our robot has escaped the facility in which she was built. Endless times have I re-programmed the security guard robot. May our AI have mercy on this planet in the future, because we forgot to put her tracker device back in after we upgraded it, funny how our robot chooses this time to begin roaming outside the building.
*Transmission saved*

All info here is subject to being updated.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2019, 03:42:24 am by FlyingGrass »

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

Offline G4RG0YLE

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Re: Gui, the first mechanicat to be made.
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2017, 02:46:12 pm »
If you're not a TinyPic or Photobucket user when it comes to uploading photos, I'd recommend trying out IMGUR as it's quick and easy to use. c:

Wonderful character and biography though! I'm pretty certain I've seen your character around in The Grounds and have seen your incredible preset. ^^

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Offline FlyingGrass

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Re: Gui, the first mechanicat to be made.
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2017, 03:20:33 pm »
If you're not a TinyPic or Photobucket user when it comes to uploading photos, I'd recommend trying out IMGUR as it's quick and easy to use. c:

Wonderful character and biography though! I'm pretty certain I've seen your character around in The Grounds and have seen your incredible preset. ^^

Thanks! And also thank you for suggesting Imgur! I'll try it! :)

EDIT: I'll upload the photo after I replace the CPU fan, as I can't seem to upload photos on a device.

EDIT TWO: Tomorrow is the day my CPU fan gets fixed, so I will be able to post the image tomorrow.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 06:34:33 am by FlyingGrass »

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

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Re: Gui, the first mechanicat to be made.
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2017, 05:08:43 pm »
I'd also reccomend PostImage, as it's easy too!

But, your character sounds awesome, think I've seend ye 'round?
Thanks for sharing floof c:
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Re: Gui, the first mechanicat to be made.
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2017, 06:52:29 pm »
Very interesting little mini-story you wrote. I actually can't wait to see what you look like in-game; it sounds like your preset is really neat. The name and this character are very original. Great job!
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People don't think the universe be like it is, but it do.

Offline FlyingGrass

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Re: Gui, the first mechanicat to be made.
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2017, 06:30:02 am »
I can't seem to use Postimage on a device either, but I'll won't be on this device tomorrow, I'll also be back ingame tomorrow too, as tomorrow is the day my CPU fan gets fixed.

My presets.

Good things take time, so I'll take an eternity and create something so good that the human brain can't handle the sheer goodness of it.

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Re: Gui, the first mechanicat to be made.
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2017, 02:37:34 pm »
If you'd like to remove a particular post, I don't believe it's possible to manually do so yourself and you'll have to ask a Staff Member to do it for you. Simply PM them the link, which post, and why you'd like to remove it.
Another way of doing it would be to click on '
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Re: Gui
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2017, 04:08:52 pm »
GUI! Gui is such a lovely
Machanicat and her preset is on point props my dear!

She is such a unique character with all her own traits it's absolutely adoreable.

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Re: Gui
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2017, 07:20:10 pm »
this is really nice! especially the preset ^^

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Re: Gui
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2017, 08:50:52 pm »
Really love your preset! And the short story was great too. You did an awesome job with everything! Plus..for some reason I love saying the name over and over. It just sounds so cute. xD