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Messages - HarpyTheOwl

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Cannot connect to front server.
« on: February 03, 2016, 03:26:40 am »
So whenever I log into FH it keeps saying "Cannot connect to front server" I looked in the big help thread, but nothing helped. I even tried reinstalling the game and it still doesn't work. Any help?

Game Discussion / Re: Groups Listed As "Nope!"
« on: July 22, 2015, 02:59:26 pm »
Couple o' things that make me avoid a group:
1: People who make typos ALOT. Yes, i know that many different languages are spoken in FH, but can you at least watch your fingers when you type?
2: In. ac. ti. vi. .ty
3: Too many fnafs. I'm a HUGE fan of the fnaf series, but i have seen GROUPS and GROUPS of fnafs.
4: Hate groups. Yes, these are real. They go around looking for things to hate on. (characters, bios, fandoms, etc.) and they (you guessed it!) hate on them. HARD!
5: Sparkledog/neoncat groups. Nothin' but sezuires!

The movie that's gonna show is AWESOME! (i won't spoil it for you in the livestream c:)

I once had 7 people randomly copy me and form a circle around me while I was afk.

I think that would make me scream and shut off my computer.

That's just creepy.

Yeah, can you imagine my face once i returned @-@

The grin emote they all had on didn't make it any better
Jeez, i can feel you pain, on another game the same thing happened to me but they were all bronies O_O

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Youtuber?
« on: June 30, 2015, 03:38:26 am »
I enjoy watching markiplier, Vinesauce, and sometimes pewdiepie. (watch this video, trust me your sides will HURT)

Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: June 29, 2015, 04:48:23 am »
now rgwewpa dswwr vvuea bVYWA! wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut O_O
Next: you are now scrub, bow 2 the MLG god

Game Discussion / Re: Opinion On Bullying On FeralHeart?
« on: June 29, 2015, 04:44:36 am »
Ugh... bullying. I have been bullied, online AND in real life and trust me, it's not pretty. One of my friends is Bi-gender, and does ANYONE giver the respect they want and deserve? NO! Just like cyberbullying, people don't give you respect for who you are. When it comes to bullying i'm like: "bro, you really think that you can hurt me? Well, go look in the mirror and think about what you said." In conclusion, I DO NOT APPROVE FH BULLYING!

Name: Dusk
Gender: Female
Species: Hyena
Group: Pembe Clan
Desired Rank: Scout! c:
In-Game Screenshot: I can't give you one, my computer is being a little brat
In-Game Username: HarpyTheOwl
A little side note: My roleplaying literacy depends on my mood, if i'm in a good mood, my literacy will be pretty good, if i'm in a bad mood, i'm TERRIBLE! See ya in Northernlands!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Eternal Ice (Animal RP)
« on: May 18, 2015, 12:40:40 am »
You wake up in a mysterious glacier, you see many animals, struggling to survive there, as many of are from distant worlds, most of them from, the Savannah, the tundra, and the forest huddled up into a group of caves. You decide to join them in their struggle to survive.

No mating, please.
Be nice to your fellow roleplayers
Fantasy animals are allowed, just try to make them natural-looking

Sign up:
In-game Username:
Species of animal:
Rp sample:
Few facts about your character (optional):

just a reminder: i accept all kinds of rpers but please, try to have good spelling, it's ok to make typos though :)

Forum Games / Re: Press the red button!
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:46:49 pm »
You get slapped...... BY A UNICORN! (first thing dat came to mind XD)
Harpy: *GASP* "A RED COOKIE!!!!!" *pecks at* (harpy is meh owl oc if you dunno XD)

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