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Game Help / Re: Notice | Eastern Pass is down
« Last post by SirMeow on January 15, 2025, 06:54:22 pm »
Now, since recently, Seaside Groove seems to also be broken by the same way.
Game Discussion / Re: can we even revive the game?
« Last post by Pebbles on January 15, 2025, 03:36:05 am »
I have misspoke and not explained myself well.

Majority of the gaming communities I've been in, everything has been hosted on discords. I have not seen a MMORPG community on sites for a few years, since discord was released. So since the big Feralheart vs Feral Unleased, I can newer generation games are using discord for community purposes. I am not saying FeralHeart should move to discord whatsoever, as I think the forum is fine for where it is now. In conclusion, I agree moving FeralHeart to discord is not a great idea
~TEC~ The Kreptic Circle ~BL~ / Re: ~ TKC Applications ~
« Last post by LadySigyn on January 15, 2025, 12:27:49 am »
Hey Rawy! It’s nice to see you return to FH, and we’d be more than happy to have you join us again.

I can see you’ve already joined the Discord, so if you haven’t already, when you’re next online on your TEC character, feel free to send the group a join request. Let me know when you have by either replying here or messaging me on Discord @ sigsyy (I’ll see that a lot quicker than I will a reply on here) and I’ll jump on the recruiter asap to accept it!

Also I’m curious if we can somehow fix the issue with your preset. If you’ve still got it then surely we can get it to work. I’m happy to help you try and figure that out as well if you’d like!

Again, I’m happy to see you back. It’s always wonderful when fellow veterans return to the game.
Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« Last post by LadySigyn on January 14, 2025, 09:28:51 am »
User above me is stinky
Forum Games / Re: Random Info About You
« Last post by Telluric on January 14, 2025, 12:48:41 am »
i have two cars
Art Gallery / Re: Saboomba's character art
« Last post by Saboomba on January 13, 2025, 01:30:11 am »
updated Bear
Game Discussion / Re: can we even revive the game?
« Last post by Ame88 on January 12, 2025, 07:28:25 pm »
We can't control what is to happen or what is to be done in the future; however, we can focus on the now and what us, member and staff, have in front of us. We know the issue lack of activity from not only the forums, but the game as well. I think what most failed to realize, is that this isn't 2011 and time has changed drastically. In other words, steam, pc, ps5, etc etc, has involved and taken over the gaming world. Communication wise, discord is also another factor of this.

I don't believe that people fail to realize it is no longer 2011. I think it's quite the opposite; that people are acutely aware that it is no longer 2011 and rather much, much later than. In fact, a very common topic is that "times have changed", and that "things need to move with the times". The unfortunate reality is that the game hasn't been able to adhere to those realities due to one thing or another. FH's developmental issues is a whole can of worms that really just amounts to finger pointing.

People in communities rather form there than on forums, which leaves the forum to rot a great deal. So, whether you look at it, there's nothing much that can be done. Perhaps the game develops, aka the staff, can transfer the forum into an official discord and make everything "easier'. I say this with quotations because not everything will be easier - it will just trend nicely with today's society.

Moving the entirety of the forum to a discord server would be a nightmare. You're essentially looking at 14+ years worth of history and archives being meticulously brought over to a platform that could, within seconds, be taken down due to a number of things. Not only this, but the forum has many advantages over a discord server. A forum can be customized pretty much however we need it to be(with the awesome option of it being able to look how we want), while with discord we would have to conform to a set format. A forum's database can be linked to a game's server, to which in this case our forum currently is and has been linked to the game from the beginning, allowing for seamless account symmetry and ease of moderation for staff. If we were to use a discord, we would have many more issues with verifying account ownership, account recovery, bans, and a number of other things. It's not about "trending nicely with today's society" or making things "easier", the drive to stay with a forum is about keeping your information and accounts secure. Having the ability to aid our community members is much more important than keeping with today's trends.

Discord may work perfectly for some game communities, especially those just starting out, but unless discord comes up with a way to allow community leaders to have truly custom servers where they are in charge without having to worry about discord's staff, then discord will never be a feasible option that's on par to a forum or website where you are in control of the information the forum/site receives/holds. I would hate to have to live with a reality where if discord wanted to, they could remove everything. Even though it's highly unlikely they ever would, if they wanted to, they could for little to no reason whatsoever. I can at least be 100% certain that if this place goes down, all player information will be deleted and not held by anyone.

Lack of game updates is to blame, which leads to the main elephant in the room. While I am sure people are patient, people are tired of waiting for false narratives. I believe the staff try their best, but again, there's little things that can be done. One thing for sure, we do know the game is being developed/in progress, however, another activity in community is lacking: the staff.

The unfortunate reality is that despite us currently working on an update, we cannot talk about it. Let me quote an earlier post of mine as I've already explained it:

It's a slow process, but, the game does have a very small development team behind it. Our plans for the game extend past general hot fixes and quality of life updates. In regards to what exactly those plans are, we unfortunately cannot say. Raz wishes to keep our plans quiet, so despite staff's disagreements with it we kinda have to adhere to the request since he's the head guy of all this. Regardless of how frustrating it is, we're happy with it because at least we can be chipping away at something in the background instead of waiting for a green light to do anything or a miracle activity/interest spike in the game.

It's just very unfortunate that we can't show anything we've done thus-far, let alone show any kind of roadmap. It's very disheartening for many, and some don't even believe we're working on anything due to past issues with updating the game; going from "we're working on updates", to then one thing leading to another and we're suddenly not working on anything anymore, or an update has been canceled due to Raz or anything in between. It's really frustrating on our end having to keep so secret about this update process. It's just something we're going to have to work with until Raz says otherwise.

My unpopular opinion: While staff have lives, I also think they are/should responsible to keep things afloat, such as: MoTS awards, Seasonal holidays party, bringing the community together. With having power to work on the game and being representative, they should be leaders. Again, validating everyone has their own lives; but if leaders can't help run, then start finding another way. What way is that, I don't know. If there's no other way, I'd say close the game.

I agree that staff need to be an active part in the community. Yes, everyone has their own lives, but if they are going to be staff, they need to do more than just simply hold that title.

Has an idea for new activities been implemented?

Not currently.
Game Discussion / Re: can we even revive the game?
« Last post by Oddonelynx on January 11, 2025, 03:16:22 pm »
Perhaps the game develops, aka the staff, can transfer the forum into an official discord and make everything "easier'. I say this with quotations because not everything will be easier - it will just trend nicely with today's society.
I strongly disagree, Discord is less customizable and less fun, not to mention locked off. Everyone can visit this forum and lurk regardless of whether they have an account or not, they can find the information they're looking for no problem, but with Discord it requires a join and then maybe verification... If everything was moved to Discord, all this information would be lost and instead locked away. Discord is not very ideal for activation purposes anyway.
Game Discussion / Re: can we even revive the game?
« Last post by Harleen on January 11, 2025, 11:43:13 am »
I absolutely believe the game can be revived. The people who have hope in FeralHeart (including me) are the ones who are patient. Remember; the game has a fairly small team, and updates take long. And especially if you have to be extremely careful. The game code is very old, and the possibility of something going wrong that can break the entire game is always there.

Staff are really doing anything they can to bring FH back to life. And I'm sure they will easily success in that. FH would not need to be closed either, people just have to be patient. ^
Members of the Season / Re: 2024 Winter MOTS Winners
« Last post by toonanimals317 on January 11, 2025, 04:35:00 am »
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