Author Topic: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!  (Read 17979 times)

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2013, 05:47:52 pm »
@Taylor: Yes, that's fine. And that's okay, don't sweat it.

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2013, 09:03:52 pm »
I was also wanting to put Aurora up for Dexter's GF but I don't mind if someone else wants it , it might be a little fun for some competition between the characters xD))

Aurora opened her eyes to a bright light pushing it's way into her small bedroom. She raised her head, her eyes slowly adjusting to the light as she looked around the familiar room, feeling the fluffly red carpet underneath her paws. She got up and padded over to Holly's bed, waiting patiently for her owner to wake up.
Finally, Holly was dressed and ready to go out, wearing a loose jumper and jeans. Her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail and her headphones hung loosely around her neck. Aurora rolled her eyes and sprang up ontop of Holly, knocking her over and making her land on the bed. "Alright, alright." She laughed "I'll get you some food!" Holly got up and walked downstairs, closely followed by the Collie. She poured out some food for Aurora and packed away some treats in her bag.
Once she had finished her breakfast, Aurora ran over to the door and barked, spotting the lead in her owners hand. "I'm just coming!" Holly called, quickly sliding on the lead around her dog's neck. Holly opened the door and gently pulled on the lead, letting Aurora jump into the car "Let's go to Clear Water Park!" She said, climbing into the drivers seat.

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2013, 10:08:16 pm »

The sun shone through the window as Jasmine lay on her fluffy cream and brown bed in Amelias room, the sound of the birds beautiful songs could be heard from outside. Jas woke up as the light rays of sun shone through the windows and into her beautiful brown eyes, her blonde/white, fluffy pelt slightly glowing. She lifted to her paws she she shook her head, yawning then giving out a stretch as she poked her head up and placed it onto the bed as she noticed Amelia was still sleeping.
She jumped onto Amelia's bed she she began to slightly but quietly howl a beautiful tune waking her up as the then went on to lick her hand. "Hey girl, i'm getting up now!" she chuckled petting Jasmine then getting out of bed as she began to get dressed; She wore a black vest top, a blue/denim color jeans, a grey jacket and grey converse. Her hair was a dark brown color and placed in a fish plait.
They both walked downstairs as Amelia brushed Jasmine then gave her some food, they began to eat their breakfast. Several minutes later they finished "You ready girl?" Jasmine barked then they walked out the house the she dog running to the car jumping up at the door, Amelia locked the front door then walked over to the car. Jasmine knew they were going to the park excitement filled her eyes. Amelia's headphones hung from her pocket as she tucked them in then blasting pop music from the car as they drove through the city on their way to the park.

Hallie woke with the blissful sound of the waves from outside as she ran down the stairs then out the doggy door as she took in a deep breath and looked down the hill towards the beautiful beach her fur blowing in the wind. Hal then ran back into the house and ran upstairs bursting through Imogens door "Wow easy girl! i'm up" she told the she dog as she began to get dressed.
Her hair was read and often curled, she wore some foundation and lip gloss along with some mascara as she put in some clips into her hair then putting in her earrings. She wore a black pair of leggind, a white vest, cargo green jacket and black addidas shoes. Imogen then placed on the rest of her jewelry; necklace, bracelet and ring.
She went down stairs and fed Hallie then she fed herself they left the house and headed along the beach, her headphones were plugged into her phone but only one in her ear as she began to listen to rap.
Hallie bounded along the beach with her tennis ball in her mouth as the cold salty water rushed up the beach, a cool breeze blew through the two's fur/hair as Imogen let out a smile. Hallie stopped infront of Imogen and looked up into her eyes asif to say "Where we going?" as her tail wagged leaving marks in the sand "We are going to the park girl!" she said to the dog as she threw her tennis ball for her belovid dog as then were on their way to the beach.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 10:16:12 pm by Taylor »
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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2013, 01:06:40 am »
Name:  Markus
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Breed: German Shepherd
Owner: Bobby Fred (lol idk...)
Strengths:  He is big and fast, strong swimmer.
Weaknesses: Too big to sneak up on anyone.
Rank: Popular canines-
Other:  Markus is uptight and doesn't kid around.  A dog that is messing around will always bother him.
I would like him to be friends with Dexter.
Rp Password: woof water

Name: Marvin
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Personality:  Playful and outspoken.  He will get himself into trouble by bothering bigger dogs.
Breed: Corgi
SubBreeds: If Any.
Owner: Juliet
Strengths:  Speed, lots of energy
Weaknesses: Not all there in the head
Rank: Outcast
Rp Password: Woof water
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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2013, 03:40:59 am »
Finished my app ^.^ Sorry it took so long.)

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2013, 07:08:07 pm »
@Rustys: Your application is to short, also on Markus's app, you have not filled in the Personality part.

@Auriakuri: That's fine, she's beautiful! Accepted.

@Everyone: Dexter doesn't have a mate yet, although someone has applied to become his mate gradually, so you can still offer.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2013, 08:29:21 pm »

As Jasmine sat in the front seat of the car Amelia blasted some music, her favourite song came on the radio 'Nelly- Cruise'. She turned her head to look at the human as she barked Amelia patted Jasmine on the head as the she dog let out yet another bark "Okay girl" she said as she pressed the button and the window on both sides rolled down. Amelia began to sing as Jasmine barked then hung her head out the window as her long, pink'ish tongue lolled out her mouth as they drove by all the folks in the city.
Sun shone through the window 'It was a perfect summers day!' she thought to herself, the smell of freshly cut grass and water sprinklers setting off in the gardens. Laughter and chatter could be heard down the street as family's sat in their gardens having a great time. Jasmine notcied the road they were going down "We are almost at the park!" she barked in excitement as Amelia giggled.

Hallie ran after her ball as it landed in the sea the she dog didn't think and she jumped straight into the water, splashing specks of it everwhere "Oh Hallie!" Imogen moand then let out a giggle as the water landed on her leg. She bounded out from the water as she came to shore she shook her pelt as water came flying off, this time not hitting Imogen. A cool breeze blew through her fur as the sun shone upon the two. She heard footsteps running behind her, her sandy head sharply turned. "Imogen?" she said to herself as her human began to run up the beach "Come on girl!" she shouted as the she dog began to run along side her as they both bounced up the beach, Imogen laughing and Hallie barking happily.
The two stopped as they felt a little tired Imogen pulled a bottle of water out from her bag as she took a drink then pouring a little into the bowl she carried around for Hallie "There you go" she smiled as she took another sip. Once they finished she placed both the bottle and the bottle into her bag as they walked along the beach "Look Hallie. It's the dog park!" she said with a smile as Hallie barked then jumped up in excitement.

(Sorry just though i would move it on a bit if that's ok, and is it ok i said its summer?).
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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #27 on: May 10, 2013, 08:36:53 pm »

The white shepherd had just caught a squirrel, a really large one at that. No she wasn't a stray, she just loved catching things and giving them to Johnny. Sometimes he would fry them up and give them to Dakota for a reward. The sun hadn't risen yet but the birds were beginning to wake up and sing their morning tunes. Dakota yawned, she couldn't wait to go to the dog park today and run through the agility course or run through the park with her friends. Finally, their home came into view. A large ranch style house with white siding and a gray roof. Dakota loved it here, she was born here and raised her, she wouldn't know what she would do if they ever had to leave. Dakota dropped the squirrel on the front porch, Sue didn't let her bring them in the house. Dakota pushed open the doggy door with her nose then pushed the rest of her body through, the house was still dark. Dakota grinned, she loved waking them up, it gave her a reason to get on their bed and lick their faces until they laugh.

Dakota walked through the house, her nails clicking on the hardwood flooring, Sue and Johnny slept on the second floor along with their son. Dakota ran up the stairs with ease, sometimes she missed a step and stumbled forward but it wasn't anything to freak out over. Finally, Dakota reached to second floor, Sue and Johnny's room was on the left at the end of the hallway while Johnny Jr.'s was on the right. She trotted down the hall and nudged the door open with her nose then entered their room. Their room was large, it had white walls and mahogany wood flooring. Their bed was the comfiest Dakota has ever stepped paw on. She walked over to Johnny's side of the bed then swiftly jumped on him then began to lick his face. "Dakota! Stop it alright! I'm up, I'm up." Johnny groaned as he shoved Dakota off of his chest and onto the floor. Dakota wagged her tail "Hurry! I want to be there before Dexter." She and Dexter had been close friends for a while now, he lived about 2 miles away from here. Suddenly, a familiar howl echoed in the distance "Looks like he woke up." she barked to Johnny, she wished they could understand her.

Johnny dragged himself around the room, putting on his outfit for the day then he walked into the bathroom and did his morning business. Dakota decided to wait out on the porch, she wanted t see if she could see Dexter and his owner drive by. With her ears perked and eyes looking towards the road, she waited for either Johnny to come or for Dexter to drive paste. Luckily, Johnny came out before Dexter came by "Okay Dakota, let's go." Dakota barked happily then rushed to their green Jeep. Johnny pulled open the passenger door and let Dakota hop in before closing it and getting into the driver's side. Finally, they pulled out of their long driveway and onto the road. Unfortunately Dexter and his owner drove by before they could get on the road. Dakota huffed "Every Time." Dakota dropped her ears "Oh well. Just gotta wake Johnny up earlier." She smirked. Finally, they arrived in the city. It was definitely change from their home out in the countryside, but it's where the dog park was. Dakota and Johnny drove through the city, the sun reflected off of the glass buildings and making the city glimmer. "Sue and I want to move out here." He looked at Dakota with a smile "Would you like that?" Dakota perked her ears "No!" she growled at times like this she wished she could communicate with them. "If we moved out here I would leave, I can't stand it here!" she growled again. Johnny looked back at her "What's wrong?" Dakota glared at him but looked away. Finally, they arrived at the park. There were only a few dogs their since it was still early in the morning.

"Okay Dakota, let's go." Dakota ran ahead of him and impatiently waited for him to open the gate. She was quite upset with him at the moment. "What's gotten into you?" he patted her head then opened the gate to the park. The dogs that were there barked their 'hellos' and 'good mornings' as she trotted past. Dakota was well known throughout the park for her kind personality. Finally, she realized Dexter hadn't arrived yet "I actually made it here first." she barked excitedly. She decided she would wait at the gate for him. She ran across the park and to the main entrance to the park and patiently waited. Finally, she saw Dexter pull up "Hi Dexter." she barked "Looks like I finally beat you here." she grinned. She backed up a it "How about we see who can make it to the tree at the back of the park?" Dakota wagged her tail and waited for his reply.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 08:38:40 pm by ????????? »

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2013, 09:47:46 pm »

Dexter put his midnight black head out the window, and looked back. His light, pink tongue lolled out, and his brown eyes screwed up, because of the blowing wind. "Dex, you will get your head blown off!" Joked Harley, turning left, then right. Soon, the park was in view. Red,  a male Agility Geek walked past, his tail flipping.

Soon, Dexter saw a white figure in the distance, and trotted up to her. "Hey Dakota," he smiled, and his tail wagged slowly. "Hi Dexter," she replied. "Looks like I finally beat you here!" She barked. Dexter chuckled softly, and shook his thick, black pelt. "How about we see who can make it to the tree at the back of the park?" She asked, and Dexter knew she would win, but it was worth a shot.. Suddenly, he realized something was bugging her, ((the moving thing if I may  :3 )) he didn't  want to leave it unspoken. "Sure, but whats buggin' ya?" He asked, tilting his head.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

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Re: Clear Water Park. -Dog Park Roleplay- Open And Accepting!
« Reply #29 on: May 10, 2013, 10:20:53 pm »

Soon they arrived at the park Jasmines eyes lighted up as she let out several barks of excitement her tail then wagging incredibly fast "calm down girl" Amelia giggled as she drove the car up a street looking for a parking space. A few minutes past and she began to get impatient as she scratched at the windows "Be patient" Amelia told the she dog as they parked into the parking space, the windows rolled up then Amelia got out her door and went to open the other as Jasmine jumped out she shut them and locked the car.
Jasmine darted off heading towards the park gates as she looked up at them realizing she couldn't get in as they were shut, she began to spin in circles waiting for Amelia to open it. Once she opened the gate Jasmine barged in and began to look around her fisrt thing was run to the agility course as Amelia had a smile on her face and followed over, she looked at Dexter and Dakota "hello" then "bye" suddenly after as she passed them whilst she bounded over to the agility course.

They arrived closer to the park as she quickly padded over to the gate as she waited patiently for Imogen, she could hear the other dogs as she flicked her fur walking up to the gate, Imogen opened it allowing the she dog to walk in her chocolate brown eyes glittering in the sun light as she spotted Dexter the alpha of the park she gave a bark as a "Hello" then looking at Dakota and giving her a "Hello". Imogen patted Hallie on her head and told her to behave as she went to talk to a near by friend.
Hallie padded over to a small mount around all the dogs as she flicked her luscious sandy fur around, it swayed in a sort of slow motion way you could say as a few dogs turned to look "the park hotties are arriving" she heard a small voice say in the distance as she lowered herself to the ground her tail swaying across the ground as she glanced around the park.

(Sorry about the plain'ness I'm on my phone).
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 09:57:31 pm by Taylor »
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